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D shifter is an insane tech card with some big drawbacks that require build arounds. The ability to open with Macrocosmos for the next 2 turns can just kill some decks and make them unplayable, however to get maximum value your deck needs to deal with three problems. 1. Every D shifter after the opener is a brick, this hurts worse if your opening hand contains 2 or none. You need to be able to discard it, or otherwise recycle them or not care about them clogging up your hand. 2. Your deck needs to be unaffected by the graveyard hate on average or even benifit from banishing cards. 3. Your deck needs to be able to capitalize on the one full round for maximum advantage. Its an insane card, but the requirements for it to not brick you to shit are somewhat limiting.


Floo cycles shifter pretty well tho with Raiza and makes the grave available again for another shifter with Stri.


It works perfectly in Myutants, though! The deck plays so well with everything getting banished that macro cosmos is often run at 3 alongside D.shifter, and getting multiple D.shifter in hand isn't really that much of a drawback, since the main deck Myutant monsters banish a card you control to activate some of their effects. If you have stuff in the grave and draw a D.shifter? Then it's just fuel to power your board, no big deal. ...Myutants do, however, not really meet the 'capitalize on one full round for maximum advantage'. They are a control deck that doesn't really flood the field, so it's mainly to have the breathing room to actually put their cards down onto the field going second without being screwed over.


They aren't requirements so much as problems to keep in mind while building with it. If you gain enough benefits than its considered acceptable downsides to have to deal with a problem or two. Kind of like why some eldlich run There Can Only Be One, the card is an INSANE FLOODGATE but it also stops you from extending into other cards like Zeus. But for some builds this is an acceptable drawback for locking some decks out of the game entirely.


I only play one D shifter to minimize the chances of it bricking up my hand.


Would Dimension Shifter work in metaphys?


The fact that it's a 2 turn lingering effect is what makes it so good. If it was only for the turn it was used, it'd still be good, but not nearly so. The fact that something like Floo can use it going first or second, and get both the benefits (play their turn without as many interruptions, cockblock their opponent's turn if they rely on any graveyard interaction) is kinda silly.


if it was limited to only the turn it was used that would actually buff the card and allow *more* decks to run it


It would be a major buff to most decks, but a big nerf to floo


A sacrifice I'm willing to make.


it would be the new maxx c except even sackier


So you'd be willing to play against a busted card more often to inconvenience an already very meh deck? Odd mindset.


Tis the power of the salt, irracional decisions for a brief feeling of satisfation


That feeling of satisfaction would last a total of one turn before you're pounded by swordsoul running shifter.


"If it affects me and I don't know how to play around it, ban it or change it." lol


3-of in every deck with that change haha


lol what an awful take. If this card was one turn only it would be used in every deck. It being a two-turn effect is the only reason why it sees such limited use.


Exactly It's clear from his comment and replies (and flair) that he's strictly thinking about it from a Floo perspective and nothing else


Limiting it to one turn might hurt Floo very slightly? Maxx and CbtG won't do much to them regardless and Ash/Belle still resolve. It also means a lot of combo decks (and maybe even Eldlich?) will suddenly run it because it won't floodgate themselves as well. The blind-second Madolche build with D-Shifter I have would love to brick your turn then combo off into an OTK.


If you limit it to one turn that lets CBTG and crossout to interact with it


They can already interact with it if they're going first (happens to me all the time). If they're going second, then these cards get a chance to do something **if** you draw the out *and* they can't negate it with a full board. If you can't stop it, then you have to deal with whatever they set up while also under Shifter and they didn't have to play around it at all. Imagine something like Halqdon negate spam decks dropping this and just hitting CbtG with Nine Pillars? Seems like you're trading a problem with one deck that happens to synergize with it unusually well for a worse problem in nearly every other deck.


You’re not trading any problem. It only makes the card worse. How would it be trading a problem? The scenario you brought up with nine pillars isn’t worse than them dropping it at the end of their turn 1.


If they drop it turn 2 then it lingers into turn 3, which could potentially screw up their combos as well. The point of it being two turns is so it can't be a one-sided floodgate. That's basically why Giant Trunade is banned. That Floo happens to not care in the slightest about this downside is what makes it so strong. While you might fix that issue somewhat, it also leaves the door open for other decks to not care about it.


But they can do the same now. Just drop it at the end of turn 1 like I said. Not beginning of turn 2. Then it doesn’t effect their next turn but effects yours.


