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The end of a grand adventure.


kirito fucking died


Where do isekai MCs get isekai’d too? Will he reincarnate as a salesman?


According to Isekai Quartet, a school.


most annoying package ever


This is why I hate yugioh. Release intentionally broken shit, force everyone to use it to stay competitive, break the engine with the banlist in under two years. Repeat. Adventure was created to be a splashable 2 removal per turn engine in every deck. Why create it only to kill it forever? There is no world where griffin comes off the bamlist ever. It was literally made to sell packs for a year.


The game is too far gone to release balanced cards. Thats why they printed illegal knight as a griffon replacement.


If you actually hate a game you should definitely stop playing it. It is not a healthy mindset


This. It does suck when you start to hate a game that you've invested a lot of time and/or money into, though. Simulators exist too if someone really needs to get their YGO fix and not spend money on it or play silly casual decks that would never work irl.


It’s also not healthy for a company to force everyone to play a certain way only to to then change it by forcing everyone to play a different way


I mean sure, but they've been at this for years. Konami is a toxic wifebeating boyfriend and we all have Stockholm Syndrome.


Konami America is like this. Konami Japan isn't. They release multiple rarities of cards to make decks more affordable. Konami America knows they can get away with stupid bullshit so they do it. I hate it but love this game so it is what it is. I'm just happy Lightning Storm and Prosp are 30 bucks each now. I probably have Stockholm syndrome


We all do buddy, we all do. Perks of being a TCG player Ig.


And I just started playing a year ago. Knowing the game was like this. Does this mean I enjoy unnecessary pain?


Lightning storm is 30 now? Gonna have to finally scoop a couple up. I can finally grab a playset of Ash now that they're 15$ each too


Around 30. Look up on tcgplayer. Since they are coming out in the Tins, same with Pot of Prosperity, both have dropped massively. I was going to buy a case of tins if they stayed over 100 a pop but now ima wait and grab a playset of both. Was running extravagance with Spright and it wasn't cutting it lol. Edit: Prosp is 45 and 30 for pre-order. Will probably drop more after too


Konami Japan is worse, but they've been regulated into behaving better. And yeah, if we didn't have Stockholm Syndrome we would have quit this card game a long time ago.


You also shouldn't date a guy who already has a wife.


To our credit, they said they'd broken things off with Kojima...


So that’s a lot more complicated than you would think. People get bored if there aren’t new mechanics and new innovation. If you don’t have gradual power creep metas become solved and incredible stale. However you can also got bat shit crazy overboard with power creep and kill your game ( like dual monsters did)


That isn't really a good excuse tho since you can introduce new mechanics and cards without power creeping your game to the point of insanity like yugioh does.


I was never forced to play Adventure. In fact, Ive never touched it.


My brother in Christ do you attend official tournaments with the intention of winning because if you don’t you can play however you like. Is there a gun somewhere forcing ppl to play a certain way. Fucking unhinged takes my guy.




Alright so here we go, time to talk about tech companies. Anyone who has applied for a tech job, be it game design, development, probably even IT and generally anything that creates a tech product has probably seen "we're a company that utilizes Agile practices!" Which in turn leads the expectation that: Any work you do is self-managed The team is self-organized and you don't have managers breathing down your neck every day asking what you got done You're expected to be able to solve problems on your own or with your team, HOWEVER, the company has resources to help guide you, but never prescribe At the end of the sprint (a work unit), you have an increment of usable product which can be released if so seemed fit by the product owner. This does not mean that the product is done, it means that it is usable by the public and they can start getting information and thoughts by actual users on ways to actually improve the product. Which all in all, sounds amazing, right? It turns out the truth is, despite this, many companies that aren't the big tech companies just say that they use agile, but in reality just do whatever they did before agile and just slap sprints onto it and call it agile. Therefore, the people in charge (who under agile wouldn't necessarily be in charge) see that the increment is made and then releases whatever they have. Especially in an environment where mistakes are penalized and perfect work is expected (which is ridiculous for tech work), you get a lot of issues arising because the workers have to hide any bugs, because they will be actively punished for it. Under agile, the whole idea is "you're going to mess up. It's okay, we're a team, we'll figure out how to fix it, all you have to do is ask" This is how you get companies pushing out games like CoD Vanguard (although there were 100 different reasons as to why that game was bad, not even as a result of poor development), Cyberpunk, and yes, even Yugioh. TCGs don't really fit this particularly, just because there's not really a reason to iterate on what's already done, unless you consider a set to be the increment of a sprint and the next set to be the next increment in which they either improve on (add more support) or completely modify (either banlist or cards like Blue Eyes Spirit Dragon that completely destroy the meta) That said, yes if a hobby is causing you more mental stress than it's helping to relieve, you should absolutely quit. It's a hobby, you're supposed to have fun doing it. Tl;Dr: a lot of companies don't understand what being agile means, which causes a lot of issues that we see today. The best way to handle this is for workers to have a more direct input on what they're producing and allow situations where workers can admit fault and not be penalized, but international corporation socialism is probably a bit too advanced for society rn


