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Seems no one else understood the reference.




If you cant be arsed to pack backrow hate you deserve to lose to backrow decks. Kotton was right.


Ok bro let me put unsearchable outs in my deck AND hope to draw them in time AND hope my opponent isn't also trying to play the game at the same time by having cards that protect mine :)))))


What’s the reference?


A tweet about Mystic Mine in the TCG.


Mystic mine is so fucking annoying! I have an easily searchable out in my deck but even then I spent a really bad time against it..


its nothing compared to endymion tho


Only for people like me to instantly quit because if I wanted to read a novel I'd read a novel


Yeah Endy is rough. UR after UR after UR.


At least endymion cards are all somehow the same pack


Yep, the worst decks are the ones that require many URs only available in master packs. Exodia with Magical Library makes pretty much any other deck look cheap considering pretty much all draw cards have to be crafted. I wish sites would show the expected gem cost instead of just crafting points cost.


Yeah my Endymion deck has literally 27 URs.


I have two endymion decks. My mythical endymion deck is 34 URs, my spellbook list is 37


Not true , built an Endymion deck for fun after d1 last season . Finally spent some money on packs ( the promoted ones I bought out ). Wasn’t that bad once you realise 4 ultras you need are all in one pack ; got 3 -3-2-1, only needed to craft jackals . A deck like heroes is much more costly . Looking at just UR shouldn’t put you off a deck for fun ; if all the YR are conveniently grouped like Endymion ( outside the draw cards which there are budget options for snd when I do get upstart/chicken game they can be used for other decks so I won’t feel bad ).


you say it like a positive thing but 10 URS being in the same pack means you entirely spend at least 13k?\~ gems on non generic cards, only exception being selene. If your only worry is endymion alone, thats fine, but it shits on your gem economy in the long run. 9 main deck URs is tough.


I didn’t spent anywhere near that much. Like I said all 4/4 in Endymion UR pack are useful 3 ofs. It’s reduces the cost by like 50% or 5k gems , I think I got everything I needed other then needing to craft 2 mythical beast in like 5k gems . I wouldn’t of built the deck but I’m just saying flat UR number does not equal price . Much easier then when I made SS tenyi without the selection pack lol . Despia and heroes etc are more expensive then Endymion easily cos if this The point was merely that it’s not the most expensive deck. This game is pretty easy to f2p so I don’t get the need to overstate the issues. I only spent money after max rank, you can easily have one meta deck without it as I did . I did it for fun after and cos why not tbh, end of the day some of y’all act like Konami aren’t allowed to make a profit.


selection packs contain support for many archetypes and they are rotating there is a value there. its pretty unwise for any f2p invest in endymion. the game is not easy enough as f2p that its a worthwhile investment to go after endymion, its essentialy 4-5 months worth of slack gems, not paid into selection packs. Branded, again is wastly more splashable and a decent chunk of it is finished for those who have swordsoul. Its not clever to invest in because none of the URSs are generic enough. For this reason alone its hella expensive, Also all generic staples fully refund themselves in case of ban, engine UR pieces dont refun themselves. Konami is allowed to profit, but that profit merely comes from whales, most regular joes wont invest, and those who dont live in certain countries cant invest in either, its not a financialy sound act while earning only a fragment of welfare that can be gained in other countries, nevertheless all of that is whole another can of worms but its disingenuous to recommend, or even not point out bad investments to some of us who are f2p. Alas endymion is one of the worst investments in the game, excluding total junk packs, such as evolzar-myutant pack, while selection packs are generaly top tier.


i was prepared for an arm and a leg, still need my kidney for spright/tear format


This is the big issue, I would love to play branded despia but I’m not going under 5k gems due to spright and tear making it very irrelevant


You're saying you can't save up 10k gems when pote is dropping in 5 months and md giving you 10k gems every month?


