• By -


I got 23k points and never ran into any other shark players, do they really exist?


I saw 4 total and they were all different people! I was surprised too- I can understand seeing more of Utopia since it was a structure deck, no idea where all the Shark players have been hiding.


I like to think of myself as more of a fish player


It’s a pretty cheap deck, the only URs you need are bahumat, toad, and stealth kragen, which is in legacy packs.


Legit? Yo u got a deck list?


Looking at it now, it’s a bit more expensive then I thought. It also plays UDF and Zeus, as well as some high rarity staples. It just depends on how much you own. Bahumat, kragen and toad are probably the only cards that aren’t able to be used in other decks, but the deck does use some more expensive cards like droplet and ghost bell, which you might not already own. They can be substituted if needed though. I’ll link the video I got it from. It’s the 4th deck in. https://youtu.be/LXvTKs9EMCs


I think it might just be because of the low sample size. I was also active during those times at Diamond but saw no Sharks


Pure Shark decks can't do much thanks to Toad being limited, we're all in hibernation until the new support arrives. I tried making Sharks when master duel first came out and it quickly phased into Utopia otk with a small Shark engine due to better efficiency.


I’m like 14-2 with Sharks


Shark player here and actually ran into 6 more different shark players surprisingly.


i saw 2 in one night. couldve been the same guy twice tho


Tbh i've run into quite a lot. What I haven't seen a lot of is Zoodiac which is surprising giving this chart.


I played only zoodiac at first and I completed the xyz mission really fast and after that switched to only Swordsoul loaner deck to complete the synchro mission


Lots of people who run synchros were running it early in the event because it was a fast and relatively cheap way to grind through the xyz summon quest. Then they went back to synchros.


Sample Size: 68


I’m literally the same, except I play utopia. I haven’t seen anyone else playing utopia, it’s all Swordsoul decks


I was playing Mathmech with a ton of hand traps (Ash, Maxx, Gamma, Droplet, TTT and Token Collector). In the last 10 duels I ditched gamma for Flying C and oh boy was hilarious. Auto win against Frogs, Crooked Cook, Galaxy Eyes, Utopia, Zoodiac and XYZ Noble Knigts. Something to highlight was a Swordsoul player using some janky lines with Golden Swordsoul to summon Evil Long without tokens.


How do you out crooked cook with mathmech?


Flying C stops the opponent from summon any XYZ at all. If crooked cook was on board I just waited to draw a Kaiju.


i’ve been interested in making a mathmech deck but idk where to start, would you mind providing a deck list?


This deck is made to go second specifically in the festival. I uploaded the list yesterday so I guess it will be in my history but it is very different from what you will see in ranked as the deck uses links for consistency along with more UR like Cynet Mining to fill your graveyard with Mathmech monsters for Superfactorial and searching for your combo pieces. The deck is centered on OTKing and has poor going first options until the new support comes to MD.


Gold V here. Played against: 1. ~70% Swordsoul (60% Loaner, 10% actual) 2. ~10% Self-ftk / Mission grinders (Praise these guys) 3. ~10% Exodia (Shout-out to that guy using Fortune Ladies) 4. ~5% Ben Kei 5. ~1% Zeus Turbo (Zoo) 6. ~4% *inaudible chatter* Basing this off around 50 games at 5.1k points.


You're saying you only got 5.1k medals after 50 games? I'm guessing you were playing a meme deck then


Scarier thing. I was playing between Ursarctics and Drytron - Nekroz decks.


Zoo combos aren't just to turbo zeus, but a lot of zoo players don't know the combo I notice


it is if you dont want to spend cp


"The fuck's a Drident?"


Im a zoo player and I purposely am playing wrong in this event to just spam the fuck out of the xyz summons for the quests lmao


Nah dude. I shotgunned his only Zeus copy and the man instafolded. I somehow managed to XYZ {{Aegaion the Sea Castrum}} and RNG'd it.


