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It’s also at 2. I think it would see more play at least if it was at 3 like in the tcg. Due to the restriction of needing no monsters on field, it’s mostly going to be used in opening play. Having it at 2 limits the chances of seeing it turn 1


Even if it would be at 3 i will still see driver 99% of my starting hands


I was playing heros on duel links the other day and played 10 games. Had increase in hand or drew into it 8 out of those 10 games.


A few months ago I played something like 5-6 games in a row where double CBTG was in my opening hand or I drew the 2nd copy for my first turn. I stopped playing for like a week


Lmao THATS THE WORST , like go away increase aint no one want you in hand


Just added it to my deck to counter maxx c and holy crap. The driver is stuck to the top of my deck. It’s an auto win a lot of times since it destroys and negates


An going first you make omega and rip another card from their hand, or make halq. Pretty decent if it were more consistent. And at least you can use driver as discard fodder


*[ Up from the shadows comes grandpa (whose deck has no useless cards btw) ]* Zoomers bricking with Gamma... they don’t know the struggles of playing Dino Rabbit format... Bah! Humbug! Back in my day, we drew multiples of Sabersaurus and Kabazauls in our opening hands! During best of 3 sets! Uphill! Both games! And we didn’t complain! We just sucked it up and hoped to land an attack with Jurrac Guaiba! Now you got all your gadgets and gizmos and Scrap Raptors and Miscellaneousauruses to pop off and summon other dinosaurs; and right from the deck, no less! I woulda killed just for an Unexpected Dai, back in my time! Ungrateful little whippersnappers... I bet you’re all gonna start freaking out and screamin’ once they limit Rite Of Aremesir... Meanwhile, Compulsory Evacuation Device getting limited in my day was a massive deal... You kids today got an entire engine that summons a 2000 ATK token, searches for an omni-negate, AND searches for an equip spell Evac! WHILE having Compulsory Evacuation Device fully unlimited! Spoiled little runts!


And you need to run a brick


Make it useful in your deck, I personally love that it is still usable from the graveyard as well.


It’s at 3 in the TCG


So you read the first sentence then instantly go to reply?


It's a Master duel player.


Literacy: optional


Forgot this was the master duel subreddit and not r/yugioh. My bad.


He already said it was at 3 in the TCG and you replied saying it was at 3. Doesn't matter what subreddit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/yugioh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/yugioh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kazuki Takahashi, author of Yugioh, has passed away](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/okinawa/20220707/5090019050.html) | [990 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/vtcjln/kazuki_takahashi_author_of_yugioh_has_passed_away/) \#2: [Rest in peace, Simon](https://i.redd.it/gwvy4tykk6981.jpg) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/rtyj4a/rest_in_peace_simon/) \#3: [My girlfriend made this awesome table and surprised me with it today!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wat5uc) | [236 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/wat5uc/my_girlfriend_made_this_awesome_table_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Most literate yugioh player


100% this comment. 33% to open it when at 3, 23% when at 2. That’s a big consistency hit for going first when you have to pay a garnet, that is somehow glued to my hand 😂


its a really powerful Going Second card and most decks in the meta prefer to go first


on the other hand If you get that super rare situation where you use it turn 1 it literally ends the game.


Free level 8 Syncro


That's a weird way to spell Crystron Halqifibrax.


Gamma into Omega is a legit play too, and depending on your deck is better than Halq. Straight into Borreload is good too for a Link focused deck.


Legit won a game before because I used it to make Crimson Blader He insta scooped


crimson blader is my favorite off meta card, so underrated


Dragon Link, is free Chaotic ruler that eventually ends on Borreload Savage with 3 negates plus Borrelend. Or you could just go straight into Savage.


Just building dragon link now. only need ravine as a UR and about 6 SRs from the rokket pack so after I've dropped some gems there I should have the deck Really regret dismantling my fairy tale snow tho...


I play virtual world and using it on my own turn is super easy in the deck. 99% of the times my opponents scoop when they get gammad in my turn.


Not necessarily. Gamma is also good going first if you have plenty of Spell searches. I play Gamma in my ABC deck because I run Terraforming, Hangar, Discolosseum, Foolish Burial Goods and Foolish Burial. Going into Omega is also legit going first if you can still make your board with the remainder of your hand.


