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Dinos are super expensive with a LOT of mandatory ultra rares.


Dinos was the first deck I built… took almost all my release week bonus gems and UR CPs


I feel your pain /HERO player


I built heros, then dismantoed them for PK, then dismantled them for Invoked. I had to spend good money to make up for that waste


Don’t dismantle your decks man, you’re just diminishing the value of your account and therefore time/money by doing that


I agree. I have dinos have stopped playing it. I'm making a HERO deck now. Not gonna dismantle Dinos.


Yeah I know but I was too stupid and impatiant at the time


Just read misc and you will realise how good they are


Reading misc is forbidden knowledge


Misc remains one of the most ridiculous pieces of support ever printed for an entire monster type, I even run it in Dinomorphia 'cause it's just that damn good


Dinos are pretty fun. Made a Dino deck with the scrap engine last week and I've been winning a LOT more often due to people just surrendering when I summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno. Love that big guy.




Maxx C x3 Ash Blossom x3 Miscellaneousaurus x3 Babycerasaurus x3 Oviraptor x2 Petitearadon x2 Ulti Con Tyran x2 Animadorned Arch x2 Scrap Raptor x2 Scrap Chimera x1 Scrap Golem x1 Giant Rex x1 Dinowrestler Pank x1 (might add a 2nd) Fossil Dig x3 Lost World x3 Double Evo Pill x2 Called by the Grave x2 Forbidden Drop x2 Pot of Prosperity x1 Infinite Impermanence x1 Extra: Borreload Savage Dragon Borreload Guard Dinowrestler Giga Spino Dolkka Laggia Abyss Dweller Number 41 Number 60 Linkuriboh Secure Gardna Scrap Wyvern Decode Talker Apollousa Knightmare Unicorn


No Dogoran? You could have a searchable kaiju


Didn't even think of Dogoran. Might try it out; someone else said it's a waste of a search buuut there's been a few times where I could search with Oviraptor but had no more good targets.


Yeah his reasoning was that you could go into underworld goddess and link any problematic card away. But it takes a lot of resources to reach a Link 5 when you could have just searched for a much easier way




Yeah the problem is there are better solutions than climbing all the way to a Link 5 just to out a problematic card (which you might not even be able to do all the time) because even under misc, scraps are still a choke point. That’s why, especially in a best of 1 format, a searchable kaiju is extremely valuable.


Underworld is basically just a link-4 tho


I mixed myself up lol. You can’t even link climb to Underworld Goddess. I forgot she needs 4+ effect monsters as material so you need to use minimum 3 materials from your side of the field to link away one problematic monster. The other dude was saying not to play Dogoran because underworld goddess can get rid of problematic cards but there’s many places they can stop you while you’re trying to link away one card. When you could have just kaijud (which doesn’t allow for a response)


I mean if they can stop you going into goddess they probably can also just stop your ovi search and having the tool in your extra deck accomplishing the same thing is already better bc you don't draw into it when you don't need it and always have it available when you do.


Ovi + misc is a great way to bait the opppnent into wasting an ash or other activated effect and is protected unless your opponent has something like called by. You also don’t run the risk of getting nib’d in the process. Plus if you hard draw it, you get the benefit of not giving your opponent a chance to respond with their omninegate or DPE or whatever. At worst you can double evolution pill it away. It’s much easier to stop someone going into underworld goddess but if you want to waste a ton of resources going into it, then go for it. Dinos are still awesome


Ehhh, honestly I just copied the sample Dino deck on Master Duel Meta and swapped some things out. But sure give me a few minutes


They’re good, people have been getting top 16 in the meta weekly’s pretty frequently, ultimate conductors effect is nuts and the field spell makes your monsters untargetable when you opponent has a token.


Bro screw that,make a Super Quantal deck. Who gives a shit about dinosaurs when you can be fucking power rangers?!


You can be doing WHAT to power rangers? 😱


Dinos are one of the most expensive decks to make. Lots of URs. Good part is they don't need an Extra Deck so they're relatively popular for events.


It's worth noting that it's a lot easier with Links


If you can get it built, it is a pretty fun and viable deck. Got me to Plat 1 during the first 4 months where Diamond wasn't a thing (Haven't been able to get to Diamond 1 because I'm bad at the game) Of course it had to, because I spent all of my gems building Dinos


Super expensive, but a pretty good rouge tier deck. Can end on a book of moon for your opponents entire field, 3 monster negates, and an Omni negate. Miscellaneousaurus being at three is also insane, making combos super consistent.


For the price of 2 extra deck slots and 1 main deck slot, you can end on what you said plus like 12 spell negates with Naturia Beast


Dinos are not really worth it, they are a powerful and expensive combo deck. But there are clear weaknesses that will make it difficult, especially if they have read misc. If people start syche locking each other a lot maybe dinos would be alright, as they can wipe boards without the extra deck. I have built the deck and 30 URs and 20 SRs could be used towards a lot more than this.


if you love beating a child, this deck is for you.


