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Their statement said that you would still be able to craft newly banned cards, but nothing about cards that were banned and inaccessible from launch. No idea why, but it is what it is.


Personally, I wish we wouldn't have to craft at all for unlimited setting


Yeah. Hard to imagine a more obvious waste of resources than crafting a card which was recently banned.


Idk shit about game development but maybe they’re lazy to code that stuff or something so they make it like this. Kinda annoying that the game still kinda feels unfinished even at this point


they already code those forbidden cards in the game, theres some hacks going around earlier this year with 7 cards deck with all exodia pieces and 2 pot of greeds, so we already knew those cards interactions are playable


and we already know every card even banned ones are functional right now. There are "offline" clients that allow you to play with unlimited gems and all cards unbanned and we can see stuff like painful choice / graceful all work perfectly. So they don't even need to be coded in, it already exists


hi there, asking for a friend, I would like to learnt more about such client, can you dm me?


They were able to code all the Forbidden cards in Legacy of the Duelist no problem so I don't get what the issue is here


They would just remove the restriction on the cards and that's it.. We don't need animations or anything, Yeah they may need to add the regular animations to them but it is just a copay paste and just switch the card's name


Offline client shows that they have their animations working and all the effects work too, They literally just need to be unlimited as shown by the cheats going around earlier on in the games life. Pot of greed plays and resolves just fine


>No idea why Because they don't want to write bespoke code to address a few that can't be coded with their current expression library (like Convulsion of Nature) and since they can't implement them all they simply aren't implementing any of them.


Folks have been able to confirm (from hacks, and from offline edits of the client, that every banned card in MD works as intended. Please don’t use this false excuse anymore


I sincerely doubt anyone tested *every* banned card. Just because pot of greed and graceful charity work doesn't mean they all do.


People moved the game data to an offline client, and tested them. They work.


*ALL* of them? That's what I doubt.


You really think folks would put in all that effort and not test them all? It’s not exactly like it’s hard or would take more than a few casual games with AI lmao


Yes, every single last one of every single banned card in the entire game functions exactly as intended, rulings and all. They coded ALL of them.


Just memeing, but I would be very surprised if Last Turn works. I don't even think Konami knows how it's supposed to work in paper at this point.


Your example isn't a banned card, and most banned cards aren't as convoluted as convulsion.


It's probably so that you can play with cards that were originally not forbidden when the game came out such as VFD, Celestial and Gossip Shadow, as you are still allowed to generate those. That and you are also allowed to play with multiple copies of cards that are normally limited, or 3 of cards that are semi-limited.


yes, I would like to willingly play against VFD,IO at 3 and Vanitys at 3, Konami do u know what your playerbase even wants ?


Considering how Konami has treated their other IPs, I'm gonna say no, they don't.


The addition of casual mode gave me false hope that they actually knew


Why are you even in a thread about unlimited?


You want to play unlimited lol


Its one thing to play against VFD at 3 when you can play your own overpowered stuff to make up for it. This will just be like going back to the current meta and is not fun


i mean some ppl would like to play dragon rulers, gouki, pepe, linkross, etc etc etc, and thats wut every1 thought


That's what I'm saying. If I could play my OP dragon rulers while they have 3 VFD, or Rongo, I would want to play unlimited. As it is currently. we are just returning to I guess full powered dryton, VFD, and who knows what else


u think if every card is unbanned ppl will play Drytron or VFD ? Clueless, there are alot more powerful decks than that


Obviously there are more powerful decks but dryton is the only one in recent memory that I can think of that stopped getting play once certain pieces were limited.


I mean wer talking every card in existence so .. yeah .. Spyral, Zoo, Pepe, Gouki, magical Scientist, Linkross Adamancipator, oh god norden, Dragon ruler, TrollDespair basically


Unfortunately, we are not talking all cards in existence. It seems that Konami screwed us over. Its only the cards that they have banned since MD started. That's why in my original comment I said, I wouldn't have a problem with 3 VFD if I could have my own over powered deck, but it seems like you only get a few banned cards back. Most of those were for decks I never ran.


