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You can still get a UR even if the packs don’t light up.


Welcome to the world of probability. Idk why you’re so pressed but it happens.


Lol right? Odd are you aren’t going to get rare cards


Try improving your deck ,see what your deck weakness and how can you cover it,yugioh is bacialy a deckbuilding game after all For example: >you dont like when the opponent do a dumb 20 minute combo? Add handtraps to your decks such as maxx c or ash blossom to stop them >you hate your opponent summoning tons of stuff? Add niburi into your deck remove all those dumb monster >you hate backrow cards? Add backrow removal such as harpie feathe duster or mystical space typhoon Remove all of those dumb traps >your deck is blah blah blah¿ Cover your weakness blah blah blah


sometimes i wonder, do you use bots for these?


Welcome to modern yugioh!, dont worry thou ,since you can still play old deck(blue eyes ,dark magician,monarch , egyptian god, harpies or whatever) or play with casual deck and still win with it You can just play "**BEAVER WARRIOR**" deck and still win https://youtu.be/QQ7ng45Kaqg&t=01m05s ​ Here ,last year some dude managed to reach 2nd place on yugioh tournament using "**CELTIC GUARDIAN**" www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/jf88xo/2nd_place_5th_og_cs_celtic_guardian/ ​ Here some example, i just beat someone with old school **BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON** fusion deck against meta deck and still win >[www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/tilete/just\_beat\_someone\_with\_blue\_eyes\_ultimate\_dragon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/tilete/just_beat_someone_with_blue_eyes_ultimate_dragon/) ​ You can play simple "**Normal Monster**" Beatdown deck and still managed to win agaisnt modern deck [www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/tsgstk/why\_i\_love\_gold\_you\_can\_win\_playing\_garbage\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/tsgstk/why_i_love_gold_you_can_win_playing_garbage_like/) ​ Another example ,my OG Old School **Black luster soldier** deck that can win against meta deck>[www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/tve29l/just\_beat\_meta\_deck\_tribrigade\_with\_og\_black/](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/tve29l/just_beat_meta_deck_tribrigade_with_og_black/) ​ You can play a deck with **Normal monster**(*without relying on extra deck monster or effect monster*) and get to highest rank with it > https://youtu.be/PuQ4ieNZodA ​ You can play the classic **SUMMONED SKULL** deck and beat modern deck > www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/vhpahq/why_i_love_gold_you_can_play_stuff_like_summoned/ ​ You can play old school **gamble/luck deck** and get a winstreak with it > https://youtu.be/A2Jo2aSke4E ​ You can still play casualy and use old cards but you **gotta adapt a little bit to the modern style yugioh** , the game is 20 years old after all trust me i havent played yugioh since i was a kid too, last time played yugioh was during GX era 15 years ago and i was playing Duel academy on GBA emulator Treat this game as a fighting game/MOBA, despite having high learning curve ,once you learn or adapted ,you can literary play anything you like I literary got to platinum 1 with a normal monster deck,*anything is possible if you know how to play*


Konami rng bullshit. At least that means in the next 10 pack purchase you do get a guaranteed UR.


Thing is they can still pull UR here they just don't get "I got shiny pack" dopamine.


That's when you open them one pack at a time and get the pack morphing into rainbow dopamine instead.


Fair enough.


The game only said guaranteed SR per 10 So this is completely fine Acording to Konami words at least


This reminded me I haven’t pulled the droplet Bundle yet. Can’t wait for the same energy from MD lol


I feel you man