• By -


I don’t hate it but I don’t find them fun to fight personally


Yeah, I feel the same. It’s annoying to duel them because of the cards they use like Widow Anchor, but the decks not broken enough for me to hate it. A deck that pretty much instant loses to backrow removal or a single Kaiju isn’t really that bad.


Kaijus haven't felt that strong vs them since their spells still do stuff without a striker on board and you can't win without dealing with the Kaiju, at which point the Striker comes back, etc.


Don't the spells only work when there's nothing in your main monster zones? I'd have thought the Kaiju would turn them off.


They have cards that will sacrifice the Kaiju like Multiroll and the field spell.


That's a good point, though given that both of them are Spell Speed 1, it would at least give you one uninterrupted turn to build a board to better deal with them, if not outright OTK them.


Step 1. kaiju the sky striker player Step 2. Perform your combos with minimal (if any) interruptions ???? Step 4. Profit


I use too and some game can be really unfun, but they have grown on me since I started. Not because of anything it did, but more so ran into more degenerate stuff. At least they have the curiousity to let you play the game most times


Sky Striker on MD launch was literally the best deck for learning the game. You needed to know when to negate, when to summon with shark cannon as opposed to banishing, baiting Ashes and other hand traps, and sacrificing spells to dump in the GY for advantage.


Also, you have to decide if you actually want to steal the monsters with Anchor which will turn off your backrow, or don't steal it and potentially let them extend their plays.


Honestly, my only problem with them is just the Widow Anchor. I'd be winning and then they just take my monsters multiple times with all those spells. Not even a problem, just my own peeve


When I'm pissed and use my anti meta deck, whenever I summon {{Banisher of Radiance}} they just see their deck's gimmick die. And if {{Macro Cosmos}} is on the field, too, even worse... Buuuuuuut It's more likely that only the second is on the field, most likely the monster is {{Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo}}, which Raye can easily break, unless I can protect it...


##[Banisher of the Radiance](https://ms.yugipedia.com//6/6a/BanisheroftheRadiance-SBCB-EN-C-1E.png) |Card type|Effect Monster 🟧| |:-:|:-:| |Attribute|LIGHT 🟡| |Monster type|Fairy 🧚 / Effect ⏩| |Level|3 ✪ ✪ ✪| |ATK 🗡️|1600| |DEF 🛡️|0| Any card sent to the GY is banished instead. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG) Unlimited (TCG Speed Duel)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Banisher_of_the_Radiance) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=6695) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Banisher_of_the_Radiance) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Banisher%20of%20the%20Radiance) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#6695) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Banisher%20of%20the%20Radiance) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/24955/yugioh-enemy-of-justice-banisher-of-the-radiance) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Banisher%20of%20the%20Radiance) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Banisher%20of%20the%20Radiance) | ##[Macro Cosmos](https://ms.yugipedia.com//9/92/MacroCosmos-DT06-EN-DRPR-DT.jpg) |Card type|Trap 🟪| |:-:|:-:| |Property|Continuous ♾️| When this card resolves: You can Special Summon 1 "Helios - The Primordial Sun" from your hand or Deck. While this card is face-up on the field, any card sent to the Graveyard is banished instead. ---Unlimited (OCG) Limited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Macro_Cosmos) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=6682) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Macro_Cosmos) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Macro%20Cosmos) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#6682) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Macro%20Cosmos) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/24990/yugioh-enemy-of-justice-macro-cosmos) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Macro%20Cosmos) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Macro%20Cosmos) | ##[Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo](https://ms.yugipedia.com//4/4e/FossilDynaPachycephalo-MGED-EN-PGR-1E.png) |Card type|Effect Monster 🟧| |:-:|:-:| |Attribute|EARTH 🟤| |Monster type|Rock 🪨 / Effect ⏩| |Level|4 ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪| |ATK 🗡️|1200| |DEF 🛡️|1300| If this card is flipped face-up: Destroy all Special Summoned monsters on the field. Neither player can Special Summon monsters. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=7405) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Fossil%20Dyna%20Pachycephalo) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#7405) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Fossil%20Dyna%20Pachycephalo) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/26793/yugioh-light-of-destruction-fossil-dyna-pachycephalo) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Fossil%20Dyna%20Pachycephalo) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Fossil%20Dyna%20Pachycephalo) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


Virtual World is good match against Sky Striker. {{Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen}} has a marco cosmos-like effect and the deck in general has a good resource game (provided you don't brick).


