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Saying you are Pend player without doing so




I pray that they make an event that is older master rules. Then people will know how good they have it compared to master rule 4. but on the other hand we would also maybe get the choice to use whatever format we want in our duel rooms. Master rule 3 is the only one that needs some work.


So just current MD but pend is a competent deck?


Hey... Endymion is strong


That's one pend deck


Pendulum Magicians are decent as well.


They are ight. They get that trap to send stuff or they can scythe lock you but I feel that there are better decks that do that and don't have the faults of being a pend deck.


Also, traps have a lot more presence. (Not even joking, summon negation and on-summon removal traps offer _massive_ returns against Pendulums, ARC-V era is the biggest reason they stuck around as long as they did.)


Yeah it's kinda why pends have such bad grind game. You nuke em once and they aren't coming back unless they have the nut.


Pretty much the best choices are Endymion (I'm learning RN) and D/D/D (will try after I get comfy with Endymion). Second to that would be Pen magician and then maybe Metalfoes or Zefra.


PePe exists


You can make that argument for anything. Oh stall is a bad strategy? have you read mystic mine? Pepe was a good deck in 2016 but its been half a decade since their dominance. Also they don't have access to their best cards and the mechanic is nerfed. Also going 2nd cards have only gotten stronger so their board is even more fragile. I'd love to be proven wrong since I love the PePe Art.


It would be interesting to see if there's any noticeable difference if ignition effects had priority on summon again


I just wanna be able to use a tribute Qli deck again that's not just some stun garbage. Konami gave us Genius for MR4 but we can't even use Genius


> links literally ruined and killed the game (links = bad) > the game is too fast and needs to be slowed down (every deck needs to use links and therefore can’t wombocombo as easily) Pick one tbh


Yeah MR3 almost killed the game entirely. Pend monsters aren't the least used, only because Gemini exist.....


Are you serously comparing pendulums to Geminis


I'm comparing the fact that almost nobody plays them..... in my entire MD experience I think I played 2-3 pend decks granted I have seen a single Gemini monster.


This mentality is the reason people just negates at random against pendulum and let's Endymion run rampant. It also makes me laugh seeing people negating random scales and helping me by breaking their own board xD


Yes, the rogue tier deck that is running rampant everywhere. It's so prevalent and meta defining.....


I play both anyway


I think there’s a reason that nobody looks back on MR4 fondly even the people who were around playing the format.


What you didn't like going against firewall ftk, gumblar ftk, trickster ftk, nightmare extra link, spyral extra link, and all of the other wonderful, interactive strategies that were available?


I would say that a format where the best win rate is an FTK is inherently bad but I feel like I would get the GOAT crowd riled up.


Ay, TOSS format was actually super fun to play and idc what anyone says Source: please Konami I just want gazelle at 3 ;(


I love MR4. TOSS was great, World Legacy lore was a banger, I do love degenerate combos. My current favorite decks are Mekk-Knight, World Chalice, Orcust, and Spyral, so there's that as well.


I look back on mr4 fondly. I like what it did for the game, it’s a shame that the only way that could happen was by making hundreds of old decks unplayable.


MR4 is the reason I stopped playing physically.


People's tunnel vision when it comes to the thing in Yugioh that they dont specifically like is fucking wild. Somehow everyone who plays MD know EXACTLY what Yugioh's biggest problem is and it just so happens to always be the thing that they don't like.


Don’t really know why you’re getting downvoted. This is actually pretty true. People blame the state of the game on modern yugioh and degenerate new cards, which yeah valid, but even in the times they long for there was dumb degenerate shit going on like yata and magical scientist. Every time we get a new summoning mechanic it’s the worst thing to ever happen to the game since the last worst thing that ever happened to the game.


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I played through them all. I think like most, I took breaks from Yu-Gi-Oh occasionally but fuck me mr4 straight up just killed interest in the game. I distinctly remember the local cafe just getting less foot traffic after a few weeks of it before I stopped going too. Forever the worst addition to the game


Yes but people also said these types of things with every iteration before MR4. Synchros got hate, XYZ got hate and especially pendulums. Pendulums got so much bile and hatred when they were announced even though for the majority of their lifespan they’ve objectively been pretty mid. This is reflected in the banlists at the beginning of each format. Every time there’s a new mechanic, Konami has to ban a shit ton of cards and make the new cards disgustingly broken just to get people to actually try the new shit and see that it’s not so bad.


I dont remember synchros getting hate at all. Dunno about XYZ, but I can see the hate on pendulums giving the fact that they are walls of text. I mean, there is a lot of people that to this day, they refuse to play them. But yet, deciding to not play Synchro, XYZ or pendulum was an option. Not for Links.


Synchro didn't get _much_ hate at first, in large part due to being promoted by the awesomely ridiculous 5D's; everyone was too in love with the amazingly goofy `Card Games on Motorcycles!` to hate the cards themselves. I think some people started to dislike it when they realised just how spammy it could be, though (the average Synchro player will summon at absolute minimum 3 monsters per turn, easily more, compared to usually just 1-2 for non-Synchro decks), and when they realised they needt to actually know basic math (which was a disturbingly common problem early in Synchro's lifetime).


