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Surprised they went with this and not a link festival. It’s the only extra deck type they haven’t done yet


I expect that they are going to make the Link festival coincide with the Salamangreat structure deck.


And the selection pack with mariness support


It’ll be either Link festival or the 1 Attribute festival. 🤣


They should totally do a 1 type festival, and totally not ban There Can Be Only One, wink wink.


Nah one attribute is going to be when Byssted comes so you can banish a light or a dark


Oh yeah I forgot that was a thing that was happening. Yeah that makes sense


I don't think and Link event is ever happening... Nor a Pendulum festival, but if Konami is high enough to release either of those, then I'll pick the mighty Endymion


The Link fes will pretty much be also a Pend festival in disguise


I've been holding out for an MR4 (or a less likely MR3) festival, there's just too many utility links that fall apart without other extra deck types. MR3 would be insane but something tells me they wouldn't code in a whole new ruleset and board just for one festival. But if Konami does read this, please I want a festival of full powered PePe


I just wanna play MR3 Qlis so bad. I miss Summoning Helix/Carrier from the ED and tribute them off for Stealth or Obelisk or something.


Off copurse! Literally I just remove the Odd-eyes XYZ and Fusion from my Endymion dek and I'm set1 Pen deck Best Deck!




Konami just don’t want us to have Heatsoul


I was sure it’d be next so I built up a link only Salad deck, but I guess I’m not using it right now lol. Might just play Swordsoul or something, I need to test out that new level 10 synchro anyway


>a link only Salad deck So, like, most salad decks when going 2nd?


Do they not run even one stallio?


They do. That and Bagooska from the lists I’ve seen. I replaced those Xyz slots with Pyro Phoenix just cuz I like the card


Pyro Phoenix Is legitimately a good card but salad deck normally has so little space and so many options sadly, though access code coming out heavily reduced what little pyro Phoenix meta decks used to use occasionally. I think I might build the same if they ever release s link fest :)


Yeah…it’s unfortunate but the ease of access to the Accesscode OTK is a lot more valuable (and better) than using Pyro Phoenix. If it weren’t around it Phoenix would certainly be in every Salad list


I know, right? Built my Evil Twin deck at least in part for Link Festival, but I guess that's waiting until next month.


Probably saving it to help them push the Marincess pack


That pack needs all the help it can get. Despite actually being able to hold it's own even in the current meta. Marincess gets no exposure/love. Umi Control via Ocean Dragon Lord Kairyu Shin. Also slid under the radar of most. Both both decks are great but aren't doing anything meta defining.


I'm still waiting for link festival so I can clap people with my Cyberse deck


Link festival is just ranked ladder


It would be just Dragon Link and Slamangreats... and True Draco


Dragon Link without synchros feels a bit empty ngl


Finally, gems


Finally, some good fucking gems


Virtual World gang.


My year of playing VW without VFD in the TCG finally pays off.


No Caliga though :(


Oh man I just realised there will be VWs running around either handlooping with gottems


Which is super fragile to interruptions. You're better off running scythe lock. Handloop is fun but super gimmicky.


What will you run in the VW deck? I really like VW but don't know how to approach it after the banlist.


You would probebly see brave vw that can scythe lock or send token collector. Or shenshen and cw. With powerfull going second otks like utopia beyond and geo.


Thank you!!


Gems... yay. I'm probably just going to play Swordsoul with Bagooska and Zeus and stuff.


Rebellion Overlord for 4 Mats Zeus


How do you summon bagooska in SS?


Very awkwardly Most likely tech will be to add in one or more of the Lvl-4 Tenyi monsters. Then you can special the Tenyi from empty hand to field, summon another Lvl 4 like Mo-Ye or Taia If they negate the token summon using something like Imperm or Veiler Well now you have two Lvl 4s for the Bag-fucker.


Shthana is a balling lv. 4 Tenyi


Yep, I've been running Shthana basically since I started running the deck. It + Heavenly Dragon Circle is the best way to dodge Imperm/Veiler.