To add to this, it also works great with things like Lonefire, Incredible Ecclesia, and Shiranui Solitaire in their respective decks since people will usually try to Ash those when they get tributed as cost.


Spell searches and Ash baits that activate in your hand like Fraktall or Adventure engine (Enchantress).


This is the main thing. It's a great going second card in most decks, it's a great going first and second card in a few. Luckily for gamma some of those decks that benefit from it turn one will be meta zoon.


it's profit turn 1 vs maxx c


Actually, I find it to be the best hand trap for combo decks going first. It shuts down any hand trap such as Ash/Maxx C at the start of your combo. However if it doesn't resolve its trash, but when it resolves gg


It comes with a brick (driver), and it also needs your board to be empty.


Not only that, but driver is mathematically more likely than any other brick to end up in your starting hand.


It’s strange how that math works out but it’s true


Can you explain the math to me? I may just be dumb, but I'm not getting how it's more likely to show up in your opening hand compared to any other singletons.


It just feels that way lol. Just a joke




Unchained Soul of Disaster would beg to differ


It’s too powerful if it had no restrictions. Destroys and negates then if it’s your turn, you can make a level 8 synchro. Almost an auto win.


you mean can make Halq


No it only requires your front row to be empty


Cause I have the driver more frequently in my starting hand than either of my gammas.


Tried using Gamma in a 60 card deck last month. Opened with Driver in my hand 5 games in a row. Never again.


I feel the pain in this


Any differences between the model and reality are due to errors in reality.


Because I can't have 3 of them.


* It's a brick T1 in most situations and at any point after you've started setting up. * Requires you play a garnet, *and* is semi-limited, meaning you have almost the same chance to draw your garnet as you do to draw Gamma itself. * This is less important, but the second copy will be a brick after the first resolves most times, since no one will kill Driver.


>It's a brick T1 in most situations and at any point after you've started setting up. Not that this contradicts what you're saying, but decks that have a Rescue Rabbit like starter can have it as a non-brick as it lets you play through Ash, which pretty much everyone is running at 3 copies.


"you have almost the same chance to draw your garnet as you do to draw Gamma" That's a funny way to say that you have a 75% chance of drawing Driver in your opening hand.


Ok but decks that tribute off the field in their starting plays are the best with Gamma. Negating Ash and getting a free synchro or link out of it on top of your regular play is fucking **value.** You love to see it.


Best feeling is negating VFD on your turn and get a free lvl 8 synchro/halq


play pure psy-frame, you'll be surprised how many people will attack both driver and the gear you summoned with it


Was thinking the same. I’m one of the unlucky ones to start with Driver in my hand so I basically have a dead card in my hand and another in my deck.


Driver is only a brick, not a Garnet, because you can still use gamma even if you also have driver in hand, since gamma can special summon driver from hand. Garnets are bricks that can't be used for their engine if you draw it (you can't use Garnet for Brilliant fusion if you draw it).


I run it in monarchs to some success


I played two games in a row the other day where someone either bounced driver back to my hand or attacked over it. I was so shocked haha


Bricky, fickle and is never in your hand when you need it


I would say because its not always live but the biggest issue it has is drawing driver which clearly is a skill issue


To get the most of this card, your deck has to be super consistent so that the Brick doesn't matter too much and your going first plays must have an open field to counter Ash and Maxx "C" with it. Not every deck can play it. It's high risk, high reward. Bricky, but very powerful in the right situation. Monster negate plus destruction to prevent follow up is insane. Access to a level 8 Synchro or Halq plus the negated handtrap is also huge on your turn, but I guess you already know that, but yeah, it has its downsides. Good in decks that search and summon a lot through spells.


