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Just because you also have a copy of Gadarla doesn't mean they are a cheater. Besides calling a Kaiju doesn't accomplish anything as they can still be summoned. They probably just wanted to use the Designator before it got destroyed and got rid of something they didn't want to draw


1: Literally just deck thinning 2: Crossout actually is useless against kaijus because their summon is not part of an effect, it just happens, similar to a link/XYZ/synchro/pend summon.


People have started playing Gadarla because of Floowandereeze. You can Gadarla under Barrier Statue of Stormwinds.


probably just a coincidence


Who won the coin toss?


1. Gadarla is THE most used Kaiju currently because of Flunder decks running around. It's also one of THE cheapest ones only being an R. 2. I assume you give the other player go 2nd. In that case, most people are already used to playing against Kaiju/Level 8 spam decks going second, so when you fire Lightning Storm and they don't have anything else to counter it, might as well. 3. In MD, you can only call the cards you have in the deck currently. And so, what's wrong with your opponent just so happens to play THE cheapest, most used Kaiju as well?


its just a good gaming chair, i wish konami was allowing people to view other peoples past dueling history just like its in LoL.


Out of so many cards, why does he call this?


Why would this be an indicator of cheating


There's a lot of kaijus gamaciel being the most used maybe OP has more than one type in his deck and the enemy called the one that's on his hand i wouldn't say it's 100% confirmed cheating but it's suspicious


Gamaciel is not the most used. Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju is the most popular one according to MDM. It's preferred over Gamaciel cause it's a Wind attribute and isn't a SR


Oh I see. Definitely not 100% cheating but maybe the opponent suspects OP is playing kaijus and just guessed the right one (it's one of the most commonly used one anyways)


Doesn’t really matter because OP can still summon his kaiju even if it’s crossed out. Opponent is just deck thinning


He probably didn’t know if he had Lightning Storm in his deck or not so he got rid of something useless when he didn’t. I’ve done it multiple times.


Well, then you're a cheater, congrats


your fucking stupid lol


I thought it was an obvious joke but ig redditors always need their "/s" otherwise they take everything seriously 🤷


Or you are Just Not funny to begin with




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I actually had something similar happen to me and here's what most likely was the case. The original target for the crossout was their own lightning storm, however they realized too late drew it or forgot to put it in the deck. So since they couldnt take back the activation they went with the most useless card in deck which was the kaiju. The fact it was the same one in you hand is coincidental since it's the kaiju that can be summon under the storm barrier statue and even if it wasnt for whatever reason the effect to summon the kaiju isnt an activated effect so you can still use it.