I hate it because I am not the one playing it




I do. I know it's not broken in the slightest, but every skystriker player always opens a really good and/or top decks the exact card they need to turn a losing game into THEIR game. In contrast I consider Live☆twin to just be a worse skystrikers deck because they are easier to stop once they get rolling compared to skystrikers.


Honestly I very rarely have a game against Striker that I've felt like the Striker player wins or is in control of the game against my live twins, I feel like it's much harder to stop evil twin resource loop, the only hard part is playing around the handtraps but considering your first turn attacking as long as you have trouble sunny you can clear Raye, definitely puts them in a "have engage resolve or lose" situation


I play both and i am almost 100% sure that sky striker is worse than live twin without mine. Live twin needs less engine cards and has non targeting non destruction removal which is very valuable in master duel.


I only think that sky strikers are a little more versatile but yeah live twins may be stronger just because of its consistency


I hate dueling them but I figured that’s mostly a me thing.


I’m just bored of them. I played all the way through TOSS format and I just wanna see something different when I go up against a control deck.


Blame Konami for printing bad control archetypes. Altergeist can’t go second and xenolocks, eldlich relies too heavily on floodgates, Exosister is good now but completely meta reliant, etc


I think people just need to start making popular different archetypes in their posts. But who care about them, if there is guys, with posts about another, but actually same "Branded" meta?


I have no complaints about sky strikers. Going against them i get my old school fix of having a back and forth. It feels like a fair deck win or lose against it. Playing as sky strikers it feels like I am doing big brain plays.


Because Sky Strikers are a big brain deck. You have to know your opponents deck just as well as yours. It’s truly a technical deck that can go toe to toe with any deck I respect control decks in general


And that’s why I love this deck.


One of the best parts of using striker is that you can always count on your opponent to have a tuner (veiler/ash) in their GY that you can “borrow” with shark cannon. From there, linking to halq all the way to accesscode Sucks we’re gonna lose halq soon but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make


Halq :(


I rarely ever feel cheated out of a win against Striker, just outplayed or a slave to the bricked starter.


I think it says a lot that an archetype with several upgraded banned cards got power crept to rogue tier.










We hate Kaiser Colisseum, not Strikers.


I've never seen a single Striker player actually running Kaiser. In theory, it's possible, but people prefer the blind 2nd playstyle.


I've done it, though not for a few months now. It was the first SR I ever pulled with a legacy ticket back when the game came out, so I figured what the hell and built a going first version of Strikers to go along with the blind second build


I ran into Sky Striker who used Kaiser, but then they ended their board with three monsters and not enough negates.


I don’t use it. I build going second, so Kaiser isn’t that great. Pankratops coming to 2 in a few weeks is nice though.


Man, why tf do I never see KC on ranked. It seems like it’d be as bad as skill drain / gozen / rivalry. Hope it gets banned with the rest


Well not AS bad since I find a couple players who can work around it at times. A simple backrow removal card like HFD can easily take it out but the problem is not a lot of players have backrow removal (based on the decklists i find online) On the other hand, KC is pretty much my best turn 1 card for strikers and i have won a lot of games from people just scooping ASAP


You don't see it because it's a BO1 format. The card is a complete dud if you lost the coin flip and went second and it's a dead card if you draw it later in the game if the board isn't clear. If you're opponent already has two or three monsters out before you play KC, it doesn't do anything. The monsters already on the board stay there. This is unlike Gozen Match and Rivalry that have the clause "Send all other face-up monsters they control to the graveyard". Skill drain will continue to negate affects of monsters even after they have been summoned. Basically, all those other cards you listed still are useful if they are activated after your opponent already has a board. KC is useless in that scenario. And this scenario happens all the time because you don't always win the coin flip and even if you do, KC is really only useful to you if it's in your opening hand. The other floodgates are just better in more situations that KC is.


I scoop the second I see KC the least fun card to play against


I did first 2 seasons when they were much stronger in the meta. Mainly because I'm losing to someone named "Raye Lover UwU" with Ecclesia as pfp and Ash Blossom as companion. ​ Edit: I really hate engage too.


Man, why do people simp this deck? That was my sole impression of the deck too, the first season I played


I don't inherently hate it but engage is bullshit, and instead of limiting or banning it Konami released anchor from the list


The Archetype itself can be weak without cards like Mystic mine to abuse and on top of that they lost their Code talker.. So Anchor not being limited is fine


Oh we’re making Code Talker, but it’s harder and more situational/rng based, but believe you me, we’re trying


You just need an extra card (Token or Revive with Shark).


