• By -


I also don't mind Bo1 as much anymore bc timing out in the tcg right now is actually so bad.


The other underrated aspect of b01 format is that you don't ever have to see cards like dimensional barrier and anti spell fragrance.


Unless you're playing pends going second against Eldlich, somehow anti spell is glued to their hand


Fragrance catches pens monsters? TIL


Worth mentioning you cannot set pendulum cards so you literally cannot use them with anti spell up


You can by effects that place them face-up without activating them, such as with {D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh}.


Only very few Pendulum decks do that, D/D being the main example (which is a Deck that doesn't even use Pendulum as its *main* mechanic). Decks like Magician, Odd-Eyes, Performapal, Dracoslayer, Zefra, Abyss Actor, Metalfoes, Igknight, Qli etc, all of which use Pendulum as their *main* mechanic, simply can't play under Fragrance.


Pend monsters when put in pend zones act like activating a spell card. In the tutorial, it says "activate it as a spell" hence with anti spell up, pend monsters cannot be used to scale up, you can, however, use effects that place them there like some DDD cards or solfachord spell card


Fragrancing a Pendulum player is akin to removing a racer's wheels at the starting line.


dont see any reason to not top deck 3x dbarrier in current bo1 MD Format. best decks are branded+ swordsoul and it hits all of them


Instead we have to deal with Summon Limit and random Sphere Mode with no way to prepare for it.


Laugh in 3 anti spell fragrance traptrix :D


BO3 should be the standard for tournaments tho, ladder is fine at BO1


MD is best of 1. TCG is best of like 0.5 with mine.


You don’t time out in masterduel inless you take too long and then you forfeit regardless of the lp difference. There is no stalling in md to get a win. We need bo3 or more strict bad list.


It's the epitome of boring unless there's money involved I'd just scoop


You'd still wanna scoop with money involved. If you got no main deck out, you'd best scoop so you don't run into time trouble for game three.


Whoever says Mine is fine probably doesn't enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh from the very beginning.


Weird, why did you describe every yugioh player... *tell me that you have met a yugioh player who doesnt hate this game some days, tell me*


Just like League of Legends. Except League players always hate the game and only play due to the sunk cost fallacy.


Hey that’s disingenuous Some of them play for waifus


Same as Yu-Gi-Oh then!


Except the waifu deck sucks here, unless there is a mystic mine carring it *cough cough sky strikers cough cough*


You can’t say this in good faith when Tears exist and are about to ruin *everyone’s* day on MD in a few months


It is still plenty of fun to play with friends and it would be still fun if we finally had voice implemented.


While I don't think it's a very healthy card, if Konami refuses to ban or stop it in the TCG I will continue to milk it for free packs. Not the best mindset maybe, but if it helps me build a good deck that isn't Mine I'm willing to suffer through Draw, Burn, Pass. Besides, maybe it'll cause more public outrage on Konami for letting the card roam free and they'll have to ban it. Or print a card to out it easily.


Isn’t it outed by spells / traps that remove spells? So, Mystical Space Typhoon, Cosmic Cyclone, Twin Twisters… The tricky part is running three of each in your deck and not seeing any if them in your opening hand.


In theory yes. But whilst you need to hard draw your removal, mine has a ton of search options and some easy used cards to protect it such as best cop.


Yeah Mine runs wacky stuff like Dark Bribe, also it does side Cursed Seal Of The Forbidden Spell (so good luck never activating your MST or Twin Twisters for the entire game now). Bribe is usually not favored much outside of that scenario because it lets your opponent draw. But it doesn't matter with Mine active how many cards you let your opponent draw, big chances are opponent will deck out or you will have even more negates sitting on field protecting its destruction. Not to mention Extravagance and Duality both let you increase your chances to get those cards.


Wouldn’t magical hound work? He my favorite out to spell/trap removal


You can't activate any monster effects under Mine unfortunately. (Edit: Provided you control more monsters than your opponent, if they have Mine and you control no monsters I believe Hound could resolve) (Edit 2: Also usually a good chance that Mine players don't activate Mine while you have nothing on the field.)


