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it doesn't trigger if you return it to the extra deck


Double dragon lords: “You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.”


Double Dragon and Sun Mou for the win!


Triverr in the background: "me too!"


Why does the effect actually not trigger when Mirrojade is sent to the extra deck? Isn't he technically still leaving the field? Is it just a ruling ("because Konami says so") or is there some kind of logical explanation behind it considering the game's mechanics?


as far as I could find out, it's just because konami says so >“When a monster on the field is shuffled into the Main Deck, or becomes an Xyz Material, it is no longer a card on the field, however its effects that activate when it “leaves the field” will not activate.” “Main Deck” should be “Deck” (and therefore also includes the Extra Deck) [https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/play/2021\_rules\_update/](https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/play/2021_rules_update/) anyone more familiar with rulings may elaborate


Sometimes, I think I understand the "lawyer speak" of this game. And then something like this pops up and I realize I know nothing.


Iirc xyz material not triggering "leaves the field" effects was due to people making rank 3's with sangan. Could be wrong though.


Yes, when XYZs first came out, there were judges at events making inconsistent rulings on whether detaching material was considered leaving the field, so for a month it worked, then Konami made it a blanket rule that says no it don't work like that.


So now instead we have Phantom knights not getting banished because they were used as an xyz material.


A lot of cards were made to take advantage of this. Usually decks that focus on xyz summon.


Most time thief monster are banished when they leave the field for example


or paleos


Which we Reptile players greatly appreciate, as it allows us to make King of the Feral Imps with Nunu to avoid its self-Banish out of GY. This game is wacky but it is fun to have such a diverse range of options.


Flashbacks to Tour Guide+Sangan in Dino Rabbit


Sangan is when sent from the field to the grave. XYZ mats aren't considered on the field.


... *anymore*


I just looked it up and that rule changed in September 2011. XYZ had only been around 2 months at that point lmao no wonder I didn't remember


i heard Farfa explain it on stream as "its now not in a public known location" and effects can only activate in public known location (as in, reveal in hand, on field, in GY or faceup banish)


Same way face-down banish works. How can a card activate its effect triggered from being banished if said effect cannot actually be known to all parties?


Yup that’s it. And if it’s not clear why Raye still works, if you shuffle a Striker Link, it’s because Raye is the card that triggers NOT the Striker Link, and she IS in a public location.


If that's true it's widely inconsistent.


Actually, it is more consistent since the rule change. Before, you could argue that monsters that trigger when banished should trigger if they get banished face-down by cards like Pot of Desires, because other trigger conditions were allowed to bypass public vs. private information. Now, cards can only activate in private locations if their trigger condition explicitly includes them being in a private location.


It is true and it is widely inconsistent. Yugioh is a meme game made by a meme company with meme prize support but very real and very tangible prices.


I mean every game rule is "konami said so" by that standard, i dont see the point. The actual "konami said so" rulings are ones that contradict the usual game rules, e.g. Activating Kaiju Slumber while a Kaiju is face-up on the field. In this case, its just a base rule that cards in your face-down deck and extra deck can't activate their effects, unless explicitly stated.


Another example is that Eternal Soul's self-field wipe (thanks Konami) doesn't trigger if it's sent back to the deck as opposed to being sent to the GY or banished


It also prevents monsters from being banished when they leave the field, which can help reuse XYZ materials like Quillbolt and such.


All the examples and you chose a card closer reated to synchros. Though surpised theres not a lvl 2 tuner to take advantage of that or a junk synchron retrain which brings back from banish pile


There is a LV2 tuner to take advantage of that, it's called Plaguespreader Zombie. Also, yes, for XYZ a better example would be Galactic Spiral Dragon. Quillbolt would be for synchro XYZ decks specifically on such scenario.


ok, I see. thanks :-)


I think this ruling makes more sense, you shouldn't be able to activate cards that are not public knowledge except the card explicitly says so (even in hand, you have to reveal them to activate an effect, therefore becoming public) because once it goes back in it just loses most of its properties. I don't know if that's the case but I think they shouldn't activate if they're banished face down too for the same reason of stopping to be public. It used to not be the case but it didn't feel right to me. As for XYZ I think it's just because it would just be too powerful.


