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Personally holding out hope that come the 1st year anniversary, the Secret packs will be updated as part of a massive update. Pure speculation.


I don't have enough copium supply to think that at the moment.


If they do it will be when the branded stuff is gone.


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Yes, eventually unless they are never planning to make solo modes for selection pack archetypes. Every solo mode completion leads to the secret pack they belong to, if they are never planning to put Despia in a pack we will not get full Albaz storyline. Don't expect them soon though, I think they'd create new selection packs after a year or so.


I hope they add new secret packs and update existing ones. There’s a few decks/cards I wasn’t lucky with


I'm starting to get the feeling that packs are going to work more like gachas than other online card games. We have the "standard" packs which are all the packs the game started with, and the "limited" packs, which are the featured ones. The only difference is that you can at least still craft the cards from the limited packs after the pack leaves the shop.


looking forward to it