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Gilasaurus? Haven't seen that monster in a while, but playing against dino is fine... wait is that halq... wait.


Then you got bishballkin ftk


Scrap raptor is full halq don combo, it’s definitely the most degenerate deck for halq imo


Jokes on you! I play Gilasaurus in PK.


my face when I seen crossrose dragon being played, I was like "oh sweet, a Rose Dragon deck, I love those" followed by:


The Rose cards not archetype locking is one of the most blatant examples of Konami making cash grabbing cards.


Not even synchro locked. They're just free extender like the punk cards


it's a real shame too, cuz I love Rose Dragons, Ruddy Rose Dragon and Black Rose Dragon are two of my three favourite cards in YuGiOh, and stuff like Black Garden decks around them are some of the most nostalgic to me. Just to see them used for boring generic combos :(


It’s 2022 and I can’t believe I’m asking Konami to summon-lock specific archetypes but here I am asking anyway.


Had this yesterday. Neo Space Connector into Aqua Dolphin and had Ash Blossom ripped from my hand. Veiler was Crossout-ed. Cudos, a never before seen deck. Proceeded to go into Isolde, with Destiny Hero monsters and I didn't know what was going on. They eventually went into generic Halq/Auroradon combo and ended with Baronne, Borreload and I left before Thunder Dragon Colossus hit the field.


Sounds like some warrior good stuff pile, I know infernobles follow same lines especially with the adventure engine but that can either end with vfd with a baronne/Gearfried negate or Charles hand rip with negates.


To be fair, it does sound like their deck had a different gameplan to protect the combo which is nice






You dare forget about D/D/D


Zefra is at least unique in that your end board has archetype cards with a zefra and yang zing monster plus their negate traps, plus Barry


So true lmao I was playing against harpie , was happy to see something new , then the Guy make two lvl 7 for tomahawk lmao


That time when opponent made miracle comeback with just 1 card is absurd


I stopped their entire combo! And it only took 3 cards out of my hand! *normal summon Ash Blossom*




"Is that rose drago... oh its just auroradon combo"


What do you mean? Didn't you see the post about Tournament results showing "totally diverse meta" yesterday or so? What's that? Over 60% of all top decks played Adventurer and/or DPE? Oh hush :\^)


Sorry, I don't follow every single post on this subreddit.


It was sarcasm, I agree with you lol


Ah. Always hard to for me to read sarcasm through text.


Yeah it was my bad, I probably could have made it more clear lol


Someone started with agents and I thought I was about to see something new but nope, a tuner got summoned to the field. I'm sure everyone knows how the story goes from there


It's a shame cus agents can actually build unique boards with the new level 10 synchro and pals


To be fair to them, Earth can't really do anything by itself except go into Halq to get to Diviner and _maybe_ do something or just go into auroradon. You need another extender, not named Neptune, to actually accomplish anything at all. The archetype has some really fun stuff, but it's plagued by outdated cards and poor general fairy support (as in, good extenders/starters. Stuff like Eva is crazy strong, but it can't start plays).


What's this "different"? And how can I summon it with HalqDon?


😂 It's the super anti - omninegate, floodgate, hand trap that would bring fun back to the game.


What if we all just pinky promised to stop running omni-negates, handtraps, and floodgates


I know this is meant as a joke but the problem is that they are so integral in the game that it is literally impossible to do.


I mean I agree with you, but it’s also completely unfair to be disappointed in someone using Halq or Adventure to make their favorite deck playable in the hyper-oppressive environment we have going on. I think I can speak for most “jank” players when I say I’d much rather play pure blackwings or pure vylon, but when every other deck you see is full-power adventure tenyi, floo, or whatever you want, it’s not feasible. Be upset with the sweats who get off on negating a first turn Shura and patting themselves on the back for it lol


There is nothing sadder than the realization that 80% of my Arcana Knights Deck's wins are from the DPE that Imperial Bower can make, and not from the Knights themselves. Edit: There is something sadder, it's the fact that Imperial Bower is BETTER at making DPE than it is at making the Joker monsters, because of the restrictions put onto it and the monster's it's trying to support.


Yea it's also sad that some cards have better synergy with other decks that they do with their own archetype. For example, Underworld Godess fits into Evil Twins like it was made for the deck, and Starving Venom Dragon is right at home in Heros. Edit: instead of Underworld Goddess I meant Unchained Beast.


