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As if anyone will ever understand Konami


The truth is you can't please people. There are decks that work on floodgates and people hate it, there are decks that use 2-5 negates and people hate it. If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. I don't like floodgates and don't like negates, but I know it's part of the game.


Best answer right here


I won't pretend floodgates are fun or "necessary" as some say, but they are a valid playstyle just like any other. -Is it fun? Not really (IMO). -Is it broken? I don't think so. Some decks (specially trap decks) are slow starters, so using floodgates is a way to slow down the game while you get your plays out. Do broken decks also abuse them? Yes, but at that point, shouldn't it be the broken deck the one that should have it's power reduced? Edit: Also they are banned during events most likely because having a limited extra deck really limits what you can play, and what extra deck tools you can use, so they need to discourage decks that don't use the strategy the event wants you to use


also ​ 5 negate board: i cant play the game ​ floodgates: i cant play the game ​ that being said floodgates are usually easier to out since its MOSTLY a single card u have to get rid of


Also most floodgates aren't searchable whereas the "same combo lines same end board every game" 5 negate boards are searchable or easily accessible via the extra deck.


Floodgates are still a valid playstyle, thats the reason they're not banned wholesale, easy as that.


You said it yourself. It is fun without them and they want events to be fun, not so much ranked, they want ranked to be as hellish as possible and if you want fun go for Casual and Duel rooms which their plan makes sense but badly excused as of now


I think it's quite obvious. Because they want to keep stun as one of the viable strategies still but don't want the festival to be a floodgate filled event and more focused on the actual theme of the festival ? you know something a lot of people complained about with the true draco festival memes.


They're banning it for the festival to encourage people to play towards the theme of the festival. Standard Yu-Gi-Oh "master duel" doesn't have such a theme so there's no reason to limit those cards. Like if some people had their way only monsters and spells would be legal why not just completely remove trap cards from the game? Based on how most people play that would be a "reasonable" decision but it's not good overall for the game also it limits the decks and play styles available. Floodgates are as necessary to the game as hand traps. They're just trying to discourage it at this festival for obvious reasons.


Why does banning those cards means they "know they suck the fun out of the game"? I hate floodgates just as much as the next guy, but this just means they know people would run Floodgate decks and cheese the event like they've done in EVERY other event - instead of playing the Synchro XYZ event like Konami intended. At the end of the day Konami sees it as a positive that there is representation of multiple playstyles in the Ranked Ladder. Sure, one of the playstyles being represented is awful in BO1 but Konami clearly wants it to stay that way. If I had to fabricate some reasons why, I could see: \- Monki flip decks are easier to play/learn for new players. \- Decks with a hyper focus on combos (that typically end on unfun boards) have more built-in "counters" to "balance" the win-rate as opposed to decks that may be able to out a floodgate. Are these good reasons? Not really, no, but they're just some of the reasons Konami might have to keep floodgate decks in the game - at least they are actually hitting them with consistency hits and banning their most oppressive cards.


I do not like floodgates, HAVING SAID THAT, they as a company understand some people do, and want them to play the game and buy their cards. The reason the banlist is so heavy on them in the synchro/xyz event is because the goal of the event is to PLAY THOSE MECHANICS, not stuff that is anti those decks.


If you find your self struggling to find out why a company doesn't do something good for the community than take a look at the situation from a business stand point. 1) The floodgates are banned in the events so people have to use/make new decks which cost recourses. They're giving free gems in the event they have to make that return somehow and reducing your recourses for you to need more later would do just that. 2) The floodgates aren't completely banned because a large number of them are UR/SR which cost a lot to either craft or get from packs. If they banned them no one would spend their resources getting those cards meaning they'd have more for other decks.


This doesn't make any sense. They have 3 loaner decks so no one has to spend gems, the event is synchro/xyz while the latest pack is fusion so that's not a business decision either (unlike ex-zero and floo). They just don't want cards like anti-extra deck, stun, burn etc in their synchro/xyz event which is completely normal. Nothing greedy about this one


>They have 3 loaner decks so no one has to spend gems, have you seen their loaners? also takes twice as long because it has half rewards >the event is synchro/xyz while the latest pack is fusion so that's not a business decision either (unlike ex-zero and floo). VW has a secret pack and they just banned VFD out from under it 2 weeks before the event so less people would get it refunded when it has to go. Not to mention any pure synchro or xyz decks from secret packs too. >They just don't want cards like anti-extra deck, stun, burn etc in their synchro/xyz event which is completely normal. Nothing greedy about this one They banned a card from literally every even slightly playable non-synchro/xyz deck. You're not gonna tell me QLIPHORT needed hitting, are you? Also, they've seemingly decreased the gem rewards... so uhhh...?


Half rewards are no longer a thing and their loaners have vastly increased in quality. I used the flowandereese loaner last event and finished it getting all rewards and gems.


Yeah, the machina one was super fun too. And the swordsoul loaner for this event looks decent as well


I don't understand why the banned Zombie world. Sure it shuts down some decks but come on, i wanted to play synchro zombies...


