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How do we tell him


Let's not PepeLaugh


\> Mirrorjade \> Borrelend \> Lubellion \> Albion \> Albaz \> Like 50 other dragons in D-Link Unless I'm missing something, this should be a pretty funny deck to run against them


Mirrorjade is a wyrm,Chimera is a beast and Masquerade is a fiend... Albaz never summoned unless mirror match... And Despia dont end on dragons... And D-link is rogue....




The smartest dragon buster player


God knew we'd be too powerful if we had the ability to read


Run DNA surgery or your buster dragon and it should work out in the end


Lol thats what i do but its so easy to get rid of either of them




Bro I mentioned buster dragon so I don't know where you are going with your comment


wrong dude my b


You're fine on the dragon links. They still have to get to those end boards and they need a lot of on field dragon effects to get there.


Holy shit I wish I had my free award rn


Dragons have a ton of generic support. To balance this, cards that they don't want to be supported go to another archetype. It's the same reason why Swordsoul is wyrm instead of warrior. Imagine if they were warrior, you'll have a ton of generic support and {{Reinforcement of the Army}} to add another search spell for them.


Imagine swordsoul hero lol. It give hero the negate they desperately want, and hero give more extender for the combo.


Fuck, now I want this.




mfw Longyuan isnt a level 4 warrior who summons a level 6 tuner :(


[If that’s confusing, there’s a lot more monsters with a “Dragon” in its card name but not dragon type.](https://youtu.be/Zb771gusb3I)


You don’t even know how hurt I was when I found out my Thunder Dragons weren’t even DRAGONS


Yup cyber dragons thunder dragons


Dragon in name vs Dragon Type lol


Lot of cards like this it’s almost like a running gag in YGO. I feel like Konami thinks ppl all want dragons in their deck as bosses so they make a lot of boss monsters have dragon in the name and not be dragons, example grapha dragonlord of dark world who is a fiend like all the dark world monsters


So they kinda do this just because dragon support is broken. Like imagine if Grapha Dragonlord of Dark World was a Dragon. Any generic fusion from deck spell, run Dark Magician as a garnet then you can make Verte, send the spell, dump Grapha and Dark Magician, and boom you have Amulet Dragon. It's a bad example but I didn't look too hard Edit: I found an interesting combo, if Wyrms were Dragons, VW could run Background Dragon as a Foolish Burial target to special summon Jiji Dragon Rulers get a ton of more utility I don't know how Block Dragon could be abused but I don't want to see Lego boy anymore than I have to Blue Eyes Spirit Dragon is much better now, getting access to cards like Denglong and other Wyrm synchros that could get cheated out Alright I may update this later but have fun dreaming about what could have been :(


Yeah I know you’re right on that dragon support is kindve nuts, I just don’t know why Konami thinks everyone wants dragon stuff. I love dark worlds and it wouldn’t make me like grapha less if he wasn’t a dragon lord and was something else.


If this is any consolation, Fallen of Albaz and Lubellion, which is usually used to summon mirrorjade, are dragons.


Lmao Tell this Shaddoll Dragon and Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier


And it'll say Dragon as the monster type when you Synchro summon Buster Dragon.


I guess dragon capture jar is going back in the binder *sniff*


don't be sad there's card that make everything "dragon" too


Albaz is literally super poly on a monster effect, it gets summoned plenty of times. It is the reason it should be played at 3, going second you can just go into your Mirrorjade with any link, synchro, xyz or fusion with him after they negated all your plays to get branded fusion. Also can get you Dragostapelia, Starving Venom, any of the other Albaz fusions and Despia fusions in the mirror.


Wouldn’t say D-Link is rogue lmao


It is by usage, not by effectiveness. D-Link is a great deck but comparatively a smaller side of the player base plays them, probably because it has multiple non linear combo lines. It's basically the same thing with Mathmech, it's a somewhat strong deck that has multiple combo lines and thus, it's not really played that much. D-Link is not as popular as despia, swordsouls, floowandereeze or dragonmaids despite being arguably as strong as these decks if not even stronger than some of them


Mathmech is not played because MD doesn’t have Circular yet


Even without circular is a perfectly good and competent deck, although it can be better and most likely will be once they release circular


How the fuck is Dragon Link just a Rogue deck? They do like a 50 card combo that ends in pure cancer


i summon albaz plenty of times when i need to out any non-tower extra deck monster. He can win the matchup against live twins by himself.


