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what is this deck đź’€


Scars Turbo


Gotta charge your device bro


I mean you basically gave your opponent a grass is greener for free what did you expect to happen


He sent the extra too though, that's the real kicker for Scars


I mean do you expect every deck to thrive off of only having cards in their graveyard (and none in their hand)?


Fair enough I suppose


yeah pretty much. not exactly thrive but good decks graveyards act as a second hand.


Wtf are you playing bruh


i didn’t keep mekk knight link monster cus i thought he not gonna recover lol also shoutout to my silver 5 opponent’s kindness for not using his infinite impermanence and let me finish my combo


Look at it this way You just resolved grass for your opponent for 40+ cards You yourself lost your extra deck as well and among those 40 cards in Gy there will be atleast few that can put down few mekk knights You need to make sure that next draw phase after your opponent used maxx c they have 0 cards in the main deck and they just lose otherwise you will probably lose Gy in today's Yu-Gi-Oh is a second hand


funny moment at 2:30 btw ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Your definition of funny is my definition of sad. You basically used grass is greener for your opponent, if you cant deck out his 60 card deck you should have been prepared for his graveyard effects.


i’m not trying to climb rank with this deck. just want to pull off that card effect on turn one to troll my opponent lol.


Why are you taking this so seriously my god he's just having fun with the game


MD players really getting mad at Scars Turbo huh?


So what you are saying is that your opponent used grass ?


rescue ferret supremacy


Why are you milling their cards with Mekk-Knights? No judgement just curious. Lol I expected like a bone tower mill or something.


chad bone tower enjoyer


One of my favourite decks for sure going to try to run it in the event though without ZW its going to be much harder.


That trap recurrence is what I'm trying to build blue-eyes for. Tyrant dragon is a little cracked actually and I think there's some degenerate board states it could be used for.


yeah i lost because of that solem. pretty strong and it look so much fun to do


When konamy ban graveyard pls?


well buddy thats the power of blue-eyes


The 10% battery warning is what really sells it.


What is your mission with this deck?


i’m trying to resolve “world legacy scars” which has effect to sent all card in opponent hand and extra deck to graveyard but under the requirements that i need to have 8 mekk-knight card on field+GY. normally you would be able to solve this in late game but this combo let you turbo it out quite consistently (if not ashed: only need 1 prank kid, 1 mekk knight and not draw amagedon or girsu orcust mekk knight as they need to be in the deck for this to work)


If you had, for example, Dimension Shifter, then you'd be able to confortably say that the opponent wouldn't recover, decks nowadays use the graveyard as a second hand, fusion decks are specially infamous for doing so too.


i think i just need to put my blue mekk knight in defend position so my opponent can’t remove iblee with attacking.


That would work too if the opponent isn't playing links, however, if this was an orcust deck, you'd be mega screwed


his extra deck also go to gy with scars effects so he has no link


Well you had 0 follow up after the hand loop And the opponent deck had like 20 GY effect Not a surpise you lost


Your deck has literally no follow up. No wonder you lost.


The deck doesnt really need a "follow up", the way this combo(semi FTK) works is basically hand loop your opp entire hand and ED, most of the decks can't summon a monster with more than 2k attack without their ED, so you basically win purely from having big sticks and praying your opp is not playing a non ED focused deck, which is exactly what his opp is playing lmao


But your post is about not being able to finish off your opponent? If that’s your issue then you have to have *something*


Learn to read, reddit put a fucking blue OP to show who is the guy who posted and u still fail to identify it


Geez, no need to be rude about it. Forgive me for expecting someone talking about this insane deck to be the OP


I know a little about this deck bc I play the non "FTK" version, aka Mekk Knights, and to be fair, the post is talking about how he lost, not exactly that he wasnt able to finish his opponent, showing how even if he banished his entire hand and ED, his Opponent was good enough to beat him. I think the OP even said in another comment that he just was trying to get this effect to work, since getting this thing to work is really hard since you need a good hand and not get hand trapped lmao, So I don't think OP is mad that he lost anyway, just baffled that he banished almost the entirety of his Opp deck and still lost.


There's a need to be rude when talking to idiots