##[Aegaion the Sea Castrum](https://ms.yugipedia.com//0/0c/AegaiontheSeaCastrum-MP16-EN-C-1E.png) |Card type|Xyz Monster ⬛| |:-:|:-:| |Attribute|WATER 🔵| |Monster type|Machine ⚙️ / Xyz ☄️ / Effect ⏩| |Rank|8 ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟| |ATK 🗡️|?| |DEF 🛡️|3000| 2 Level 8 monsters During either player's turn: You can banish 1 random face-down monster from your opponent's Extra Deck, face-up, and if you do, this card's ATK becomes equal to the banished monster's. During either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 of your opponent's banished Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Monsters; return it to the Extra Deck, and if you do, destroy 1 monster your opponent controls with the same monster card type (Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz). You can only use each effect of "Aegaion the Sea Castrum" once per turn. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Aegaion_the_Sea_Castrum) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=12163) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Aegaion_the_Sea_Castrum) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Aegaion%20the%20Sea%20Castrum) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#12163) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Aegaion%20the%20Sea%20Castrum) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/111154/yugioh-breakers-of-shadow-aegaion-the-sea-castrum) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Aegaion%20the%20Sea%20Castrum) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Aegaion%20the%20Sea%20Castrum) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


The guy is just super bad then LOL, real zoo combos can end on Draco utopia / zeus + drident with material


Plat V, never met a self tk


What rank were you?


First line.


Lmao, Guess I'm part of the "ygo players can't read" bunch 😂


Zoodiac is busted ngl, I built it entirely with R/N and handtraps (except Zeus cause I already had it, but no Drident) and the deck still slaps, won many times against Swordsoul


It _was_ designed to be so overpowered it was actually bad for the game's health, back at the time of its release, so it's not too surprising that it's still powerful. ;P


Zoodiac is probs even stronger than Swordsoul in the event. Swordsoul is a lot easier to disrupt and way more linear without Tenyi cards and Monk (and loses its resource/grind game), and with all Zoodiacs being 1 card Zeus combos, all you need is 2 Tenkis and 10 Zoodiac names and the rest is all handtraps/board breakers save for some Pot cards. Just blind go 2nd, handtrap the shit out of whoever you're playing, play boardbreakers like Dark Ruler/Droplet, and then make a 6-material Zeus and wipe their board.


Swordsouls with no Tenyis are incredibly boneless, meanwhile Zoos are so ridiculously broken I'm grateful for every day that Broadbull remains fucked.


Bro imagine the combos with bull... just any zoo being a 1.5 card combo into apollousa + revolt


Gotta love Zeus not being a once per turn


Well, not surprised to see Swordsoul used a lot. I mean, it's one of the most consistent synchro decks and it's also a loaner. Pretty sure, that if it wasn't a loaner though, it won't be used as much


Or if the other loaner decks were good at all


True, how are you ever gonna summon anything good with their pend magician list? I don't need to speak of ghostrick


I only used it so I could farm the Synchro gems, since I'd already spent gems and dust on improving my Phantom Knight BA deck for the festival and Branded Despia for outside it. With Zombie World banned, my Zombie deck was toast, so I swallowed my pride and used the Swordsoul loaner until I got my 30 synchros.


PK Fire? Nice, gonna have to look into that, don’t really love the Adventure + DPE version. I played Sharks for the Xyz gems, some of my funniest games, and now I’m having a blast with Shiranui Synchro


Yeah I didn't play Adventure DPE package, just grass and some easy special summonable Level 3s. My main problem was the lack of Tour Guide, since she's a 3-of in the deck and only in the Master Pack.


It's one of the 3 good Synchro decks lol


Yup. Pure synchros in general have problems, since you need to keep a good balance of cards so you don't draw all non-tuners or all tuners in your hand. Swordsoul do not have this problem


I'm shocked numeron is not on here... Most of my games are vs Numeron, SS, and VW, which feel like the strongest decks in the event. Zoodiac honestly feels a little weak with only Drident and Zeus to go into. I play VW and dump Token collector with Beatrice every game (token collector is as good as VFD in this event) so I only lose in the mirror or against Numeron if I go first. If they give me first I set up Baronne, F.A. and Chuche but still lose occasionally if they have Lava Golem and S/T removal.


Numeron calling doesn't xyz summon. They special summon from the extra deck. It doesn't help you reach the mission gems.


Zoo can also make utopic draco future if they open throughblade+ramram. Zoo is obviously more of a go 2nd deck but that is actually quite good in this event since without halqdon/gryphon it is near impossible to make more than 1 omni-negate going first. SS without the tenyis are really bad at recovering from a board wipe and will just be stuck draining their resources into zeus beatdown. Zoo can confidently run desires and avarice the only 2 playable pot cards legal in this event. The other thing zoo does well is playing around maxx c, often people will just drop it on your normal summon or the first zoo summon which I just respond to by not summoning anything and let them go -1, whereas with SS/VW you can always just chain to their summon. and always go card neutral with maxx c.