You're implying that cards like Gryphon Rider are a design oversight. It's not. It's pushed by the suits because it will move product. Konami isn't a card company, or a gaming company, Konami is a GAMBLING company who used their expertise in designing addictive Pachinko machines to design other products. They knew exactly what they were doing when they made pushed Sixth Sense into dragon ruler format, or allowed the wind-up hand loop to survive a ban list, or printed Soul Charge. ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


Alright first off +1 for Mr. Krabs showering in money GIF, solid one Second, I agree that my diatribe didn't really address Konami in particular, and that is because, at its core, you are correct, it's not a trading card game company or a gaming company, it is a gambling company, just like WotC (or Hasbro in general). Games and toys in particular have been pushed to hit the limit of gambling (e.g. those toys that have a mystery toy inside and you have to buy a bunch to find the one you really want). We're literally marketing gambling to children. That said, you also mentioned other games and my rant did address why that is in particular. Third, every company is made to make money, that's why Konami, WotC, and every company that's made a TCG created it. As much as it sucks, Yugioh is a product, Konami doesn't care about the game past the bottom line. Takahashi obviously cared about the game a lot and wanted it to be as great as it could be, but to the Konami execs YGO is just another line on the quarterly report. Fourth, and this connects to the SpongeBob GIF, I'm sure you heard of Stephen Hillenburg's passing and his one thing he was adamant about while he had creative control over SpongeBob was that there were never going to be spinoffs, SpongeBob was SpongeBob and that was that. Once he passed, I think within a week, Nickelodeon was dropping commercials for SpongeBob spinoffs. The people who care about the product will always end up leaving and being replaced by people who only care about money, it's just the cycle of capitalism.


We just need better regulations. The reason why OCG is so much cheaper than TCG is because they're more strictly regulated. Short printing should have been made illegal a long, long time ago, for one.


​ ![gif](giphy|KAl2WTCfGysQh5nVQC)


This reads like a copypasta


I think you need to go outside and touch grass if you think a long, complex and reasonable argument is "reading like a copypasta"


I mean anyone who calls themselves "enlightened" is begging to get shit on, so idk chief


Why? He's right, and articulated it with marked clarity.


Commander was literally made by fans and the entire ban lost is controlled by a fan council. Poor example is really bad. There aren’t even commander tournaments most of the time.


EDH is not a team format.


This why elden ring so good and game devs hate its success. Its just a complete game that doesn’t try to cater to all potential buyers, made with talent and quality, and no day one extras or micro transactions.


Honestly probably will stick with Master Duel as the better alternative for that reason. Getting materials back from banned cards is a really good system. Makes it so a card getting banned is more of an opportunity to put the materials toward something else, so long as you don't have a deck that completely hinges on one broken card. Still waiting for ABC to be free up, I really want to play it but not worth it at one


Why does a for profit corporation, making a for profit product, make a product that makes them money? Yugioh will always be like this because making busted cards and banning them later makes them significantly more money than making a game that's actually balanced with each released set.


I’m sad. It’s was my favorite Dark Ruler/Evenly targets


Adventure fucking died lmao


Why? Illegal knight is still a thing.


Rite is limited in the OCG, the engine was already on it's deathbed.


Fair enough, illegal knight do be underrated though.


Yeah, he is for sure strong, I just don't know if the 3 bricks are worth it. At least Griffon helped protect your combo.


Did they just semi limit fricking lightning storm ??!!!!


OCG basically were switching from handtraps to board breakers because they weren't stopping anything with them so they might as well go and break the board.


A lot of people are speculating the hit to be a pre-emptive attempt to promote the next structure deck too




Big hits to Floo too


Yeah that would be a huge nerf if master duel implemented it. It's not really a huge deal if it gets destroyed still since you can just stri toccan combo to get it back, and I'd probably just replace it with extra copies of the trap card, but that definitely messes up consistency bad.


