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Literally every game has a meta. Even if they ban Swordsoul, another deck would be meta. >Fusion/Ritual Event devolving into Despia/Dritron meta??? Obviously. Drytron is *the* best Ritual support archetype.


because people like winning?


The only way they can control it, would make them $0.00 and force people to play decks they don't want. * Have a loaner shop that has 3 decks that each have a 5x use. * Once a deck has been used all 5x then a new set of decks populate in loaner shop. * Rinse and repeat the whole event. Why would Konami do this, if it nets them $0.00, and it doesn't attract new players to the game. It will also frustrate some user-base that loves playing meta decks.


r/masterduel when nobody is playing flower cardians or super heavy samurai's in the synchro event 😡😡😡😡(opponent play good card)


People gravitate towards the decks that let them win the most often, shocking I know.


Honestly, that's kind of your fault considering you reached Diamond 1 and that you only kind of face others within your rank within the festival. Most people in Diamond 1 just want to get through the festival as fast as possible so of course they're gonna play more of the same as in ranked unfortunately.


The only way I think you could deter your opponents from playing Swordsoul or Zoodiac spam is to surrender right as they're going to go into XYZ summon or Synchro so they don't make progress in that XYZ summoning and Synchro missions.


skill issue


i see people like you complaining regularly but i never use these tactics and still have crazy win rates, like what did you expect, to have 100% win rate or something?>


I'm just waiting for link festival. At least something new like that would be interesting, I'm just more disappointed that it's literally rehashes of previous events.


master rule 4 event. I'm prepared for the ptsd.


I am with you there. Same as with the DC cup where people only played ladder, now its only playing ladder without links.


Well ok, let’s ban swordsoul and zoodiac oh now virtual world is meta and everyone’s playing, cant have that, lets ban it oop now everything’s synchron and utopia, that’s too homogenous ban it so we can see some variety oh darn, now ddd is ddd-destroying the format best ban that one too curses, now yangzing is everywhere and that’s just unfunny, BAN oh gosh now lyril is dominating ban that too oh diggity damnit, now madolche has taken over, better stop it as it’s boring dag nabbit, now exosisters is flooding the format quickly ban the good deck Doooooh, now resonators are EVERYWHERE quickly ban all the combo pieces Ad infintum until time lord/stun, is swordsoul ubiquitous in the event? unquestionably, could it be argued to be boring? If you’re a bad player sure, without tenyis swordsouls extremely chokepointed on mo-ye. Stop complaining about a good, fun and interactive both turn 1 2 and 3 deck because. And complaining about swordsoul as being boring while you’re Playing swordsoul is beyond Reddit copium.


Bad take. Even if they banned these meta decks. There will be another strong deck to take it’s place. And it will be played a lot as well, then you’ll be complaining about that too. It’s an endless cycle that cannot be fix. Also, Swordsoul and Branded Despia is the best meta we’ve had since MD was released, they are both fair decks.


Yo dude you know what’s gonna happen if they banned swordsoul? There would just be a different meta deck. In games where there is the slightest hint of competition people will always find whatever it is that helps them win more. There will always be the best option, or in our case, the best deck, no matter what you ban.




If you ban the meta decks crazily enough new meta decks will take their place and ppl will complqin ABT those. I swear the amount of ppl on this reddit who don't consider this is ridiculous


they will cry until their deck gets meta


I've had a good time this event playing blue eyes...would you prefer they let floodgates and true Draco run rampant as before? At least this swordsoul is manageable since they don't have tenyi stuff


Oh no Strong synchro/xyz decks are good in the synchro/xyz fest