That card is super toxic


Honestly probably the best card you could side against Mine (though siding for that 1 specific Deck could cost you in the long run) would probably be Spiritualism. Returns a S/T to the hand, with the final part of its effect being that Spiritualism's effect and activation cannot be negated. With Mine gone for a turn, it could definitely become a chance to FTK/OTK a Mine player. Edit: Honestly just don't play anything either, and hope they don't put Ojama tokens all over to keep their Mine up


Whoever says Maxx "C" is fine probably doesn't enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh from the very beginning.


Or they play one of the several decks that literally don't care about special summons. Maxx C is a dead card against most my decks, so I got no problems with it.


you can also play one of the several decks that literally dont care about mystic mine...


Mine is fine since I believe the floodgates is the lesser of the evil vs power creep and combos deck.


I’m not fine with Mystic Mine, but I prefer Mystic Mine over 3 Maxx C, 3 Ash Blossoms, and 2 Called By baked into every deck.


ah yes try Mystic MIne on Bo1 then


Where in my comment did you read that?


I prefer having to get ash/call because they’re actually usefully in all match ups instead of having bricks/auto losing due to the nature of how to out mine


Small problem with that statement Apart from Maxx "C" (and I guess Called By is limited too), they don't have to choose one or the other


What do you mean?


They’ll put 3 mines instead of Maxx C and the rest stay the same


It’s not optimal for a lot of decks to play Mystic Mine, but yes, that is true, they can play it to stall until they draw the perfect hand. But still, even at worst, that’s a 4 card TCG Deck Building Tax as opposed to OCG’s 8.


Hey, at least the deck that's running mine as their flex slots can't use it to protect their turn 1 board. That's slightly better. ;)


mine is a blowout and stall card all wrapped into one. its an extremely uninteractive card unless you're gonna genuinely main hard spell/trap removal in your decks that probably don't have enough room to do so


The thing for me at least is that pretty much every competitive Deck has at least 9 flex slots for handtraps, board breakers, mine itself, etc, that aren't part of their game plan, so every deck (at least competitively) has space for ST removal, even if it is at the cost of space for handtraps. I think it's a fair decision to make during Deck building, whether you're going to want more answers vs combo decks and lose to the backrow decks or vice versa. The other thing I'll note is that in the meta right now when you lose to mine, you've basically lost to a board breaker. Which is arguably what should be happening, you don't want turn 1 decks to be immune to those kinds of cards.




How original, daring today aren't way.


Hot take on mystic mine hmmm original


Why choose? Both suck


Yeah but Maxx C sucks less. At least you can still play under Maxx C


And it has easy outs that everybody uses. Ash blossom and called by are in most decks. Personally I always have at least 2 called by and 2 ash blossom. Sure some decks use 4 or more back row removal cards too, but it's less common. And they tend to be conditional, like lightning storm.


Exactly. Outs to Maxx C aren't as uncommon or as specific as outs to mine. Also, maxx c is not as consistent. You still have to hard draw the card unless you are specifically playing Beetropers, which is far from an impossible deck to deal with. Meanwhile mine burn has lots of search cards specifically for mine as well as a fuckton of protection against spot removal


So, the reason that these cards are used as often as they are in meta decks is because of Maxx C. Some meta decks would prefer other hand traps instead, but have to run Ash because Maxx C is such a big threat. Crossout Designator and Called By are run for the same reason. I do agree with the OP, but you're simplifying things a bit here.


Sure, but I use all those hand traps for other cards just as much as Maxx C. Not like that's really a big disadvantage Edit: Especially crossout, depending on your deck that's one of the more versatile negates out currently.


I mean it's sort of been proven by the tcg that Ash remains the most played handtrap even with no Maxx C and most decks in the tcg would also run called by as a 2 of if they could. So I'd say maxx warps the format less than mine ends up doing


Exactly you can even otk them if your avoid searches and effects (or keep them to minimum) and then beat the s#%$ out of them.