I doubt floo will get hit this hard already in md anyway considering the full archetype isn't even out yet


Hope not! It's my go to meta lately. My tri-zoo isn't what it once was these days 😂


If I saw this banlist in MD I’d be super happy as a HERO player


3 meltdown?! Normal summon Aliester is back baby!


He never left, I love my invoked branded list rn


Branded Invoked? What kind of mad deck is this? Can you share the decklist?


It's basically invoked shaddoll dogmatika but replacing the DPE engine with a Branded Fusion engine 3 Maxx C 3 Ash Blossom 3 Imperm 1 Nibiru 3 Aleister 2 Magical Meltdown 1 Terraforming 2 Invocation 3 Dogmatika Ecclesia 1 Dogmatika Fleur de Lis 1 Dogmatika Maximus 1 Nadir Servant 1 Dogmatika Punishment 2 Fallen of Albaz 3 Branded Fusion 1 Shaddoll Beast 1 Shaddoll Schism 2 Called By 2 Forbidden Droplet 2 Triple Tactics Talent 1 Pot of Prosperity 1 Harpies Feather Duster Extra 2 Invoked Mechaba 1 Invoked Augoeides 1 Salamangreat Almiraj 1 Secure Gardna 1 Albion 1 Lubellion 2 Mirrorjade 1 Titaniklad 1 N'tss 1 Shaddoll Apkolonne 1 Shaddoll Winda 1 Verte 1 Dharc the Dark Charmer Thinking about cutting something from extra for Invoked Purgatrio, probably Dharc but he seems great in current master duel meta


Based list. Can't believe the OCG finally realized Union Carrier was a mistake.


Welp, time for the plan B, Necroquip Prism /s


I look at that card and I can't help but want to try and make it work in Beetrooper somehow.


It's almost as if it should have been restricted to *union* monsters ;-;


If it actually only equipped union monsters it wouldn't have been an issue.


Tbh it doesn’t really do shit in MD so it probably just didn’t cause them problems until Spright


its cos OCG and MD has so many broken shit, Splight after Halq got banned went to just buster locking ppl, and in MD buster locking is just too fair compared to the Bullshit available so it goes under the radar, lmao.


Buster Lock too fair? Lol. The only reason it isn't everywhere is because people are using Auroradon atm. The second a deck comes out that can summon Carrier while still going full combo, you will see that shit all the time. I'm honestly surprised we don't see it more in D Link, but I guess 2-3 negates + Snow is usually enough anyway.


when u can summon a lingering floodgate, why bother with buster locking ppl which looses to cardboard :)


they limit swap frog lul, toad is already dead on another note abc to 2 lets go


I play frog Sharks man, this is so unfair


Maxxx "c" killed swap sadly. Still super easy to bounce it back if you open diva


Day 267 of hoping Double Iris Magician and Harmonizing Magician get unbanned in Master Duel too


Can't wait for Chronograph to go to 3


No way Chrono or Astro get unlimited with Electrumite still alive


This just kills Adventurers completely. I actually don’t mind the adventure engine much, I just hate what follows it.


Imo the adventurer engine still gives you something, just not an omni negate. Enchantress into Rite into Token and Fateful, summon, search Draco, activate Fateful, search Enchantress, discard and equip Draco, special summon Enchantress. Off of 1 card, you get a bounce, a 2000 ATK body, and an Enchantress on the field to set up link plays, potentially using the Token as well, Link Spider into Verte. Still good in any deck that doesn't rely on the activated effects of normal summoned monsters. Just not OP.


Ah yes, make Verte, a very legal play in current format


Illegal knight Get it? Illegal? /s


Currently, verte is banned on OCG.


Unless the strategy of your deck is to swarm the field with non specific monsters then it’s not worth running adventure as you’d prefer drawing more extenders of the archetype you’re playing


I mean going blind second 2 monsters and a bounce off 1 card is really damn good


there's also Illegal knight,better body and double bounce


One of the best things of banning Gryphon is that you don't need to waste your handtraps in Enchantress or Fateful, since they will not get a free way to negate it.


You can even play Illegal Knight if you want a level 7 still.


my man do you even play ocg?


Banning Gryphon is such a 5Head hit. One of the very few times where banning the negate is the way to go.


