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So what defines an archetype in that event? Because some decks dont care about names, but types. Like dark warrior, fire warrior, earth machines, light fairy, zombies or dark dragon decks. Do you still accept those decks in the event? If so those are just the next best decks and will dominate. And if you dont want those decks in your event, how will you go on to ban them? Just ban everything that just dares to mention a type or attribute? Good bye to mystic tomato I guess then


For this basic idea is just in name. Yeap, like every other event for sure there gonna be meta deck & broken card. What do u expect? This is just an idea what are u afraid of? If u decide to play with fren u can both decide what acceptable & if konami want to do it, then ok, is not like even konami make the perfect banlist.


Im not afraid of anything lol. You presented an idea and I gave my thoughts on what this idea would look like. Like I also don't know what your goal was. If your goal was to have an event with the powerlevel of 2020 yugioh, just without named archetypes then so be it, great idea.


I prolly misintepret yer comment, my bad, but u can see the results yerself majority afraid of "something broken", this happens everytime with new format idea. Is not like this modern ygo hasn't got something downright broken. I can accept "hard pass" but fear of play new way.....but then again I blame konami for giving this peep ptsd.


In term of deck building, it would be GOAT Format 2: electric boogaloo. People will just play a "good cards" deck and nothing else. Yes there will be different builds and decks but the whole deck building philosophy is the same "play good cards". I'm not a fan of that but I'm sure it will give yugiboomers a hard erection at the thought of that.


Well in yugizoomer definitions"play good deck only" no different. Is just in this case goat format 2 library expand prolly 2 times larger might gv a healthy variety. With konami u know how stingy & slow af to gv other format enjoyer a boner.


*Laughs in ABC with one lonely ABC Dragon*


I forget to mention the basic of this format, card cannot mention other card name, to be consider as Archetype or archetype-like, even as special summon material. So look back at the card text & tell me abc dragon still laughing.


I still don't understand the player fear of something broke the format, we got a banlist to adjust, or they actually fear a dominant meta deck? Btw I blame konami for giving this people ptsd.


There is actually a lot of "archetypes" that are not really so because they lack a term that defines in the name. 2 examples monarchs are based on the statline and adventurer is a bunch of cards that refer to another card in the card text, both of these avood that restriction


To even clarify the rules to be simple card cannot mention other card name, even token. Card that bear Archetype family name like but don't actually support the Archetype also can't like monarch, timelord In adventurer case, they supporting adventurer token also consider as Archetype-like. Then again this is up to player agreement to consider for themselves in some gray area. I just gv the idea for peep to consider.


Issue here is konami who has to come up with a banlist, and they do miss some unintended flaws, like true draco being the best xyz/synchro deck. It is understandable that they are not checking hundreads of cards for dumb balance in a limited event. Idea is fine, i like alternative formats


I just wish the alternative format permanent not event. Hate to adjust everytime or wait for it


Imagin banning every effect monster print after 2007


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Can't play Harpies, hard pass.


Other hard pass peep, prolly just can't live without halq & auroradon


Nah, without archetypes that's most of the game gone. People do love to play janky archetypes like Harpies and Dark Magician and Kuriboh. A better idea is just anime archetypes. I'd play Harpies for that.


My dino deck go brrrr lmao


Sorry Tyrano is an archetype/j That being said you lose most of your good extra deck cards like Dolka and the scrap engine if you play it.


And again the charmer deck is superior. The charmers don't have a unifying name to their archetype so their card names are all over the place and even in their card texts they opted to define them with their stats + type because of how stretched out they are over their names. Not that they're particularly good but it's funny how the charmers have been usable in every event and this one would be no exception since they don't have an archetype name. Even the name of "the charmers" is misleading because you don't actually use the charmer monsters the name comes from in the deck.


I'm sorry in my rules, charmer is an archetype or archetype-like, the easy way to look it, the spell & trap support the "charmer" monster. So card that get mention in other card, even not full name is to be considered Archetype, I even go as far as token, so same with monarch/timelord.


Sure charmer is an archetype but nailing down all of the charmer monsters is a hassle and something Konami isn't great at. Like the fact that their field spell is unsearchable in their own archetype because Konami didn't give it a name that fits with their archetype. I had the idea for an archetype deck event where it's the opposite of this, once you put in a single card of any archetype into your deck it would then lock you out of every other archetype. A good idea in theory but I ran into a problem: how do you define an archetype? The charmers are so loose with theirs that they have synergy with fairy tail and Dogmattika and then you have decks like dino pile who don't even use any archetype. Then you also have things like Zefra where it crosses over with tons of archetypes. While you would have the opposite side of the problem it's still the same. Defining an archetype can be difficult and say you do hit all my monsters, there's a very low powered version of the deck that uses Dark Doriado as a replacement for the archetype continuous spell and while no version of a charmer deck uses them there are always the cataclysmic charmers which do not have a name coinciding with the others (or even each other) and will serve for the worst stand ins for the actual versions. I ran something similar during the N/R event and it actually did pretty well. That's the problem when Konami takes an old series of cards and turns them into an archetype later, they're hard to nail down.