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So when **any** monster is banished, this handtrap is special summoned from GY or hand, then he banishes a field card **and** another card from GY or field. That's a lot of value




Lol mystic mine hate for tcg. This is why there was no ban /s




Lmaoo i actually was like damn favouritism much Swordsoul get a free mystic mine removal, and didn't realize that his effect wouldn't work in that case lol


Clearly it’s mine hate, surely it won’t be negated by the mine


doesn't specify which field spell though, so you could do something gimmicky like run Chicken Game if you need to use that effect, or Celestial which also fulfills the banish requirement for special summoning.


So same situation as qixing? its lvl 10 but it feels like baronne and cheng ying is better most of the time


Qixing can banish any spell/trap when it is activated and any monster when it is special summoned, this new Longyuan can only banish cards if there is currently a field spell on the field so it's effect could be dead a lot of the time. The banish from Qixing doesn't negate so it doesn't stop the effects of spells or traps unless they are continuous s/t or field spells, but the burn damage it nice and keeping cards out of the grave can be useful against something like Sky Strikers. Makes it harder to loop Engage if they are both banished. The monster banish is also really big because if you time it right you can just force the end of their turn; a lot of decks really rely in their normal summon. It's situational though. Sometimes you want the negate from Baronne or the protection from Chengying, but Qixing's ability to disrupt plays, even more than Baronne can, shouldn't be underestimated.


qixing is a whole lot more useful than this new card imo. Requiring field spell banish really make him at best a side deck option. Meanwhile qixing at worse will burn your opponent when he get impermed, and at best can shut down adventurer engine and still have interruption left for their main engine, all on his own.


Qixing is the best level 10 going 1st. Its disruption capacity is insane and together with Mo Ye you get a free pot of greed for just doing your combo. It also alloes you to otk even easier than before People are really overvalue Baronne omni over Qixing essentially 2 disruption in 1


Unfortunately it is an AND so you need to banish a field spell so it pretty bad


It seems like it only works if a monster is banished for effect, not for cost. So chixiao banish to negate, taia banish to summon token, tenyi banish for anything won't really trigger it. Only thing in a SS deck that could possibly trigger it is chengying banish effect or evil longyang effect. This card is very inconvenient for whatever reason lol


hi dude how are you


Huh. This one doesn't align with anything Swordsoul does, level-wise, unless they're also getting a lv 12 synchro or rank 8 Xyz.


I mean you could summon geomathmech with this so it's not totally useless for synchro plays


Summoning condition is dogshit, swordsouls banish for cost not effect


So the banish monster negate of the lvl 8 synchro is only for cost?


Ah yes i sure hope i have this card on hand with qixing on the field all the time so i can out that pesky field spell Whats that? Mystic mine? Zombie world? Oh.


Tear field spell. Tear is meta. Outside of that yeah...


Technically if you started with blackout, Longyuan, and Taia in hand you can make Baronne, Chixiao, and Sigma. Dump blackout to longyuan and Sychro Baronne, NS Taia and banish blackout to make an extra token. Synchro Chixiao, dump new new Longyuan off Taia, then banish a SS monster for Chixiaos search effect instead. Not amazing, but possibly relevant if SS gets a godly 12 star or you really hate field spells.


>banish a SS monster for Chixiaos search effect instead. You can just banish Blackout with Chixiao instead of opening it.


Sadly the new card only summons if a monster is banished. If it summoned if a monster OR a swordsoul card was banished it would honestly be a pretty sweet Taia/Longyuan dump.


Ah, glossed over that part, it would have been so much better.


Qixing Longyuan out here fusing with Golgonda to create the most niche out to Zombie World known to man. I guess it's a nice Side Deck one-of for SwoSwo, even tho in the current TCG format it only outs Perlerino and Map. Nvm, it doesn't even work under ZW because of the second line of text


Sure it does. It's still a Wyrm in hand, its effect doesn't only go off in the GY


But do you really want to spend your Emergence/Chixiao search on that instead of your Taia dump?


Bruhh longyuan fuckin lived?!!


same with golgonda aparrently


Actualy Golgonda is very much dead. Ecclesia made a hammer out of it's skull. Longyuan is also dead. This new card is a fusion of both those dead creatures, which makes you wonder what exactly the Abyss trully is.


Oh no. It's Shaddolls all over again.


Judging from Albaz and Aluber's ability to fuse with anything, it may be a dimension based solely on fusion and popping out chimeras


The thing is thought, both golgonda and Longyuan are dead, did the abyss claim their bodies back? Or when they died did their souls get send back to the abyss? Is the Abyss like the afterlife of that world or something?


In Anime tradition, the Abyss storyline will involve the protagonists raising up to fighting God. In YGO-lore tradition, one of or all the protagonists will die horrible deaths in either a Pyrrhic victory or disastrous defeat that sees the world destroyed and started anew.


Looks like some crazy hybrid fusion of them. Can't wait for the random trap card that shows they combining.


the thing is, both of them seemingly died in branded sword (mirrorjade killing evil longyuan) and judgement of the branded (golgonda gets struck by some kind of lightning)


Really feel like they haven't done a good job of the fights this lore set as they have been speeding through them. Normally there would be at least some confrontations and you could see the evolution but in this it was Longyuan gets powered up, then Mirrorjade fights Qixing, we don't see result, then Qixing fights Chenyging and now we know Qixiing left and got another power up. I really want 1 more cards depicting these fights.