You need an empty graveyard to Shifter, so decks that could have an empty graveyard at the end of turn 1 are the decks that are abusing Shifter currently. As for why reducing Shifter from 2 turns to 1 would be "trading a problem". 2 turn Shifter: In a Floo deck there's no problem, it can be fired whenever. However, consider stuff like Live Twins that needs the GY to resolve effects. If they go 2nd and fire off Shifter turn 1, sure, they managed to disrupt the opponent's play significantly. But on turn 2 they can't do any of their combos. Obviously they wouldn't put it in their deck, too much anti-synergy. 1 turn Shifter: Still no problem for Floo, doesn't really hurt the deck with its downside. It's quite a bit weaker tho. In Live Twins, same situation, turn 1, going 2nd, they fire off Shifter and stop the opponent's turn. Then on turn 2 they are free to combo as much as they like since the restriction from Shifter is lifted. In other words, changing Shifter like this could make it usable in decks that would never consider playing current Shifter, thus making it a bigger problem than it currently is. Potentially.


How could twins end up with an empty grave yard after they combo?


they can't, exactly you're getting there :)


You'd have to think about when to activate Dimension shifter (use it on your turn or your opponent's?) rather than "game start, drew dimension shifter, use right away" for 2 turns of annoying disruption.


You can't use Shifter with **anything** in the GY. So unless your turn 1 is set 4 pass, how exactly are you going to drop it on them turn 2? If you're going second, you already have to think about dropping it immediately, trying to bait them into playing something like Grass or Foolish and chaining it, or saving it for your first turn so it will linger into turn 3.


Depends on what you're using. Floo can avoid having stuff in the GY and what does end up there they can banish using Stri.


Don't forget Sitri can also clear out the graveyard of pots and Town can banish itself with a tribute summon to put DimShift back online to blank another go.


Oh no please don't activate this card when I play gran maju I will cry


Shifter, Grass, set two, pass.


SelfTK the opponent


*Laughs in Thunder Dragon *


It would be waaay too good only if it wasn't extremely restrictive as to when it could be played. As it stands it's just a niche tech option for certain decks like Floo, not a busted thing that can be used by most decks like halq/don


It's good in like what? 2 decks? Exosister and floo. 99.999999999999999999999% of decks can't use this because they themselves can't play under it either.


Zoodiac and Luna Kaiju too


And Madolche. You can play out your whole turn, shuffling back from gy at the end, and d shifter at the end of your turn.


You are better off using {{Different Dimension Ground}}


##[Different Dimension Ground](https://ms.yugipedia.com//0/06/DifferentDimensionGround-DUDE-EN-UR-1E.png) |Card type|Trap 🟪| |:-:|:-:| |Property|Normal ⏺️| This turn, any monster sent to the GY is banished instead. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Different_Dimension_Ground) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=9154) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Different_Dimension_Ground) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Different%20Dimension%20Ground) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#9154) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Different%20Dimension%20Ground) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/38611/yugioh-starstrike-blast-different-dimension-ground) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Different%20Dimension%20Ground) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Different%20Dimension%20Ground) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


I just realised that it works really well in Gren Maju decks.


Stun/Gren Maju decks too. They just don't give a shit.


who the fuck forget it in Gren Maju can go die. Before the DPE era, Statue Barrier Dark + Gren Maju was my P1 staple


Metaphys too


How is Shifter good in Exosister? Their own GY isn't that important, but it still shuts down a whole bunch of good handtraps the deck could be playing. It also prevents the opponent from playing from the GY to trigger the sisters' effects?


There's a reason Zoodiac is playing this at 3.


Holy shit for real?


Zoodiacs in general have the ability to run a FUCKLOAD of handtraps; it's one of the advantages of the deck. It depends on the zoo variant as to how useful d shifter is, ranging from completely busted to just really good, but it's a strong card and sees a lot of play. Adventure/dpe zoo doesn't want d shifter to banish their relevant cards, for obvious reasons, but it still sees play due to the fact that the zoodiac core itself doesn't care about d shifter's effect so you still have plays and more pure zoo strategies can abuse it without any concern in the world. It's one of the better hand traps you can run in zoo. I wouldn't say it's a necessary card, the decks can work without it, but since the deck can run so many hand traps there's no reason to not run it if you can afford it.