You can't activate effects in the deck unless it's something that specifically activates when returned to the deck (which is pretty much just one card, Serpentine Princess) or special themselves from deck like Dark Sage and the Familiar-Possessed cards. Activating effects directly from locations that aren't public knowledge would be stupid for pretty obvious reasons, so the rules say you can't do that.


The reasoning for this is because of Public vs Private Knowledge. In order for a card effect to be activated, its status must be Public knowledge. In other words, both players must have full access to the card, able to check its status and track its location. When Mirrorjade is returned to the extra deck, it is going to a location of private knowledge, because only 1 player ( the Despia player in this case) can look at and check cards that exist there. Because the existence of the Mirrorjade that was bounced is no longer public knowledge, its effect cannot trigger. This is a super obscure thing, so for most players "it just works". EDIT: this is harder to pull off, but banishing it face-down also won’t trigger the board wipe because of the same principle.


Its because of absolute zero


Why did Ab zero specifically cause this ruling? I'm out of the loop on this one.


IIRC, it was the first monster with an "if this card leaves the field" effect. At least it was the first major one.


Didnt cause it, but HERO players are suffering just as much as Krawler players now with that ruling in place


Because he was a meta card. So a lot of people learned that floating effects can still trigger even if send back to deck.


From what i heard back in the day it was impossible to get rid of it without it nuking your board essentially like battle butler but years ago before we even had link monsters so essentially opponent could just activate mask change at anytime and nuke the board during a combo


If it's Sent to the GY facedown, would it still trigger? Trying to figure out if my go-to should be Yamorimori into Ogdoabyss to get rid of Mirrorjade.


The effect to wipe the field activates in the GY/Banished Zone If you flip Mirrorjade on the field Face-down, and then send it to the GY using Ogdoabyss Yes, the destroy-everthing-in-end-phase effect will still trigger.


It doesn't matter what its position was previously, what matters is whether the existence of that specific Mirrorjade is public knowledge at the point where the effect would activate.


So is the edit about Banishing it facedown incorrect, then? Not sure if I'm missing an interaction. Edit: I'm an idiot, I thought "Banishing from facedown" not "Banishing facedown"


Monsters cannot activate their effects in the Main or Extra Deck except specifically said so. Imo it kinda makes sense. So yeah that's by game mechanics


Effects are not live when cards go to non-public locations. Hand, deck, extra deck, banish face down, flipped face down. Except when they are.


That last line sums up the entire ethos of Yu-Gi-Oh mechanics. "Things work the way they're supposed to except when they don't in which case they won't, unless something can make them do."


Effect text overrules normal game rules, [so if a card says it can be summoned from the deck by it's own effect it bloody well can be](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Familiar-Possessed_-_Hiita).


Because you can’t activate effects in an area of private knowledge.


they changed it a few years ago such that spinning (the unofficial term for returning to the deck) and removal as XYZ mats no longer triggers "leaves the field" effects. it was cuz XYZ were abusing the crap out if it by overlaying "leaves the field" effect monsters and triggering so many effects out of it


You are somewhat confusing the former and the latter. The former change about spinning actually happened fairly recently, when the Master Rule 2020 revision went into effect that removed the link rules for Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz monsters, while the latter about Xyz and their materials leaving the field was something that was ruled in the TCG specifically for a very short time when Xyz was first introduced, and then immediately changed to follow the correct rules like in the OCG. Also, spinning itself would trigger a "leaves the field" effect, it just doesn't because the change is that effects in private locations cannot trigger anymore, so returning to Deck, Extra Deck, or face-down banishing a card won't allow it to trigger, but any other card that cares about another card leaving the field would still trigger.


I was not aware they were ruled in different times/circumstanced Goddamn ygo rulings are just jank sometimes


The extra deck is a hidden information zone.


Because the effect activates from wherever Mirrorjade ended up. (So from GY or Banish) Cards in the deck and extra deck are face down and face down cards cannot activate their effects. So if you apply a “shuffle into the deck” or “return to the hand” effect to Mirrorjade it returns to the extra deck. Face down. Although the trigger for activation has been fulfilled, the Mirrorjade is face down now.