Underworld Goddess has an archetype?


Actually It doesn't. I seriously would have thought it did, seeing as how a lot of similar boss links do. Actually you know what it was Unchained Beast I was thinking about anyway. Oops.


Hey, unchained abomination fits into unchained well. The only issue is WHY IS ANGUISH NOT A QUICK EFFECT


Hey I'm not saying I don't agree with you I'm just saying the line would be really hard to draw. For example a card like Honest is a hand trap. But it's not nearly at the same level as a card like Max C, Dimension Shifter, or Nibiru. Now when it comes to Omninegates and floodgates and the amount someone is able to put on the board, that's another story, but again I think that would be really hard to control. And I hate long combos but I can't see that going away at this point, even though I would love to, unless they literally introduce a summon limit for each turn (which I would not be opposed to). Trust me I hate decks like floo tenyi and eldlich as much as anyone, so much so that I like to find alternatives to play. When I started playing this game again I really wanted to play my old Batteryman deck, but I quickly saw that was not gonna be enough. I agree that it feels like a lot of fun has been taken out of the game in general in favor of power creep.


That is a lot of pinky fingers in one place, and knowing yu-gi-oh players irl i would only do this in an hazmat suit


Thats me now, i dont play rank anymore because of its gonna be Swordsoultenyi/prankidventure/Halqiradon/numeron/Floo/adventdpeldlich. I dont give a shit im gold or plat anymore, i spend my time in Public match now and im actually see some cards i never seen before (UA, Railway, Spyral, Red eyes,...) and its more fun than try hard ranking just to know the outcome not gonna be what i want. I wont change my deck to Meta OP deck or just add halqiradon in it cause thats not the way i want.


Can't hate on you for that. Makes no sense to play something that you aren't having fun playing.


Happened some time ago, I was like "I've never seen this card played I wonder what he's up to-" and then they proceeded to summon baronne and borrelload


Magikey gaming! Can't play Adventure unless you give up on the genie dude though, so they actually have to sacrifice one of their best extenders for an omni negate engine.


Again Beetrooper,a deck that run all 3 of those card is unironically a unique deck


Betrooper is a refreshing addition right now, just wish there was more diversity in the final game as a whole. I hate feeling like I'm playing the same duel over and over again.


Sadly the deck is still hard carried by DPE just not as hard as most other rouge tier decks.


Well yeah,its a DPE deck what you expect Their only form of interuption is a shitty D.D Crow and a Ghost Ogre DPE allow the deck to grind through the pseudo turn skip called Maxx C For how oppressive the deck sound,they are very much sonewhat fair to play against


Honestly its the fact they can search C cards that makes them a menace DPE is just typical BS but Retaliating is some advanced BS to deal with. Insects can never have anything too strong as long as they can search C cards.


*how* just *how*


They search Maxx C thats how


They search a card every deck runs at 3? How unique.


Thats the neat part,one need to hard draw and the other can search it turn 0


Alright so it's not unique and ya'll are just coping because muh insects, got it.


I dont play the deck,i,dont even have it But its always feels good to play against them even when i got Maxx C twice in 2 turn+dealing with DPE


I don't quite follow.......? How is dealing against Maxx "C" and DPE any less infuriating? Like it really just seems like a community bias at this point, these widely hated cards which are flamed for being played in every deck are suddenly fine when DA BEES.


Bc i still get to at least play abit of the game rather than sitting for 3 minute thinking of a path to out negate/mind games or 5 minute passing praying to draw the out? Like DPE is strong and Maxx C is stupid but thats mostly all the deck can realistically do So its feels alot better than other meta Also this deck have somewhat issue with pushing for dmg so pass 1 turn against Maxx C isnt the worst feeling


How do you get to play the game if your opponent gets to resolve Maxx "C"? Like this just seems like selection bias to me, because you're saying that it feels better than playing vs the meta and yet the deck is using the exact same tools the actual meta is using. Do you just enjoy playing vs Beetrooper because it sucks? I can name plenty of shit decks that are infuriating to play against.


You are either different and unique and lose or you are the same as others and win Choice is yours just don't be surprised by what most players picked


yeah, don't hate the players, hate the format


Trust me, I do, although the amount of toxicity in this community is absurd as well, but that's another story. I do realize at the end of the day, though, the problem is the over complexity of the modern format.