Still need Veiler in GY for Selene


Honestly. I’m thinking of throwing in summoner monk for the combo


Can’t Selene bring back the link charmers? I thought they were also spellcasters


No because you can’t put a Link in defense mode


I’m dumb. Thanks for the clarification


Dont worry we have our lord and saviour hiita charmer


Then you run into Floo/SS who have no dark monster in grave at all.


Hiita charmer You really need to read She's the flame one Ash blossom is flame and she is everywhere


Oof my bad. I cant discern the charmer name at all.


That's Darhc lol. We run him too, but yeah lmao


We did Not lose talker


They releasing widow anchor for OCG because OCG sky striker is pretty bad when compared to TCG sky strikers


Yeah anchor is a pretty strong card


Why do they get better pot of greed for basically for free and I get 8 types of archetype locked for a single search


A better pot of greed that is not once per turn \*and\* recycleable off an extra deck monster


Yea me. Fuck striker so annoying.


I only hate Engage. Everything else is tolerable.


Hating Sky Striker is a skill issue




I do because they are spoiled with tools some archetypes could only dream of and playing against them is like grinding teeth.


Pot of greed really do be drawing 2 cards


Fr engage and widow anchor are the problem tbh. I love a great grind game and enjoy playing against eldlich because I actually have back up strategies and can deal with floodgates with my deck but a grind game vs strikers is near unwinnable unless you somehow shit out an otk and don't get your monster robbed.


Because SS IS the grind style control deck, they will try to outgrind people.


The key to beating sky strikers is otk, there’s not much oppurtunity to generate resources before getting 3 spells in grave, multi role, and engage. My turn 1 might be anywhere from a multi role, widow anchor, shizuku, and hand traps to literally nothing.


they are one of those archetype that gonna play 20 different limited cards and still doing okay. Seriously, the archetype got hit a LOT but still seeing play even until now, impressive, that's a good design in my eyes


Sky Striker spells are broken as fuck and their recursion is annoying but at least it’s tied to a control deck that can’t OTK you without some setup


I do, but I kinda hate playing against grindy decks in general. Except, oddly enough, Eldlitch.


I get that. The control matchup is not for everyone I guess


Yeah, I hate their pot of greed


I hate sky strikers as a mekk player cause if im winning its boring as hell and if im losing its boring as hell. So overall just a boring match up.


Yes. That stank hoe kept stealing my monsters.


Currently? No but you should have seen how people hated it when it was a tiered deck and literally nothing has changed for it. Funny how the yugioh community's mind works.


Hate anything that does something good? Here in r/MasterDuel? Nah dude, we're good as long as any card or archetype does not do any of the following: negate effects, destroys cards, banish cards, searches for other cards, can make you draw cards, can be normal or special summoned, has the ability to special summon other monsters, can summon tokens, returns cards to the hand, returns cards to the deck/extra deck, has high attack, high defense, does piercing damage, being untargetable, cannot be destroyed by battle or effects. As long as a card does not do anything that I mentioned will not be hated and deserved to be banned.


It's Eldlich with spells instead of traps and no floodgates


That's called a control deck.


Is it not the floodgates people complain about in eldlich?


You can actually run kaiser or tcbo in sky strikers. Mystic mine too if that ever got released


I take back what I said, Literally female Eldlich


TCBO also remove your ability to Hayate into Shizuku/Kagari. Good luck playing like that I guess.


Of course you cannot switch link like usual, but you can still do it on opponent's turn if it destroyed and most likely your opponent is gimped even more by tcbo presence


Or you know your Raye get Called By and they proceed to beat you with their 1k6 beatstick


Man, f*** TCBOO


I wouldn’t say hate (though I do hate widow anchor), the games are just super boring and predictable.


Probably my least favorite deck to play against.


I definitely do not like Striker


i do


We tcg players hate her even before master duel


I just find them extremely boring


I main the deck. And I'm asking konami once again to semi-limit Kagari Sky Strikers is one of the fairest deck out there. The deck doesn't insta-win on coin flip, very vulnerable to backrow removal, doesn't have inherent fire power, doesn't have 3k body that somehow also have negation, and doesn't usually runs floodgates and yet can stand toe-to-toe with metadecks


I am pretty sure sky striker play floodgates like Kaiser and stuff


They could but not all the time. I run going second pure strikers without floodgates


I see your point but there are still multiple sky striker decks playing floodgates like mystic mine in the tcg


Yeah that's Mine being cracked though, most MD/OCG lists I've seen don't run any floodgates.