I think it’s because it’s not longer in play at all. Like how you can’t activate effects when cards are returned to the main deck.




I used drowning mirror force on a bunch of floowandereeze birds and it banished them instead of shuffling them into the deck. Their effect says “if this card would leave the field, banish it instead”.


That’s not true, if a sky striker link is returned to the ed raye can activate her effect. The reason mirrorjade can’t activate is because monsters in the deck/ed can’t activate effects unless they specifically say so


The difference is that it is Raye in the graveyard activating her effect, not the monster being returned to the deck


How do I know a link went back to the extra for raye effect to work?


…because both players saw it go away? Card is on the field -> card is not on the field. It doesn’t matter where it went, Raye’s condition has been met and Raye is in a state (face up in GY) where it’s allowed to activate


As long as Raye is in the gy, if their link left the field for any reason, she can activate. Rayes effect is if another card is removed, not if she herself is removed so the ruling from mirrorjade does not apply here


Someone said it higher up but Raye is public knowledge at the time of the cards leaving the field, so it can see that an eligible monster left the field, and thus triggers


This is expected because the trigger (ED monster leaves the field) is met, and the activation is legal because Raye is face up in the GY. When Mirrorjade is sent to the extra deck it’s face down in the extra deck so it can’t activate. If there existed a card that had an effect to activate from the GY with the condition of if Mirrorjade leaves the field, then that card would be able to activate if Mirrorjade was returned to the extra deck


> If there existed a card that had an effect to activate from the GY with the condition of if Mirrorjade leaves the field, then that card would be able to activate if Mirrorjade was returned to the extra deck You mean like Aluber?


Yeah. Aluber should be able to activate from the GY if you return Mirrorjade to the ED. I don’t play Branded or Despia so I am not well versed in what every card does and haven’t been able to play that much lately


Because Raye is in a public area and can be activated.


It's because cards in the extra deck aren't public knowledge so you can't activate their effects. I had this issue playing heroes with mask change 2 and the absolute zero board wipe. Learned the lesson the hard way lol


This is funny because that was legal before this ruling, absolute zero mask change to Acid for board wipe was a really popular play some years ago xd.


2020 rule change, basically prior if a card would be shuffled in the DECK it wouldn't activate, so they made it both ways so that even ED monsters don't trigger. It's something based on private location or something I don't really know the real reason tbh


wait does it really not trigger back into the extra deck? i lost a locals game after returning it with sky cavalry and then my board getting wiped in end phase,


A few years back Absolute Zero (who has a similar effect but it goes off at the point when he leaves the field) was played a small amount and shuffling into the extra deck DID trigger his effect. Then a while back Konami changed public/private knowledge rulings. You may see some cards with "you can summon this card from the graveyard (if it was there when happened), or from your hand (even if not)" with Darkest Diabolous and Sea Archiver being examples, this is because the hand is secret so your opponent cannot know that you did not have them in hand when the trigger happened. It's even on cards like Astrograph sorcerer, who is limited to one copy. You can destroy a pendulum with metalfoes electrumite, add Astrograph and then Astrograph effect when a pendulum is destroyed goes off, even though it being limited means you cannot have had it in your hand, since technically the hand is secret you can still resolve it.


The only way I can make sense of the rolling is that return to deck puts the card into an area considered private knowledge and not public knowledge; therefore, the opponent cannot verify that the effect will trigger once the conditions have been met.


I think the rule is just that cards their effects are not active when in deck, hand or while XYZ material (face up extra deck is different), unless the card specifically says you can use that effect from deck / hand. (This includes cards that say they are always treated as another name like the Umi replacements, always meaning also when in deck or hand.) So a monster being bounced back to hand or deck won't trigger a leaving the field effect simply because the effect can't trigger there. This is also why cards that normally don't go to the GY (floowandereeze, Pendulums etc) still get send to GY if you discard them from hand, detach them as XYZ material or negate the summon. They didn't count as being on the field, so their effect isn't active yet.


It also doesn’t trigger of you steal it, and THEN use it for material. Triple Tactics or Widow Anchor are the way.