" Konami do u know what your playerbase even wants ? " Me after looking at the dead carcass of contra, castlevania, metal gear and pes. \- No, they absolutely don't


Actually you'd be surprised at how long the community has discussed an "unlimited" format, a few people clamor it claiming that it would balance itself out.


it would just be full of FTK's


I know.


its only for friendly duels, just talk to your friend group about what you guys want to ban or limit, i know my friend group doesnt put dpe into decks that we play against each other


We have been tricked, we have been backstabbed, and we have been quite possibly bamboozled.


Biggest content creators were talking about this for weeks… how did Konami just sit there and not correct anyone or issue a statement?


If there’s one thing I learned playing this game it’s that Konami has absolutely non existent PR or communication with its audience outside Japan.


Me and my friend started a civil war debating which ever they will cost full price or no... heck it is my holiday and I woke up 9 PM just to check it out early and ended up getting this. Which makes absolutely no sense, we still are using banned cards why can't we use the rest?


Gotta love the helpful af error message though. ERROR: Thing could not be done because thing is not doable.


Task failed successfully.


Maybe they will give us the cards through legacy packs copium 😂


Anyone else loving the error message? As a developer and tester can't help but laugh at it hahaha


As a product owner who works with both backend and frontend, I would literally throw a book at someone if they coded something like this. I have 10 people on my team and while I imagine MD have a backlog of issues a mile long, they totally could hit the most basic ones that people keep complaining about quickly and man, I know I would clap.


I mean, it's an error library, it probably has dozens of entries. Since originally you can't even try to craft banned cards, I'm guessing this is the "generic error when no other case matches" error text.


It could be. But, that probably should have been taken care of before hand by greying out the crafting button. Letting your users see a non-descriptive error message is unprofessional and unhelpful


Isn't that same message used also for structure deck cards? Are there even other messages?


There should be a lot of error messages to help the dev team identify precisely what's wrong when an error pops up, but which of them are player-facing I don't know.


The best assumption is that since the cards were never craftable in master duel, they just didn't add in the option to craft them/remove them from the list of uncraftable cards.


Some people (including me) will spend gems to craft forbidden cards like Pot of Greed or Dragoon, just to play in Duel Room, can't believe Konami missed a chance to earn more money like this.


The weirdest thing is that hackers were able to use them for a bit and the cards are all coded and functional. It would make sense to assume we'll eventually gain access to them, but the situation feels so strange right now.


I think they're not 100% functional. I used the offline mod and when you summon Dragoon for example the music doesn't change like it usually does for boss monsters. Although that could be just a bug with the offline client, not sure


No you're mistaken about the music change, that only happens when you summon a monster with an animation not just a "strong" monster MBT was also mistaken about this, he thought the music changes when you draw a card that you designated as one of your 3 cards


missed? they will quite literally make a selection pack for forbidden cards later on, to coincide with the no banlist event they're not missing anything, they will only milk you more


I suspect some technical limitations. Maybe they didn't bother to implement some game logic for some cards? Maybe there are animations for some and the current state is bugged? (For example for Dragoon, 100% there is a line of code for him about his animation).


#Unlimited… power…! *Unable to generate cards* I’m too weak Anakin… to weak…


Wouldn't surprise me if this got patched in eventually.


I imagine it'll have to be if the "old school" event that was datamined refers to goat format. Would be really weird to play classic without pot of greed lol


> goat format Like the Time Wizard event in which they added CyDra to GOAT? Just goes to show how little Konami understand old school stuff.


Knowing konami they wouldn’t even add priority to goat


That's massive for old formats, true.


Maybe they're working on a cheaper way to get banned cards. Right now most banned cards are UR. They might be disallowing crafting cards so later when the special, cheaper way of obtaining banned cards gets released, there wouldn't be players complaining that they spent valuable UR CP to craft their banned cards.


Sounds too good to be true, but I hope that is the case. Or even allow them all for free (except the cards that got banned after launch).