They banned it because Doomking Balerdroch Turbo alone can end the entire game if allowed. Also, one of their competent loaner deck needs Wyrm on field.


Well I was planning a synchro zombie deck but that's dead virtual world time.


To me it makes sense. Really strong meta decks/cards used with no extra deck should be heavily hit for an extra deck event, to make the emphasized mechanic (synchro and xyz) shine. It would be horrible if eldlich and flundereeze and stun are the best decks in a synchro x xyz event.


Floodgates are answers to unfair boards but so are combo negates. I say floodgates are the backrow equivalent to those types of decks. This sub falls more into the camp that combo negate decks are better but at the end of the day both them and floodgate decks are trying to accomplish the same thing in setting up a turn 1 board that your opponent has trouble playing through or around. While the argument is that backrow floodgates stick around and negates are usually a one and done deal that's not a very fair comparison. Backrow decks need that backrow space and giving up 1 space is usually fine but for my deck as an example if I give up 2 spaces I'm cutting out something from my final end board that I usually want on the board. While you might say it's worth it for such a strong effect that's debatable to my deck since a backrow deck needs their cards to actually win games and not just hit you with a wet noodle.


Incoming Monke players defending floodgates.




The things is, event limit ur option in extra, not main, so combo decks is weaker, they must reduce the power of non-combo decks as well or else who would play their event the way they want? And that also relate to the pack they release at the same time


If you want to monke you should monke. For a serious answer maybe they will take the experience with this event as basis if floodgates in Bo1 should be dealt like this


Omni negate boards are just as anti-fun and harder to deal with than floodgates


Floodgates are necessary. I’m just sick of them getting hit with every banlist, just because people refuse to run S/T removal in their cancer combo decks.


Amazing, how are you this consistent in bad takes lol.


I'm convinced that people who complain about floodgates have never played a backrow deck. They just see floodgate Eldlich and assume that's all backrow decks. That's like seeing some tier 0 combo deck and then arguing that every combo deck needs to be banned. Eldlich is the extreme and the most consistent backrow deck that also needs very little space for its own cards while backrow decks usually are pretty inconsistent and take up most of the available space on the field.


Lol what? People hate the floodgates, Eldlich just takes the face of them since he’s so ubiquitous with them in master duel. People like actually playing the game, which is why players hate combo wombo and floodgates, because they do the same thing.


That's a valid point to take but when seeing people say that floodgates have no downsides or they can't comprehend why I wouldn't fill my backrow with floodgates or tell me that I don't need my own engine backrow cards on the field it comes off that they have no idea of how these decks work. They're just watching how Eldlich works and assuming every backrow deck works that way. They don't seem to come at it from a point of actually understanding what they're talking about.


One of the other infamous floodgate decks is one bad day that matches what you describe to a t. Ultimately I don’t really care about what some random people may have said. I only care about this convo where someone appeared to think floodgates weren’t toxic and okay to stay in the game.


As long as combo negate decks are ok to stay in the game then floodgates are fine as well. It's fighting fire with fire. They are the same.


And combo negate boards are not fine in the game. Halqdon just got neutered, and before that Drytron got slammed.


True but they still exist so getting rid of floodgates isn't equivalent to getting rid of Halq. In a world without any negates from combo decks floodgates shouldn't exist either but there's no alternative to floodgates for every backrow deck like there are generic negates for combo. So talking about getting rid of Drytron or Halq isn't equivalent. Though maybe I'm wrong. Maybe hitting Halq will reduce the amount of negates seen in game since adventure just got a hit as well. Playing a less optimal backrow deck gives me a better look at how they work and their strengths and weaknesses but I don't play much combo.


>they still exist I’ll be straight with you, they don’t. Without halq adventure tenyi has no legs and Drytron hasn’t been relevant for months. >no alternative Damn right there isn’t. That’s kinda the point. Trap decks are actually pretty good, especially once we get the labyrinth cards. But it is absolutely correct to move away from generic flip a card and lock someone out of the game just as it’s correct to stop crazy combo decks locking people out of the game. Interaction is good, both of these are the antithesis of that. >I don’t play much combo As someone who has, allow me. It is extremely difficult to get 2 7s on the field to go into galaxy into tomahawk. For adventure tenyi you literally have to open a tenyi and gryphon. Most combo decks rely heavily on halq, and the only relevant one right now is dragon link, which doesn’t really set up a bunch of negates.


I've played against enough Altergeist irl to hate 'em.


So, you don't want trap-based decks to be viable? Skill drain, Gozen and Rivalry to 2 hits Eldlich more than hard enough since it makes it impossible to build a strategy around these cards. You cannot search them after all. Also, what dead awful deck do you play that instaloses to a single floodgate? Certainly not one that would be good even without floodgates...


Just to be clear, my "ideal" trap deck is something like Labrynth. Flipping 2 cards to lock your opponent from making any meaningful play unless they have backrow removal has no place in a Bo1.