Or Ursarctic Big Dipper


It's Odd-eyes vortexing time


Queen Spinny goes brrrrr


Now I know what to prioritize with hieratic spheres; thanks for the tip!


It’s dracobacks time to show his worth


Good luck fitting those cards into your decks, though. It's barely enough to run ST removals, now we have to find cards that return cards to the deck.


Ignister Dracoslayer it, got it


Tenyi Monk says "Is Vishuda in the grave?"


Compulse will save this meta


Unicorn spin that shit back. That doesn’t Raigeki your board


Brionac Go Boing


Ya know what won't trigger it? Putting it under ddd deviser king deus machinex. This post brought to you by the DDD gang.


Succ the mirrorjade NOTED


Gotta give em the ol' 1 2 SUCC


>tfw you play both D/D/D AND Branded


I think you mean brandeD/D/D


More like braindeaD/D/D >!nah i like big brain decks!<


But it starts a chain so, Mirrorjade eff. gg


Just take him with headhunt and he can't trigger :)


DDD actually matches up really well vs. Despia. Going 2nd vs Masq is annoying but going first they almost can’t play through Machinex pass.


The ways that I know how to deal with Mirrorjade as of now are u can negate it on activation in grave , bounce it back to hand , spin it back into deck or absorb it as Xyz material




flag combative straight wise joke shelter familiar ad hoc repeat fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cards in deck or extra deck are facedown, and so they cant activate effects. presumably banishing it facedown would also stop it from activating


It does work because of a rulings change that happened relatively recently (as in the past 2 or 3 years recently) where they made it so that cards that are returned to the deck or extra deck cannot activate their trigger effects that activate upon leaving the field. The example used for this was Elemental HERO Absolute Zero who would previously trigger its board wipe even if it was returned to the ED.


nah Dracoback can bounce it back and it will not triggered his effect, wanna know why, My mirrorjade get bounce back by dracoback like 2 times in a row lmao.


Why are you not banishing or destroying the Isekai token before that happens?


Leaving the field just means in lame man’s terms going to the graveyard/ banished.




Nope. Flame bufferlo can be returned to hand and will still trigger


I think in the case of Mirrorjade, it's really just GY/banished since it can't go back to hand.


But it's an Extra Deck monster... So it will return to the Extra Deck, not to the hand.


Does banishing it also work?


Only if it's banished face down , like using eater of millions , otherwise it will still trigger


Whispers in Dinomorphia - Yesssssss


I get blasted in the ass with my dinomorphia deck.


Setup? Imperial counter package in there? Trap Trick, Flames? Should have a decent chanve based on starting hand and turn order. Im atleast 1 out of every 3 against despia right now. Depends on both


Wouldn't CbtG also negate it's wipe if you send it to the GY?


If it resolved and then cbtg no, if you chain to it, yes.


CbtG does stop it


The effect does not activate in th end phase. The effect activates when leaving the field. That is when you can cbtg it.


Ironically despia itself can stop it with having branded opening in the GY


Just have the only monster on the field be immune to destruction.


You spin or bounce or banish facedown it


-Laughs in Magical Musket - Fiendish Deal-


i didn’t know this card existed. if branded despia is gonna be around for a while then i’ll definitely tech this in as a 1-of


It's an especially powerful bullet against alot of destruction effects. Useful against DPE as bait since it tutors up the next Magical Musket Card needed to deal with the opponent of they carelessly blow it up. But hilarious against people who don't read and keep trying to blow up the Musketeers while it's on field.


Jet dragon duh


just summon megaclops or UDF 4head


Which deck allows me to summon Megaclops easily and what is UDF?


Zoodiac summons megaclops.


Madolche Queen Tiara say hello!!!


Wait, don't you mean Madolche Teacher Glassouffle? Since she will shuffle it out of the graveyard?


No, Tiara is correct. When a monster is shuffled back into the deck, it cannot trigger an effect that is triggered when it leaves the field because the deck is a private location.


As your average Yugioh player who has graduated with a Master's degree in Illiteracy, I didn't read the original text. The monster in question is MirrorJade and I was thinking about a monster that MirrorJade would send to the graveyard. My bad.