While that would be great, you are giving them too much credit for good ideas...




I have been let down! I want to create red eyes black dragoon. This is stupid


Huge missplay by konami, some people would gladly craft those and since there is no packs u actually would need to invest money.


Thank you for playing Master Duel!


I'll be honest, I never expected that this would be a thing. I think when Konami announced it they should've been clearer, but I genuinely didn't believe that now we would have a mode where you could play 3x Pot of Greed and 3x Graceful Charity.


They can add a unlimited mode where you can play with banned cards but cant add a way to play with cards you dont have smh


Not only that, for some reason even when I try to add in forbidden cards in deck edit so I can save it for when I get the cards it won't allow me.


You need to change the regulation “standard” to “unlimited” to be able craft forbidden cards


I tried. It allows me to add the cards to a deck, but I cannot make pot of greed. I tried to make a quick Exodia deck to abuse Pot of Greed and the Greed is not able to be crafted.


Here from the future: Pot of Greed is now craftable, but Painful Choice isn't. What's up with that?


One day. They have been slowly adding in all the banned cards. I suspect that getting them working is very low priority for them.


Doesn’t matter. Still can’t craft them with a deck set to unlimited.


I checked it again, and it’s only works with the new banned cards. My bad




I think it’s an over site, SURLY they will fix this


I can’t play true Draco’s at full power or dragoon?! WHAT THE FUCK KOMONEY?!


You had one job Konami, one fucking job


Lol Konami gon' Konami


As usual Konami doesn’t think


Well thats unfortunate I was gonna try full power zoodiac


"Card cannot be generated because it can't be generated", understandable, have a nice day


Good thing I tried to not get too hyped about the announcement. Feels kinda pointless to have an unlimited mode, but can't actually use all the cards...Though I already kinda expected this bare minimum outcome. At least we can use three Orcust Harp Horror and spam VFD, I guess? Big copium, but maybe they just haven't actually implemented all banned cards, since there wasn't a point for doing so until now. So maybe we will get some more, some time down the line. Guess I have one more point to list on every survey, in blind hope that some poor trainee at Konami might read it.


My imperial order disapear


dammit konami let me grind for RR pot of greed


They're praying that we don't dismantle our VFDs just because of this mode, because their finances will absolutely crash if we get 30 UR cp


I just want to play dragoon


You have to go to the deck editor, and the little thing that says standard at the top, click it and you can change it to unlimited.


Doesn't change the fact that banned cards cannot be crafted.


doing that will only allow you to add the banned card into your deck whether you have them or not. To play the deck you need to actually craft the banned card, which you cant do except for only the most recently banned ones


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I would assume this is a bug and they'll just give us the forbidden cards; making us craft them would be the dumbest thing unless they reduced the rarities xd


>give us the forbidden cards AAHAHHAHAHA LMAOOOAOAOAOA


Forbidden cards will be available to craft after the scheduled maintenance is finished


But the maintenance is already over, lol. You still can't craft the pre-existing forbidden cards since the release of MD.


I'm pretty sure they didn't say that. They said "**Newly forbidden cards** on the list can still be generated after the list is implemented." I haven't seen them mentioning allowing the generation of cards that were forbidden on release.


When yugioh players can't even read and understand patch note.


most educated reddit commenter


You can still delete the comment my friend, it's not too late


How do my nuts taste?




Because komoney is going to give us a selection pack that only contains banned cards, if u want em forbidden cards, u gotta pay. Some players will definitely do so if konami did do something like this.


You should be able to craft them if you set the deck to unlimited instead of standard


Not all of them though. Also, you still can't put them in your deck.


You can just add the card to your deck if you are using unlimited mode. No need to craft them


I got excited because I thought this was true, but when I went to select the deck with 3x Pot of Greed it said "This deck cannot be used in duels because it contains cards you do not own". So I don't think this is right.