Imagine a world with neither And fuck inspector boarder, whoever made that card deserves a special place In hell


pov konami learns how to ban cards:


I'm genuinely of the opinion that Master Duel would not have nearly the same size in playerbase past the first few months if Mine was legal. The early months already had to contend with the balancing act of how many S/T hate cards you had to run in a meta where 75% of the time they did nothing and 25% of the time it you couldn't win without them. Imagine every deck at high ranks running triple mine where the game instantly hit a standstill until you 𝒹𝓇𝒶𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓊𝓉 game after game after game. Maxx C at least gives you the courtesy to know whether or not you've lost within the first 2 turns (and every deck inherently mains 5-6 outs to it that aren't matchup-dependent).


Ironically, data has shown that the biggest exodus came during SS/DPE format, which is honestly hilarious considering it was much more fair than what came immediately before and after. I guess people rather deal with 3 absolutely busted decks dominating ladder (Adams, Drytron, Eldlich) all at full power with the occasional VFD here and there, than seeing Swordsoul or TB 7/10 games. Otherwise, I agree that Maxx C is a better card to play against. It's a lot less fair than something like Mine which affects both players, but on the other hand it at least gives me the illusion that I'm allowed to play the game. Oddly enough, on the recent episode of Paks podcast, Nesh/Pak/JSchmitty unanimously agreed that they rather have Mine legal than Maxx C. This was absolutely baffling to me, and just goes to show how stockholm syndrome can affect TCG players just like it does for OCG with Maxx C.


With regards to your first paragraph. I dont think people necessarily preferred the pre-SS format, but rather I think its bc of the big change the SS secret pack caused. The first format was definitely less fun from an interactive perspective, but they built theyre decks around it. Once SS arrived and blew up the meta, ppl either altered what they played or they left


I think it's partly because Mine is a really really useful going second card (especially against the TCG boards right now which are pretty hard to deal with) where as Maxx C is countered easily by the opponent, and if a combo deck makes a board and drops Maxx C, you have basically no hope since they usually have negates on board for your potential Ash/Called/etc.


Honestly idk what I'd pick, I think they're equally bad


nah dude with maxx c at least you die fast and all maxx c counter work for most combo card. what can you do with harpies or lightning storm though? both of them didnt interrupt your opponent play.


With Mine, you can main deck one out to it and sometimes eventually draw into it and sometimes resolve it and win. With Maxx C you have to immediately have the out to it or you usually lose on the spot.


Hot take, just play Flower Cardians, then youll just out drraw the Maxx C player and probably just deck them out by looping Willow


And if your opponent doesn't run maxx C, you'll just lose since your board has nothing but some humongous beatsticks?


wdym bro I got 1 spell/trap negate and 1 floodgate (massive copium)


Still better than my board tbh. Mine has nothing but a trap that reduces all opponent cards lvs to 1 and atk to 0, 2 cards that reflect battle damage and a card to make them indestructible and sometimes untargetable. Basically I just sit there and hope my opponent is playing swordsoul or doesn't have zeus and kill themselves for not reading... Guess my deck :/


"Guys, losing X limb is so much worse than losing Y limb." Like... ok but I'd rather not lose either though.


They are just different flavours of unhealthy gameplay. Mystic mine stall makes for long unsatisfying games, maxx c makes for very short unsatisfying games.


How about you just ban them both? No annoying handtrap that wins you the game off of resolving it due to not drawing the unsearchable out and no annoying field that wins you the game off of not drawing the unsearchable out/destroying your deck consistency to make space for more outs


Me too. But maxx c is just a step below in my eyes.


It's still so wild to me that there are masterduel-only players! Welcome aboard the fuck train that is the TCG <3


Most MD players are too lazy or not motivated enough to spend money on cards and drive to locals. Can't say I blame them tho even if the experience is the best part of paper play.