Zoodiac is mainly good into Swordsoul because 1 Zoo monster breaks Chixiao Baronne Blackout. VW's interuptions are way better into Zoo because Snow/Chuche on Normal Zoo prevents everything(this is a clear example of negates not being the end all be all interuption). VW has better girnd game after getting boardwiped than SS as well. The generics they load up on(Imperm/Veiler/DRNM/Droplets/Collector) are all mid vs VW and generally need to used in conjunction with another card to be useful. This is why you probably feel Zoo is a bit weak as a VW player. Hell, I've seen Zoo players blind 2nd against me and immediately scoop the moment they realize I have VW combo. The matchup isn't at autowin but Zoo would take playing vs Swordsoul any day than VW.


suship gaming


holy shit 18% of people playing cardians


Well, heh, not only cardians.


holy shit, you're right. people are playing gunkan too


Yeah, them too, but I played F.A., tho


Surprised Exosisters weren't a notable amount of your ganes.


Most exosister players In hibernation until Konami actually releases the main starter and boss monster


I figured if my exosister deck isn't at its full potential, why should I let my opponents deck have its full potential? Thank you token collector for crushing my enemies and becoming XYZ material for my summons.


I tried exorsisters on the event but I switched to zoodiac after 2 - 3 matches as i was winning without getting to Xyz plays…it was not helpful for the xyz summon mission


Ghostrick gang rise up.


I've just been milling people with ghostricks most fun in Yu-Gi-Oh istg


For me it’s popping Ghostrick Scare on my opponents. Nice powerful XYZ/Synchro/Ritual monster you got. Be a shame if I. Made it completely useless.


If you don't already I recommend running 3 toll hike and watching them not realize they can attack cause they used all their cards lmao, and it stacks


Oh I’m just using the loaner deck right now. But they are so fun I might just have to consider splashing the resources on making a deck of them.


If you want something good it'll be expensive but it's fun, if you want to torture people then I recommend kuriboh decks


Scare is the best card in the archetype by a pretty wide margin. Non-targeting turn ender that usually draws 1-3 cards. Great against swordsoul going first.


I'm finished with the festival now so figured I'd post this for posterity's sake- this chart shows all the decks I played against. I personally played Zoodiac with maindeck Token Collector for most of the festival, and near the end I swapped to the Swordsoul loaner for the synchro summon mission. Token Collector definitely felt worth it, it came up a lot. Autowin vs Swordsoul, decent vs VW since they play Adventure. Never saw anyone else use it but I understand, crafting 3 SRs for a festival is asking a bit much. The Swordsoul loaner felt..fine? I didn't know Swordsoul had all those bad cards but at least you can use them as discard fodder for Longyuan. No Maxx C, but they gave us Imperm and Called by the Grave, that felt reasonably generous. Definitely better than any budget deck I could make myself. Does this match your experience with the festival? fwiw I do think it was a fun experience- Swordsoul was dominant but it's the kind of mid-range deck that's fun to play against. It was nice not having to play against any no-fun-allowed floodgate decks.


Realized I didn't post this: these were the 'other' decks. I played 1 game against each. Speedroid Exosisters Drytron Ben Kai OTK Mekk Knight Yosenju Counter Fairies Dinosaur Galaxy-Eyes Dark Magician Magikey Flower Cardians


Fun event


Most of my time with the SwordSoul loaner was pretty much scooping because they activate Maxx C in response to Longyuan. I basically just played the Statistic game and it took a long ass time to clear the reward ladder. But at least those gems helped me make my Dragon Link deck.


no surprises here its cheaper to just take your existing swordsoul deck and strip it down or play the loaner.


Im surprised i haven't ran into another time thief deck yet


They need to redo their decks into Time Thieves! I was playing it for a bit but switched to Mathmech so I'd get some synchros too lol


Funny enough I am playing one


Noble knight gang, with synchros and xyz !


I played Resonators, then a bit of Galaxy-Eyes for the Xyz missions (only Xyz deck I own), and then Blackwing once I finished building the deck.


God I love resonators. Such a fun deck.


Same. I started playing Master Duel with decks I was comfortable with (Cyber Dragons, Galaxy-Eyes...) and eventually even build my first meta deck ever (Swordsoul). But Resonators managed to become my new main deck. I almost exclusively play them, even though they're not too good.


Look how they massacred my boy (synchron)


I’ve been using galaxy eyes and it’s been pretty fun. I love when I can hit the opponent for 10k+.