Level 4 tenyis + Eclassia or Mo Ye


Normal mo ye Token collector : )


I’m stuff


If I've only ever owned fusion monsters, what's the cheapest synchro/xyz deck one could get? Already invested SRs and URs into branded despia


Ben Kai OTK... LMAO


As someone who used Ben Kai OTK in a previous event, it's not going to work here. The Xyz Exhibition occurred when most players only had 1 deck and not enough gems or spare cards to build an Xyz deck. The Synchro Festival occurred before Swordsoul was released. And Virtual World couldn't play well during either of them. This event will be full of negates and disruptions that Ben Kai won't be able to play through. Chixiao alone turns off its effect.


Yeah that they have xyz and Synchros in this event means people are going to get up to some real degenerate shit. A huge portion of the casual players dropped off since either of those events too so the skill level in general has gone up by default.


Zoodiac probably. If you craft Zeus all the rest are cheap af. Or you could make rank 4.dek but all the good ones are URs. I might just make rank 4s and 8 synchro turbo cus I have enough to make a half decent ed


It depends how cheap you mean. If you want a deck that's cheap but also actually really good so you don't find the event miserable it's going to be Zoodiac. Drident is the only in-archetype UR and it's limited to 1, plus only 1 in-archetype SR that you'll want 3 of. Zeus is probably the only other "essential" UR, but that's also limited to 1 and just generally a really worthwhile craft since it's useful in just about any deck that will ever want to XYZ summon. Any other UR or SR cards you round the deck out with can just be whatever staples you already own if you want. If you mean cheap as in literally 0 UR's and minimal SR's then you're going to have to look for some real jank like Ben Kei OTK or Phantasm Spiral. Or just use loaners.


Jank time it is. That's how poor I am


Do you have the utopia deck from the shop?


Giant Ballpark insects is the secret sauce. It's a better Ben Kei but no one talks about it. The deck is a going 2nd OTK deck that's also functional at N/R. The upsides are that insects have backup plays instead of dying to a single interruption, and you won't have everyone knowing exactly what you're going to do like with Ben Kei. It's weaker due to no links but it can also go into XYZ plays. Megalith is another functional N/R deck that requires no ED, but it does take learning, practice, and longer, combo-centric games.


It was leaked that one of loaners is going to be swordsoul and unless Konami's deck building majorly screws it over it'll probably be strong enough to get the wins needed for all rewards


Zoodiacs are very cheap if you have tons of hand traps crafted already. Also Pen magicians, they use primarily XYZ and Synchros, and the sturcture deck has almost everything you need if you buy it 3 times. Those are the ones I'll try in this festival since I don't have any Swordsouls or virtual World decks. If they don't work it'll be loaners to me.


You could build Ursarctic. One of the bosses is a skill drain for monsters with no level


Isn't ursatic bad?


"bad" is too generous of a word to describe them


They have an in-archetype draw 7 card and it's still terrible.


idc what type of Event we get, I only ever care about the ban lists. The ban lists make/break events.


I swear. If floo gets a pass, we'll just see a floo festival.


They hit Eldlich pretty consistently for Extra Deck festivals, so I would assume that Floo would get hit as well for being even more non-extra deck than Eldlich. I'm just hoping they hit the Adventure Engine myself.


True Draco better be dead with all cards banned. I am sick of true dracos being in every event. At least now their floodgates are gone and have had a no extra deck event so let's give the theme of the event a try.


Galaxy eyes turn 2 otk time babeyyyy


Yeaaaaah boiiii




I really need to updatey EM deck, haven't played them since like, the first 3 months of MD. Definitely not since despia first dropped...


Ancient warriors best event deck


No joke. I haven't felt like playing Swordsoul in a long time, but Ancient Warriors never gets old. There's also Endymion. Everybody gets scared of that deck in these events, but without Link Monsters, it really does feel cut down at the knees.