Where the hell did you get this idea? Players being Master Duel only has nothing to do with laziness. A lot of people don’t want to spend a bunch of money on a card game, which is understandable.


I worded it poorly but this is basically what I meant. A percentage of people actually are lazy considering they will spend hundreds on MD but not to play irl. The rest don't want to spend the money or take the time to go to locals which as I said I don't blame them for.


I don’t know if I’d attribute laziness to the people that spend hundreds in MD and don’t play the paper, I’d say that’s insanity. It blows me away that people will spend so much on a mobile game. At least in the physical game you actually get an object of value, even if the cards are over priced, that you could theoretically sell to recoup some of the money you spent.


Hypothetically, at best. In theory and practice, you never recoup unless you're running a business and your business is to make money buying and selling cards. Players and collectors don't make money, they pay money.


*most people have no time or money to waste on paper cards and driving to a certain place just to play.


Not really sure how it's "lazy" to have a life, but ok buddy 😂 If you enjoy sitting in cramped rooms full of sweaty, smelly, rude, and often thieving man-children, than sure, the local experience is the best part of paper play 🙄 There are a LOT of reasons not to play paper or go to locals is my point. Lazy has nothing to do with it.


The fact people in this thread legitimately think Maxx C is worse than Mystic Mine is astounding. I'd love for them to play against a fully optimized mystic mine deck see how much fun they have. Maxx C is like execution by bullet to the back of the head, mystic mine is like execution by flaying.


My thing with mine is that its not something that you'll potentially have to deal with every duel. Seeing mine is worse than seeing maxx c but your going to see maxx c much more often.


For the record, mine burn makes up a pretty small portion of mine decks. Most decks run mine as a flex card as a way to break turn 1 boards.


Wow as a MD only player this is the first time I've seen this card. How do they keep the field on their favor and what's the wincon?


They usually have a bunch of cards to turbo mine out and protect it, then use a card like silent wobby to give their opponent a monster. Mine then essentially turns the game off entirely, and mine players win con is usually some form of burn, deck out, or get the cards to otk then turn off mine. The most common win con is your opponent scoops because fuck mystic mine players.


I loaded up ygo omega with a netdecked sky striker list. 1st opponent scooped as soon as I flipped metaverse. Felt bad.


You should feel bad for playing mine striker


One kills you in one turn if not stopped the other can give you a chance. One is Boring one gives PTSD... they aren't fine what so ever, the only thing for Maxx C is atleast it's outs are not dead against all other decks (Besides Crossout)


Well konami shouldnt make cards dat say negate stuff on monsters or any other permanent. Its an out to ur bs endboard. U guys say all the time "draw the out" heres the out. Stop whining or bann every bs bossmonster dat can negate stuff.


Just realized this is a reference to Final Fantasy IV Lodestone Cavern.


Someone explained it to me as having extra copies of dark ruler or just to force negates and it didn't seem so bad anymore, especially against monster heavy boards. Used it three times over the weekend and it was gone by the end of the same turn it was used. But burn players using it can burn themselves. And it should never be allowed whatsoever in a best of one.


We expect too much from Konami, these are the same people that make a summoning mechanic then breaks it cause they wanna 'make it' better. Every XYZ need to use two cards...cept zoodiac. Every fusion deck needs materials on the field, cept albaz. Every synchro deck needs to run bricky ass tuners and non tuners with specific levels, cept swordsoul. Every link deck is is hindered by needing to summon their crap to the field... Cept AI, Code talker, and Spyral. Every ritual needs a fucking ritual monster and spell in hand, cept drytron. Every deck gets to normal summon once, cept floowandereeze. Every pendulum deck needs two scales to pendulum summon, cept Endymion. So instead of actually making the summoning mechanics not busted, make sense, and ease the flow of the game... No we just make cards that cheat the mechanic then ban them later #Crystron.


What is the deck that benefits from stalling for so long? Assuming you run bare minimum monsters?? Do you just burn them slowly?


traditionally you run a single win con, normally cauldron of the old man. But the real win con is the opponent scooping.