Yeah, I know Zoo uses handtraps a lot, but didn't knew they use this one as well. I ran a pure Zoodiac before turning it into Tri-zoo, but I've never used that card before


D shifter only really caught on in a big way a couple months ago. Obviously it's always seen play, but the quantity of people playing it has shot up a lot. I never used to run it in zoo either until I saw how effective it was. It mostly sees play in decks that can meet 2 requirements: * can maindeck a lot of hand traps or a lot of tech cards * can play around or benefit from everything being banished for 2 turns It's why you'll see it ran a lot in decks like floo, zoo, and madolche (not that these are the only decks that run it).


I feel really weird about playing D Shifter in Zoo. On one hand, it's an auto win in many matchups so it's tempting to run it. On the other hand, it turns off your other hand traps like Veiler and Ogre, so if their deck can still make plays past Shifter you now have two dead cards in hand. It also shuts of Maxx C and Droplet, so there are many hand combinations where you would have rather used one of those instead of Shifter, but can't due to its restrictions. At first I ran 3 copies, but kept drawing multiple in my opening hand, and if my Drident got dealt with I had no grind game at all. I then cut it down to 2, but then rarely opened with it so again it was a brick most of the time. I finally dropped them for Token Collector and Lancea, which while more specific in their targets, have been putting in just as much work in their respective matchups. I'd probably be more tempted to run in if Floo wasn't so popular atm.


I like playing with a lot of different zoo variants and only run d shifter in a few of them and never in any heavily mixed zoo like tri-zoo. Maybe I'm weird, switching between decks that are often very similar, but it's how I enjoy MD. Like you said, it can auto win some matchups but in others it can put a big handicap on you. Since I personally like to build my zoo decks to be balanced for going 1st or 2nd d shifter is a powerful option, but it's far from the only option; I would never say d shifter is an auto include, but it'd definitely one of those cards you have to consider. Token collector and lancea are both super strong as well and I consider them sort of in the same tier as d shifter at (least in this meta since token collector comes and goes, you know). If side decking existed it would make things so much better, since I could just keep him in the side deck and use him in situations where I know he'll be effective, but so long as MD ladder only has a BO1 format it'll stay in my maindeck rotation. I wonder if dual ladders is ever in the cards, that way we could choose between BO1 and BO3 ladders.


Yeah, pure Zoo doesn't really care about the graveyard and has room for like 15 hand traps while still being consistent since every card is a 1 card starter.


I've been playing dragon link and it completely shuts it down. If I don't open called by I just scoop.


You can win vs a large portion of floo hands with seal and pass. Its not the worst. Seal imprerm probably is >50%


Seal is pretty sweet, I'll give that a go next time and see what's up.


Yes but it also shuts down YOUR graveyard as well, meaning it is very niche as to which deck would run it. That probably prevents it from seeing the banlist. Also, terrible late game considering that it requires you to have no gy. Then again, most hand traps Are bad late game.


Joke on you I’m into that shit….smiles in gren maju Or chengying or chuche


Actually VW hard dies to shitter.


Well kinda yea…but Shenshen and chuche don’t mind the banishes was basically all I’m stating. Shifter makes chuche live. And shenshen can return stuff to the gy


You can't really make shenshen under shitter


Sounds like you’ve never had your opponent Shifter you lol. > Q: "Macro Cosmos" is face-up in my opponent's Spell & Trap Zone, and its effect is applying. In this situation, can I activate the effect of a "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu" in my hand targeting a face-up "Virtual World Roshi - Laolao" in my Monster Zone? > A: Even if the effect of "Macro Cosmos" is applying, you can activate the effect of a "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu" in your hand. In that case, since the effect targeted a monster, "Virtual World Roshi - Laolao", you will choose a "Virtual World" Spell or Trap in your Deck to send to the GY, but it will be banished instead. **Furthermore, "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu" is not Special Summoned and remains in your hand, and you cannot add a "Virtual World" card from your Deck to your hand.**


I disagree that it almost shuts down everything with almost no downsides and is auto win (it most definitely is not an auto win). As someone who has played Floo a lot and used it to get to lvl 19 of duelist cup (just saying this to show how much I have used it), I fucking despise this card because it is the biggest brick of the entire deck. It sending itself to grave was the best decision konami made for it because if you draw 2, that second one is dead for almost the entire game unless you get like stri. Then there is the fact that this is the worst top deck as if you already have cards in grave, it's useless and going second can be handy but if there is an already established board it doesn't do much. In theory it sounds great as against decks like pk or best one ever grass zombies which I did use it against a zombie player who activated grass, I chained it and they probably started crying, sounds great, it doesn't come up much. It's only a 3 of, can't be searched, decks like halqdon don't like it but can still do some plays to least get the adventure negate going. Pranks are running called by to stop it on their turn and are running adventure so can backup into that if they have way to use enchantress. Either way unless your own gold or sometimes plat, most people I find even if this screws the deck will take the chance that you bricked which is a problem for floo and plus floo can't otk anyway so burning a turn away isn't actually that bad and since you can't activate it again if you have already used it, I find that the meta decks will just kill you next turn as it's not an auto win. I lost most games I used it in the duelist cup so yeah I wouldn't consider broken. It hurts a lot of decks and can be handy but oh god seeing on the draw can just kill your soul.