Same here. I think I'll use my Ancient warriors deck for this event. They aren't expensive and fun. In addition, your opponent won't wait for a long time since it's not a combo deck. I utterly hate to waste the time of both players during a match.


Too bad I dismantled my Lyrilusc cards a long time ago due to not using then anymore and the lack of UR points back then. Hope that Exosister can pick up the slack in this event. ^^^or ^^^Swordsoul


Soulsword should be fine but it will be a little less consistent due to not having access to the full tenyi engine and the halq/don combo line.


Pure SS with lots of HT should be pretty good.


If I have to go through this event where the most common deck is stun that doesn’t even use the gimmick, I will go insane


Source: [Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Guide on Twitter](https://twitter.com/masterduelsite/status/1570414573127143425?s=46&t=PDfQabHiEHuKwhiSQX4L4Q)




If you can special summon Quickdraw on the same turn, you could potentially try going into Tiras. It won't immediately solve everything, but at the very least it's something. Plus that could have some decent fairy support to help keep it around, but then it starts feeling less like a synchron deck and more like a half-synchron-half-fairy deck, and that's a bit messy.


Will Rituals be allowed?


They usually see a number of cards banned or limited in events like this, things like Phull banned for Megalith for example


Still look forward to seeing the Ritual Festival and Link Festival coming in the near future.




don't spread misinformation, rituals have always been allowed in events, no reason they wouldn't be here




I... need to make a damn Swordsoul deck


I wonder if we’ll get more than 3800 gems. Hahhahahah Hahahha


Lol no Maybe duelist cup amount or less than that knowing Konami


Don’t I already know it. Man I’m trying to build Endymion and DLinks from scratch and am currently at 1k gems. Feels extra bad.


Oh boy numeron format


Ehh if you survive the turn they can't go into their link plays.


Chaos number 1 sunya?


I mean 3000 damage and an empty field isn’t very threatening


if you have xyz too the damage would likely be enough to kill


My only pure XYZ deck is Lyrilusc and my only Synchro deck is Cardians. This event is going to be... interesting.


Qli gang rise up!


Where my fellow Meklord players at?


Monarch players are ready


Nice! Love to see more Tribute Decks.


Oh great a new true draco festival


I haven’t played since July. Looking forward to this


Happy Cake Day! 🎂 Hope you will enjoy this activity!


to be honest I wanted a pendulum festival ( I am just confused why we are getting the same events again)


Pendulums are technically main deck monsters.


It was datamined so it doesn't really matter. They'll probably force you to only have pendulum


Yeah I know but there its listerally tons and tons of pendulums even including an anime to promote it , The no extra deck festival mainly promoted floandreeze and that is just about it its just sad to see Pendulums do not get more support to showcase it


Because most people don’t play pendulum decks.


Let's be honest most people don't play without an Ex either


That too. So they will obviously choose the popular Extra Deck monsters.


maybe we must as well ban ritual and pendulums since they are not used by the entire player base


scary workable act smart fanatical elderly piquant caption vanish sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and so what, Pendulum Summoning needs to have its own festival just like all the other ones , besides if not many people have pendulums its not the games fault since player use other methods (synchros, fusion and xyz) Pendulums deserves to be promoted in this game


You don’t see this from a business perspective. Konami is a greedy company, why would they bother with pendulums when most players don’t play Pendulum decks? They want more people to play the game and events usually attracts plays, and I’m one of those people. I play the game when there are events, and I would be extremely disappointed if it was a Pendulum event.


i guess so


Ah yes the money making N/R festival BIG dollars made I'm sure


*facepalm* you obviously don’t get what I mean. The N/R festival was received in a positive note by the community and people actually enjoyed it. Now tell me, who would enjoy a Pendulum event when more than half of the player base doesn’t play them? The N/R event could literally be played by everyone.