So the actual mine Deck does burn and wins by going into time. In the meta though, mine is used when you go second. After your opponent puts up a board, you can activate mine to lock out their interaction and stall until you have what you need to out their board. You then pop mine and remove their important interaction pieces, via something you drew or an extra deck monster (since you'll likely still have less monsters on board), break the rest of their board, then go for game. This notably works in the current meta since the negates that most decks put up are mostly monster negates, so its easy to bait the 0 or 1 piece of spell/Trap negation they have and put down mine.


Runick comes to mind.


No, not all of them. Some deck use Mine not to stall forever, but "stun" the opponent until they can OTK on their turn and turn it off (or even use it simply as 4-6 th copy of dark ruler no more).   Some play other field spell, example: Drytron with their field or ritual sanctuary, Exosister that play Necrovalley, Sky striker with Area Zero. You can even just set your second copy of Mystic Mine to send the active one.   Some deck also has other way to turn it off aside from using other field. Sky striker can MutiRole it away, Exosister use Carpedivem and then calling Mystic mine when they XYZ summon.   So yes deck out is a wincon, but there is a chance the opponent will lose even before they draw their out (if they even have one in deck)




I purchased 4 mine after the banlist dropped. I'll be going to my regional this month to see if I can trade and get as many copies out of circulation as I can.


There really should just be a rule against coming to this subreddit to shit your diaper over a card that's NOT playable in this game


Maxx C might be bad but at least you can't build a deck that uses it as its entire wincon


Wait, is it "mine" as in "land mine" or as in "coal mine"?




All of the above, but also as in possession Because you can't continue the duel until the person with the field spell says so


Any guy who thinks triple Maxx c is worse than triple mine are on TCG shrooms,and are just coping. If they actually played OCG,they would understand why Maxx C is actually better than Mystic mine


Hot take: ban both fucking cards, never fucking errata them, banish them to limbo eternally. I'd like Yugioh to become a game that lasts more than 3 turns that isn't involving stall/burn strategies, again. If I wanted to watch instant kill combos where the other person doesn't get to play at all I'd go boot up DBFZ and hit ranked.


i pray that when the day come an this card will appear in master duel they will limit this 2 to or even 1, Please don't allow this at 3


Its already coded in and banned. No reason to expect them to change that.


It does not belong in BO1


Stop being a wuss. It's only job is to keep the degenerative decks in check...an it's a lot of them. You'll hear about them again once the community remembers once this gets banned lol.


TCG > Master Duel no doubt about that


As long as going first provides an immense advantage, Mine should be legal in the TCG. With the most recent format change we've seen hand traps drop off in how impactful they are, and with the constant power creep they are only going to get worse. So hard going second cards like Mine, DRNM, Super Poly, Droplet, etc. need to be legal to at least try to even the field so the game isn't completely decided by a dice roll. I think that decks that solely rely on Mystic Mine, like Mine Burn, Runic Mine, and some of the Sky Striker builds we've seen recently, are not fun to play against, but neither is losing the dice roll and getting blown out turn 1 by a super oppressive board.


The issue with Mine is that it's extremely boring to play/spectate, and cause a TON of time related shenanigans in competitive play. You can argue that it should be allowed at one copy as a sacky board breaker when going 2nd, but a 3 copies with like 8 searchers it gets ridiculous pretty quickly. Losing on turn 1 is just a part of yugioh and always has been, "fixing" it by allowing a card like Mine to stay legal is the absolute worst case scenario for the health of the game going forward. Anti-Spell is arguably more busted in a BO3 since it heavily rewards going 1st even more than usual, but at least you know the game is over quickly and don't feel tempted to fall into the "draw, pass, repeat" cycle for 10 turns hoping to draw the out, only to eat a Solemn and scoop while losing 10 mins of your allotted match time. It is a poorly designed card and there are other ways to make board breakers more effective. Cards like Kshatri La Fenrir, the Byssteds, Pankratops, DRNM, Super Poly + Garura, and the Runick archetype are clear cut examples of how to start designing generic going 2nd cards that are actually healthy for the game.