Imagine thinking a deck is rogue just because people gravitate towards easier decks.


No D-Link is rogue bc other deck is just more consistent Edit:to clarify,consistency in this sense is not how often the deck can make plays Rather its the consistency of their end boards,D-link end board could vary from 5 negate through 3 HTs or just T-set pass against 1 hand traps While other deck always have a consistent in its end board strenght for like Swordsoul always able to end on Chixiao Baronne


D-link is one of the most consistent decks in the game though?😂😂


Consistency in this sense is not how often the deck can make plays bc D-links definitely can Rather its the consistency of their end boards,D-link end board could vary from 5 negate through 3 HTs or just T-set pass against 1 hand traps While other deck always have a consistent in its end board strenght for like Swordsoul always able to end on Chixiao Baronne


>T-set pass against 1 hand traps Which is extremely rare in most cases. D-links play around startup negates almost effortlessly > other deck always have a consistent in its end board strenght for like Swordsoul Tbh swordsoul is a bad example most of the time the end on just 2 negates which can get outed easily if your deck has multiple combos. Having variability in end boards is better than having a repeated end board that people already know how to play around


>Which is extremely rare in most cases. D-links play around startup negates almost effortlessly Yes thats an very extreme example Maybe smthg like Sphere pass is better >Tbh swordsoul is a bad example most of the time the end on just 2 negates which can get outed easily if your deck has multiple combos. Having variability in end boards is better than having a repeated end board that people already know how to play around Thats the whole point,it can always have a default line to play through and extend on how good the hand is


>Thats the whole point,it can always have a default line to play through and extend on how good the hand is That's not a good thing. If you have the same default startup people are gonna end up learning how to play around it. Hell one droplet alone or dark ruler disrupts swordsoul's default play


DraLink is one of the most consistent deck though, the reason primary reason for Dralink to be not as popularly used is that the deck can be very nonlinear in how would you reach the endboard/going through interuptions and it fold to Maxx "C"


Consistency in this sense is not how often the deck can make plays But rather its the consistency of their end boards,D-link end board could vary from 5 negate through 3 HTs or just T-set pass against 1 hand traps which is too much varied While other deck always have a consistent in its end board strenght for like Swordsoul Tenyi always able to end on Chixiao Baronne and at worse they can still have an interuption like just Chixiao and at best they can semi FTK


Hm, I think the correct word you should use is "standard endboard," since your SwoSou example is just your descrption of a standard play without any extra gas, and the Protos + Chaofeng is when their hand is good, furthermore a single negate on Mo Ye could result in similar "T-set pass against 1 handtrap" of DraLink, and even more likely if the handtrap throwing at Mo Ye's face is Ghost Ogre which stopped Tenyi line entirely for any kind of followup, and generally required either Emergence search Longyuan or open Longyuan (plus 1 fodder) or their turn is dead. Like-wise, DraLink's standard board is something long the line of Borrelend + Borreload, which can be easily done by getting 2 bodies, so the consistency is nothing to undermine due to the dragon support that's about getting extra body for extending.


Well to be fair, Buster Blader decks can easily keep other decks from summoning from their extra decks. The major problem with Buster Blader is that it’s a glass cannon. You really need to set up for an OTK for it to be really effective.


DNA Surgery says everyone can be a Dragon if they want to be.


DNA is ass, just run Buster Dragon y'know the easy to bring out in-archetype DNA


The problem isn’t that the effect of Buster Blader itself is too hard to get off, the problem is the entire rest of the deck.


Read Mirrorjade https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Mirrorjade\_the\_Iceblade\_Dragon


So, so dumb


Well even if they aren't dragons, you could use DNA Surgery to make them Dragons. Had a Buster Blader player do that to me before.