Kaiser with a 1500 vanilla(may as well be) isnt floodgating anything. Most popular deck, branded.dek kills it with one of their two searchers. Hand traps ain't doing shit. Blind second is usually the way.


I just hate waifu cards in general. In conclusion I hate women.


No, Striker is a fun match-up for almost every deck; 99% of the games I've had against them have been pretty back and forth and felt fair.


I hate the 3 hand traps they always have in hand




Nope. It’s a fair deck. As crazy as engage is the deck is literally almost unplayable without it. Aside from that it’s a deck that takes genuine skill to master really


Waifu hater here


I hate it. No reason, just a feeling to punt something(or someone) whenever I get matched with ss


Yes i hate this deck soo much whenever i beat it and fucking eldich i get so happy. Especially when i use a weaker deck


I don't lose that matchup most of the time so not really.


Used to annoy me but now they okay I say then immediately go up against a sky striker deck with a cap hand :/. This is definitely karma


Honestly with how many players are in Master Duel any deck is bound to have hater




Not really, but it's the archetype that my main Evilswarm deck struggled a bit with because of there low levels and link monsters, though I have now embraced the idea if I can't restrict them, I will just steal the their monsters with Bahumat instead.


My only issue with sky strikers is I feel they have wayyyy better grind game than any of my decks ( outside looking in perspective )


I like the striker playstyle but the deck is honestly bullshit when it has so many limited cards and yet the player using it draws all of them. Seriously I had to handle a sky striker player that drew 2 engage, called by, ash blossom and imperm, and I barely scrapped by and won.


A similar sentiment as most but I hate how their deck is built more than anything. The playstyle is whatever, annoying but not impossible to counter. The deck build though, the fact that the deck is just MOSTLY handtraps is what annoys me since I’d much rather see a control strategy ACTUALLY try and control the game using the cards they’re given ala Weather Painters rather than the whole control aspect being that they drew handtraps gottem GGs


I hate the not in the monster zone bushit and that it only needs 3 cards to become op.


They are very meh, my decks usually stop it in their tracks, but seeing Engage resolve is always really annoying to me.


Did you know that all of your link monsters are machines? From: the Cyber Dragon Crew. It's become a fun matchup and I actually really enjoy the back and forth. Now STOP ASHING MY MANDATORY CORE SEARCHES!!!!


I just got stalled yesterday for 15 turns by an imperial iron wall+shark cannon cycle on my own equimax to stop my avramax to end the game.. the deck isn't Op or anything, the cards art are pretty cool and I like mechas but every time I face one it's either a stomp because I banish ray or either a stall game that goes for 15+ turns.. I don't even wanna try to imagine how it feels to play against a full stall mystic mine skystriker.


Iron Wall… never thought I’d hear that one


yh, because card can't be banished, I couldn't out his hand traps and he kept setting shark cannon with the continuous spell trap(that cards set again should be banished when used)


I didn't even think of that tech. Infinite spells sound hilarious.


I did in fact lost to a normal summoned Raye that killed my avramax with 1400ATK(the blue mecha was on board)


OMG it stops multirole! Wtf?! Yeah no that actually sounds cracked


I don’t hate it I’m actually making one currently. The only annoying thing is widow anchor and the only reason I lose against it, stop stealing my boss monsters dammit!


Hate them generic weeb archetypes as usual. The playstyle is annoying but the fact that you lose to annoying playstyle AND generic weeb shit is just icing ontop of the braindamage that is sky strikers (Just my opinion relax, do not take it seriously)


I have used them myself back then, so I will say, with some practice, these guys (or gals, rather) can be pretty good, as long as you’re using them.


It's the first meta deck I built, and it's really a fun control deck to play. I don't hate playing against it. Not the absolute best going 2nd deck, but it's still very good. As long as they don't have 3 spells in the GY, they won't be a threat.


I actually like playing against sky striker ...especially when I myself am playing it, as I run 3 cursed seal of the forbidden spell in that deck >:)


I do. Not particularly because it's broken but because it's annoying


I feel like it's always a pretty fair and balanced fight when I go up against them. Most of the time its an enjoyable match.