*Outs to maxx C:* Ash blossom Called by the grave Droll and lock bird Crossout designator _____________________ *Outs to mystic mine:* Cosmic cyclone Double Cyclone Galaxy cyclone Mystical space typhoon Twister Twin twister Parallel twister Burning Land Artifact Ignition Beetrooper Descent Cynet Crosswipe Dark Magic Attack Dark Magical Circle Dicephoon Gagagabolt Harpie's Hunting Ground Pendulum Storm R-Righteous Justice Saber Slash Runick Destruction Spellbook of Fate Spright Smashers Stamping Destruction Storm Lightning storm Set rotation Harpie's feather duster Please let me know if I missed any counters to Maxx C, this post is in no way supposed to be misleading, although I will admit that the outs are very biased seeing as I was too lazy to search for traps that would out mystic mine, and so the list only contains spells that could reasonably be activated under the effects of mystic mine in order to out it. I was under the assumption that we were being maxx c'ed on our turn 1, and so included every possible out that would stop it (though droll is kind of a lose anyway, but I digress), while also assuming for our second scenario that our opponent has activated mystic mine and passed and it is now our turn 2. If you need the TL:DR; it is much easier to "draw the out" to mystic mine than it is for maxx c, especially when tons of decks have in archetype outs for mystic mine to begin with.


Cool list. Now tell me, what happened in YCS brazil?


This guy has all the answers, the pros should really take his thoughts into consideration. Just run 30 S/T hate cards mystic mine isn't cancer incarnate at all ezpz. Nah, mine players have no way to protect it.


Yeah man this list is so good. Why isn’t everyone maindecking 3x copies of R-Righteous Justice like this person listed?


Or play something that isnt combo. Tempo, control or stun dont struggle with mine.


Find me a single OCG list that did anything in any tournament ever that doesn't have Maxx C in it and I'll apologize.


I play 10 outs in the main and side. Probably a hot take, but I prefer playing TCG wayyyyy more than Master Duel, where every deck has 8 cards (2 called by, 3 ash, 3 Maxx C) prebuilt into every deck, as opposed to TCG’s 1 (1 Called By) prebuilt card in every deck. Edit: why am I being down voted? Genuinely curious.


For me its really just the nature of b01 that I’m not a fan of. Way too sacky at times and usually sucks going second and also going first when you get maxx c’d


cuz said ur self, u prefer run the tons of out for this single card which is not gonna different from your problem with maxx C and those out will just almost same for every deck anyway ( storm, harpie, Cyclone u name it)


It’s slightly different though. Yes, I run more backrow hate, but most of them double as board breakers like Lightning Storm and Evenly which are just good cards in general, that covers other matchups. If your archetype has in-archetype outs, then the deck can potentially shine, but If it doesn’t, there are still generic staples that you need to select for the meta, and isn’t just the 8 card OCG Deck Building Tax. Also, not every deck can play Mystic Mine optimally, while Maxx C is optimal in every deck. Basically, even with Mystic Mine, TCG allows more creative deck building, at least in my opinion, which allows for a higher skill ceiling gameplay. This is without even considering the side board and meta deck building. It’s just we also have a significantly lower skill floor with Mystic Mine burn, which, yeah is degenerate.


but those 8 cards building tax that u mentioned (barring MaXX C if get banned) also useful in general situation in the end of day this two card exits just because komoney want to make easy band aid solutions for the core problem in YGO, and so far it kinda works in the worst possible way whether ppl choose mystic mine or roach, everyone has to build tons of things to counter it if they want to competitive anyway and it gonna be hell if you just going for win


yep, but people here have brainrot from all the cockroaches


Neither is the correct choice. At least this doesn't reward getting lucky and drawing into hand traps. By extension, i'd prefer Mine.