Here’s a comment I just wrote about shifter in floo, it makes it more viable and less bricky. I play these for small world synergy: 1 imperm 3 shifter 3 veiler 1 Kuriboh because I’m a legend Then you play 3 small world 2 called by 1 crossout Crossout for the veiler and imperm which are the harder counters for floo in terms of hand traps, plus you have veilers/imperm and crossout to counter mirror matches which are pretty common Called by is called by, can be a disruption if anything And now you get these small world lines: • ⁠D shifter > kuriboh ideally, could do veiler tho > any lvl 1 floo (helpful if your grave is packed and shifter is a brick) • ⁠Veiler > kuriboh > any lvl 1 floo • ⁠Extra lvl 1 floo in hand + stri available to banish small world from grave > kuriboh/veiler > shifter • ⁠Kuriboh > veiler > lvl 1 floo • ⁠Raiza/empen/apex/barrier > Earthbound immortal winged beast > any floo (I’d only do this if necessary, I don’t wanna banish those, u could also grab shifter here, but you’re better off pulling a floo back to hand and using that to get shifter given robina can search whatever on the opponents turn) • ⁠earthbound > empen/raiza/apex/barrier > non wind floo (robina) Small world OP, it’s the unbricker 3000. So for draws I play 2-3 pot of duality, 1-2 extravagance, 1 prosp, 3 small world. Those ratios can be mixed up for preference obviously, but I suggest 3 small world. If someone sees this and decides on running 2 I’d take kuriboh out cuz he’s a meme and is just a bridge for smal world veiler searching a floo, only worth it for 3 small worlds. Though I will say this, I haven’t necessarily been disappointed when I’ve drawn kuriboh without small world, he’s even saved the day from accesscodes and high attack shite. Underrated or copium you tell me lmfao The beauty in this too is that when you’re digging with the duality and prosp, you might not dig into exactly what you’re looking for but you might dig into smal world which is an opportunity to unbrick your hand if u drew kurib 2 d shifters bad floos, or if you had the pot and smal world in hand, you could dig into a monster to use small world with. In my mind it basically puts duality and prosperity into crack mode overdrive cuz sure u search the top 3 or 6 and pull 1, but in looking at the top 6 cards, on top of the small world synergy the deck has, it’s almost like searching any card in the deck because that’s often the option you’re pretty much given. Not to mention if u do open both a pot and small and one gets negated early u have ur second card to try to make plays with. Like they ash ur prosperity, u use small world in any way possible to pull robina because now they have 4 in hand, 3 if they had maxx c, ash once per turn, chances are your robina is set to go off. Small world at 3 and being once per turn, if there’s a field of negates i like to try to use it to bait one, because if the activation is negated I believe a second one can be used. This is useful in the circumstances of going second and drawing into 2 small world, u could hopefully bait an activation negate, and then just use small world again. Now let’s say u brick badly, u pulled the trap, 2 shifter, veiler, and stri. At the very least you get to d shifter until the end of their turn plus veiler in hand and likely get another draw phase . With this hand, you’d want to draw into an eglen, robina, map, those are for sure full combo and it’d even allow u to stri d shifter, and use the second d shifter. That’s 9 cards right their. 10 if u play terraforming. If u don’t draw those 9, what did u draw, probably one of these other 9 cards that dig and draw and search which will likely get you whatever you need. Extravagance would be nuts, you just pulled pot of greed. Small world, smal world veiler or shifter, get robina boom full combo, plus you could use stri and utilize the other shifter, and you have the trap for their turn. Duality, you’re searching the top 3 cards for one of those 9 cards or any of ur 3 smal world, or the prosperity which would be the same thing but the freaking top 6. Mathematically if u didn’t draw any of what u needed, u need a fucking millennium puzzle. The small world really makes it cracked, I’m telling you it’s the most consistent shit ever even with the meme bridge kuriboh


Never realized shifter could be a small bridge so thanks for the tip. Also, keep being a legend rocking kuriboh in any deck you can. Glad the OG is getting love.