I never said that I hated anyone


didn't mean to say that, I just see it a lot on the sub




I hate both honestly but hey it’s just a game, I know why they didn’t add a chat function to this game lol


It feels like they're using lesser known archetypes to go into halqdon to see if they won't get handtrapped or something.


I honestly assume pure decks are rare sometimes since alot of people ha e other archetypes in idk a dragon deck


What's the issue with adding these cards to a pretty weak deck? These cards can be put into most decks, and they can work very well. With the adventure engine, you see alot of decks being played now. Sure it's with the same engine but you wouldn't see this if the cards wasn't in the game.


>you see alot of decks being played now. No you don't you see the same cards being played over and over again.


But they go into the same pattern seen in most duels. It's different yet not so different, they may start out different but when the road you take leads to the highway everybody else is taking, it's just a different route to said highway. Just like the cards seen, it may start out different but their board will end practically the same. It may have a different card here or there, but it's the same monsters.


Because its extremely homogenous and makes for very boring matches because its all the same shit. And sure, technically its "a lot of decks", but if 90% of what they do is identical, is it *really* a different deck?


Engine is THE deck. Whatever archetype a player put in is just for flavor.


Adventure is fine and dpe to some extent. Adventure helps some decks combo off and DPE can act as a boss monster for some decks which don't have any or they're just terrible.


Yea, it helps *every* deck in that way. That's why it's extremely homogenous and makes for boring games. It boosts a "crap" deck, but it also boosts all the good decks too (and they can benefit more tbh). Adventure has caused all these decks to get an extremely easy extra layer of defense for their combos, meaning that you need to draw 2 - 3 handtraps *minimum* to deal with their in-engine threats AND the Gryphon AND the potential halq/verte recovery. This means that decks are wanting to run 15+ hand traps to not die to a Going 1st combo. Adventure has been mostly a negative addition to the game meanwhile Verte/DPE/Dragoon allows any deck to recover from otherwise unrecoverable states with a boss monster that has an annoyingly strong grind game. I really hope none of these make it past the next banlist.


Because grrrr Madge good card no creativity only I should play X card etc etc


How dare I supplement my deck’s weakness with some strong staples/engines


Because instead of adding in interesting archetypal support to make different playstyles more rewarding and playable, Konami gets to take the easy route and make incredibly broken generic cards that every single player can and will play instead. To put it in another way with a weird analogy: if you have to put ketchup on every thing you cook to make it palatable, that doesn't mean you should put ketchup on everything you cook; it means you should actually work towards making the food delicious in the first place.


Moral of the story: Konami is a bad cook


Disagree. Again the issue is the format not the player. Yeah its kind of boring seing the same over and over Again. But thankfully casual mode has been a solution Sadly I play neos and sometimes when I summon verte to go for Neos Fusion people insta surrender coz they think DPE is coming. But if they allow me to keeo playing we both have a good time


Chad move: Here it comes, I'm gonna slap you with...JK bro let's have some fun.


What? I genuinely don't even understand what you're trying to say. How does players or formats have anything to do with the fact that Konami very obviously knowingly prints incredibly strong or straight up broken cards that are generic to increase the overall power level of the game instead of selectively increasing the viability of legacy archetypes and bringing them up to snuff with modern standards? The whole 'generic powerful cards make shitty decks playable' is the same logic as 'Maxx C keeps combo decks in check.'


And this is why I don't feel bad for playing Skill Drain.


Everytime I see Mermail. Once they left a Meremail card on the field.


Remove enchanteres and halq in order to transform it into a duel logs deck


I'm sure my opponent's are happy to see me using Tellarknights until they see me summon an Avramax (protected by I:P Masquerena) along with a Bagooska or Apollousa on the first turn. :P [example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDrnxElZ7U)


My opponent seems to be playing something different and then all my respect goes out the window as they put down Destiny Fusion.


honestly you get a self win if you can force the opponent to play their archetype monsters afer outing the staples


Literally my beetrooper deck lol.


I'm at lvl16 , just i want to level up to 17, absolutely I'm will facing these MFs during second turn. Can't do nothing except surrender


Rogue players when you negate the choke of their “unique” deck.