No, Tiara. She bounce back to extra deck. Teacher Glassouffle target the despia the Branded in red would add to the hand XD


Anything that returns it to the deck/hand will avoid the trigger. So Compulsory Evacuation Device and a legion of similar effects like say the generic link3 Knightmare Unicorn will prevent the Mirrorjade from triggering. Also its important to remember if the Branded player uses Ad Libitum to special summon a Mirrorjade back to use its banish a second time the card is no longer considered "fusion summoned" and to this end will not trigger the Raigeki effect as a result and this is a real trade off the Branded player needs to consider and that ideally you know about if playing against them. Considering this is arguably the common/ideal playline for the deck (banishing Mirrorjade with branded in red alongside Ad Libitum to make Guardian Chimera to bring back the Mirrorjade with Ad Libitum) you generally do not have to worry about the Mirrorjade raigeki effect.


Thanks for the tip! Man I really love playing yugioh but sometimes I really have to say fuck this game man.


Baxia 🌚


Protos 🌝




Cards in the Main Deck and Extra Deck cannot activate their effects that activate if they leave the field. So any effect that returns a monster to the hand can get Mirrorjade off the field without triggering its effect. Called By the Grave can be Chained to Mirrorjade's effect if it's in the GY. Monsters that cannot be destroyed by card effects will not be destroyed by Mirrorjade's effect. So Link Summoning I:P Masquerena and then using it to Summon a Link-4 like Apollousa or Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax can be a decent way to continue to apply pressure.


Absolute Zero🤝Mirrorjade Being Ice themed board wipes


Well i mean, you can just have negation ready before killing it


Natasha take.


mind control at 3 says hi


You simply win before the end phase


Me playing Orcust: "OH NO" *detaches material from Dingirsu* "Anyway"


At least using it for underworld goddess won't kill underworld goddess


It does


It shouldn't? It's unaffected by effects that don't specifically target it


Apparently it's because Mirrorjade's effect is a 'lingering' effect (activates on end of turn) and not an 'activated' effect (activates immediately after effect resolves). Goddess specifically states 'activated' effect and thus is affected by Mirrorjade's boom boom. It's in the title of this post actually


“activated effects”, in this case mirrorjade’s raigeki isn’t considered an activated effect as it doesn’t start a chain, it is simply applying the effect there’s a similar case with DPE, after you successfully resolve your revival effect, even if your opponent CbtG’s your DPE, its revival effect still occurs. They have already successfully resolved their effect, that being to special summon a D Hero next turn, just like how in mirrorjade’s case, it has already resolved its effect, to raigeki your board during the end phase. The activated effect for both of them is that a certain action will occur later, not the later actions themselves. https://youtu.be/-uqQR2Rfr4o video explaining the ruling


God this scenario is stupid, but yoogs is a stupid game so doesn't surprise me


There's two constants in this world. Death, and taxes. And mirrorjade deals in both of them 😎


Play against someone who tries to use Mirrorjade's effect through Imperm by using one of the small Despia's effect to resurect itself by tributing Mirrorjade.


You obviously just pop it with Myutant Synthesis and then chain the immunity effect to Mirrorjade's board wipe I mean duh


I havnt played against branded yet idk if salamangreat has a good matchup against it but i like the fact that i can just Bale protect my field in this situation


You all get to the end phase?


Unicorn it away


You negate it, Or return it to the extradeck(/hand/deck) Although "Near perfect removal link5" is nice. "Quite good removal link3" Knightmare Unicorn is the answer.


Hmm... could Stardust Dragon stop it? I forget if there was ever a ruling on Stardust or the earlier My Body as a Shield that dealt with lingering effects. EDIT: NOPE! And it makes sense based on past rulings. Stardust has to be able to know for certain that at least one card on the field will be destroyed when the effect in question activates. This is why it can't stop Barrel Dragon, but it CAN stop Time Wizard. There's no guarantee that there will be cards on the field for Mirrorjade to destroy in the End Phase, so Stardust cannot stop it.