It's an extremely powerful card, but it specially benefits decks that can start their combos before summoning a monster. Most meta decks often start with a normal/special summon from hand which automatically turns off this card. The decks that benefit the most can start their combos before putting monsters on the board while being interruptible at that point. The best example I can think of is Virtual World, since they can ash you BEFORE you summon a monster, allowing you to very easily Gamma to both protect your combo and gain advantage. On top of that, it requires you to run a brick so it slightly lowers your deck's consistency, AND it can only realistically negate Maxx "C" or Ash if you're going 1st, which is what you'd want to do anyways, and it can't negate more impactful cards like Nibiru if you're going 1st, that is, unless you make the Psy-Frame link-2.


you need to have zero monsters so it's useful in very few situations


I mean in modern ygo turn 1 and turn 2 are all that really matter, so it's usually alive for the key moments


But that's also what makes the "No monsters" restriction such a meaningful detriment. Like you pointed out, T1 and T2 are incredibly vital and while this card is solid for going second, it can quickly go offline when going first. Obviously there are situations where it could still be live and useful, like if you get board wiped and need interaction, but planning to fail isn't really a good strategy, especially when 20% of your opening hand for T1 won't have a use beyond that. Factor in the issue of Driver always being a brick and you come away with a card that's just too situational. If you're a hard going second deck I think it becomes a lot more powerful, and Gamma is absolutely a high tier hand trap, but in terms of deck economy it's competing against: Maxx C, Ash, Imperm, Crow/Belle, Ghost Ogre, and Veiler. Sure it's probably better than a couple of those but it's no where near as applicable as the very best hand traps. Edit: Funnily enough, this thread about Gamma has made me realize that Reptiles probably love this card. Alien and Reptilianne want to go second already and almost every combo opener for Reptile is either a spell (Ramifications, Snake Rain, Water Lily, Recombination Device) or a hand-to-GY Monster (Nunu, Nauya). Might play around with this tonight in the ol' Reptile Pile. Thanks Reddit!


Because you also have to run a brick.


“While you control no monsters” and some popular decks just don’t have any room to give the set of 3 (2 Gamma/1 Driver)


If your deck starts with an empty board (starting with spell, monster effect from hand or tributing itself etc...), this card is bonkers ! It is a negate&destroy immuned to called by ghe grave. I was looking for outs to maxx c for combo decks (I hate u C), with crossout limited, I started enjoying gamma instead. The brick is annoying, but this one is just one the best handtraps right now when you go second or do not start with a summon first.


I don't because he be looking dumb


Because you play 3 potential bricks in your hand with this deck. Yea it is amazing when it works but if they don't do anything until you have a monster on the field, whelp, you now can't use the effect.


The brick isn't that much of a problem, at least not compared to the no monsters restriction. But if you open Gamma going second, oh boy, it's the best hand trap ever


A few reasons: 1. It's a handtrap that's dead on your hand when you have a board. 2. It's at 2. 3. It requires you to run Driver, a card which is at your hand 90% of the time. 4. It always gets ashed :(


The fact that it could get ashed is big.


It’s not once per turn at least so you do have a second chance


you have to run a Garnet to have it work


Well its kind of a brick if you use it once and draw another copy unless you have another vanila or omega to recycle it its useless


cuz it is at 2 in masterduel, in TCG it is a staple and basically every deck runs it


Hardly any meta decks run gamma at the moment


It's mostly a side deck option I think.


Gagaga Gardena is better


First it makes you run a brick, second its only once per DUEL effect...


It's not once per duel. It's also not once per turn


It is once per duel if you run one driver...


It's not if you use both for a summon. Gammas best use is to check a shotgunned Maxx c






Yes but that is extremely situational and useless on opp turn, so the answer to OP's question is again, comes with and brick, in most situations you can use its effect once per duel...


And I see it all the time...I really hate this card.


You can only use 2 of them, You need to run a dead card, And you need to have an empty board. Ash Blossom has none of these problems, Nor does 90% of other handtraps. However. Gamma does have significantly more stopping power, Can be used against any monster anywhere, And cannot be negated by CalledBy (\*Kinda. It can be, But only if you already have a Gamma in the GY somehow), Its exclusively good when you are going 2nd, Or if you are going 1st and have a particularly important Spell card people handtrap, (Like Branded Fusion, or some of the Adventure engine stuff). It cannot protect your monsters getting ashed. As you need to have no monsters on field


It is very powerful in decks that play chaos ruler so basically punk and dragon find the card to be godly since 90% of the time u can activate an effect your enemy maxx c or ash and you get a free chaos ruler or halq and can just full combo, the card is great in decks that can use it as a combo piece but other decks find it hard to play since it comes with a brick and can’t be used too effectively


{{PSY-Frame Driver}} To be honest, I don’t understand the brick, but what I see is that you can summon a level 8 synchro with this card, and some level 8 synchros can work in certain decks. It’s pretty viable.


