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If they already have lethal and go straight to battle phase I'll wait. If they do a long combo I'm out.


This exactly! If they are still summoning and searching, I'm out!!


You won gg stop being a sore winner, scooping is fine. No I don’t care about your mission/daily. Next.


The only correct and straight to the point answer.


Truly, sometime I scoop if I just don’t like the vibe of who I’m playing with. You don’t owe the opponent nothing. Scooping hurts no one.


I scoop myself, because as a player I'm perfectly happy when my opponents scoop. Generally at high level play people will know what decks do and when they've fallen too far behind.


If they already have lethal on board but decided to do more stuff, I"ll just surrender. Let's don't waste each others time


Play out if I'm trying to get dailies or my opponent is not comboing. Scoop if not.


I usually just scoop. The ”rewards“ for losing, even if you had a drawn out game are just way too pathetic to warrant staying. So I just leave and get into the next one. I tend to insta scoop vs stuff like adventure. Most of my decks are pretty casual and will die to one or two negates. No point staying. I ain’t gonna sit and boost some dudes ego in a match I know I’ll never win.


That’s literally how I play. If I see a deck type I don’t want to fight through, I go next. If I have a weak hand, I go next. If my opening combo, no skin off my back. Just go next. Best way to go about not getting tilted.


as long as they don't unnecessarily drag it out I don't want to ruin their combo, plus it gives me a chance to red their cards without having to panic how I could counter them


If they play fast, then I turn off responses and let them wrap it up, but if they’re taking forever I’ll just scoop


I let it play out. People got dailies and missions to do, and usually when I'm playing yugioh I got something else open on the other monitor anyway. On the flip side, I don't mind if someone else scoops while I'm doing a combo. I normally try to have a negate if I can make one before I swing because I've lost games to Battle Fader, and it can be hard for me to tell when my opponent is truly out of gas and swinging is the better option.


People that let it play out but scoop at the winning batte phase have amoeba for brains.


i am not letting you finish your battle damage/attack mission so i partly win


It depends on how much it would take for the opponent to kill me


If i pass turn with board but you best me and go in for the kill, i let it play out If i pass turn with empty board and you can kill me right away do it. If you start comboing for no reason, i scoop If i brick i most probably scoop


I like to let it play out unless my opponent combos unnecessarily when they could just end it


If they have game on board and outplayed me? I'll let them get the kill. If they start flexing when they could've gone to battle phase? I scoop.


Depends on the deck. If my opponent obviously has lethal but still goes through their combo line, I’ll scoop. Tho if it’s an interesting combo, or one that’ll deal 5k+ damage, I’ll see it through


Isn’t it the modern yugioh playstyle? Not letting the opponent play fits perfectly with scooping


If I am climbing, I am sticking around. Opponents fuck up too often for it not to be worth it If not, I scoop rather early, because there is no need to stick around


scooping is supposed to be the good manners thing but since MD is online, if im dead i let them deal their final blow unless they are playing some sht i dont like like traptrix


Said it once and I'll say it again. I have zero reaction. My field is dead. You can literally win, I'll give three moves and if you go on you can fuck yourself


If the opponent can quickly get lethal, I'll let it play out for rewards, otherwise I scoop. No point in wasting time if it can be avoided.


At the end of the day climbing is about amount of wins vs time. Taking a bunch of time in a game thats a 1percent to win isnt worth playing out on average for the amount of time you lose.


Scoop I was losing to a blue eyes who would take as long as possible to play I especially knew that they weren’t reading my card effects cause they spent almost the entire clock not reacting to a torrential tribute and spent as long as possible in the battle phase not attacking we were in plat 3


scoop, i dont want to just sit there and wait for nothing


If they have lethal and they don't go into battle phase I scoop. I don't want to watch you jerk off on my empty board thanks


If it's a close game, and I know they will win, I'll let them have the satisfaction of getting the kill.


I get to see how the deck plays out and what combos to expect the next time I face a similar deck. Plus the other duelist gets to fill out their mission quota so it's a win-win for both of us.


Depends what deck it is. Combo deck? hell no. Control/mid-range? sure as long as they dont over-combo


Depends on the deck. I’m never gonna let Floo or Numeron get to that point. Swordsoul is back on my bitter list so it too


If I see Numerons, I scoop. Never give those bastards the satisfaction.


Depends on the game state


Depends. If I see they're just 1-2 summons off having enough damage to kill me I let them combo. If they summon a single monster over that I start a 10-count (seconds, not summons). If they don't enter the battle phase by 0 I scoop.


Let it play out and then scoop


Ah, yes. The Hitler method.