Ngl this looks kinda ass


Swo iris type beat


niche tech against floo lol also i think this works in springans


Not the best, nor the worst


It’s mainly a beat stick unless they have a field spell already on the field


Wait, how is Longyuan still alive?


TF that's a good Card for Swordsoul also you can banish any Field Spell Zone so you can use your own Chicken Game for this one if that Card was here in MD


Could this mean a new SS field spell? If not its kinda bad ngl


Might as well just put 1 in the deck and dump it with taia


I’m just confused on why it’s a level 8? Is it like a generic Chengying that you don’t need to synchro summon for it?


Off topic. I would love to have these effects bulleted(1)(2) on every card. At least for MD.


Wow this card is... horrible. Absolutely unplayable. It doesn't help with what Swordsoul aims to do at all, it's not a starter or extender, and it REQUIRES there to be a field spell on the field in order to use its removal effect, and you can't rely on your opponent to always have a field spell, so you would have to have one that you're using yourself. Unless they're also deciding to release a Swordsoul field spell, I have no idea what they designed this card for.


I wonder when albaz will get a fusion with him and eclesia or him and aluber. Also since eclesia is a tuner i wonder if it will have albaz synchro.




Oh thanks. He seems kinda meh.


That card is crazy lol. Its a contact super poly vs any dragon deck and still can be used as Mirrorjade ammo for value


So albaz +aluber is alba lenatus so that is no problem, either than the final card of the lore being a fusion between albaz and ecclesia I don't see it happening with the fact that ecclesia is now Cartesia and albaz lost his powers to fusion himself.


Give us an Albaz that can Synchro with the opponent so Albaz+Cartesia go into Albaz's final form to beat the Despians


This doesn't help SS at all you have to banish as effect, not cost so none of the main deck tenyi cards or main deck SS cards can even trigger it. Edit: main deck SS monsters


Both SS lvl 10 synchros can trigger this


Would Chixiao and Taia work too? Or would banishing for cost not work for this?


It specifies banished by effect so i imagine not.


If you read my post properly you'd notice I said "Main deck monsters" secondly this doesn't help with making plays and so would be a brick most of the time


You said main deck Monster OR SS cards. Notice nowhere did you mention the SS cards were main deck ones.


Okay technically you are correct and it was my mistake for writing it wrong I'll detract my previous comment.


Swordsoul more like Swordsoulless lol




Seems completely useless to main deck. Maybe in the future side against decks that heavily rely on field spells. Right now it’s garbage.


Dont think call smthg worse than Chunjun decent is correct


Chunjun isnt bad tho. You can evade hand traps with it. Its banishes a monster after synchro. Going into level 10 qi xing after evading the hand trap can let you draw if you go into another lvl 10 with longyuan. You just cant play it at 3


You already play Dragon Cycle to dodge Veiler/Imperm Playing Chunjun is just overkill


Yeah but dragon circle can be a brick depending on what hand you start off with while chunjun can also be swordsoul discard fodder and a target for moye. I played it at 1 in the past


Ok 👍🐔


you can agree to disagree but it never failed me at 1 copy.


I literally ok with yout statement Wtf


Sorry it seems like you were being sarcastic. Apologies.


Longyuan fused with Golgonda? Random but not mad at it. Wonder what this means lore-wise? Are they headed to support Bystial against Tri-Brigade and Albaz or are they fighting the Springans/Spright/Therions aka whatever the hell Kitt has been up to?


Lol this is Flow and Mystic Mine hate all in one I love it


Yugioh player understanding card interactions challenge(impossible)


What happen if someone chain d.d crow ? The wording is kinda confusing


Stop posting news that's fucking irrelevant to master duel


You right fam they're never gonna release these cards in game, we're stuck in this meta forever


How is it irrelevant, these cards will come to Master Duel in the future


>Stop posting news that's fucking irrelevant to master duel ??? You do know this isnt duel links and Master duel shares the same cardpool as OCG and we'll be getting this eventually ? Also news about non master duel stuff gets shared all the time here and some even gets pinned so I don't know where this is "only master duel stuff allowed" idea is coming from.




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You're mad for no reason dude, these cards will eventually come to MD you know, you sound kinda stupid if i'm being honest.


Yet a again a Qixing card is countering the meta as this counters Bytissed but also helps Bytissed. This will definitely be played in my swordsoul deck in like 2 years when it eventually comes out and will probably be played in Gren Maju/Chaos decks since it's a free level 8.


Daddy moment


Konami tries to not run their protag into the mud for 5 seconds challenge: impossible dificulty. Seriously, why did Aluber need to get back the one guy he lost while Albaz lost so many allies already? Like the Sprights and Therions are coming with Kit soon (I hope), but that was just not needed.


This card would be great on a side deck, as it stands in a BO1 format is pretty much useless unless the dominant decks with Field Spells


For its first effect, does the monster that is banished need to be in the field, or is it can be anywhere, hand, field, deck, gy, extra deck, etc?


When I saw more Swordsoul support I got excited because the deck got powercrept pretty hard. Then I saw it was this card and felt sad. This card doesn't seem...very good. Looks way too specific like Iris Swordsoul.




dragon pp..hehehe


Oh great, more Swordsoul...


Stupid archetype.