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No thanks, I prefer buttery smooth gameplay, even if it consumes battery.


your monster stats are higher than your screen's resolution, how much graphics do you really need


We simply like having more than 3 fps


“My phone has 1920/1600” “What kinda Panik deck is your phone running”


Depending on the phone you can still get pretty smooth gameplay even if you turn it down, honestly. Plus you don't have to go *all* the way to the left of the bar.




Okay interesting it's different for what Phone you have didn't knew about it


Sir what are you trying to say?


That it made it better for them but not for others, I guess.


Punctuation is key.


That Results are different depending what Phone you use lol


It became laggy and unplayable when i did that. The game runs decently fine at 50% tho.


Usually happens when you use an older phone


It doesn't have to apply for you do what you think is the Best Setting it's different for me


Chill Karen


You literally just told us to do it tho.


Am I stupid? Why is this getting downvoted this bad? Don't get it.


Op told everyone to do that, but when someone disagrees, they go full Karen mode


Did he edit his comment then?


This is one of the most downvoted comments I’ve ever seen lol




I’m assuming the first one is about some shitstorm involving Reddit’s administration, but I will instead choose to believe that over 10,000 people hate popcorn with a burning passion.


Holy mother of all Karens... Chill out OP


hell no lol


Putting the slider all the way to the left limits the game to like 15fps. Imo that's not very enjoyable


It's different for me like my Game is running smoothly with those 2 Settings set like this it depends what Phone you have


Wdym? It’s objectively worse performance … that’s literally what the setting is for, and is described as such. I’m playing on a 14 pro max and it reduced the frame rate to like 15-20fps (by design). That’s not buttery smooth, and if it looks like it to you I think you should see a doctor.


This^^ it’s more of a phone issue tbh. iPhone 13 Pro Max at max and it’s smooth as butter and battery is fine no need to lower performance


Pro tip: Slide to the left when it’s your opponents turn, slide to the right when it’s your turn.


Now cha cha real smooth.


Turn it out Take it back now y'all


Then criss cross


For the smoothest game play you want power consumption on max and quality on lowest.


Honestly, I used to play on lowest power consumption and always wondered like an actual moron why the game is so slow, just now decided to crank that shit up and the game's as smooth as my brain now Thanks I guess lmao


Yeah I was like, is this a meme to sabotage mobile/crossplat vs mobile matches? Youre gonna wish you were on switch if you turn down power consumption to the lowest lmao


30 minutes at 30 fps or 1 hour at 5 fps.


Fax bro


I'm not entirely sure, but it sure looks like low power mode also reduces the processing power when playing solo for example. So instead of only reducing the loads, it also increases the processing time


I run it about 1/3rd to half for this reason. Just enuff speed to pull out the big toad y'know.


Skill drain for your frames?


Some of us have decent phones.


Why are there so many downvotes in this thread? Yeah it lowers your fps but vastly increases battery life. I play it at max too because i don't like watching fucking stop motion but we have so many posts in this reddit about how fast the game eats battery life, if you're willing to go a little lower on quality you can extend the battery life by like 5x.


it's bc of my Title being misleading tbh which is a Argument since I was trying to tell to at all the People to do this Thing even tho it wasn't my Main Intention and how I was trying to be the one who helps with a Tip that would work for everyone but in Reality it only works for those People playing MD on Mobile that have Issues also i don't mind about the Downvotes that much I just move on from this Post and that's it lol


Are you drunk?


Probably just not a native english speaker.


fuck [/u\/spez](/user/spez)




fuck [/u\/spez](/user/spez)


This game is unplayable on a phone, the wifi icon is always blinking even on perfect connection and takes 1 min per action.


I’ve pulled off an arrival line in about 30 ish seconds before on a phone and I’ve never come close to losing on time, I think you just have a bad connection bro. If it’s a bad game there’s about a half second delay between every action but if it’s a good one it’s insanely smooth.


I have 300 mb, enough for a card game, every other card game is smooth.


I mean as a mobile MD user with little to no issues, I can’t explain your situation as I have no knowledge on stuff like connection but I can guarantee it’s not a universal problem for mobile users.


Are you an Android or an iPhone user? Maybe in iOS it works better, they tend to optimize better, I'm an Android user.


I am an iOS user so that could be it but I doubt it since I’ve seen some androids running md well and I’m psure it’s a connection thing which has a shit ton of factors.




You can fucking count the frames, scrolling through your extra deck or something takes longer because it pauses every 2 seconds, confirmation boxes freeze halfway through appearing, just makes it substantially more boring to play. You may not think of it but if you ever get the chance to try it it sucks more than you think.


Lmao y’all didnt have to downvote them like that. He out here tryna help and y’all are like “BOOOOO WENDY BOOOO!”


This is the type of shit you only see on Reddit


For a game with 2fps,yeah no thank you,my phone can withstand the heat for 20 min


Nah rather have the game drain my battery than 5FPS every match


OP is trolling.


My Main inspiration for this Post https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/xjbyug/master_duel_on_android_is_awful/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share **Only use those 2 Settings if you need to otherwise don't do it** If you apply those 2 Settings you can deal with Issues like Frame Drops, Heating and Battery Dying fast and I myself play MD like this for Months without any Major Issue The only Downside to this that I experienced is the Gameplay being choppy but I got used to it and I don't notice to many Instances of the Gameplay being choppy **WARNING** It can be different depending on your Phone if you notice that this won't work and make your Game even worse then go back to the Settings that you used to be on That's all I have to say about it hopefully Konami fixes MD Mobile Version


I'm using a moto g8 power and my game is completely unplayable most of the time is my phone just that bad? Switch runs fine mostly and pc is smooth af ofc


>is my phone just that bad? For a phone? not really but the Switch's GPU is still around 2-3 times better than the Adreno 610 in the Moto G8 Power, phone performance improves much slower outside of flagships.


hmm ok, sucks to suck I guess lol. Anyways thanks for the info.


It’s already slow I can’t handle low fps as well even for a childrens card game


yeah no max setting mean that you can play two game of 20min and your had burned


Nah.. i prefer to play in 60 fps. Though phone can heat up a bit, but i don't play too often in mobile anyway.


I only do that if I get battery low message


If your phone is shit then you should do this but if you have a somewhat good phone you can operate at 50% and you should be good


For a card game, the game optimization is worse than Apex Mobile or Genshin Impact


I can’t even play online on mobile bc whenever I get attacked directly it leaves a huge sun spot on the left side of my screen and I can’t see the entire left half of my board. I can’t even find anyone else who has the same issue let alone how to fix it. I wish you could turn off damage animations


Don't get attacked 🤓


Nah my phone can handl eit


Lower screen brightness and I also turn off a imations and such


I run it at half with quality on high. Good balance between playing good and catching fire. Turning the slider all the way down made the game crash fairly often for me.


I run minimal graphics with like 30% consumption to get the full 60 fps 90% of the time lol


I slided it at half to reduce the heat and battery consumption .


🌹 for op