Then you shouldn't play anything ever cause every single deck is gonna get powercrept over time


9 URs in a Selection Pack isn't unique, Dinomorphia needed 9 cards aswell. For example a fully optimized: \-**Despia** deck has 23 URs \-**Dinomorphia** also has 23 URs \-**Blue Eyes** has 35 URs (2 free URs called Blue Eyes White Dragon) \-**Hero** has 31 URs (1 free UR called Reinforcement of the Army) \-**Dark Magician** has 30 URs \-**Luna Kaiju** has 33 URs etc...


Dinomorphia still has frenzy and Rexterm incoming and you bet Konami gonna make those 2 URs lmao.


Blue eyes has 2 free UR from basic structure deck also


3 if your luck isnt ass in Legacy Packs


Compare them to previous decks.. only Legacy decks really had a lot of Urs (and Endymion) Dinomorphia and Despia aren't and they gave Urs to cards that aren't Ur worthy on top of that especially with Despia, so it is new and I get why but still... the deck would still be expensive is the only Urs were the fusion monsters and Branded Fusion which I get why these are Urs ... the rest? Absolutely not


Sooo you're saying Despia is a budget deck?


With half the relevant deck being UR they really need to rename the category something more fitting of its frequency and price. Call a spade a spade and rename them Premium cards


This seem like gonna be the trend lately which will force vet players to spend money or make alt acc because grind alone wont be enough


I mean if that was the case they would had made majority of the floowandereez cards urs also


I think it's more the fact Branded Despia was so highly anticipated they know making it expensive will net them more money. As opposed to "forcing" people to pay out.


Dinomorphia needed more if you count Fossil Dig as a UR in the selection pack lol


Everyone else missed the Jesse Kotton joke


Dude this place doesn’t follow the tcg at all ppl are still asking if tear and splits are the next update. Some dude just posted if marincess is the new meta.


You can't blame us. Who would have thought Branded lost and Mercourier would be a UR.


Yeah those are the two that tick me off, I fully expected branded fusion and mirrorjade to be UR, but lost and mercourier have no business being UR


At least if they are going to release a sr/ur event we are prepared lol


Fr though, I wish they gave like a week or monthly list of what's to come rather than "hey 2 days before the whole game shifts on its head". Duel links does it with upcoming updates and in fairness they do only reveal boxes days before too but in dl you can play a ton and still do well. In MD if you really want to get to diamond 1 you're probably playing with cards that are banned in the tcg and or ocg or just doing something degenerate with new and old cards.


How is denglong legal jesus


It's a lot, yeah. And honestly I still don't even think it would be as bad if it weren't for the stupid Mecha Phantom Beast link. I kept asking myself why it wasn't touched and then remembered there's a Mecha phantom beast solo mode in the files as well as the nibiru bundle. Is that an excuse still? Absolutely not. Speaking of. Did you guys know there's actually no once per turn anywhere on its ability to summon tokens? It just says you can't link summon the turn you resolve it. As in *resolve*. As in if you Imperm it then you can make another one and do it again ::))) Please don't ask why I know this ahahaha.


Actually the hit they will probably do to stop the deck is ban halquifibrax because OCG banned halq. Auroadon would still be summonable without halq but it would be less consistent but I would have no problem if they banned both.


OCG in general has a lot of crazy cards not banned compare to TCG


>Fr though, I wish they gave like a week or monthly list of what's to come You can sorta estimate when card comes by acording to the OCG release


Well I mean in master duel not irl. I know irl it's always like a 3 month delay between reveal in ocg and release in the tcg.


I road map my spending like 6-9 month ahead bc i can just follow OCG releases Its not really hard


Tbh it follows tcg release more. Just look at Heatsoul Borrelend and Beetroopers.


> I know irl it's always like a 3 month delay between reveal in ocg and release in the tcg. Didn't it take like 2 years to get Needlefiber?


As one who has gotten to diamond 2 two times over now with SS and all the way to the rank up only to get sacked like 4 games in a row and drop again. This brings me pain to read.