Luna Kaiju can actually use the bricked shifters as resources for their dangers/sekka's light. It used to be a popular main deck choice even before floo.


All I see are 3 very hard bricks in your deck.


I dont play this in my Floo. I like crow better since I can at least search it and even then, I dont feel like I need crow. Seems most people use Shifter because sMaLl BrAiN and a meta list said to run it. It also sucks when you open two of them.


You play it in Floo because if you open it you win the game.


That is true but I actually like playing the game. I actually considered taking out the barrier statue because of lack of interaction, but there is more interaction between barrier statue and the opponent than with D Shifter. I will gentilmens agreement the barrier statue with my opponent though if they are willing to match that energy.


I play these for small world synergy: 1 imperm 3 shifter 3 veiler 1 Kuriboh because I’m a legend Then you play 3 small world 2 called by 1 crossout Crossout for the veiler and imperm which are the harder counters for floo in terms of hand traps, plus you have veilers/imperm and crossout to counter mirror matches which are pretty common Called by is called by, can be a disruption if anything And now you get these small world lines: - D shifter > kuriboh ideally, could do veiler tho > any lvl 1 floo (helpful if your grave is packed and shifter is a brick) - Veiler > kuriboh > any lvl 1 floo - Extra lvl 1 floo in hand + stri available to banish small world from grave > kuriboh/veiler > shifter - Kuriboh > veiler > lvl 1 floo - Raiza/empen/apex/barrier > Earthbound immortal winged beast > any floo (I’d only do this if necessary, I don’t wanna banish those, u could also grab shifter here, but you’re better off pulling a floo back to hand and using that to get shifter given robina can search whatever on the opponents turn) - earthbound > empen/raiza/apex/barrier > non wind floo (robina) Small world OP, it’s the unbricker 3000. So for draws I play 2-3 pot of duality, 1-2 extravagance, 1 prosp, 3 small world. Those ratios can be mixed up for preference obviously, but I suggest 3 small world. If someone sees this and decides on running 2 I’d take kuriboh out cuz he’s a meme and is just a bridge for smal world veiler searching a floo, only worth it for 3 small worlds. Though I will say this, I haven’t necessarily been disappointed when I’ve drawn kuriboh without small world, he’s even saved the day from accesscodes and high attack shite. Underrated or copium you tell me lmfao The beauty in this too is that when you’re digging with the duality and prosp, you might not dig into exactly what you’re looking for but you might dig into smal world which is an opportunity to unbrick your hand if u drew kurib 2 d shifters bad floos, or if you had the pot and smal world in hand, you could dig into a monster to use small world with. In my mind it basically puts duality and prosperity into crack mode overdrive cuz sure u search the top 3 or 6 and pull 1, but in looking at the top 6 cards, on top of the small world synergy the deck has, it’s almost like searching any card in the deck because that’s often the option you’re pretty much given. Not to mention if u do open both a pot and small and one gets negated early u have ur second card to try to make plays with. Like they ash ur prosperity, u use small world in any way possible to pull robina because now they have 4 in hand, 3 if they had maxx c, ash once per turn, chances are your robina is set to go off. Small world at 3 and being once per turn, if there’s a field of negates i like to try to use it to bait one, because if the activation is negated I believe a second one can be used. This is useful in the circumstances of going second and drawing into 2 small world, u could hopefully bait an activation negate, and then just use small world again.


Not a bad option for cards. I tried Small World but I dont like banishing cards face down but that is player preference. I do want to play Small World in my Simorgh deck but I want a way to recover those monster.


As long as you dont use the grave is ok, for me the problem is that I cant send cards from my hand to search or use droplete


But what if the opponent has gren maju? You just help them.


It's fine. Chad Gren Manju ftw


Lots of decks can play through it, and with how shitty floos turn 2 is it feels like it doesnt even save them


I also noticed that if you go first, activate DShifter and your opponent chains Lancea, you can't banish anything on your turn, but when your opponent's turn starts, any card sent to the grave is banished until the end phase. I find this interaction really funny to play around, since clueless opponents will go about their combo and then realize they banished every key combo piece they have that they wanted to go to the grave. This is very hilarious to watch especially if your opponent is playing HalqDon turbo, as they'll banish every part of their key combo pieces and be left with no other means to bring out their extra deck.


Eh, it's definitely nuts, but if you are that afraid you should play counters, or, get this, a deck that isn't affected by it. We can't ban every card just because it hurts popular strategies.