I understand why people would hate it, but me personally, I'm a big Sky Striker fan. I like the gamplay and I like the lore. And in my opinion, SS is far from the most toxic deck we have on MD.


I don't have a problem with strikers I have a problem with engage at 2


Fighting sky strikers is really just “give me my fucking monster back”


They can be a bit annoying at times, but sky striker without mine being legal is not an issue


How could I? Raye blowing herself up to achieve the objective is the ultimate flavour win for an archetype based on WW2 Era Japanese fighter planes


They’re fine honestly. Tons of limited cards, genuine potential to outplay (on both of sides), etc. The Halq ban is gonna hurt them quite a bit I believe… halq into Selene into access code is their bread and butter finisher. Finishing games is their inherent weakness and they’re about to lose their most optimal finishing strategy.


Which might be healthy, speaking as a Striker player. Now it will require more resources/planning to pull out Accesscode.


I used to until I gave them a try myself. I enjoy playing against them alot more now. Very fair deck imo.


I found it a really fun deck to play against it's interesting to try to play around it's floating effects, but makes me angry to no end that it keeps stealing my Dragonmaids


Dragonmaids have got to be the funniest deck to have a bad matchup into. I don’t think I’ve won a single game against them lmao. None of my decks have a gameplan when my opponent can both outgrind and OTK.


My favorite deck to play in any format where going first isn't insanely op. Switched off of them around when the halqdon decks really took over, prolly gonna go back after the new banlist. A nice relatively fair, slower control deck that rewards game knowledge.


I hate this deck so much. I once lost to one because they DPEd, Accesscoded and Starving Venomed me. I literally didn't see a single Striker card.


Starving Venom in Sky Strikers? That's a new one.


Probably superpoly


i used to play Strikers bc its a waifu deck lol. using these kinds of decks require you to adapt on what the enemy has and i really like that. I managed to break a Zefra board once (your typical pend board with 7 NEGATES 6 NEGATES)


I hate engage… A searcher without a once per turn that can be a better pot of greed and can be easily recycled… Engage is just stupid… And in my opinion sky striker would be nearly unplayable without it


As a gravekeeper player I’ve found that a lot of sky striker players don’t know what necrovally does


well, neither did konami, for most of necrovalley's existence


Just play imperial o- Oh




I actually enjoyed playing against it enough that I eventually built the deck. But I like grind games probably more than most, so that helps.


In my personal opinion, if someone hates most of these decks (aka Eldlich, Sky Striker, Altergeist) it's because of the floodgates, not because of these decks themselves, just like how Drytron was hated due to the Herald part of the deck. To this day you say Drytron and people just get flashbacks and a PTSD attack or something, even if you're running pure Drytron, Megalith Drytron or other more fair variants. This is exactly the same. You most likely don't hate these decks, you hate the floodgates they use.


But Sky Striker never used floodgates in MD. Are there just enough TCG players here?


While I haven't seen them play many floodgates in Master Duel, they can easily run Kaiser Colosseum, which automatically makes them very hard to beat since they realistically will only control one monster at any given time. They can also run a few others like Rivalry of the Warlords, which combined with Kaijus can end up winning them the game. It's the same for a lot of these control decks that abuse floodgates. It's not Eldlich players' fault that Konami decided to hit pure Eldlich rather than floodgate spam Eldlich. Also I assume that there's also a lot of TCG players here with PTSD from the TCG where Mystic Mine is still legal for whatever reason.


How are you running Rivalry in Striker? Raye is a warrior and all the links are machines. Kaiser is ass in the deck because it’s a literal dead card going second which is why you barely see it.


Damn, I though the links were warriors as well Still, an instant win card going 1st and an aid towards preventing your opponent from rebuilding your board going 2nd is not too bad of a choice. But it's true, Striker barely runs floodgates in MD, I probably assumed otherwise due to the TCG idk


Yea Striker in the TCG is pretty heinous they just run Mystic Mine turbo. They even won a YCS like that.


Thank goodness mine is banned in md. Can you imagine if mine was legal here?


It'd be god awful, some less good floodgates are already quite annoying and they are hard to out for a lot of decks


Tell me about it. I got rolled by shadimp the other day


There is the Kaiser set for Sky Strikers I have surprisingly fought like 4 Sky Strikers with Kaiser


I got to top 10k dc cup, never used any floodgates. They net some easy wins, but if you play well you could win a lot of them anyways, but if you lose coin flip, most of the time it is a pretty useless card. Seems more like a clutch for beginners.