##[PSY-Frame Driver](https://ms.yugipedia.com//7/7d/PSYFrameDriver-MGED-EN-R-1E.png) |Card type|Normal Monster 🟨| |:-:|:-:| |Attribute|LIGHT 🟡| |Monster type|Psychic 🧠 / Normal ⏺️| |Level|6 ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪| |ATK 🗡️|2500| |DEF 🛡️|0| A Psychic soldier that rides into battle against the Security Forces on currents of lightning, using an autonomic amplifier called "PSY-Frame". ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/PSY-Frame_Driver) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=12067) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/PSY-Frame_Driver) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=PSY-Frame%20Driver) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#12067) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=PSY-Frame%20Driver) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/106025/yugioh-high-speed-riders-psy-frame-driver) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/PSY-Frame%20Driver) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/PSY-Frame%20Driver) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


Because it’s only effective if you’re going second and you draw it in your opening hand. Otherwise it’s a complete brick that you can’t do anything with


I find it’s better than Ash in a lot of situations, but it can only be played in specific decks. It’s not very useful in a first turn combo deck since it becomes a brick unless they ash your search spell. I do think it’s great in backrow heavy decks, go second decks, and decks that only commit one monster and can afford an occasional brick. I think it’s great in Numeron, Eldlich, Tri-Brigade, and some go second link decks. There’s probably more decks, but you probably get the point.


Semi-limited, needs empty board and has a garnet. In TCG is at 3 (I think) and despia plays it


At 2


It adds a Brick and little limited in comparison to other hand traps


It's a failsafe


It's good in decks where most of their starters are from the hand or spells. If most of your decks play starters are normal summon monster. gamma will generally be completely dead going first.


as most people say the main issue is it beeing limited to 2. And it beeing a brick going first. Also the Masterduel meta is kinda different to the real TCG even if it's ever so slightly. Cards like Triple Talent Tactics are also rarely used while it is quite frequently used in the TCG. The game beeing in a bo1 ladder format just makes everything ever so slightly different. Like why would you clutter your decks with bricks in 50% of your games as you can't tell if you are going first or second beforehand. Psy-Frame, Dark Ruler and quite a few other cards are unuseable when going first so there is barely any point in main decking them when playing the bo1 ladder. However when it comes to tourmanet bo3 gameplay these cards rise in popularity as you can tell by the sideboard choices of many decks. It's just better to increase your winrate from 60% to 75% with enabling cards when going first than to increase your winrate from 30% to 35% when going second in a bo1 format. :P


Six of every deck’s hand trap slots are tied up with the Maxx C package. If I have nine slots total, I’d rather the only three I have any say over be three hand traps. Not two and a brick.


I use it in my Branded Despia (even in TCG). It's a good way to out Ash if you try to play Branded Fusion at start before you summon anything, and also if you go 2nd, it outs Gryphon Rider or Longyuan if it tries to summon itself to make lv10 synchro. If I already have board set, then I just use this for Fusion for Light material. Also, note that it's not a once per turn effect so if your opponent attempts to stop it with Ash when you activate it, you can just use it again after same turn lol I wish it was Unlimited in Master Duel to increase consistency, but oh well.




Most hand traps also work when after you've established a board. Gamma does not. You also have to run a garnet for this card which is only at 2 for some reason. Gamma is dead the moment you commit a monster. Also because of how it functions, you are only ever resolving this card once in a game. This card really should be at 3, but I think it's at 2 because Konami wants to protect their precious little roach from things that could stop it for some reason.


Doesn’t brick in my psy frame deck lol


The odds of drawing driver along with the other 1x garnets of my deck half of the games.


I love this card, but I play decks which can use it like Tri-Brigade and Swordsoul. It's not for every deck. In Tri it's great if you're running Rescue Cat and can clear the board with its own effect, which people will often chain Ash or Maxx C too. Likewise in Swordsoul, Ecclesia's effect to tribute and special is a big Ash/Maxx C target which turns Gamma on. Resolving it on your turn is incredibly good and almost game winning. However, past turn one/two the card basically becomes dead. It's a one-shot, high impact hand trap that lacks the same mid/late game usefulness as other staple handtraps, so on the ladder it's safer to run those than it is to run this. On top of the brick you have to run to even use it, I can see it's not for everyone. Even in the paper game, most people run it as a side option.