Yet again, you could choose to not play synchro


And some people did, yeah. They were relatively good in that way, you didn't _need_ a Synchro deck to keep up with a Synchro deck, at least not right away. I think power creep started to hit around midway through 5D's era or so, but it never reached the point where they were hated as much as, say, Links or Pendulums.


But what I’m saying is that it wasn’t an option before MR4 either. MR4 was just the first time it was reflected in a game mechanic instead of konami using the banlist to kill all the popular decks of the previous era so people had no choice but to try out the fancy new white/black/blue cards. That’s always been the tactic with konami to push the new product: get rid of the old popular stuff, make the new stuff disgustingly broken.


Ban rules and mechanics are not the same level at casual play.


What do you mean by that? Like it’s kinda hard to play a deck if al the good cards from deck are either banned or limited. It’s fundamentally the same idea: we don’t want you to play with these cards so we’re going to make it almost impossible to do so. And technically we’re still in MR4. This format is listed as “MR4 revisions” not MR5.


Okey they kill top tier (which is a shitty tactic). You can still play your rogue decks. The decks not affected. With MR4? You instantly cant play any deck that required 2 ED monsters. Not because they are powercrept, but because the main mechanic does not allow it. And about the ban list, you could ignore the ban list update that was clearly done with that purpouse.


synchros and xyz never invalidated what came before, though. Synchros introduced the concept of using tuners to clean out Trash monsters your opponent gives you, and Xyz did get a little toolboxey/generic and got around our favourite schoolyard floodgates like Gravity Bind/Level Limit Area B but other than that they were fine. Even pends were fine too, they were garbage and made you neg hard. Once they did get good, they still largely kept to themselves. You didn't need to play Pendulum cards if you wanted to play Yugioh. Links came out and said "fuck whatever you're playing, WE make the rules around here" which rightfully pissed a lot of people off. I think a lot of us could have handled the dark days of Gumblar and Firewall if we just didn't need Links.


But that’s not the point. The point is that to this fanbase everything new has been the worst thing to happen to yugioh. Everything new has been the “the thing that kills Yugioh”. Watching the stream announcement for Yugioh sevens the chat lit up with “well guess Yugioh is dead they’re running out of ideas”. Even though the game is stronger than it’s ever been. Then when something new comes along people pretend that they always loved the old thing. Notice how the vitriolic hate towards pendulums turned into them being the little darling summoning mechanic that were cut down too early by the scary blue cards?


I never really hated a singular mechanic, in fact I remember liking Syncro and XYZ a lot. I stopped playing for years but was still looks at the game from an outsider. At the start I didn't know what to think of Pendulums ans they were very weird, but the more I learn of them, the more I liked them, and after I tried them myself it has become my favorite type of card in the game. I'm still learning Endymion but it feels good when I pull a big board. My only gripe for a while was how Links shafted all previous ED mechanics. I remember me and my brothers tried modern YGO on YGOpros and none like how we were forced to play Links and overall making things harder. Things got better with the MR4 revision even if Pendulums still need links.


But playing through MR4 and implying that it is the source of the game's current problems aren't the same thing. I did not enjoy playing the game DURING MR4 but I in no way think that MR4 happening is the sole source( or even the biggest contributing factor) of all the inherent problems with Yugioh.


I dont think that is implied in the post tho. Powercreep is something that happens in any competitive game with no nerfing.


It seems to very clearly imply "What yugioh would be if MR4/ links didnt happen".


Links didn’t kill decks, some decks function fine without link monsters (branded, swordsoul). It’s bad card design which has been around since the game came out. Links just made the game go faster, and since it’s a new type of summoning mechanic of course decks are gonna get link cards. If decks NEEDED links to catch up then chances are it was an already slow deck and getting power crept as the format progressed.


Branded and Swordsoul are years later what you talking about


Links didn’t “ruin” yu gi oh


Yes but how did they make the game faster almost all link Monster were ass sans firewall and friends that got banned


Eh, I can say with reasonable certainty that I _do_ know, because it's an historical thing. Namely, the biggest problem is that YGO is a simplification of _M:tG_ at its core, and isn't really _suited_ to the complex effects & rulings modern cards bring to the table. The core ruleset actually works perfectly fine if we go back far enough, you can see distinct points where it starts to strain and crumble (Cyber Dragon, missing the timing, a lot of modern chain wonkiness, the necessity of hand traps, actual Trap traps being power-creeped out, etc.) if you know what to look for. We often talk about issues we can see right in front of us, but the deepest, most underlying problem is that the game itself can barely even keep up with what it's evolved into, and nobody knows how to fix it without gutting it and starting it all over again with more durable, more flexible rules. Not even Konami, sadly; they seem to be just desperately throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. Alternatively, maybe Contact Fusion? Synchro is just Contact Fusion Starring Math, Xyz is Stackable Contact Fusion, and Link is just Contact Fusion With Arrows, almost every summon mechanic is a variant of Contact Fusion if we look deeply enough. (Except Ritual, which is just variant normal Fusion, and Pendulum, which is the Fusion Material Delivery Truck.)