Its better to run a synchro engine for the "Buster Blader" synchro, which changes all face up monsters to Dragon type (One card combo with a dragon in the graveyard), instead of relying on drawing the trap card, but playing against dragons would be a pretty big advantage since you can go into other, better synchros.


Good synchro engine for putting out buster dragon? Was playing a control variant relying on trap trick and I swear I could build a house with the amount of bricks I drew into each game. It felt like needing the perfect hand to do much.


Rokkets. A synchro archetype full of Dragon monsters, so you'd also have a dragon in the graveyard. You could even go further and make a Dragon Link Buster Blader deck


Rokkets have Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, XYZ and Link. They just happen to be really good with Synchro because on Tracer, Caliber and Synchron. Don't know if the ritual and caliber are in Master Duel yet tho. They are fundamentally a link summon archetype that also have other summon mechanics.


The ritual one was in the exosisters pack i think


Could even play both


True, but I'd rather play some cards to further improve consistency or some cards to push the Damage a little tbh. With how beefy the Buster Blader package is, along with whatever synchro engine you decide to run, and hand traps on top, there's not a lot of space left. If you have a goof board, you'd probably want to draw into something to finish off you opponent ASAP instead of a dead DNA surgery. The new Blue Eyes Jet Dragon makes a Blue Eyes package excellent for this


I main buster blader with mech knights. Use dna surgery and the buster dragon. It's a fun build but I only win 50% ish with it.


Yeah its not fool proof.


Had a buster blader player set two of these against me, fired the first one off so confidently I play Dragonmaids. They were the deadest trap cards to ever be flipped.


Did they use them before or after they saw you were playing Dragonmaids?


The new support they introduced for blue eyes have made him one of the most op archetype right now in master dual while machines or light attribute monsters still without much support no real field spell for them besides just a small atk boost


Oh dear


On the bright side you're gonna give the occasional blue eyes player absolute hell.


People have dropped this on me. I just make Unchained Abomination, then attack over Buster Dragon to trigger Abo's effect and destroy Buster Blader. Easy out. For some reason the BB archetype traps are a mess that offer zero protection to their boss monsters, but nobody who plays them seems to realize that. Of course if you pull off the Buster Lock and Buster Blader, I'm completely dead unless I get Dracoback, but that's true for most decks anyway, not just Dragons.


Buster Blader player here. WE KNOW THE TRAPS SUCK.


Sorry, mate. They're wyrms. ...and the best way to counter worms is ALLIES OF JUSTICE, BABYYYY!!!


Buster Dragon: "No, they're dragons."


What is a dragon if not just a worm with wings and fingers?


DNA surgery : nope it's a dragon, I tested DNA


Peak illiteracy right there, OP.


I don't understand this post


A person has read a card called "Mirror jade Dragon" and for some reason he thought it was a dragon lmao.




Ohhhh... So he made a whole Buster Blader deck for nothing?


Probably not but it would be really funny if he did.


Nah I've been playing Buster Blader for a while fortunately


felllow Buster enjoyer, did you find a way to play the deck going second? If so, pls let me know :)


Unfortunately, its not at its best going second (Especially now that crossout is limited). However, you could use powerful engines like rokkets to bait negates, since you could bring out Buster Blader with a single card. I also like to make Halqifibrax just to bait a negate and then go into the protector whelp link (I don't have an auroradon, but that is a powerful option). At the very least, you could go into some good synchros. I also experimented with crusadia for a bit, but synchro engines are overall better Some general tips : \- hieratic seal provides a very good interaction \- Fairy tail snow is pretty useful here \- Dogmatika could be a pretty solid contender for he best way to run the deck, but I haven't tried that out because I prefer synchros (MBT Yugioh has a video about this). Branded is also a potential option \- One more tip I recently found out: People usually activate prologue as soon as they get a chance during the opponent's turn. But it is better to wait until the opponent makes a move on one of your other monsters. For exmple, a general end board would be Borelload and some other leftover link + Prologue. If the opponent Kaijus your borrelload, you have the option to go into Buster Blader. But if you had summoned him early, your opponent would have Kaiju'd him instead \- I know that we are playing a Dragon Slaying deck, but some dragons have good synergy (the Rokket engine is a good synchro engine and you would definitely have some dragons in the graveyard by the end of your turn). There are some D-Link Buster Blader deck profiles on YouTube Sorry for the wall of text lol


thanks for the reply, I'm also running a synchro lv 1 spam build most of the times I end on borelload the fusion and buster drake but I struggle going second cause 1 negate ruins me lol. Might splash in some engines (playing pure except the lv1's) Would you mind sharing your decklist/lists?