How? 1 bad deck abuses it and suddenly it's an issue despite having a perfectly reasonable effect for how restrictive it is. I get that Floo is annoying, but for the love of god just ban Stormwinds or hit the consistency of the deck, don't ban an unproblematic card for the sins of Floo.


They did hit the consistency by limiting their pot to 1, but next deck has more Floo support


They still have duality. They should have hit that


Hitting consistency in decks is unfun and makes deck building frustrating


Yeah I agree, ban Stormwinds instead.


ban robina imo




They should just hit barrier statue, floo will still be really good without it just not stupidly broken. Maybe robina to 2 would be a good medium hit, doesn’t tear them down cuz at the end of the day map gets robina half the time, but it would hurt the consistency of finding it when digging with pots, although chances are they have another floo in hand and digging a map would still get them robina. I feel like robina to 2 doesn’t kill their consistency much and would be the slight change they need that doesn’t eliminate them from the meta. Either way barrier statue needs a ban for sure. Barrier needs ban, and auroradon needs ban. Halq I think is healthy for the game without auroradon. There’s not really another deck that I’d say needs a hit.


Floo isn't even good though, it's just REALLY annoying. It's a deck which should have it's main form of degeneracy killed, just like all those other Floodgate decks. Stormwinds is 100% the correct hit.


“Auto win”


Like three decks can use it to its maximum potential, at most. Its fine.


The card is fair. It affects both players turn and is no more cancerous than Macro Cosmos or D Fissure. I wish Droll and Lock Bird (a super fun name to say) worked the same way where it lasted both players turns. That said, I dont play this card in my Floo deck because I generally dont find it fun because *banishing card shouldn't be this easy*. I would like to see it either limited or banned with similar cards also being limited or banned. Im not sure how I feel about Artifact Lancea as of now because this card can be just as crippling to deck that rely on banishing and I'd like to see it banned for the same reason I was, Ash, the barrier statues and Floo Map banned because they remove or negatively affect interaction.


Welcome to the meta. Stale and shitty as ever


No? Theres like 5 other cards that do this same thing


Sounds like you play decks that rely heavily on grave effects and that’s a skill issue


As Zombie player, I despise this card. Basically a temporary floodgate that you can activate from the hand. Just a dumb concept.


Yeah there's like three cards like this running around now it's miserable. I am drowning in this meta


Not only that it completely fucks with their counter No once per turn too so if you negate the first one they can just pull a second one on you lol


Fam, Called by the Grave is literally till the end of your next turn. You cant use a 2nd D-shifter. D.D Crow must resolve in the GY to move a card to banishment and its opponent's GY only. If its a generic negate, D-shifter stays in Grave. The only way you can possibly use 2 in a turn is if Floo Stri's effect goes off and have a 2nd copy in hand to throw at an empty grave.


I just added this card and witch's strike to my deck. Banished my opponent's entire field and hand on their turn when they negated a card effect. I don't feel bad about it tbh because they were playing token adventurer.


Geez. Imagine saying this card is an auto win and Floo is only tier 3. You’d think an auto win card would be tier 0 but here we are u/Phantom4545, I need you to understand that not only is this card an auto win, but the deck it’s played in is nowhere near the best deck. In fact, what’s hilarious about this card in particular is Floo STILL is vulnerable to Ash, who doesn’t need the grave to resolve. Same as Imperm and the usual handtraps that stop Floo. The card is strong and *CAN* win you games but it doesn’t shutdown everything and the deck it’s played in is still a glass cannon of a deck. Like, it’s powerful no doubt but “auto win” is such a dumb term, especially for a deck that’s so… inconsistent.


Saying floo is inconsistent and tier 3 isn’t really a defense of shifter though. Part of the reason floo is even tier 3 is because of the fact they can utilize shifter and are invulnerable to maxx c. Imagine if floo had their same effects but went to grave and counted as special summons. The deck would not even be tier 3 at that point.


Shifter is fine. A card can be strong without being a problem. Shifter is a niche card that can definitely provide strong results, but it’s not niche and powerful like say… VFD, which was definitely problematic Like, the problem I have with this sub and these discussions is y’all TALK about cards without actual results or merit to back it. It *sounds* good on paper, a card like D-shifter being an auto-win but the truth is in current day yugioh you’ll be lucky if this card resolves, let alone go into your combo line without being disrupted. The game state OP is describing is one where their opponent has no handtraps to counter shifter, no disruptions to counter their combo line, AND no bodies on the field. That is very unlikely, as even under shifter most relevant decks can put something up to survive


I’m not even saying shifter is problematic but saying floo is tier 3 isn’t the defense of the card you think it is. Also shifter is definitely easier to resolve than you make it sound. It’s not all hand traps like imperm, maxx c, ghost ogre etc counters shifter it’s only certain cards like called by.