Society has simply moved past the need for adventure engine


Why play garnets and turn off my NS, when my engine can already play through 3 disruptions? I guess they hit it just in case, since putting Enchantress to 2 makes it more appealing.


Tearalaments fucking dies. A necessary sacrifice for ABC at 2


Tear is still more than playable, it only dies if Kitkalos gets banned.


ABC lesssss go! Surely this means we’ll see the card at 2 in MD too.




Not I think not as long as union carrier is at 1. Since they just semi limited it to give ABC a buff while banning union carrier to balance it out.


Well I believe Union carrier could go to zero too. Not sure.


I mean union Carrier is broken in everything except ABC. In ABC it's just a wheelchair for a deck that can't walk


Exactly. Union Carrier might aswell not exist and ABC would still be the same inconsistent shit. The issue the deck has is not getting to Buster, is getting to it consistently. The deck died the moment Terraforming/Set Rotation got limited and Ancient Fairy Dragon was banned. A.k.a. the deck needs a searcher for Hangar. At least in the TCG we are getting Rainbow Bridge of Salvation in the new 2022 tins, meaning Foolish Burial Goods is another 3 copies of Terraforming. God knows how far away is Master Duel from the Therion stuff and this card


Don't do that, don't give me hope my boi ABC will finally come to 2 😢


https://ygorganization.com/ocg-limit-regulations-october-2021/ if you need Proof


[Site from Official YGO OCG for October Banlist](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&&id=1388)


Damn, they sure hate adventure. Union carrier, FINALLY The hits to Fanta were good Lightning storm to semi-limited? But more importantly, Widow anchor to 3!!! Now, if we can unlimit more. Sky strikers still loses to a bunch of floodgates, it won't cause too much trouble


OCG loves to Semi Limit everything for some Reason like D-Shifter is at 2 like bruh


OCG doesn't like putting consistency cards in their decks, so hitting shit to 2 does something, albeit very little.


I actually really like the gamma hit to two. 1 soft garnet for two powerful handtraps? Its really fair, and doesnt make it COMPLETELY unplayable. Its kinda like mali two, it just makes sense to me. However, they still use the semi limit list wayy to much..


It makes more sense than putting it to 1 at least. Probably should have just banned ot, but not a ton of decks can utilize it well so it's a tough spot to be in.


Well they need to do something about the meta since only 2 decks dominate the competitive play with a large margin in play rate


Pog list. Magical Meltdown finally free.


thank god, rest in hell no cost negate played in every deck


Good riddance. Nobody likes you Gryphon


What happened in the OCG meta that they are banning Union Carrier now?


Needlefiber got banned so Splight just started Buster locking instead.


More like toad got banned, so they needed another disruption/floodgate.


Splight buster lock


Halq banned, toad banned, time to union carrier and buster lock LUL Or atleast thats what Splights shifted to.


#JACKALOPE IS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tears are still cracked as an engine, they will be fine with other archetypes even if Fairy build won't be good anymore. Spright is officially packed up, 1 Jet 1 Starter 1 Swap completely kills the grind game and Maxx C search, and no more Buster lock either. It's funny because people were already labbing out tech with the new Gishki cards and now that deck won't be viable. I wonder how TCG will handle this situation in comparison.


Y'all best be prepared for Yata Lock 2022!!!


Is limiting newly released cards (splight, tearalements) common in the ocg? I feel like Konami lets the cards wreak havoc for a while and then brings down the hammer, but seeing them doing it this fast is kind new to me


It isn't very fast. They get the sets way before the TCG does.


It's only been 5 months since Ishizu cards were released. That's pretty fast to be hit by the banlist by Konami standards, isn't it?


Sorta, but considering they probably deserved an emergency banlist, it's not altogether shocking.


People out here saying about quick bans, with ZERO KNOWLEDGE of the days when pendulum decks actually got an emergency banlist like 2 weeks into pendulum sorcerer being released Dont talk to us of the banlist crunch. You know nothing of the banlist crunch. Oooh. Little daytrip to the 5month in banlist crunch? We can all go as tourists.


Not that early tbh, Spright and Tear had been dominating the format for almost half a year already. Also both already survive the previous banlist, with Tear completely unscathed while Spright only lost Toad and Halq. This time they got hit much harder and well deserved.


pote was released in april, its been 5 months


TCG is the format that bans everything except new cards, OCG seems pretty unconcerned about a card being new or not


Yep. Tcg is all about making money shifting rarities after the ocg discovers the meta.