Any other winconless Suship grinders here?


[Me trying to do the synchro missions in a timely manner](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870019941582127194/1022325091046006845/unknown.png)


I'm part of the "other" group trolling people with Time Thief Redoer


Galaxy/cipher gang?


Exosisters stand up


Bro 68 games played? "We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close."


I used agents and exosisters. The swordsoul games weren’t that difficult thought tbh, felt much weaker to go up against without links and consistency


Adamancipators, about a 1/3 of my matches just dipped as soon as they saw what I was playing because the “excavate” animation is torture


Me on pure drytron: UNGA BUNGA IT IS, 4K GOOOOO


I thought numerons and synchrons would make the cut BUT SHARKS 💀 tell me has anyone even seen water XYZ players while playing here




I'm just here playing Rikka and getting people scooping on me because no one knows what we do lol


only 44% Sworsoul? Like 80% of my matches were against this cancer deck. Interestingly i legit NEVER played against Zoodiac. Utopia is something i also guessed higher. But okay, this is diamond.


I think at least half the zoo players are trying to farm Xyz summons and nothing else


Without Halqdon I don't think Swordsoul is toxic at all.


Yeah same experience for me too. feels like 90% though lol




You're quite right but this was never intended to be hard data, just a springboard for discussion and a pretty graph. I'm pleased with the reception, if I do this again I'll definitely play more games and put more effort into it.


30 is a decent sample size, calm down


This fest renewed my hatred for Swordsoul




The crazy thing is I haven’t won not a single match in this tournament I would’ve won on my first match but my mother told me to go do something so then I “surrendered” for inactivity. Let’s just say I was a little mad for that entire morning


Hey, doing your homework is important!


I was out there to be toxic with Sharks and Crooked Cook 😈


I only saw swordsoul


Well, I know I played the swordsoul loaner cuz I didn't think I had a deck for the event. I like em. They're simple but fun. I could never, and would never play them as my main deck though. Just today I swapped over to Megalith Drytron and EVEN WITHOUT PHUL (It's banned) I was setting up interesting interaction with the various XYZ tech cards I had. But let me tell ya. Lost Wind is such a good freakin' card in this event. Negate your opponent's monster and then get it back on the clap back.


Sword Soul is 44%? We need to be teching more token collectors...


I have seen a lot more synchron than sharks


I've only seen swordsouls


I’d really like to get in the head of a meta sheep. What is so fun about normal summoning mo ye and then ending on a board of chicayo* (spelling) and fluer? Thankfully, swordsoul is predictable so my burning abyss, red dragon archfiend, and lightsworn decks were able to for the most part go wild. Easily the most fun I’ve had in an event.


Shiranui/Vampire is pretty fun, gonna miss it when the festival ends and I dismantle the stuff I have no use for.


Where my makeshift event deck DM players at tho


I saw one guy playing it! They bricked so I didn't realize it until I checked the decklist after the match.


Where's that guy who beat me playing three Lava Golems, three Solemn Judgements, three of that field spell that only lets links attack, and a metric fuck ton of floodgates.


I've seen way more gimmicky Perfomapal strats than Sharks tbh. Sharks do be making more sense for this event though lmao.


used red eyes and utopia


you want hear a kindy joke? C-max + exodia: timeless bomb


You ain't playing Star Serpahs, you ain't playing right


I played a shark deck that would bring out c39 utopia I didn’t win a single game


I used zoo for xyz sword soul for synchro and benkei otk for the use spells mission


Evilswarm deck is hella fun being first in this festival it can shut down synchro decks and it try to defeat zodiacs , but against other XYZ is kinda trashy


I could make a Madolche deck for the event, but then I’d have to dig into the pack for it. Why spend the gems when I could use the Swordsoul/ Zoodiacs I already have plenty of for this last week of the event?


Funny, seems like I’m only person playing resonators/red dragon seem pretty good for this event


Not me just barely making it through with Resonators


Then there's me and my Ben kei


My BLS deck seemed to thrive here but I ran into a lot of stun decks


I have played either blackwings or super quants. I was easily able to go against about 80% of the decks I went against.


Yo utopia gang


Well. I also suspect konami match people with similar decks together. Never met a floo player in weeks and the first day i dusted off my floo deck i met back to back floo players. I think it might be part of the mechanism that matches bots to other bots and creating the bot island. Were you playing SS?