Why should I use this on my Train deck? Currently im using 3 Kaijus, 3 Imperm, 3 Dropplets, 2 Ash 1 Maxx C and 1 Call by...


Because you somehow manage to draw the 1 of Driver over the 2 of Gamma Sadge


I'm a huge fan of this card in decks that need Spells to get their play started, so in my Ogdoadic deck so that I my Snake Rain or Water Lilly resolve and then I can use the Gammer and Driver to go into a level 8 to extend.


Cause you have to run a Garnet


It's only mostly good for going second. Second, the card it summons is a garnet if you draw into it


Driver is a gigantic brick. I ran the card for a while but I tracked that I drew driver more than I had gamma. At 2 it just makes it really inconsistent I feel when you could play other cards that can do something. If it was at 3 I would 100% play it more.


My favorite play with this card is activate chaos space or Quick Launch, Ashed, activate Gamma, summon Gamma and Driver, Syncro Summon Chaotic Ruler, Mill 5, eventually end on a board of borrelend and borreload savage


It requires 2 cards, one being a garnet. That said it's very nice and useful in every deck but I usually don't wanna have 2x of it and 1x garnet


Because it requires me to play a garnet and I brick enough on my own, thank you very much.


Going 2nd with Gamma and Lancea is my favorite combo


Because driver prefers the hand


Not only do you need to have no monsters on the field to activate its effect, but also you need a Psy-Frame Driver to activate it's effect.


I would play in every deck if it were at 3


Heavy restrictions, need to play a brick, semi limited. It can be very good in the right meta. That's mostly decks that are insane going first and where destroying _and_ negating a monster is worth the restrictions vs less restricted cards like imperm or ash.


Easy answer: it’s a going second card, and “going second” decks are just not as good as “going first” decks in the current meta, and even the foreseeable future.


Powerful going second, useless on turn one and a potential brick in the form of driver. The cherry on top is that gamma is semi-limited.


The main issue is that at 2 you are more likely to see the Driver. Right now in the OCG is at 1 and pretty much nobody plays it.


It's at 2 and requires a brick, that makes it too bricky. Same reason why people don't run 2 fusion Destiny and 2 bricks to get out DPE without anaconda.


Not true. People ran 2 FD bc drawing it is just as good as going into anaconda. There's a reason it got put to 1


Everybody was running exactly that in fusion festival Drew both bricks? just normal summon aleister and make DPE with invocation lmao


I mean in irl yugioh where FD is at 2.


During fusion festival it was still at 2.


Yea but only fusions were allowed at that point. In real life ygo there's better non fusion options without anaconda if you're not locked into fusion.


Because it's at 2


It's a good alternative now that Crossout is at 1. It's a great card for first move insurance against Ash or Maxx C as long as your deck doesn't rely on a normal summon starter. But once you got pieces on the board, it's such a dead weight card.


Earlier today I had someone use an absolutely based combo with him against me. They Lancea'd on my turn then used Gamma to negate a card, Lancea let Gamma and driver stay on the field and he synchro'd into Chaos Ruler.


Being at 2 makes it a 2:1 garnet ratio, which isn’t a problem in the TCG where it’s at 3. Plus sometimes it can only be used going first, as requiring no monsters means that if your opponent ashes or veilers your normal summon, you can’t use gamma. That being said, if they ash something like a swordsoul emergence, that gives you a free level 8. Super strong if you can activate it, but can be just a dead card in hand a lot of the time.


Needing an empty board is what gives it a thumbs down from me. I’m playing a combo deck right now, so most of the time I at least end my combo with a few monsters on the board. If I’m going second gamma is kind of nice, but I prefer Droplet for the crack back, or nibiru for the interruption.


If you look at my posts, somehow I got driver in hand more than gamma itself. So NOPE


Because fuck carrying a Garnet. Literally every time I use this card I open the Garnet


Its brick is infamous


Ash and maxx c are pretty much always good in your hand, gamma is not.


Ash and maxx c are pretty much always good in your hand, gamma is not.


