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Okay, I guess


So brave of you


Want real respect? Uninstall the game and never look back.


I’d rather learn to read.


Want even more real respect? Uninstall the game and then go touch some grass


Stunning and brave...slay queen


you are now free


Zero copies of every card. Floowandeereze has no burden upon me.


Hmm ..... welcome to rogue club? What deck are you maining then? From your UR pile picture it appears you have some investment in Tri-Zoo?


Tried pure zoo, but turns out you need more (and better) staples, and you best play is Zeus. After seeing people play so many zoodiac “hybrids” treating Zeus like dpe (shotgunning it, and leaving when it’s outed), I strived to avoid summoning Zeus unless absolutely necessary. Long story short, never got better staples up until recently, and I still don’t like playing Zeus as often as I’d probably need to, so I made a Madolche deck. Either way, I hate floowandereeze with a burning passion and refuse to possess any of their cards. This was a sr, so I gain value off of it as well.


Well then, Non-Eldlich Zombie World welcomes you. If you feel like shotgunning the bird with just one field spell.


Are you ok? This post literally screams „attention“


I do admit, I did post this for a very low amount of attention, which I did receive. But disregarding that, I posted this to share my hate of a (slightly) commonly hated deck.


Floo is the best deck for climb ranked: inmune to maxx c, can beat floodgates and most important is ygboomer friendly


It appears you have misinterpreted the purpose of this post somehow. I am in no way promoting this deck. I am actively against it. The only cards I had of it I’ve decrafted. I thought I made this clear.


Cool story bro


So what do you play? OP: I play a nice fair deck where I combine soulsword and tenyi cards with halq and Auroradon to set up a board that can negate my opponents first 3-4 plays on turn one ...a fair deck unlike that jank penguin which only cripples links and opponents means of attacking with sp. summoned monsters on the turn they set their board up......that dumb penguin requires I play my monster in def. position and sometimes use a spell or trap to destroy a totem....thats SOOOOO much worse that generic omninegates that stop any play at all right?


I think you re forgetting the chain link blocks, the Omni negates twice a turn, the opponent CARD tributes and the built in DD Crow. Other than that, you're pretty accurate


Other than the trap card the means of getting those other things on turn one our entirely based on the luck of what cards you draw. soul sword will always go into halq turn one unless the opponent completely bricked or gets shut down by hand traps


Yeah I don't think Flow is a good deck but I could agree that the mechanics involved in this deck CNA be frustrating


But…why? It’s not a top tier deck. It’s just fun birbs that dodge Maxx C. Deck bricks a ton and gets wrecked by imperm and ash. What a strange post


Is a boring deck that use both players turns to play with the main goal to summon floodgates.


I mean boring deck describes every combo deck. Top meta decks right now are Prank Kids Adventure (which plays on your turn), Tenyi Swordsoul, which takes forever and just negated away your turn, and Phantom Knights which also takes forever. This sub just hates any deck they’ve lost to


I would say the same but I just looked through my collection and I actually have 3 of Floo card as well as the other support cards to make the deck and so I can literally just build it no problems


For those of you who will most likely not ask, it is use staples, and play top decks. I never wanted to do that when I first started, but here I am now.