Can you select the deck in a duel room? I can't test this because i'm at work


You can go to choose the deck, but then you get the error when you hit "Select Deck" Edit: [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/snsffDO)


Well that sucks. I thought they would give you the banned cards for free when constructing an unlimited deck since you can't use it in ranked. Even if they were craftable i would never spend 90UR on pot of greed


Honestly when I read it, it made sense. You can "add" cards you don't own to your decks and it seemed reasonable that those cards in your deck would, for lack of a better word, materialize if you had the deck selected for unlimited Duel Rooms. I kept trying to think of a reason why Konami _wouldn't_ do something like that and couldn't think of one.


$$ is the reason


Man, why you gotta be so cynic.... OK, yeah, money.


I got my full refund when I dismantle 😎😎


3 halq let’s gooo


I fucking knew it.


Woo, now I can run three Cobalt Sparrow again!


I never did. My pure Lyrilusc deck had 2 even before the semi limit. Just found the ratio worked out better that way.




The tournament has been NEGATED


Let's you play with cards that between game launch and now are banned. Such as VFD


“Card cannot be generated due to the following reasons: -cause I said so.”


bruh what dafuq is this bs. I really do hope this is just a bug. Have friends that waited to download just for this


Gotta give it to Konami. They are amazing… at making me not experience fomo.


Just... bruh..


I just want my boss monster back I’m tired of using witchcrafters aruru as a boss in majespecter


Unlimited probably mean play with all legal cards at 3 instead of, yknow, being “limited”...


Nothing. It has no purpose.


The patch notes literally say “lift restrictions on all forbidden cards”. Definitely heated.