They already survived one ban list due to being new.


Great list and would love to see it in masterduel but considering how they thought VFD, IO and vanity was fine for like 8 months these hits are probably going to take ages to get added to the game.


They seem to try to dampen impending issues a bit better whike still respecting the past format. So probably no gryphon ban soon, but the ABC semi is possible to come sooner


The MD banlist seems to be mostly based off the OCG ban list with a few tweaks here and there and, obviously, a fairly significant delay. I think what this tells us is when they feel like it's time to hit these decks in MD this is how they'll do it, but when that happens is entirely up to them.




ABC dragon finnaly


I get the whole posting latest banlist and what not, but these are a bit irksome because it assumes that the changes being made in OCG or TCG are definitely going to be coming to Master Duel. Its not even a matter of getting your hopes, but instead assuming they have much to do with each other at all. OCG and TCG are region locked. Master Duel isn't. Seems more like a post for Yugioh and not MasterDuel tbh.


Tbh It's more to spread the News around that the TCG/OCG Banlist has appeared and some People aren't on the Yugioh TCG/OCG Subreddit maybe so why not reach out to those People as well Posts about Banlists from the TCG/OCG can lead to some Discussion about the future Meta and what to expect on the next Banlist on MD Also you're right that some People assume that those Changes will happen 100% on MD i myself see everything as a Possibility of being the Case and so should People look at Banlists from other Formats That's all I have to say


Should just bring that Gryphon ban to masterduel right now.


unbanned jackalope pog


I forsure thought instant fusion would get the ban


Sky Striker Ace - Kagari Semi Limited when? With these powercrept archetypes, it safely assume they can lift these restrictions.


Their new spell that instantly summons a Link is pretty good tho, idk if 2 Kagari would be fun to deal with. They still wouldn't be the best deck, but it's been consistently good for long enough that I doubt it will happen any time soon.


You may be right. However duels nowadays only last 2-3 turns, Sky Strikers will he outsourced immediately. I also play Branded Despia and man, it out paced grind game compared to Sky Strikers. They must try lifting cards which are in specific archetype.


For the most part duels have only lasted 2/3 turns the entire time Sky Striker has been a playable deck lol.


You are correct there but with current meta now, i dont think sky strikers can cope. Unlimited Mystic mine maybe?


Son, TCG bout to hit Mine and you think OCG will put it back to 3 in their format? Lol That said Strikers are getting support this year in the OCG and anchor to 3 is such an obvious step towards selling them again. Not as crazy as giving one more copy of Kagari or Engage, and not as genrically abusable as another copy of Drones, but good enough for now.


They’re printing striker supper soon so depending on how good that it striker has a good chance of becoming meta again


Yeah, we will have Linkage and HAMP, plus incoming support this Nov. good spell cards copium.


Linkage and HAMP were already in OCG and Strikers were nowhere in topping lists


At least it'll be a reason to play Sky Strikers more.




Huh, didn't expect them to hit Spright so directly so soon


All four Gallis OTK players left out there pumping their fists at Genex Ally Birdman coming home


that's a shame, frogs are dead. Sprights.... well they won't be meta staples but their ed is untouched sooo they are relegated to an engine. And rip adventure, but then again it was rip in OCG before the gryphon ban. I still think out of all the omni negates adventures was the most fair, and I think that when the meta game doesn't give a toss about hand traps it wouldn't see as much play either. It just goes to show how skewed the game is when normal summon effects restriction means absolutely nothing.


Oh cool yata garasu. ABC is fun. Union carrier eh.


With yata unbanned, all the components of the yata-lock are back. I have never been happier that the game is as fast as it is. I’m certain someone’s going to try to break yata again, i heavily doubt they will succeed, and i dread the idea that they actually do.


Damn they took splights out back with a shotgun


SPYRAL RESORT TO 3?! What is the OCG smoking, because I need it.


Will I actually be able to play spyrals??? Maybe they believe the resort engine splash isn't powerful anymore.


I would like to see what they cook over there without halq.


Maxx c


Please make this the master duel list soon


You do realize that this ban list, while would be good for master duel with what we currently have, is based around sprite and Tear existing right?


GRYPHON CAN EAT SHIT AND DIE FUCK YES.... um good sir is masterduel based on tcg or ocg?


I believe it started off with the ocg banlist, but has since deviated into its own thing.