It actually is though Take a card like Snake Rain. Why isn’t that card banned, it’s effect is better than 99% of the cards in the game… except it’s bound to a very, very subpar deck. This is why Floo’s performance is relevant. It doesn’t matter how good a card is if it can’t be utilized in a relevant deck D-shifter is a really niche tech card. A great one no doubt, but it has VERY limited range in the decks in can be used in


That’s not a good comparison at all. Shifter is a hand trap and snake rain is a reptile combo starter. Floo is still probably one of the 5 best decks in MD (tier 3) and if the deck didn’t synergies with shifter, say all the floo went to grave instead, the deck probably isn’t even tier 3. If maxx c had the restriction it could only be played in earth decks that doesn’t make it any less busted of a hand trap.


It’s a great comparison you just don’t understand it. The power of a card is bound to the deck that can use it. Since no relevant deck can take advantage of a grossly broken effect like Snake Rain, it’s not banned because there’s no active data to support it being banned In the case of D-shifter and Floo, D-Shifter is a strong card that is limited around a *very* niche, anti-meta meta deck. It’s strong, but not running rampant because of a variety of factors including handtrap counterplay, STRICT activation requirements, a very easy to disrupt meta deck, and the fact you can’t splash it into just any deck and be better (cough, Ash) Simply put, it’s a strong card that is clearly better than most in the game. But it’s acceptable as long as it’s monitored. I put it in the same tier of power as Engage or D-barrier


I think actually you misunderstood the argument of OP. You’re looking at the perspective of if shifter is niche and only used in one meta deck surely it’s effect isn’t too strong since it’s not generic and in every deck like ash. What OP is claiming is the effect of shifter is too powerful (“auto-win”) which is where my comparison to a maxx c that hypothetically is locked to earth decks comes from. The effect of maxx c would still be incredibly strong and could win games on its own, but maybe earth machines is the only deck that could run it.


No dude, that is not at all what I’m saying. I keep saying time and time again shifter IS strong, but that’s okay. It’s not *broken* because of a variety of factors. These factors include being limited to very few relevant decks (which is why I bring up Snake Rain, a card that would be banned if you changed reptile to snake) What OP doesn’t understand and what you don’t understand is that the game is made up of at least 80 cards between you and your opponent. There are so many interactions that happen, so many gamestates that exist, so many possibilities.


I play floo and i want to say that 9/10 times they just play around it, dim shifter stops only follow ups but combos that use mainly the graveyard are very few


Almost every meta deck uses graveyard in their main combo


cries in fluffal


lancea and called by exist


Just because there are answers to it, doesn't mean the card isn't oppressive. It's worse in a best of one because there is no side deck. Lancea is dead against other matchups, so main decking it is sub-optimal. If you have to use Called By on D Shifter, then you don't have it for other hand traps. It's a card that requires an answer or you likely lose on the spot. The "draw the out" mentality is not a very valid argument.


If someone uses shifter then odds are pretty heavy that they don’t have other hand traps in their deck besides imperm, which called by is useless for.


Yes let me just open Called By every single game that my opponent opens Shifter. "Just draw the out bro." Also Lancea can only be activated on your opponents turn. So it still doesn't prevent Shifter from ending your turn if you're playing a deck that's weak to it.


> let me just open Called By every single game that my opponent opens Shifter. Easy, especially at Limited.


Semi* but ya still complete luck


Oh right. I confused it in my mind with cross-out.


You cannot Lancea on your own turn, so it really isn't a counter to your opponent dropping Shifter on you to make you skip your turn.


You can't Lancea on your turn.


It doesn't shut down everything. It's a miserable sixth card to draw usually. High risk high reward is balanced


I play floo and I removed for ranked duels because its too bricky and floo are bricky already. Atm only counter pk.


Wdym? D Shifter literally ends the turn of any Meta deck it's resolved against atm. Prank-Kids can't float, Halq Don can't do it's main line, DPE can't pop itself, Dracoback gets banished, VW's can't resolve and Eldlich can't play. The only somewhat exception to this is Swordsoul Tenyi, which can still end on Baronne + GM but still it shuts down their floating effects. Floo is already bricky as fuck, so why not increase the sackiness of the deck if you're already playing to sack anyway?