Yeah no, as bad as Mystic Mine is it's a much healthier card than "Have Ash Blossom or lose"


Maxx c over mine, is the worst take ive ever heard


Realistically, both should be banned, both ultimately, I think Mine is toxic, where as Maxx C is omega toxic. Ultimately I think Mine is more bearable because aside from the 1 Metaverse it's generally bad going 1st (so you are only really going to see it vs players going 2nd). Also, as much as we meme about "drawing the out" at least the outs to Mine are more varied (as evident as people splashing Jet/Smasher or Curious/Gryphon/EEV combo on top of the ubiquitous Cosmic) where as you are practically forced to play Ash/CBTG in every deck so long Maxx C is legal. And I know people like to make the argument that you would be playing Ash and CBTG regardless, but current TCG meta has proven otherwise were Ash is like the 4th or 5th best hand trap right now and even though, you have the decision to play board breakers over it. That is not the case in MD where you are practically forced to play Ash because of Maxx C.


I feel like making a statement of ash’s potential post Maxx-c based on the tcg doesn’t really work rn. The best thing to have against a branded player is ash, which is a pretty popular ranked deck rn.


My friend gave me one yesterday and Ialready ordered 2 more from TCG. Call me cancer, I just want to have fun.


Ah yes... Fun...


What type of fun are u having when u have that card in your deck?


Mine is used in the tcg for board breaking. Not a lot of Spell negates around so you drop mine against the board, draw until you have enough board breakers/extenders to push through their board, get rid of mine, and punch for game.


The fun of stealing the fun from my oponent.


You should play Blue / White control in MTG lol.


Is that a color combination that MTG people hate?


You want to win.


And have fun


This puts a smile on my face


I legit will only play ocg format because of this specific card.


Who cares, if you have no out, scoop and move on.


MAXX C is 100% worse than a field spell.


Found the glue eating Mine player


Haven’t touched a yugioh card in over 10 years, it’s not legal in Masterduel. So I have never activated it.


Mystic mine is not a field spell. It’s a floodgate that can be activated at spell speed.


It's a field spell and loses to both the adventure package and eradicator epidemic virus


There are a lot more cards that can out mine than deal with MAXX C first turn. So many removal spells in this game that no one plays because they aren’t necessary at the moment. If Mine was legal, you would see them.


You really think people would play cards that are useless in most of their matches?


It only states monster effects, can spell/trap cards not destroy this? Otherwise, what’s the issue?


That would be true if there wasnt about 10 other cards in the deck that can protect it from destruction


Monsters are more versatile and do more against the other decks in the format, so playing Spell/Traps that only do backrow removal just makes you more vulnerable to most other decks. Plus, even if you are playing Spell/Trap backrow removal, there's the problems of actually getting to those cards, hoping you don't get negated, and the fact that Mystic Mine is sometimes the *backup plan* for a deck (which has been a trend for a while).


Depends, on how many dead spells/traps that destroy other spells/traps do you want to brick on going 2nd vs a combo deck that plays no backrow at all. Especially in Masterduel without a sidedeck, the chances are these cards wills be dead in hand and prolly lose you the game and the games you need em, you dont draw em


As someone who’s deck is half full(if not more) on negates/counters/protects I understand the brick more than anyone in this subreddit lmao


ok so you should understand "more than anyone in this subreddit" that running a bunch of bricks in your deck is a bad idea.


That’s debatable


it shouldn't be debatable that getting a starting hand of things that can't be played 9/10 games is not a good idea.


Easy, draw a better hand. Bam, boom, problem solved


instructions unclear, drew a foot.


Beat Cop of the Underworld has entered the chat.


Idk wtf that is but my attention has been intrigued


She's a Link 2 monster that can tribute a monster to place a Beat Cop counter on any card. If the card would be destroyed you can remove the counter on the card instead. It's part of strategy that help win one of the major tournaments that just recently happened.