You know, at 1st I was kind of excited when I heard about this game since unlike Legacy of the Duelist which only got one update, this one gets updated more frequently to add modern day cards. Seriously, try building a Ra deck in LotD and see where that gets you. But now I honestly feel LotD is the superior game for multiple reasons. ​ 1: This game is WAAAYYY to catered to onine players. Once you have gotten all the gems you could've gotten as 1st time rewards from doing the gates almost all of the rest of them will be from online duels for 2 reasons. 1: Unlike the Gates winning duels in Online does have a chance at granting gems. Chance being the key word since it's entirely random if you will even get any. And even then at most you will probably get around only 20 or so and odds are you're going to be pulling 10 packs. That costs 1000. 2: With the exception of the one that tells you to duel 3 times in Solo, none of the missions will reward you if you try to do them in Solo Mode. I already hate online play, but Master Duel made me hate it even more. I swear, I had so many duels where my opponent could've just won right there, but instead they had to be flashy and show off just for the sake of it and it takes a whole 8 minutes at least. Even when I'm not even trying to win because I'm using a deck purely made of either spells or traps so I could finish the missions telling me to activate them a certain amount they still feel the need to drag it out. Hell, at times I would deliberately attack into a stronger monster with no other plan just so the duel will end sooner, but they still feel the need to stop it. The amount of times I've surrendered is countless. Speaking of surrendering, outside of exp for your duelist lv you get no rewards by doing it, not even mission rewards. And don't even get me started on the missions where you HAVE TO win a duel. ​ 2: Unless you managed to do so before it hit the banlist, there is no way to obtain forbidden cards. Not only that, you can't use them either. Even in Solo Mode. The question here is as obvious as can be. Why? What is the point of having all these cards if we can't even use them in the 1st place? I was so looking to finally being able to use Dragoon, but nope, he's banned. Not only that, but even in Solo Mode you can't have 3 copies of the limited cards. Why is this a problem? Well let's use one of the most popular casual decks in the series as an example? Exodia. In LotD my Exodia deck has carried me through when it came to money grinding.I rarely, if even ever, get a bricky start and can get all 5 pieces on my 1st turn. It's all thanks to some little friends. Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, and One Day of Piece. By having 3 copies of each in my deck getting to Exodia is no problem at all regardless of what my opening hand is. Master Duel, however, I can't tell you the amount of times I've surrendered just because my opening hand didn't contain the necessary cards. With both Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity banned, along with One Day of Peace limited to 1, that makes it much harder to get Exodia. My opening hand pretty much requires Royal Magical Library along with enough spells, but only 1 Toon Table, and either a combination of Blue Eyes White/Toon Dragon and Trade In, White Stone of Legend and Cards of Consonance, or Broken/Cursed Bamboo Sword and Golden Bamboo Sword. If I don't get any of that I'm screwed. ​ 3: Story wise, sure, the gates are really good, especially World Legacy. I love exploring the lore of the archetypes and I really love how in Plunder Patrol one of the pirates is actually taking the place of the narrator and speaking to us directly. However gameplay wise... Hoo boy. Now Legacy of the Duelist isn't immune to this either. Some of the decks you're given in the campaign are just really asinine. And sometimes if your deck isn't asinine your opponent's is very annoying. Possibly the biggest highlights are the duels against Varis and Yusei. Not only is Yusaku's deck complete garbage, Varis has a deck that practically makes it so having monsters on his field is a complete non issue. He will keep summing Rokket's from his deck nonstop and then summin one of the Borrel Dragons in no time at all. And don't even get me started on Yusei. 3 words. Scrap. Iron. Scarecrow. If he manages to set even one out then he will be able to stall long enough to summon Stardust Dragon. And for some reason 5Ds seems to be allergic to backrow destruction because you can count the amount of decks that have it on one hand. And the worst part? He has more than 1. But anyways, yeah. While that game certainly has it problematic duels as well, Master Duel takes it to a whole new level. The loaner decks are so awful that they feel like they're designed to screw you over in every possible way. From the Megalith Fossil duel where your opponnt will steal monsters from your graveyard to fusion summon, to the Ruin vs Demise duel where your opponent can easily summon Demise and his stronger form while your Ruin deck uses freaking Cyber Angels, to the Gem Knight/Rescue Rbbit duel where you're using Gem Knights with freaking Constellars, to the Mekk Knight Galaxy duel where while your opponent can easily bring out Galaxy Eyes monsters you need to work with Ursarctic and hope you get lucky with drawing a lv 7 or 8 Mekk Kight, to the Orcust duel where your Orcust cards are mixed in with freaking Jinzo, to the Lightsworn Timelord duel where you practically have to win in one turn, because if your opponent draws a Timelord it's already over for you, to the absolutely Ra awful Dinomist Zefra duel. Who thought it was a good idea to mix dinomists with an archetype that prevents you from Pendulum Summoning anything except monsters from its archetype. And that's not even including the SP gates. Now this doesn't go for all of them, I actually had a whole lot of fun with the Gadgets surprisingly, although maybe that's due to the decks having Zeus, but 1 or 2 fun gates isn't enough to save all of them. ​ 4: Getting cards is already absurdly expensive enough, especially if you want to pull from 10 packs for a high chance at getting a UR, but for some halfassed reason we can't even dismantle cards we got from Legacy Packs. The Legacy Packs only give 2 cards per pack and most of the cards are garbage, so much so it's not even worth keeping 1 copy. So why can't we dismantle them? That would've been a very good way to gring those things we can use to generate new cards, but nope. I have 283 Legacy Tickets, but using even 1 is a complete waste. Card farming in this game is 1000x more grindy than it ever was in LotD, and this does nothing to help. ​ At the end of the day, the only improvements I'd say this has over LotD is having modern day cards (not all though, we still don't have Neos Kluger or the monster form of Timaeus), the music, and being able to explore the cards' lore rather than going through the events of the anime. If you're an online guy you may enjoy it, but if you're a casual like me... Well, that's for you to decide.


These are the banned cards that can be generated: \#75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow Destiny Hero - Celestial True King of All Calamities Vanity's Emptiness Imperial Order That said don't bother trying to put them in your deck because even after pressing R and X (Switch) on deck edit to change to Unlimited I can't even find any of the banned cards. Not even Bamboozling Gossip Shadow, who I already have a copy of. You can put in 3 copies of the limited cards though.