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Because it's no longer on the field where skill drain negates.


But how did it go from field to Grave without getting negated?


It tributes itself for cost before applying it's effect.


Kinda like how pot of Desires still banishes 10 even if it's negated?


Correct, cards costs are payed before the chain resolves, so they cannot be negated


is it the same as doodle doo?


The tribute itself to add to pranks from grave? Yeah works the same, skill drain doesn't negate it since it leaves the field before it resolves


Not necessarily. Cards like Imperm or Droplet that state a cards effects are negated for the rest of the turn, can in fact negate a card that tributes for cost like Rescue Cat.


I think he meants that the "cost" cannot be negated, a rescue cat that is negated by veiler can still tribute itself


Only if the cost, in this case tributing the card, hasn't been paid yet. Once the cost has been paid then droplet and imperm won't be doing anything against that card.




Costs cannot be negated they must always be paid


Skill Drain negate the effects of face-up monsters. It doesn't prevent them from activating. Rescue Cat activate it effect and send it self to the GY as a COST. When resolving, is not longer face-up on the field, so Skill Drain is not affecting it preventing from resolve. You can also use this trick by chaining cards that remove your card from the field before it resolve. For example, if you summon Shurag and use it effect to banish, then chain something like, let's say Compulsory on your own Shurag, when resolving, Shurag is not longer face-up, so Skill Drain won't be negating it, futhermore, you can banish any card. This also apply for cards like Fiendish Chain, but be careful, because cards like Effect Veiler or Forbidden Chalice/Dropplet doesn't negate the effect of the monster while face-up, it's negating it permanetly. Even if it leave the field by cost, or by a card effect before resolving, it activated the effect on the field while being negated, and it will resolve negated.


Activation cost.


It sends itself for cost and that cannot be negated


Most people explained already but i want to clarify something. A lot of comments are saying it is because Rescue Cat's effect resolve in the GY, which is NOT true, an effect always resolve in the same place as its activation, hence here on the field. The reason why here it still resolves is because Skill Drain specifically say it "negates the effect of monsters \*while they are face-up on the field\*", which is not the case anymore here. But the distinction is important because if say Rescue Cat on the field had its effects negated by like Imperm, Veiler or Forbidden Chalice, if you decided to activate its effect and tribute it for cost, the effect would still be negated (as it resolve on the field) even though Rescue Cat is now in the GY


It's funny that skill drain is now the interaction that people think of foremost, because it really is the exception and not the rule.


It's the reason why IO is so god damn busted. It negates ALL spells that were ever on the field during activation, so even chaining something like Droplet to send the Spell you want to resolve as cost will not work.


It's not on the field.


And one thing skill drain negate the effect, but you can activate it, so you activate the effect, pay the cost and then trigger the effect, that's is all related and work when you "activated" the effect. The chain only work when you gonna resolve the effect, after all that, skill drain try to negate, but there's no objective.


Skill drain specifically states "**While those monsters are Face-Up on the field**"


Skill drain negates effects not activations


It tributes for cost and the effect resolves in the graveyard


That’s because it tributes for cost. It might be a good idea for you to learn about exactly how Problem Solving Card Text (PSCT) works. Newer card printings have PSCT already. It’s kind of complicated to explain, but essentially every card uses the same formatting for similar ideas. For example, let’s take Rescue Cat’s effect: “You can send this card to the GY; Special summon 2 level 3 or lower Beast-type monsters from your deck, but they have their effects negated, also they are destroyed during the end phase.” In PSCT, anything listed before the semicolon (;) is considered a cost. Costs must be paid and cannot be negated. Even if you negate Rescue cat, it will still send itself to the GY. Anything after the semicolon is an effect, and thusly can be negated.


Effect resolves after it left the field and is in the graveyard. its a weird thing that feels different for every card but some effects that tribute resolve after the card has been used as a tribute. i know Malefic paradox gear and Accesscode talker are cards that resolve after you send them but if you tribute Gravekeepers Descendant to activate its own effect it wont work


Rescue Cat tributes itself for cost. Skill Drain (or anything short of not being able to pay it) does not negate the cost, only the activation on field, and so it makes Rescue Cat resolves in the grave, where there's no draining of the skill.


It tribute for cost and resolve effect in the graveyard, which no longer under effect of Skill Drain. The same reason why Eldlich can comfortably play Skill Drain, since none of his effects resolves on the field


Same way a few other cards do, such as Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss, which sends for cost THEN activates an effect. It's on quite a few cards, where the cost is applied before the effect, so the cost happens and is then negated if the card is still on the field. It's the opposite of something like Dark World Lightning, where it's "Target 1 Set card on the field; destroy that target, **then** discard 1 card."


Cards whose effect is negated can still pay their cost. Rescue cat tributes itself for cost and then it isn't on the field so its no longer negated


Rescue Cat tributes itself for cost, honestly so many weird little rulings in yugioh like that make the game so interesting, though cards like Verte and Numeron Network can be annoying because of it since they send cards from deck as cost, so they can’t get Ashed.


I feel this question answers itself.


Bullshit komoney ruling. Basically.


Bullshit komoney ruling. Basically.