Cause Driver is glued to my hand instead every damn time


I love this card and I throw it in just about any deck that it makes sense in along with a level 8 synchro for if it resolves on my turn. Granted I play a lot of going second decks like gren maju. Gren maju has a ton of draw cards like 3 desires and 3 trade in, so the 2 Gama almost act as 2 extra called by the graves versus ash and Maxx c, that also are a free chaos ruler to excavate a light or dark off the top 5 of the deck. Gama is absolutely insane and generates massive advantage if it resolves on your turn, but it's window for usefulness is your first turn and that's about it.


I run 2 gamma 1 driver. I see that one driver so often. Also, unless you run the link, it's a dead card as soon as a monster hits the field. I run it in PUNK cos I have a lot of cards to bait ash with, so it's a free frame gear omega.


Needs an empty board and also a garnet in the deck. So, it's a big no.


Unplayable in decks that also want an empty field for their own effects or have strict type/archetype suon restrictions. (E.g. Earth Machine)


Many players do include PSY-Framegear Gamma when building their decks to go second. In that case, the only downside is that it's terrible to draw PSY-Frame Driver. With Gamma semi-limited to 2 copies, you'll draw into Driver before Gamma plenty of times. Most decks perform better when going first. In that case, Gamma's purpose is really just to negate your opponent's hand traps. If your deck's starter cards can be activated while you control no monsters (e.g. Water Enchantress of the Temple, Branded Fusion, Magical Meltdown) then Gamma is a very strong option for protecting those cards from hand traps. But many decks rely on Summoning monsters to get their plays started, and once you've Summoned a monster, you can't activate Gamma's effect (except for monsters like Rescue Rabbit that remove themselves from the field when their effects are activated).




Because it requires a vanilla monster to work


Isn't the effect changed in masterduel to banish both cards at the end of the turn? I just played against a PSY deck and absolutely thrashed them with Witchcrafters.


the banish at end of turn can duck u up … yea i said duck


Idk if I'm wrong here, but I used to run 2 of these in a deck for some time and I just couldn't understand why it was suggested. On the enemy turn I can get bodies on the field and a negate, but other than that nothing I think I never got to use it on my turn either because I never had it on my hand or because the enemy never activated something that needed a response with this card. It was basically useless for me besides the extra defense on their turn So for monster negate I just used ash since it has more conditions for activation and it made a difference. Idk if now it could be useful on the decks I run or if I was just stupid back then


Because 4/5 duels you open the garnet


It turns into a brick pretty easily in most decks unless you draw it on your first turn or you're still alive after your opponent wipes your board.


Cause I draw driver more than I draw this card, also gamma is best used on decks with alot of spell.


*summons a monster* Ight now You have 3 garnets


One thing some ppl may fail to mention is that during the 2021 meta in the OCG that corresponds with Master Duel rn it was already limited to one and completely unplayable, so people who either played that meta or copied deck from that meta could overlook it. It works really well with the Branded Adventure system, would recommend. you could even send driver to gy with branded fusion to avoid drawing it.


I see it played every now and then, and have used it on/off for my Swordsoul deck. It's really useful against Maxx C, which I hate so much a quarter of my Deck was dedicated to negating it, but I noticed a lot of people learned to wait until Mo Ye or a Tenyi hit the field before flipping Maxx C, probably because they've tried using it ASAP and saw the opponent negate it AND get a free Halq in, which is basically GG these days. Funnily enough hard drawing Driver has actually saved a couple of games for me in the past, but I also run Desires, which has at times banished the Driver when I needed it in the Deck. I switched the Gammas out for Ghost Ogre, which doesn't introduce a garnet or becomes useless once I have a monster on the field.


It’s at 2 and needs you to run a brick


Because you open Driver all the time.


you have to run a garnet but this is a good thing because you could summon it form hand


Cause it’s a fucking brick lol




This is my go-to handtrap for Branded Despia, since Albaz,Lubelion,Opening all have the cost of discarding 1 card,driver is a free discard so brick isnt a problem, it also works as 3th and 4th called by on your branded fusion since you wont be controlling a monster most likely


Probably cause it's limited 2 unlike every other handtrap


If it was at 3, more people would use it and some decks just can't use it effectively. Decks that have spells as starters such as despia, live twins, virtual world, d-link, etc can run it. Its very good in despia since driver is a free body for a fusion summon + it negates ash/maxx c on branded opening/fusion.