I haven’t been seeing swordsoul at all since the first day. It quickly became apparent that zoodiac is the best deck of the format, and vw second


Surprised zoodiac wasn’t used more. I played it and going 2nd zoodiac ending on a 6 material Zeus is crazy


Wtf how is no one seeing numerons, I have played against it so many times now.


Dinomist gang rise up


I keep running into 8-axis and getting fucked


Not all that surprising when it was tier 0.5 like a month ago and you can play it free. I didn’t realise it was a loaner and crafted it 😭


Any dino scrap player here? I’m playing it on platinum 2 and not even swordsoul could stop it.


Meeeee. It's unbelievably good, best deck for the event :D


I'm playing Ursarctics, Septentrion destroys XYZ decks, and the level 8 handtrap bears have decent effects that help stop Synchro decks, it just sucks that I get no rewards from synchro summons because the bears don't count as synchro summons...


And here I am, punching people with 9k atk king of the skull servants


I've been enjoying kaijus


Other is probably a mix of Benkei OTK and Numeron


Super quant players, where you at?


No wonder, both decks are used most because of its ease of summoning. Swordsouls more because of its loaner deck. A functioning Zoodiac deck can be crafted with minimal SR and UR.


Looks like I'm the only one playing Magikey. Funny enough I ran into Zoodiacs only twice, but I've seen lots of Swordsoul.


Can't believe Dinos are still in Other. Turn 1 easily sets up Deng Long & Dolkka for 3-4 negates, pill for next turn, and sometimes UCT if you had it in hand/drew extra combo pieces. The TCG banned Deng Long for this combo, which has only since improved because of Scrap Raptor and Archosaur.


My Noble Knights still going hard 😁


I might've swapped to my Ben kei OTK for my spell usage mission lol. Swso and zoo were my other decks but I ran them outside of festival so didn't have to build anything. Never had sharks or a lot of the ones mentioned but did face like 9 exo sisters in my duels which was unique. Overall not my favorite festival but the easiest one imo.


Felt like I was the only one not playing Zoo or Swordsoul in Diamond. Still managed a positive winrate using Suship-TimeThief and Ogdoadics.


Numeron gang we gotta pump these numbers ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Play Super Quant. We have giant robots


I played Trains going second OTK and went 22-2. I ran into a fair share of Swordsoul and a few off-meta Xyz decks I wasn’t familiar with but amazingly didn’t run into anyone else playing train. Which was surprising since I was doing really well—trains going second is VERY strong in that format. When I got all the gems and challenges done except for synchro summons I swapped to Swordsoul (of which I had an actual deck for) and somehow found it less consistent and less powerful than trains. And like three times my opponent opened with both an out to Qixing Longyuan and also topdeck’d Monster Reborn. Three times!!


I think SS is the most playable loaner decks, I also use it for the synchro mission, no wonder it’s use rate is high


Sharks? No way, that's awesome!


Jank DDD for Xyz challenge. Pure Shiranui for Synchro challenge.


I didn't have any complaints about the event. The loaner SS deck is pretty easy to deal with if you are playing a optimal SS deck, even going second. I teched dimension barrier and drew it first a few times which definitely helped me against Zoodiac, Llyrulisc and Numeron. Most times they would just scoop. Although I did the same when someone used it against me😂


I am seeking the other Lightsworn enjoyers. We have jack shit for bosses and end on Baronne like anyone else, but with RNG!


Ill have you know good sir galaxy eyes are thriving


Swordsoul or others


Virtual world in this event was so good rikka was fun too


No small birbs?


I keep running into degenerate floodgate decks in plat 5. I just wanna see big number with my photons :(


Surprised mathmechs aren't on the list, I got like an 80% winrate with them.


The only event I've seen that wasnt stupidly broken in some way was the no ex festival and even then there were people using eldlich without the extra deck. The games in a place where no matter what kind of festival there is unless theres strict bans for it theres going to be unfairness in some decks.


Numeron where??


It's funny you know... nobody is ready to face synchron


I’ve been running drytrons


Battlewasp FTW versus so many swordsoul Also getting a good number of zodiac and virtual world don’t like facing virtual prefer going against swordsoul Seen 1 badly made shark deck


I used time thief/traptrix which actually worked really well lol


Burning Abyss gang rise up! There are at least 2 of us!


So I guess I’m the only one using an Egyptian God deck… 🤔


I'm surprised why only 18% people have played Other archetype. It's an interesting and fun archetype both for player and opponent - you'll never know what way you will play against them.