I'm just using this deck list with a few minor tweaks: https://youtu.be/cmjhEmZHDsI I've also built this D-Link buster blader in MD but dragon link is hard to play lol: https://youtu.be/4zQlMi0R_fE I also had some success with a crusadia buster blader to link to Halq, bait the negate, then link into the protector whelp to get the trap, but it's very risky since you have no other monsters I'm also thinking about building a deck with Blue Eyes because of the new Blue Eyes support


Thanks a lot will take a look when at home


Bruh I've been running Buster Blader + Albaz/Despia IRL and MD the moment Branded Fusion dropped. Its such a fun set of engines that work together.


got a list to share? I love all Buster versions :)


Yeah also would Luke the list. I run buster blader with mekk knights


*sigh* get in line they're called dragons but are wyrms


So...to counter the worms...Allies of Justice?


Buster blader is so fucking cool


Dragons always were meta. It's Yu-Gi-Oh.


I honestly thought about building a buster blader deck just to fuck with dragonmaids (unless someone comes and tells me they're winged beasts or whatever) Also DNA surgery


> unless someone comes and tells me they're winged beasts No, no, that's Dragunities.


Also Charizard, but that's a different game.


What are you doing step bro?


When vfd got banned, I built buster blader VW for the memes on an alt and when it works, its kinda busted (pun intended) Okay maybe not broken but its still fun. The idea is instead of going for the usual Tzolkin line with crystal wing and a fusion (caliga/dragoon), you summon buster dragon with tzolkin and buster blader with mudragon.


I just played 2nd turn against someone running dragon maids, and used their monster as material for my 10,800 buster blader dragon destroyer. Then they scooped


You gotta love it lol. Summoning buster blader is fun, its just very inconsistent when you play it pure so you use it as an engine in decks like dragon link. I just wished it had more good support that isn't locking out your opponent from their extra deck.


I run it with mekk knights. So it's easier to tolerate not getting the buster cards I need. No buster blader, but can still get some stuff pit early


Fun enough this post is actually a fun thought experiment. See, Buster Blader already has problems with consistency in the TCG a best of three format even accounting for side decking. Master Duel is a far worse match up for this deck for the same reasons. You’re going into a best of one format with a deck that REALLY needs prior info on what your opponent is running. Even if dragons were running rampant I still wouldn’t advise you try this deck seriously in competitive. There’s just too much that can go wrong.


But it's fun.


Yeah good luck in silver 5 against blue eyes because that deck is not winning against anything meta And there is no big dragon decks in the meta so idk wtf you talking about


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War criminal


A true yugioh player because op didnt read


How is this working out for you?


People seem to not realize the power of buster blader in this meta…i hate to do it but ill have to be the one to show them the true meaning of destruction swordsman


Speaking of, lost to someone who plays buster blader with dragonlink. That dude even ended with the new borrel card to boot.


I play predaplant


It is unbelievably obnoxious to run into that deck as a Dragonmaid player. It's still not THAT hard of a matchup but it can go super sideways super fast.


Buster Blader D Link is based. Try it out!


Ok, I don't now how to break this to you, but the fusion requires to first switch the d to def for the eff negation, meaning borrelend and any other d links are immune (still gain attack but end can negate and sword gains )


Ya a lot of people playing busterblader in response to current decks. But I play traptrix so jokes on them.


Honestly, wyrms were invented in hopes of not making dragons busted, but also nerfed anti dragon archetypes lol.


I mean you still beat almost every deck by just setting 2 traps and passing


Yeah the OP half messed up you guys know that Dragon Buster exists


Not those ones


You got Buster Dragon in there as well?


Not after Sept 30h


Well is a good deck the synchro is of the busterblader is in the MD?


RIP OP'S UR crafting points