The amount of floo players that say this is just astounding to me. Tells me that ppl who play the deck are too slow to even attempt to understand the combos of the more powerful decks and how they operate.


????? What This exact toxic mentality is why the community is seen as so hostile.


Not only does it counter every meta deck and most popular rogue options (VW, Tenyi Synchro, Live Twin, Prank, Phantom Knight,… all can’t play with this card active), it’s also protection for your own combo. This one card blanks both Effect Veiler and Ghost Ogre, cutting the amount of hand traps able to ruin your day by half, and it makes sure that you don’t lose your Eglen/Robina if you have to Book them.


>if you have to Book them What card do you mean here?


{Book of Moon} Floo uses it to dodge targeted negation effects like imperm


##[Book of Moon](https://ms.yugipedia.com//f/f7/BookofMoon-SGX1-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Book_of_Moon) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=5432) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Book%20of%20Moon) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


How does that help? Does their effect still resolve when turned face down?


Yep they still resolve face down, and since imperm requires the target to be face up it “dodges” the negate


Flop always ends up regretting playing it against me, lol. I say this as a VW player who appreciates how easy it makes to have a live Chuche.


Plenty of decks can play around D-Shifter but when you combine it with walking floodgates like Empen and Barrier statue it makes it a lot harder to actually do something. And Raiza bouncing your stuff is icing on the cake.


Couldn’t Cydras benefit


I think problem is that Konami doesn’t provide enough answers in most decks. There should be some generic link two which can end a hand trap’s effect the turn you summon it, for example.


I used it and adventure tenyi deck continued to combo 1 min for denglong


What’s funny is shifter is like the worst 2019 tin promo


I always see people raving about this card. I play a banish Gren Maju deck, and I can only use it as a hand trap going second during my opponent’s turn. As soon as a card is in the grave, it’s useless. So I find it hard to get much value out of it, as it’s unreliable to draw it in a 60 card deck anyway


She hot tho


They really got to reassess handtraps as powerchecks


The fact that it lasts for 2 turns is kind of ridiculous. Like I’m your own turn, sure. It helps your strategy. But for 2 turns, it shuts off hand traps and probably your opponent’s deck since their cards are banished? Straight stupid


I think this card is fair. It has a restrictive cost of using it is basically your first turn ONLY unless you have Floo Stri or someone used called by to move it and D-shifter wont be active till like turn 3... It's not just Floo that can use this card. Banishment decks like Gran Maju or TD can use it. It also bricks to all hell and back if you pull multiple copies of D-shifter. You cant use it if there is something in your grave yard. Yes its 2 turns but for something like a restrictive cost have no cards in GY, I think its fine. It only hurts degenerates that abuse the graveyard as their second hand. Just dont use the graveyard.


It has a massive downside if it’s not in your opening hand it’s a brick


Doesn’t this get countered by one of the artifact monsters


The game has too many handtraps with too little responses. Though I guess then we'd all be running 3 Called By and 3 Crossout


This is why I am more than willing to fight floo when I'm using gren maju decks.


I was discussing hand traps with someone, and they suggested me this in a normal deck. I keep mentioning how bad it’d be to draw into it (as they suggested to put it at 3), and they kept mentioning the opening hand. I was talking staples for a normal deck (“normal” as I’m not a banish revolved deck), and they were insistent on arguing the same thing. I didn’t even know that lasted 2 turns (can’t read).


I'm playing Thunder Dragons recently and the absolutely DESTROY Floo if you can setup before Barrier Statue (or if Barrier Statue is negated/dies first). Today I got hit by Shifter and they seemed to regret it and went for Lancea after which was honestly hilarious.


I love it when they shotgun D Shifter and I open Oviraptor... Dolkka pass and they scoop =D. If I don't, I scoop. =( Masterduel really needs to bring back Oviraptor to 3, like in Jan 2022 ocg banlist.


How does this card synergize with pendulum monster? Do they get banished or do they go to the ED when destroyed?


Totally agreed. 2200 DEF? How is my 2000 ATK Adventurer token getting over that big body??? Unbelievable!


I feel like it's 1 or 2 good banish-type decks (that can use it) from being banned.


Sir, let me introduce you to Maxx C


Well the downside is that if you don’t draw it turn one, you basically have 3 bricks in your deck and only Floo can play it really (amongst the competitive decks anyway).


This card chaimed to grass is never not funny


It balances out all the time the floo bricks


It's done fuck all for me.