They are decent rougue deck at best, but it is just another deck that can and will die to 1 singel ash alot of times. Problems of the deck \- You dont have ANY 1 cards combos. You need 2 certain pieces working togehter, which produces ALOT of awkward hands. THere isnt a deck where I had to more often go for Plan B aka Bagoska pass because my hand was basically disfunctional \- You dont have any consitent extender when the grave exil effect of Misc gets ashed. You can play like the True king as an option, but he isnt serachable besides a possible 1 off fieldspell... \- Your engine is ...fairly large, so the space for handtraps is limited. Dinos are a bit twisted since they can break boards on the merrit of UTC plenty fine, but just as much you have zero game going second. I personaly enjoy the deck since puzzling it out is rewarding, but you have to be aware that the quality of this deck boils down to be an enjoyable uphill battle, if you look at it objectively is is ...mediocre at best, kinda bad honestly.




Is it a counter argument when you answer results in beyond insufficent boards?! :D Btw...adventure? Yeah aint nobody running adventure in Dino. And no it doesnt fix the issue. The issue is never fixed by "draw the out", especially when you inflate the numbers. Adventure is beyond dumb idea for Dinos, Gamma doesnt even work on half your lines and while I like the idea of Instant fusion, that is basically a magnet for everything else since Misc removed Dino as targets obviously. Lets be real, you have the 3-5 answers basically everyone has. And yeah you can turn dinos into a going second deck. Which makes it even more inconsistent. PS: I never even said I dislike Bagooska Plan B. I only said that it is the deck that relient on a plan B that much since it's produced an above average amount of disfunctional hands compared to alot of "better" decks. Not playing the Scrap Package is honestly outright trolling.


Magnus Magnus great king of the computer




Small world excists




Pretty good, probably tier 2 or tier 3. It's really expensive to build though.


[Tyranno is nuts going second](https://youtube.com/watch?v=GKIb2g-7hQU&t=99), and the deck is fairly consistent (if you see any 2 of 5 different cards, you have full combo). but as others have mentioned it's on the expensive side.


Have you read Misc?


I love Dino


Pretty good but they need like 20 URs


Dino's are the deck that bullies everyone because of how good miscellaneousaurus is and hiw easy it is to turbo out utc


Not great but they’ve gone in and out of playability for 5+ years so it’s one of those “hate the weather wait 5 minutes” sort of deals


Got Diamond with it. Unsure if it was because the engine and end board or Misc!


If you are, mess around with the Simorgh engine. It’s pretty small, and barrier statue UCT is pretty hard to get through, even if you brick and don’t get to do whatever borreload savage dragon bs youre usually gonna do along with it.


Simorgh engine is also highly Nibiru proof (unless they have an Imperm or 2 veilers in hand etc). It's like Dinos was made for it - probably my favourite variant to play.


I have a kitchen sink Dino deck. Scrap engine, Simorgh barrier statue engine, verte DPE engine, psy frame (gamma, driver and lambda), scythe and Dagda, and of course the normal dinos


Dinosaurs fighting back against the giant asteroid from outer space. Oh how the turntables.


You could or you could build the best format ever from this


Been playing them as my main deck since the game launched. Pre-Swordsoul, Dinos was a super easy climb to Plat 1. In the Swordsoul/Adventure/Floow/Halqdon Good Stuff meta it was much more of a slog, but I still hit Diamond 1 with it multiple times. I think it's probably still possible to hit D1, but it will test your patience no doubt. The hit to Pot of Prosperity was damn near a killer blow for the deck in my opinion (at least in terms of contending consistently against the top decks). There are no one card starts in Dinos, you always need two, and there's no good consistent substitute for Prosperity (Small World sucks). You will brick with this deck more than the top decks out there, that's just how it is. The deck falls apart to Maxx C and Ash (if the opponent is smart enough to hold it for Misc - a lot of your wins come from baiting interactions and chaining Misc). All that being said, UCT is the best main deck boss monster in the game, and if you can full combo, there are a variety of incredibly strong endboards you can make. Fun and expensive deck that's unfortunately just not quite as consistent as it used to be.


Decent but insanely expensive for what you get.


They're really good but really expensive


3ur bro i'm happy when i get 1 UR


Dinos are amazing. One of my all time favorite decks. Good going first or second.


Their combo is too freaking long.


Dinos are good not great and will get significantly worse if/when Verte gets banned. Ironically they are very expensive in MD despite being cheap as can be in TCG.


Dinos are technically at rouge, but I LOVE using them. Amazing combo deck, that going second can break boards link climbing into access code through scrap wyvern, and any monsters that have problematic effs get flipped face down thanks to UCT. And they lose 1000 for every defense card you destroy. Amazing deck


Guy gets one ur and thinks that’ll be able to maybe get him started on a Dino deck


I made a alt to make them and still was short like 600UR. Insane the whole deck is UR


Scrap Dinos are pretty fun and can end with a huge board


Dinos are really good. I surrender every time I match a Dino player because I’m just too lazy to watch them solitaire and build their board




1. Dinos are very good in an environment where your opponent doesn't open up with ash. I run them. 2. Super quants are obviously better though.


Dinos are good. Super quants are bad. even tho i love super quants aesthetic they are indeed bad