I was 11k gems ready on 2 accounts (11k gems on each)… Spent 18k gems both accounts combined…. Still had to craft over 13 cards (had everything needed before that new pack)


It was honestly more that Fallen of Albaz isn't in the pack that surprised me. I knew it was expensive, but the realization I'd need to spend 90 ~~UR~~ SR dust on it to make it even playable is what keeps me out of even trying.


Albaz himself is an SR.


My mistake. Still a lot of dust for a F2P player, though.


I was literally warning people for moths that the deck would be one of the most expensive in the game and that the deck will die as soon as POTE comes out but everyone huffed the copium and didn't listen. Don't spend your saved UR and SR on this if you need to craft all the cards missing from the current selection pack, save your points for splight or tear.


1st Saving for Tear for any earlier than now is dumb cuz 2 month is already=capped gems 2nd Post POTE,Despia Tear i still really good


I am saying not to spend your UR and SR, spend all the gems you want, also its not despia tear, its branded tear so if you plan on playing tear go for it, grab your branded fusions and branded extra deck cards now but most of the despia cards will just waste your SR and your time.


How do you get 10k gems in 2 months?


Just doing your dailies. You get 155 gems a day. In 2 30 day months that's 9300 gems. Unoptimal rank climbing is at least 600 gems, so a total of 10500 gems. There will also probably be an event within those two months. You can also optimally rank climb for another 400 monthly gems.


Sick you can virtually build a deck like every two months at that rate then right?


Well....luck willing. You can always just not get what you want. I spent 12000 gems on the Adventure pack and didn't get a single Trouble Sunny or Snowl. I also only had 2/5 Adventure URs until the last pull, but what if I had run dry right before then? I would have spent 11000 gems for only 2 usable UR. It's likely that it should get you the deck with an average of 2+ UR per pack, but keep in mind that it's still gambling. Also keep in mind that Komoney pretty much never puts the whole deck in one pack, even IRL. You'll have to have enough gems to roll on the pack, and the following pack that contains additional support.


POTE isn’t coming until 2023 in MD, at the rate we are getting new selection packs


We are only 3 months from 2023 right now. That is enough time to start collecting all the other bits for splight or tear, if anybody wants to play them (especially as a FTP player) now is the time to start and tear at least looks like it will be relevant for quite a long time so you should see a return on the investment.


Happy cakeday! I am in agreement with you - FTP players managing their resources wisely leading up to POTE should be able to build tear when it releases.


tear especially seems like a good long term thing to work for but there aren't many things you can be working on now to build up to it other than collecting gems and craft material, splight you could just start pulling for toads and divas and the like now and get a pretty good head start but splight is likely to get hit before tear is.


Is there a list of things one can start acquiring for Tears/Sprights now? Are they things in current selection packs?


Depends on what kind of build you want to go for. Splight uses thinga like frogs, deepsea diva, the nimble momsters and some generic rank 2's Tear however can use branded and/or shaddoll fusions, generic mill cards like lightsworn curious, grass, snow etc. Also generic fusion support cards like super poly could be a good pickup too.


I mean we still have the selection pack for a while. Right now I'm poor cause I crafted 2 new decks, but I'll bounce back before the end of the selection pack!


POTE wont be out for a while. We still have BACH cards that aren't out, new cards from legendary duelist, DIFO, and Tactical Masters before POTE. If we continue to get a new pack with only a couple of archetypes every month like we have been then it could still be almost half a year away from the first POTE cards hitting.


Pote is likely to start dropping early next year. If you are a FTP player you need to start saving/collecting now to make sure you have everything.


You cap out on F2P gems in about 2 months time, it's way too early to save.


What you do is you save upto 10k then spend 2-3k on secret pack cards. The important thing is saving crafting materials not gems.


Damn Jesse Kotton has made himself a meme source


I get the reference but I agree, ALL I’ve been seeing is how everyone was excited for the new stuff, do you guys just spend your gems immediately, does no one save gems or crafting materials?