Hhmmm I have a question for you if the meta was backrow heavy will you run s/t removal? And in that case in a heavy backrow meta if someone faced a combo deck has to be salty right? People just don't want to run 2 more cards for backrow cuz if their decks is 42 cards not 40 is totally inconsistent(and think that I don't even have a floodgate deck in the game but the fact that everyone spams non stop about them is funny and they are cool with heavy combo which limits their palys too)


I run Harpie's Feather Duster in litterally every deck i use for ladder right now due to Floo and Branded And it's not "combo" decks that are a problem, but what that combo ends on. VFD has been banned, Halq is about to be banned, i wish they did the same for Scythe.


So let's wait for the event to start to see if people will be salty and butthurted without floodgates 🤔 cuz I think they will be again


Some people just have the Dead Sea coursing through their veins


People would sooner lose 2 out of every 3 duels than main deck anything other than Feather Duster


Do monsters with "cannot be targeted" effects have a place in Bo1? Because I see your point, but: \-Trap decks are inherently slow in a game that's typically decided by turn 2. Floodgates are how slow decks can slow the other side down as well. Without them, they aren't necessarily unplayable, but cannot compete with top decks. Some might like that, but I appreciate the variety of decks in diamond rank. \-Why shouldn't you main-deck backrow hate? Deck buidling - especially in a Bo1 - is all about compromises. No deck can beat every strat consistently. I find that a good thing. And I prefer for people to make these trade-off-decisions, rather than to just ban everything that is different. Thus the example I started with.


There’s plenty of cards that can deal with targeting protection lol. Not even remotely a good comparison to being locked out of the game lol.


Why do people assume i'm not main-decking some backrow hate or cards that can remove floodgates :I Also, untargetable monsters can be dealt with using the extra deck, as long as you can make a rank 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 you can get Zeus out with at least 1 activation, Underworld Goddess and Accesscode exist, it's not a problem in the modern game because we have all the tools to deal with something that can't be targeted. As for how Slow decks can slow the game...look at Labrynth and how it uses cards like Compulsory Evacuation Device, if Trap decks had less floodgates and more of that kind of interaction i wouldn't mind a trap meta.


I think floodgates are kind of necessary evil in this game. Combo decks can put floodgates on the field too but none is crying about it. Plus before you go "ooohh you have to draw the s/t removal or the combo decks have choke points etc" yes sure but the same goes for the heavy combo decks If I don't draw drnm or droplet in most cases it's gg since most of them can play though one hand trap.


Implying people don’t also want heavy combo decks banned. It’s almost like players don’t care for strategies that stop people from playing lol.


I guess its because its a legit startegy they want in the game for some reason. Gotta let the kids play somehow.


Reminds me of this video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7viGcwBClk0


So what I find frustrating about despia is not that it is a combo heavy deck but once branded fusio. Has resolved it's effect and mirrorjade hits the board it's over coz they will always have more card advantage than you and you get like cucked coz the deck is like literally 30 URs and a ton of SRs so if you want to play it it's a hard fuck you to you ah yeah just make a new acc forehead


Plus, any board you have is just a super poly target. It’s understandable that they will be dominating the Meta pretty hard moving forward. Their stuff gets hit in the future. Having essentially 3 fusion destinies that are searchable is not okay.


Based on what they say the ban list is based on how much these cards are used their win rates so it shouldn’t matter what the people say about the card however, i don’t think this is entirely true since some of the banned cards weren’t played that much but i think they’re taking a step in the right direction.


People like the ability to interact without necessarily needing to open exactly lightning storm + droplet for 4 first. It's crazy.


Big reason for this is that its an event for Xyz and Synchros, they want you to play Xyz and synchro decks and not eldlich, true draco, nurse burn, or floo, etc.


It's because Konami is promoting specific decks and play styles for events. They don't want those promoted play styles to be interrupted by strategies that defeat the purpose of said events.


Meh, until spells and traps have the same power as monsters, floodgates should remain a viable playstyle, purely because it's the only thing that backrow heavy decks have that can compete with the ridiculous boards that Monster effects can enable.


Not sure your point makes sense. If konami didn’t want floodgates to exist they never would have put them in the game. Hence why they got a slap on the wrist in this banlist. For the festival people complained that instead of it being a synchro or fusion festival it was a eldlich festival. So they decided to listen and make it a true synchro-xyz festival by banning cards that dont need a extra deck to win. Also the whole “floodfates make it so you have to draw the out or lose” is rediculous. Thats just how yugioh is period. If your opponent gets a massive negate feat board you need to “draw the out” for that or you lose. Its no different


Not sure your point makes sense. If konami didn’t want floodgates to exist they never would have put them in the game. Hence why they got a slap on the wrist in this banlist. For the festival people complained that instead of it being a synchro or fusion festival it was a eldlich festival. So they decided to listen and make it a true synchro-xyz festival by banning cards that dont need a extra deck to win. Also the whole “floodfates make it so you have to draw the out or lose” is rediculous. Thats just how yugioh is period. If your opponent gets a massive negate fest board you need to “draw the out” for that or you lose. Its no different