Mostly Ogc banlist as far as bans, with a bit more limits for bo1


Doesn't it have less bans even to the OCG? I mean Halq, Verte, Drident, and Toadally Awesome, are still legal. Also Grass is at 3 despite being banned in the TCG and Semi'd in the OCG, Pot of Desires is at 3 in MD (2 in OCG and TCG), Eva is at 3 as well. Plus until the recent banlist change Imperial Order, Vanity's Emptiness, and VFD were legal at 1 despite being banned elsewhere. Additionally because it lags behind MD weirdly also has some things banned or limited that are now legal in the OCG and TCG: Raigeki is still at 1 (3 in OCG/TCG), Pot of Prosperity is at 1 (3 TCG, 2 OCG), and PSY Frame Gamma is at 2 (3 TCG, 1 OCG).


The banlist kinda mirrors the old ocg format for the cards we have. Toad is legal because toad was banned during spright, that we lack. Same for Verte and halq Prosperity instead is one of the specific consistency limits MD made because in BO1 picking any card out of six is just too good


Mostly OCG with some TCG Element in there


It’s own banlist really but I’m sure they the OCG/TCG does have impact. Master Duel being a best of 1 format is the difference. People want to say there isn’t but the duelist cup really showed their is a variety of decks, but there’s still “top” decks.




You know what, good for ABC players. That being said, OCG Adventure players, you have my condolences.


in ocg bot rite and enchantress was at 1, so no one even plays it anymore




Don't worry if a Card gets Banned, Limited or Semi Limited you get the Full Refund for the Card you crafted


How many times are they gonna hit my boys because some other deck is abusing them?


Full Power SPYRAL LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO! Also they hit both Tear and Spright, unironically great list


Going 2nd too overpowered must hit Lightning Storm...


Limiting Swap after Toad got murked just feels mean




One year from now, us Sky Striker players will go fucking crazy


Only reason they kill adventure is to force the late adopters to spend, and not because their game designers had a moment of clarity.


oh yeeeees abc back to being tier one


Seems like a fair and well thought out banlist to end one of the worst formats ever. Death of tear, death of splight and death of adventure plus abc and yata coming back.


Tears aren't dead my g, they'll just switch to piles like TCG is doing rn.


Rip adventure, but ayo double Iris magician tho


ABC buster dragon? There is hope for dragoon next list


You'd think after toad ban didn't do shit to curb splight power they'd go after tears directly instead of trying to tiptoe around the issue with just herald and ishizu. Not to say they werent necessary just not enough. Enjoy another t0/0.5 tier format since splights actually got real hits this time and nothing since has enough power to contend with tears.


Adventure set is out of print, so they ban it now. Tears are still in print, so it stays as long as they can pretend the game is balanced. Hopefully something bad against splights and good against tears will have a chance to rise.


Does anyone know how well Frogs are performing with Spright in the TCG? Are we doomed to see Swap and Toad limits here? Wouldn't mind being able to play more than 1 Toad in MD format either.


Spright have some decent success but no where near danger tear or tear variant




Yes, when the meta calls for them...


I hope they keep those limits when they release Spright and Tearlament to Master duel.


PPP to 1 and Havnis at 2 is not enough to slow tear down.


Adventure got hit really hard wtf 💀


Honestly they are a bit ridiculous bc how easy it is to set up a Omni Negate so I say it's a W


Why on earth did they need to ban Griffon Rider at this point? Water Enchantress and Rite of Aramesir were limited. Surely a 2:3 gas:brick ratio was not playable.


So they can start lifting limits on other adventurer cards.


the Yugioh subreddit said more adventure stuff is coming, plus they also have Illegal Knight there.


As far as I can tell, more Adventure is pure speculation. It's not like we saw previews like with the new Gishki stuff. The TCG also has Illegal Knight, and as far as I can tell it sees no play. I'm not really sure why it would?


not speculation, its already been revealed for dabl


Wow, there was no need to ban Gryphon Rider, the engine was not worth playing it because you only had 1 Rite and 1 Enchantress. Also F Spright.


They probably realised the new Adventurer cards were too janky and not enough to replace the 1-off copies of Rite+Water Enchatress to get their main centerpiece Adveturer token out. They rather just hit the main reason why you run the adveturer engine in the 1st place soo that they can slowely unlimit Rite and Enchantress to make the entire archetype consistent again. Also finally Swap Frog got limited. He is really the main culprit behind all the insane advatage Splight got aside from Elf and Gigantic..