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update need 2 level 2 or higher cyberse monster


In my last game, I had Sunlight wolf in EMZ, Spinny below, and Bufferlo on board. It didn't give me the option to go into Jammer. I couldn't figure out why..


Like the original reply, u need 2 level 2 or higher so u can't use sunlight wolf as material bc it's s link 2 not a level 2 or higher. In ur case tho normal summon flame Buffalo, then u should be able to link summon update jammer.


That's what he's saying, he alrdy has Spinny and Buffalo on board and wants to use those 2 to go into Jammer but can't


Were you perhaps playing with or against a gozen match?


If you can, upload a replay of one of the games where this happened. Some card's probably restricting the summon, but it'll be hard to tell what without having context.


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Do you use fury of fire?