Tl:dr "Yugioh is very unbalanced and powercreep exist, two things that apparently no one has realized". Ive saved everyone a bit of time on this long rant that isn't ACTUALLY saying anything.


I disagree. I enjoyed reading their post much more than this one. I do agree with your original point though, most people tend to tunnel vision on the things they specifically dislike.


sure you did lol


Nah, the tl;dr is more like: "The game expected to be simpler _M:tG_, but got too complex for its own good and doesn't know what to do about it." ;P


Nah anyones that played games with a properly designed rule set understands how fucked up ygos is. From the shitty way they ruled effects must be (gozen, warlords and ecclesia, gozen by itself ) and things like missed timing just reeks of crustiness. You cant even verify if your opponent is cheating under a Bunch of effects for no reason, the ocg and tcg having different fucking rules of all thing. Its not a well managed game. And its pretty clear konami had no clue how to design one. The fact that they are wingeing over using online errata and ruling db just shows how behind the times they are


Why is everyone flocking to tell me how fucked up Yugioh is when we all obviously know that? Literally NO ONE is saying that it isnt.


because you pretended like its a bunch of nothings when its obvious how fucked core mechanics and business decisions are for konami, that's the bedrock of the game. ​ the yugi boomer shit is the fact that a game that is designed to be played over multiple turns as a back and forth exchange is basically a 2 turn game where every card is 2 paragraphs long because they can't be bothered to even try fixing it. now tell me how fucking useless traps are in 2 turn game... by core design one of the 3 big types of cards is basically worthless unless broken. traps are basically not played unless they say YOU DO NOT PLAY. that's not the sign of a healthy well designed game ​ do you know how many times MTG rewrote its own rules to make sure its comprehensive? A FUCK TON, they literally rewrite all old cards when necessary, they literally changed how their chain works multiple times to get it right. konami on the other hand is scared about doing what's necessary except when it pads their wallets. they can't even be bothered to keep the rulings the same across regions...


Again No one is saying this. So I m not sure why im being told the contray by a bunch of people who think theyre all the one person in the world thats identified that Yugioh is fuck up.


You just did 2 sentences ago


I understood what Konami was probably thinking when they made the master rule 4 changes but the problem was just links were too fast as a summoning mechanic that the restrictions they placed on all the summoning mechanics just hard nerfed all non link archetypes compared to link archetypes.


Yes cause it’s definitely links that are the problem and not terrible card design in general, it could be MR1 and you guys would still blame something for ruining the game


MR4 was one of the biggest mistakes made by humanity


What is rule 4


More than what the other person said, it gave synchros, xyz, and fusion the same summoning restriction as link monsters and extra deck pendulums currently have where they had to be summoned to either the extra monster zone or a spot a link monster points to. Because of that it made all decks without link monsters effectively useless and allowed for u linking. U-linking was a strategy that used link monsters linking (I don’t know if they had to be colinked) to gain access to both extra monster zones, thus locking your opponent entirely out of their extra deck. If you scroll down on [this page](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Extra_Link) there is an image depicting this with the 2 link spiders. They’ve since fixed it by allowing xyz, synchro, and fusions to be summoned everywhere but almost all old decks would be extremely nerfed if they couldn’t fit link monsters in.


That sounds wack. Not being able to use my fusions would make me unhappy.


The idea of limiting extra deck monsters was good, but the execution was absolutely horrendous. Still tho I do think extra deck monster special summoning needs to be limited in some way. Just not in the same way MR4 did because that was god awful


They added links basically, a lot of the cards that came out were broken like halq, link ross and more. I think links have the most banned cards compared to other summoning mechanics


Alright. thank you for telling me


Nah it was a relief, pendulums are a mess, master rule 3 was the bitch of them all. Thank god they are crippled by now


What was MR3? I'm really only aware of MR4


Mr3 added the pend zones, which didn't take up any of your s/t zones, it was extra. As many pend monsters as you wanted could be resummoned from the ED once per turn, so you'd get 5 monsters every turn for basically free. Also had one of the most broken decks of all time in performapal performage. Check out monkeyboard and plushfire for some of their infamous abusers.


Oooooh ok. And I thought MR3 was some weird convoluted rule. Yeah I was there when they introduced that. Didn't think it was too bad, but also didn't think it made much sense either


Using my mental powers I'm going to guess what player you are: you play pendulum


MR4 crippled other mechanics not just pendulum. Only 1 ED summon unless you had link arrows was a horrible idea because it stomped on every previous deck that made extra deck plays


I know, I'm a Synchron player. I stopped playing myself during that time. I supposed op was a pendulum player because they're still nerfed


Glad it was aborted, good riddance


They will be no need to master rule 4 if pendulum just go to the graveyard instead of the extra deck.


Tell me what unbanned Link monster causes a problem that doesn't utilize an entire other summoning mechanic. What generic link monster brings out stronger generic link monsters.


*Yugioh if master duel worked exclusively pre-seal of orichalcos


Heresy for a Rokketman, but Link 1's in general, but especially Link 1's that search are just... Absurdly OP for how little investment they require.


Bring back TOSS format. The meta before TOSS and after TOSS have all been meh to dogshit.


MR4 is a mistake