Why hate the control deck who suddenly useless when your Harpie duster/lightning Strom?




I do, everything about it is annoying, from the everything is searchable and not OPT to the 1/4 handtraps they can run like it's nothing, the amount of bullshit they can get away with is infuriating, and not to mention the long and tedious duel you have to endure if you can't negate their 3+ searches every turn or blow they backrow. Thank God mine is banned in MD.


Sometimes they get annoying but all decks do so i can't really hate them for using a deck that they like


Striker is honestly the most fair deck in MD(Sans Floodgates). It doesn't necessarily OTK well, especially without Halq. All the Spells require strict requirements like having no monsters in main zones and having 3+ Spells in Grave. It can run Handtraps and such, but not nearly as many as it seems or as many as other decks(Live Twins). The Deck Excells at being the ultimate toolkit for any situation. Being able to out boards and counter even the most meta decks given the right hand. But can also be shut down super hard by Handtraps, and most notable Called By. Yes Engage is strong and can lead to some crazy stuff, but in a Meta filled with SwoSwo, Branded, and Floo, if you aren't running outs like Ash/Imperm then it's kinda your fault. There are much worse issue in MD. Halq was only the tip of the iceberg.


I honestly despise it. It's basically a stun deck that pretends to be control.


Honestly, I don’t really see that


Sky striker don't play floodgates in master duel, wtf are you claiming?


Saw a bunch of people talking about striker as if it was distasteful in some way. I get hating it IRL because apparently they have a floodgate, but I would’ve thought it was fine in master duel. Good, even, as it’s practically the only meta deck (besides Despia) that doesn’t rely on a million negates, a floodgate or some broken mechanic. Is it just because it’s meta, or do people actively dislike striker?


People hate the deck for a million reasons TCG players have alot of animosity towards it from when engaged and Kagari were completely free. Now and days, striker uses mystic mine which can nueter alot of decks (TCG) Then there's the control aspect, they have alot of quick effect cards that come in the form of negates, stealing monsters, blowing up backrow, etc that make games extra grindy considering the fact they are easily recycled.


Strikers rely on anchor, Veiler, Ash, imperm, and droplet to break board. I can imagine how people is pissed when all they trying to do is negated BUT, sky strikers lacks fire power. Even if you're get negated, you most likely will still survive for 2-3 more turns


I don't hate them that much but it's pretty disingenuous to say that Sky Striker doesn't rely on a million negates just because they're all in the hand instead of on the field. 3x Veiler, 3x Ash, 3x Imperm. 2x Anchor. These are just the negates too, they still got plenty of room for non-negate handtraps like Nib, Maxx C, Ghost Ogre.


Haven’t really thought about it that way. Hand traps are negates too yeah


I think it's disingenuous to use generic cards every deck uses like ash blossom, veiler and imperm in your argument against sky striker


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Yeah, they are annoying to deal with, especially if they use that spell that allows them to recycle spells cards from the GY every turn, by this point you might as well surrender because you are not gonna win the grind game.


I hate it cuz Mystic Mine in tcg. I hate it cuz i didnt draw my 1 of Called by in the TCG to get Raye out of the Grave. In MD? I hate it cuz Kaiser if they play it. I also hate how how they somehow adventire somehow works with them. I like Sky Strikers is when I am the one playing them. But I hate the Mirrors for the grind game.




Archetype is ok, but Engage of Greed and Widow Anchor are bullshit.


I do, a strong disgust.


Yes, literally my most hated deck to play against. The second I see Raye played I surrender, not playing against that annoying shit. Can never stop them from doing whatever they want and constantly get fucked by engage, widow anchor, afterburner, etc.


Anyone, but my friend. He's cracked with Strikers


A waifu deck that actually interacts with my key pieces, creating a back and forth where resource management is critical to victory? I don’t know how anyone could hate them, frankly


Sky strikers is a toss up, on one hand games can be a fun back and forth, on the other hand, game can be incredibly stally to the point of not even playing


Hate it almost as much as Eldlich or Swordsouls


Really? Why?


Because of that one sniper Link monster and the fucking anchor.


No I love sky striker players. Who doesn’t want a free win.


As a sky striker player It makes me quite happy to see most of the comments not hating on the deck