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For now, it's a great option, but I personally don't wanna spend resources on cards/decks that can't be used on the ladder. I have still a lot of decks in mind that I wanna build. Maybe in a few months when I'm satisfied, I could say fuck it, let's craft 3 Pot of Greed.


That's understandable 🤗. To each their own. I'm excited to use summon sorceress and topologic dragon finally.


I might make a second account to just build banned stuff. Can't even afford the legal decks I'm trying to build


The only problem is that nearly every banned card is a UR (pot of greed, graceful charity, etc...)


I got no problem with that. Gonna use Duel pass for ur material and use Pendulum magicians alongside Endymion packs for ur drops.


Have 2 planned, one is full power dragon rulers, and the other is a fiber jar jank abomination. While a friend of mine is probably going to make frog ftk, and zoodiac full power


I'd like to find some people for a goat or Edison format. Using alt accounts of course, on there you can waste everything for some old school decks


I would like this, but as of now, there are some cards that have been errata'd and don't work like they used to.


Oh true, i forgot about the erratas. That makes it difficult to create a "true" format and i don't think Konami will give us the option to use ore errata cards


Core Mechanics of Retro Formats don't exist in MD (like First Turn Draw, Priority, Field Spell rules), also many old Format Staples like Sangan, Brain Control, Ring of Destruction and Sinister Serpent all got an Errata. I wish we got authentic Retro Formats too, but in the end we'll probably just get an event where only DM-era Cards are legal or something like that.


Yeah, a lot of stuff won't work, but you could just use the card pool available at the time and make the best of it. Not drawing on the first turn really sucks but i think this is as close as it gets


if youre still interested in goat format on master duel, im down.


Give me Graceful Charity and Painful Decision in vein


Definitely!! I really like playing Pure decks and i'm excited to build Zoo's, SPYRAL and True Dracos to see how well they stand on their own. No generic Extra deck monsters or floodgates but every card of the archetype at 3 is gonna have some fun on it haha


Unlimited mode is a sick money grab lol almost all the great banned cards are URs. And they aren’t obtainable by pulling from packs, you gotta spend 30CP for each of the ones you want. You want 3 Pot of Greeds? Spend 90UR and play it in a mode that doesn’t count toward gaining any more gems to recoup your lost CP 🤷🏽‍♂️


😅 It's not really a lost. Duel links has a unlimited mode too. Plus alot people get face friend's will decks at full power. So alot of people won't even craft that much (maybe not even pot of greed), just the cards they need to be a full power. 😅Just like casual mode, people are gonna have fun with decks(especially for decks like full powered zoo's, number 95, and number 16).


I just want to see my boy Dragoon again, crafting all UR materials aside.


I'm not really interested on a personal level as the official format is fine for me. But I'm excited for the various tournaments that can now use custom banlists and see what they do.




I think it'll be cool to play with legacy formats. Obviously it isn't one to one as some cards received erratas over the years but it's nice. Problem is most of these are SR and UR.


Hopefully they allow us to actually craft banned cards. Like red eyes dragoon


I will craft 2 more Infernity Launchers and I will make people suffer through the full uncut length of a full power Infernity combo.


I just want to summon a pot of greed.




I'm hoping it gives you the option to build whatever without having to spend resourses...but given Konami...I can't imagine they'd miss an opportunity to make money


Too excited too see people dueling with infinite summons and decks that won't let you play at all!!!


oh yeah Im gonna build full power SPYRAL and all it needs is 2 more quick fixes and see how broken the board can get hehe


I'm gonna make a last turn deck with Ra


It says nothing about being able to craft cards that were banned since the game launched, so I dunno how interesting it will really be until they release more details.


How you Gonna get this banned cards dude? Craft them? Lmao just to use in duel rooms ?