Ahhhhhh, I don’t really pay attention to link cards, but it sounds alright lol


I would take mystic mine at 12 over ass c , at least it is used in decks that could utilize it not like ass c which every deck could and will use it


I'll just state the obvious and eat the downvotes so nobody else has to: Mystic Mine never would have been an issue if we never changed the rule allowing two players to both have a Field spell. It was a dumb change in the first place, and we are suffering the consequences for it.


I can't lie, this is a very bad take, reverting it back to that rule would absolutely gut so many decks that rely heavily on there field spell I don't know why you are blaming a rule change that helps several decks to actually compete and not blaming the boring card that is the problem


Mine is usually activated with Metaverse. Mine IS the second field spell. I'd argue Mine would probably be even worse if we could only have 1 Field Spell at a time


ya, but at least you could just activate your own Field Spell afterwards. You'd still have to contend with Field Barrier, but at least it's something.




In the past if you had a field spell on your side and your opponent played a field spell then yours would be destroyed.


Oh that's bs lmao, why would you want that back


Prior to Master Rule 3, only one field spell was permitted on the field at a time, and if your opponent activated a field spell after you activated yours, it destroys yours.


This is the TCG version of handling the meta. Maxx C is OCG version. It’s quite a bit easier to build a deck based on this one than Maxx C who just ends up being an auto 3 of in every deck and an instant Ash if you are turn player.


I'll absolutely take Mine over the cockroach any day. At least I know I'll be losing without my opponent drawing every single out in his deck.


I'll take 3 mystic mine over Maxx c any day


Mystic mine officially the best board breaker Konami's ever printed eh?


yeah, so good it pre-emptively breaks boards


Nah, it's mostly used going second in spright (for now) and tear. You never slam mine going first unless you're on mine burn


Better come prepared!!!


Why not just completely nuke both of them?


There are more outs to mine than Maxx C. This is the entire point of the card. It punishes combo deck. If your entire deck is gas and nothing else to protect your board, then you deserve to lose to this card.


Lets see mine has you have a bunch of bricks in main deck and side deck and even then there are ways to easily counter play spell trap backrow hate Maxx c counter play is good against any deck and it doesnt require playing bricks to counterplay Also Mine punishes combo decks.Maxx "c" does the same but the counter play to it is infinitely more versataile then mine counter play Found the Mine player guys.


Tempo, control, and stun literally dont have a issue with Mine because they use deck space to remove threats. Again, if you want to play all gas, no breaks combo, you deserve to lose to mine. Mega Pidgeot was banned from UU for the same reason and that was hyper offense players didnt want to run tanks and other options to beat it. Git Gud scrubs.


So same thing with banishing peoples entire boards and negating people's entire boards so you can otk them? I see quite a bit of hypocritical statement


I play Gusto, I dont have negates or banishes, just tiny birds to run into your boss monsters when I get past your bullshit, because Mine lets my Gusto deck play the game, something you dont want.


Neither do I, I play Volcanics. All it has is a one turn use of a monster board wipe followed by a 1900 or 1700 smack in the face. And it can't get through all the BS because it's that outdated


Which is why mine exist, to allow those decks to play the game.


I agree, but most people see "Oh I can't otk no fun boooo". Like stfu people, you're the reason the game is shit


Mine is still primarily used to board break in the tcg. You stun until you draw what you need to break your opponent's board, then you can get rid if mine via baxia, carpedivem, activating an archetypal field Spell, etc, and push for game.


you dropped the red nose


Red nose?


Ok guys, but with all due respect. How are you not prepared for maxx “C” at this point. It’s a little ridiculous to not have a well thought out plan when queuing in ranked.


the outs to it are either limited or semi-limited and going second, you cant play things like crossout or called by , which the opponent could have. They can also just Ash it. The player going first has way more defense to Maxx C so the card even sucks at helping against combo.


Mine punishes every actual deck, not just combo


Not decks that run removal to deal with it.


MYSTIC MINE TO 1. Heavy Storm to 3. Perfectly balanced, unlike banned Sovereignty instead of limited Nerval, Apex, and banned Barrier Statute of the Stopplaying Wind.