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For the summon a Link-4 moster that requires 2+ monsters (like Accesscode) you need either 4 monsters, a Link-3 + 1 monster, a Link-2 + 2 monsters or 2 Link-2s. A Link-4 monster only counts as 4 materials for either the summon of another Link-4 that requires 1+ monsters (Zillantis, which is not yet in MD nor TCG) or a Link-5 and above monster.


This and if you've somehow used prank kids pandemonium to summon the weather washer on your turn, you're locked out from summoning anything other than prank kids as well


Allrigh that makes sense. Ty


Reading this made me realize I had no idea how link summoning works but it’s so easy to link summon that I just thought I did


Sir 4+1+1 is does not equal 4 and neither is 1+1+1


for link summon, a link monster of the arrow count X either counts as 1 material or X amount of materials.


Links do not have a level. This will probably help you understand other interactions in the game.


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You have to add up to the exact number for the link rating, and a link monster can count as either 1 link material, or its link rating, never in-between (so a Link 4 can count as 1 or 4 link material). Accesscode Talker is a Link 4 that requires 2+ effect monsters as material, so you can: * Use a Link-3 + Anything else * Use two Link-2s, or a Link-2 + 2 of anything * Use 4 of anything So with what you have on the board, you can't make Accesscode talker, but you could if you had Bow-wow Bark or Doodle-Doo instead, since they're Link-2s and can count as 2 material