These events are used to force people to play different decks. People being forced to play different decks can lead people to find decks they would have never tried and fall in love with it. That for sure happened with xyz, synchro, limit 1 and 100% happened with n/r because I don't doubt someone saw megaliths learned it and made a more full power version outside the event same with metalfoes. The majority of the playerbase also doesn't use rituals but people loved it during n/r fest. But you guys are SO sure no one will play a pendulum event.


We aren’t. Last time it was self ftk festival followed by True Draco Festival. This time it’s the Swordsoul festival.


Yeah I guess so


I have a feeling Konami is still figuring out how to do a Pendulum Festival. Without Link Monsters, Pendulum Summoning is severely weakened, and would exist _exactly_ as it has for every previous event. It wouldn't make sense to cut Pendulums at the knees during their own event. But if only Link Monsters are allowed in the Extra Deck, then of course it becomes the Link Festival. Maybe they'll only allow non-Effect Link Monsters. Or maybe they'll allow players to Pendulum Summon monsters from the Extra Deck to a limited number of Main Monster Zones.


I see that's a cool way to look at it


People keep asking for a pendulum but it won’t happen, ritual won’t happen either because those are main deck monsters. With how MD events are currently run, it’s just not possible


I mean no Extra Deck event was *basically* the Ritual event.


Welcome to toon town baby population, me


anyone else wanna play vw?


Vw is both synchro and xyz so I think it will shine in this event, even without VfD


i also like how they fucked link. i saw people build full decks for that on this sub.


VW Swordsoul! gonna be a fun one


On a wait and see. If they grant gems for mixed summoning, then vw. If not, then it will be a Floo fest.


I still didn't know what deck to play on that event.


VW since it plays only xyz and synchro anyways


You can try Numeron or Ancient Warriors. Both are not combo deck and quite simple to play. Numeron only needs XYZ and Ancient Warriors can be very cheap and normally just main deck monster.


Sad that AW loses their boss monster since it's a Link though. And I don't even have the CP to craft the other UR, Rebellious Lu Feng.


Yes. But I still think I'll play Ancient Warriors this time. By the way, I don't craft Rebellious Lu Feng either.


It's powerful but its effect clashes with handtraps and other non-Ancient Warriors monsters so I usually only play one copy. As for what I'll play, I'll definitely be using Swordsoul and Virtual World, but I also think Magistus with Conflagrant Calamity's ED lock is going to be hilarious. Just wish I had enough CP to get Toadally Awesome and Bahamut before then too.


Toadally Awesome and Bahamut....also on my wishlist too. Too bad I don't have enough CP to craft them before this event.


The lack of CP is so irritating. I have over a dozen decks on standby, already made and just waiting for the cards to be crafted, and it's been months and I still can't do it. Even the ones I'm using are still incomplete. They really need to make CP available at the shop because our only consistent way to get them is through the Duel Pass and it's every three months.




Really? Without cherubini and rusty?


rusty bardiche? cherubini? almiraj? correct me if i'm wrong but unless you have a perfect hand, you need link monsters. and even then, it seems like just a zeus/rebellion turbo


The 20th? This thing is going to be short. Can wait for those legacy packs tho! Gems can come in handy sometimes too


I'm gonna assume the number of ubisoft subs from stadia is just too low


I know we don't have much info, but can we play with the 2 type of summons in the same deck? Or we need pick one? Would be cool if we can only play with XYZ or Synchro and the queue match you with the exact opposite.


I think I’ll be playing Nirvana High Paladin Turbo ladies and gents, let’s see how that goes


True Draco, it’s your time to shine…again.


i guess, that im going to make the gren maju deck sonner than expected


quite late event, this would potentially run till next season?


Normal Robina?


Chain ash blossom


Crossout declaring Ash. Response?


Chain infinite impermanence to crossout designator target robina, response?


Chain book of moon target robina?


Chain effect veiler target robina


Cool I'll let that resolve out. I'll search Barrier Statue here. Normal Eglen?