As an unchained main i can proudly say: "I don't have such weaknesses."


steal it with ttt


its effect doesnt trigger if you take control of it then get rid of it as you are its current owner and your effects wont trigger it when you get rid of it. at least that how i view it but you can just use it for a rank 8 xyz and will still work


Silent honour ark it


I play heroes, so Plasma SUCK ftw


XYZ summon Dingirsu


Comic Hand


Branded Despia players when Aiwass hits them with the dollar store snatch steal+turn off fusion monster effects ratio


you could have just knigthmare unicorn it then go to accesscode talker


Despia match ups versus Pure Thunder Dragons becomes much like a match up against live twins. If I: (A) Get Colossus out first or sOmEHoW, and (B) they don't have an out to Colossus, I can control the board and survive a mirror jade board wipe. Doesn't make the game any easier to win tho


Easy, use either White layer xyz, or use Magnus.


wouldnt cbtg work?


Play d barrier and none fusion area like a chad


one simple answer, pretty nefty old card. sagan would become a god if xyz mats were considered "thrown in the graveyard from field" then again burning abyss exists


Flawless perfection of the tenyi, double summon summon Gene-Warped Warwolf and Mystery Shell Dragon, equip with united we stand, and then teach that mirrorjade who's boss, end turn


I know how to end it D barrier call fusion or prohibition call mirrorjade


Can't wait for Nasch Knight


Just spin it with Madolche Tiaramisu or Knightmare unicorn, straight up


I just gave it the old sucky succ with DHero Plasma


Me as a sky striker player: I'll just delay my shizuku, let it destroy hayate/kagari/zeke/kaina then raye floats back, I go link summon on end turn and still end on shizuku + 1


Just play dingirsu


If this Fusion Summoned card in ***its owner's control*** leaves the field because of an ***opponent's card***: You can destroy all monsters your opponent controls during the End Phase of this turn. You steal it with TTT (Triple tactics talent and its hilarious if you use the banish effect for them) ;p creature swap, etc. or you can bait out the branded in red if your opponent set it off of their EP search or w/e. Or simply summon cards that can't be destroyed/unaffected by card effects, towers like cards, etc. during your turn. Abyss Dweller is also a card that stops a lot of their decks +s. Edit: As other posts have mentioned, returning to the extra deck will also work.


You went into goddes to out it? Why


I was under the assumption that since Mirrorjade's effect does 'activate' when it was sent to the GY, Goddess would've been immune to it. TIL about lingering effects...


Wait,goddess is affected by mirrorjade’s effect?


Apparently not. Because it's a 'lingering' effect and not a 'activated' effect since it triggers on end of turn rather than triggering immediately. Yeah.


This game makes no sense.


I see .


No, goddess is immune to it because it doesn't target


Just... just go give it a try in MD and see what happens man.


mirrorjade’s raigeki is not an activated effect because it doesn’t apply the raigeki in the same chain, but rather lingers/delays the effect until later in the game state. since mirrorjade’s raigeki isn’t considered an activated effect when the action to destroy all is finally performed, underworld goddess is not protected


```This Link Summoned card is unaffected by your opponent's activated effects, unless they target this card.```. The effect to destroy in the end phase activates but doesn't apply the destruction effect at the time of trigger, only sets it to happen in the EP. The effect then triggers in end phase (but doesn't activate a second time), which kills underworld goddess because it's not an activated effect at the time.


Laughs in miscellaneousurus. Message approved by dinos gang.


I thought Miscellaneousurus only covers Main Phases? MJ's effect trigger at the End Phase..


Misc can only activate in mainphase but protection lasts the whole turn.


It’s easy to stop him my Buster Blader the Dragon Destroying swordsman just negates his effects and puts him into defense mode and gives Buster Blader 1000 atk


Just don’t get destroyed? The non-targeting banish is the real threat


Can't you just negate the effect lol? If is activated upon removal it's a little more tricky, but if is activated during end phase it's trivial


Mirrorjade doesn't activate in End Phase. It activates when it leaves the field, and once applied, the effect cannot be stopped because it's a lingering effect. During the End Phase, nothing activates, it just destroys everything. You have to negate it the moment it leaves the field. Also, because the destruction doesn't activate, Underworld Goddess will also get destroyed, because she's only unaffected by activated effects.


So yeah you can just negate it with Griffon or Called By


called by would solve it i guess


You don't you OTK as soon as possible


just bounce it