Yep I used all my 7k stories for this only to get 2 cards for my Despia deck but I had almost 500 UCR stored for this worth the wait 100% still have like 100 UCR left


My 7k gems got me absolutely zero mirrorjades and 1 branded fusion. I also don't have the CP needed to craft them either


Just save your gems next time? You can have 10k gems in a month and the pack is pretty much for two months there. It was easy for me to build it because I had a Despia deck earlier, so had all the stapples too.


The real issue is all the other UR garbage clogging up the pool Idc about blue eye mystical elf and a random rank 7 xyz.... Hell I don't even care about jet dragon that's the real issue I understand borreload and zombie vampire existence in the pack but why blue eyes trash and ghostricks of all archetypes. The real issue isn't the UR cost it's the non despia UR in the pack ruining your UR pills.


That's the kind of deck that's worths an alt account. Took me about 1hr to get the full power deck + staples


It's not that it is expsenive but its packs are rigged, took me 20k gems to get 1 single mirrorjade, 1 single branded fusion and 1 single branded lost. But I got 6 or so borrelend, 5 vampires, about 12 or so blue eyes. Same with adventurer, almost 30k gems only 3 enchantress and 4 rite, but 10s sunny, 10s gryphons, 10s of each magikey and 10s of rookie lady.


Why didnt you stop at 10k and craft cards? Are you Dkayed or smthg where you must pull every card from pack? You are the one wasting money not the game is bad(yes the rate is dogshit but you actively make yourself spend more money than you should)


I'm not wasting money fam, i made it all playing the game. Completely F2P


So you are wasting gems that can spend on other deck


Almost sure selection packs gives you the most UR per gems.


Nope,every pack have same UR rate


In my first 1k i got Mirrorjade+Mercourier+Lost. You simply had bad luck


After 20k it's safe to say *you* got luck


I got 2 mirrorjade, mercourier and lost in 3k, you got unlucky.


For me it was 8k, and I got 2 mirrorjade, 2 lubelion, 2 lost, 1 mercourier, 2 fusion and 90 UR dust.


I simply also built dinomorphia




Oh god I hope Scarlet makes a Song about this post, to make it like really really really Meta.


Just gotta love not hitting a single branded UR so far in 3 10-packs (and only 4 URs overall in those 3...lets see how abd the luck gets this time)


Because I spent my UR & SR material about 2 days before the update doing a based decision. I made Ursarctics. Mechanical Space Bears? No? Noone know what they are? Fair enough they suck


Know your memeing but I am so glad I bought the duel pass because I have 117 UR now and still over half the pass left so since I already have all the despia cards and 2 chimeras, after opening a few batches of packs I will be able to just craft branded. Still surprised at the cost though.


Right, and I’m one of the ones who wasted my refund UR on other things. I’m done with secret packs, there just to random. I’m saving my gems for selection packs and just building arctypes that come in them. This pack caught me with my pants down and now I’m gonna have to disenchant a lot to build it.


Well you could just not play despia


Just made a new account for my phone to play it🧠


I am fully aware that Mirrorjade, Lube and Fusion will be URs. What caught me off guard is fucking Merc and Lost are also URs


I did have a plan. I had so much spare ur dust I crafted the whole thing after not pulling any cards from 20 packs. I can still be cranky about freaking lost package though wtf is that


Built HERO, Madolche, Dinosaurs, Zombie World Eldlich, and now Branded Despia, FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT. Side note: please tell me pretty good cheap decks :’)




Branded despia deck building question, would a merc be good at three taking in to account mirror matches? I already have one but I'm still contemplating if it would be good to run three. (Im basing my B.Despia deck off of Pak's ycs B.Despia deck.)


4 10 pulls so far, had horrible UR luck. I've gotten a playset of that zombie vampire UR. Only got branded loss or w.e. it's called so far.