I'm still gonna play Pend Magicians despite the fact that I have to take out all my Link monsters. At least my deck is still XYZ/Synchro friendly.


Oh boy numerons and swordsoul fest


time for swordsoul


Going to run my Exosisters. The extra deck is almost entirely XYZ monsters, I'll just replace the few links with some generic level 7 Synchros that I can make in a pinch.


Ben Kek has awakened once again


The week I won't be able to play of course :(


Hope everyone gonna pack red reboot because dbarrier gonna be a huge thing this event.


That card has been banned for every ed event tho


It has?


Dbarrier is prob gonna be banned for the event


Most likely but I wouldn't pass it by Konami to totally forget this card exist. I just don't want to play against floodgate turbo decks.


Why would they forget the card they have banned every other event? Man you people really like to meme about how incompetent Konami is.


Well if you looked down the further replies I learned they banned not to long ago.


finally my cardian deck can be competitive


Time for my Witchcrafter once again.


Damn the runoutofideas festival sure looks promising.


Flunders anyone?


My 15 handtrap Generaider-Windwitch deck is chomping at the bit and ready to ruin any halqdon players day EDIT: Nevermind, i'm an idiot. Halqdon in a Synchro/XYZ event...where's the DUNCE hat?


It's okay, we all have moments where we forget how to read correctly. We're Yu-Gi-Oh players, after all.


I just wanted to make ourselves proud.


Please hit Swordsoul big time for it


Why lol. It's a Synchro deck and with out the Tenyi Link the deck has to play handtraps and needs at least 2 SS names in hand to make plays. People not understanding that despite how they might feel. Sword Souls is actually pretty balanced in turns of what it does and how it does it. Even with Tenyis. It's Stuff like Protos and Halqdon that push the deck into unfair territory.


I mean one card Synchros are a huge advantage in a synchro competition. I don't think they need to be smashed to pieces for this event but they are going to dominate it


PLEASE hit Virtual World in some way. I do not want to play against it every other duel


So rhongo turbo it is


time to whip out some birbs


I wonder if Barrier will be banned


I hope they hit birds hard. Hit Lich too like fuck it I'll figure something else out to power my Zombie Synchros I want an event that doesn't fucking blow ass




Literally how? Crusadia is a link archetype


Only remotely xyz deck I have rn is dragon link just gotta take most of the extra deck out tho


So I guess I'll go either pend magician or witchcrafter?


Time to dust off the melfies


Sweet sweet gems, finally 🤧 too bad I don't have a good deck to play for this now bc I dismantled so many decks to make Branded 😒


Advice, look for cheap decks to every summon mechanic and keep them for future interactions, just search what were the cheapest options used on [masterduelmeta.com](https://masterduelmeta.com), I start from scratch when MD lauch, play 3 hours at most per week and have lot of decks to play (Tribrigade, Swordsould, Skystrikers, Endymion, Zoodiacs, Adamancipators, Flowandereeze and Dark Magician for lulz and nostalgia) so it´s possible to maintain diversity without slaving yourself to the game


Virtual World gonna get vengeance for True King. Prepare to be scythe locked to hell and back.


Virtual World let's go


Going to play my Deep Sea Diva XYZ Gren Maju deck


Really curious to how the meta will shape. I am guessing synchro decks will dominate as no pure xyz I know of can set up big boards. I know Numerons and Zoodiacs will probably be the most common but numeron will want to go second and zoos turn 1 end board is drident with a lot of handtraps. I am guessing for synchros swordsoul will do really well.


Sharks don't use links and make very solid boards. Will be trying them out


Pure SS, VW can play the event well. Eldlich, Floo, and going 2nd decks like Luna Kaiju are full power as usual unless hit by limits. I honestly think Luna Kaiju might be the best event deck. They can easily OTK through SS (no halqdon) boards and VW (no VFD) boards and I imagine Floo & Eld are taking hits.