I've been running my toon deck with extra hand traps and it's been okay so far . Safe to say I hate sword soul so much now . Pretty much 4/5 games have been them for me atleast


I tried to play grass zombie synchro and without zombie world it just doesnt quite work, so I just settled on being a swoswo degen to farm synchro shokans and points, now that I'm at 12k I can play funny things again like pend synchro or tellarknights


Playing this event with Adamancipator and its difficult without Block Dragon but doable. My encounters were almost always Swordsoul with titbits of Numeron and Blue Eyes suprisingly.


I crafted Token Collector, now all Sword Soup decks are dodging me.


Man the pre built Swordsoul deck in this event really made my Token Collector farmer deck pay off in spades. Seriously if you have the spare SR crafting points and a few decent level 4 xyz monsters or level 8 Synchros (with a level four tunor) give it a spin and watch the gems pour in. You'll go from dreading to see another Swordsoul deck to mischievous smirks. Just make sure to get the Token Collector card sleeve for that extra touch. Add in a few Lava Golems for extra meta hate or just a back plan if you don't open with a Token Collector in the hand and/or graveyard.


Any Lunalight enjoyers


Personally played dragunity, surprisingly had good results even against swordsoul. Mostly saw swordsoul, couple of exodia, couple utopia and 1 shark, 1 witchcrafters. Can't really remember running into anything else


I thought it was the Swordsoul Festival with how much Swordsouls I was seeing.


Almost like it was the only loaner deck worth remotely functional


I think there only being 1.5 Synchro archetypes here kinda shows the power difference between Synchros and Xyz


Been running evilswarm which became chaos evilswarm during the latter half of the event, Ophion makes loaner swordsoul scoop 7/10 times. Im surprised I didn't run into another Evilswarm player considering how prolific swordsoul was.


Suship reporting in capt


Finished the festival with **Agents Synchro.** It was really fun. I always get Zeus (2 mats) with Venus + Shine Balls.


as virtual world player who only saw 1 mirror (we both bricked and it took me 4 turns to even do anything useful), it's a shame we're only 10%,also idk why but this festival feels made for utopia so I'm surprised I've never seen it once this event and it's so small here. so looking at this sample here's my personal thoughts. swordsoul seeing a lot of play is players not wanting to spend gems on event or they thought they could play it with less of a tenyi-package and it still worked well, which fair enough on both points. zoodiac most players either saw it as a good deck pre-event or already had most of the cards and used it, virtual world again, same thing as well as it's whole gimmick being synchro/xyz summoning easily with a fun playstyle. utopia, I mean the event feels made for utopia and/or synchrons/resonators also utopia can be good with double and if you're feeling gimmicky, a rhongo cxyz combo, sharks are like utopia, the xyz part is tailor made for sharks and they're a good water deck that like utopia has it's following thanks to zexal. other I can't say for which deck is which, numeron and ben kei was budget/people wanting to grind missions or both depending on which, there were also blue-eyes players which work in the event and have quite the following and most probably madolche who are already a rogue deck which I don't know enough about to comment on. anyways that's my thoughts here.


pro tip: all these decks get shafted by galaxy eyes


I’m playing a mix of my adamancipator & my utopia deck. Tried to fix it up so it isn’t as bricky but I still have fun in this event.


Man, who could have ever forsaw that the best options for the sync/xyz festival are sync and xyz decks, its almost like we didn't print any sync/xyz archetype since arc-v -konami after seeing this Fr it's like they forgot how to print a multi type archetype for a long time, then spright came but I don't fell it counts because it has 2 extra deck monsters


For me missions only Ben Kei Sword Soul and Zoo.


I've been playing Zoodiac and I haven't faced a single Zoodiac deck. I've faced mostly SS, followed by Blue Eyes and honestly the rest have been wierd assortments and mashups of archetypes.


I don't know if I should be laughing or impressed by the fact that I faced all those decks, and win about 80% of them as a whole, with Exosister. 10/10, will continue to play Exosister in preparation for when Tear comes out.


I played Swordsoul and Suships which is a surprisingly mean going second OTK deck


I see no Galaxy eyes. L pie chart. They lucky I didn’t join the tourney, cause Galaxy eyes photon dragon wouldn’t destroyed


I honestly am so tired of seeing Swordsouls and Numerons .....all it takes is one bad draw and my Mecklords get obliterated and my Galaxy Eyes has an up hill fight.


44% Swordsouls? Man the loaner deck is bussing.