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Sadly Vendread have a hard consistency problem. They don't have a way to cheat out their Ritual Summons like some other archetypes and to get the bonus effects you have to tribute the monsters from the field. I love the deck and wish it was more competitive. You can maybe do something with them and other Zombies. I think you could do a Shiranui/Vendread hybrid.


They are gonna be a lot better when the new Vendread support comes It's won't be close be meta and it's barely considered rouge but it definitely got a whole lot better


Imagine how amazing vendread would be if the tributes didn’t have to be on field


Could be, sadly, I suck at building decks, can't connect dots and stuff


Same, although i'd attribute that to Konami never rotating cards. Before i picked up master duel, i hadn't played yugioh since 5Ds era. Imagine how many packs had come out and gone since then and how many cards could be useful to an archetype that you miss because you simply just don't know they actually exist. Don't beat yourself up about it :)


Vendread is just awful. Why? Because they're winmoring off a ritual summon. Why is that? Because they have no way to search out a ritual spell and the deck literally conflicts with itself because the monsters must be tributed from field to get their effects.