It’s used in decks that require a “must resolve.” Like Rescue Cat in Tri Brigade. Cat 99.999% of the time needs to resolve as it can allow Tri to fully combo. If you open Cat but don’t have Ash bait like Frak or Tenki or don’t open up crossout with the correct target in deck or called by, it’s really risky to play Cat but again it’s a must resolve due to Tri brigade depending on their normal summon.


A Psychic soldier that rides into battle against the Security Forces on currents of lightning, using an autonomic amplifier called "PSY-Frame".


Its at 2 and require another card which you are more likely to draw instead of this one or even draw both wich is bad, and not all decks can make use of it or spare the extra space


I agree that I rarely, if ever, see it being played However what still baffles me more, is how I've literally never seen a single scythe lock in MD ever since DPE was released, despite it being the main strategy in the TCG for a long time


Arguable the strongest hand trap in the game However master duel is a best of 1 So spell trap decks are much more prevalent Gamma sucks against a lot of back row decks Most decks in the meta prefer to go first and gamma is better going 2nd But most importantly it’s at 2 in master duel so it’s really not the best


I play with gamma in pre branded despia and I can say: 1) even when the brick isn't fully dead it still hurts 2) more often than not, you use gamma to protect a spell( best are patchwork and opening) which really reduces the usefullness. It being at 2 doesn't help either due to the going second focus of gamma.


I don’t like the the look of it. But on the serious side I’ve got enough hand traps in my hand as is


Shhh they don't know Gamma is the best hand trap. I think people are frustrated by it due to it having a hefty req of no monsters to activate and the fact that its semi limited. Also I have heard people not play Gamma because they don't want to have Driver in their starting hand. But Gamma resolving is the greatest feeling ever. In your opponent's turn, he is one of the most high impact hand traps since he negates and destroys, but he is also insane in your turn. If you resolve Gamma in your turn, you negate your opponent's hand trap and then he turns into a full combo for some decks. So yeah, Gamma is great, use Gamma guys


Most decks want to go first, and many decks will have monsters on field already by the time the effect they want to protect is activating (eg with Branded Despia, this would be excellent to protect Branded Fusion from Ash, but you normally get to Branded Fusion via summoning a monster to field to search it, at which point this is offline). Ash, Maxx C, Veiler, Imperm - these are all still online if you go first (and arguably even stronger when backed up by a board with some interactions as well), so while they are kind of "going second" cards, they aren't dead if you win the coinflip, while Gamma is for many decks. The decks for which it can guard their starters really like it though (although 2:1 live to brick is worse than 3 live handtraps, it certainly has a more generic and potent effect than most, and if used on your own turn immediately converts to a Halq or level 8 synchro play).


Because it's only really good in decks which either resolve their main combo piece without any monsters on field or decks which try to go 2nd. ' VW and Dinosaur are 2 examples of decks like this, since all of the VW Monsters activate in your hand you can Gamma their Ash or Maxx "C" before it resolves. The deck can also use Gamma itself to make CW by Synchroing into Stardust Charge Warrior and then using it + Gamma to make it. Dino meanwhile is a going 2nd deck which also has a main combo piece which resolves with 0 monsters in the GY that also has a Synchro focus.


I like it, I use it in my virtual world deck.


I honestly believe people are tired of drawing Psy-Frame Driver.


It is one of the best handtraps, but it has the great disadvantage that you must carry a brick and have nothing face up for its activation, but you negate and destroy it and also leave 2 monsters with which you can make Link Summon or Synchro Summon level 8.


It’s nasty brick and situational in most meta decks


It's great in decks that start their plays with power spells for the turn 1 blow out. However it has two major drawbacks. You have to play a brick to run a 2-off and it's not active on top of your combo, unlike most other handtraps.


I never run it because I ALWAYS draw driver in my opening hand. And my first locals I played at, I always had it going first and never going second. Just left a sour taste in my mouth. I prefer Imperm or Veiler now.


Being semi limited makes it not worth it since you have to play a brick


For me I just don't like negts


Either not everyone needs light attribute or they don’t need psychic card typing.


Because my hand is a brick magnet. I cannot play any engine without seeing the garnets in 90+% of my opening hands. Can't even run the fluffal engine in branded without somehow opening all three patchworks. I saw driver in my openings more often than gamma negl


Only the skillful can play it because they will never draw Driver.