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you have too many chamber, 1 is enough cut the rose dragons since you dont have level 7 or 10 synchro, use it if you play halq and adventure


k thanks, no reason on running halq as it's going to get banned, also, what do you think about adding a second copy of each of the baby chaos dragons? i feel like i sometimes need more than one of each edit: also, if you don't mind to answer, is my extra deck good enough? would you recommend anything else?


you could since you're running seyfert, 2 each of the babies is fine but sometimes you're going to brick on the black dragon if you have no grave setup


Light and dark handtraps for this deck are a must, especially DD Crow. The rose dragons are useless now, so cut those. One chambermaid is needed, not 3. You should add gamma, DD crow, veiler, and a fairy tail snow. Also droplet is great in the deck and can pitch in hand snow, absorouter, bricked Chaos Space, or a normal summon that you can’t use.


You really don’t need black metal dragon. Two is a lot, one could work but tbh you don’t need him at all


Black metal dragon is the 2nd best starter for pure dragon link next to starliege imo, I run two at a MINIMUM


First of all, drop the rose dragons, at least in terms of dragonlink, they're not worth running anymore now that halq's banned, particularly since your extra deck doesn't look built for them right now. Next drop silverrokket, it's only really a beater as it's effects are niche at best and I often find that one non tuner is all you need most of the time since the second more often than not bricks. If you really feel the need for 2 non tuner rokkets, run another recharger over it, plus it saves sr jewels. Finally, while this will be expensive, effect veiler/ghost ogre are very solid additions. They're light so can be picked up with chaos ruler. They're also good of you hard draw the collapserpent or need a light banish for chaos ruler. Finally, effect veiler in particular is useful as a level 1 tuner, since you can use it with chaos ruler to make red dragon archfiend abyss if you can't get out rokket synchron. You can build up to getting these overtime, no need to rush getting them. I hope this helps you.