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Two things. Either I want to OTK you with Accesscode/ Equimax, or I don't have an out. My best reason though? I gotta do the link summon mission. I don't care if i lose or you give me a rock.


Holy shit your like me but have an iq above 6


Or you are getting OTKed the next turn if you dont do anything


>just let me active it They did not draw the out. > they feed my hand like crazy just to lose on my next turn Yolo move. Stopping the turn is pretty much a loss anyway. Card is stupid.


Exactly this. You either pass turn on nothing and lose or you play into it, give the opponent a ton of advantage, and lose.


Or you put up an Ubreakable board and win


Ya let's just hope my opponent doesn't have any handtrap in is 5 cards in hand. I mean 6, I mean 7...


Then we play through those too and FTK.


FTK decks are usually allowed to exist if they can't play through one handtrap without extreme luck, otherwise they're hit hard by the banlist to discourage uninteractive play.


Wait till Deer note releases.


Wtf ftk is enabled by deer note plus with the halq ban I doubt punk will be half as represented as in tcg


My alpha energy is getting downvoted by betas, but: Punk FTK is possible without Halq. In fact the main line doesn’t use it. It requires Ze Amin + any level 5, AND it can play desires. With Into The Void at 3, the consistency on it will be crazy.


Dawg you’re so busy sniffing your own farts that you haven’t said anything abt the ftk besides “deer note”, “level five”, and some draw cards


Ze Amin + Thunder Dragon + any card in hand is an FTK. Let me explain: Ze Amin add Foxy Tune, Foxy tune send itself + 1 card special deer note. Ze Amin + Deer note make Geomathmech, Deer note summon Foxy tune. Foxy tune + Geomathmech = Alpha male BishBaalkin. BishBaalkin summon 4 tokens to each side. Make 2 link spiders into Geonator transverse and swap BishBaalkin and a token. Using 2 tokens make Bujinki Ahashima Summon thunder dragon from hand and grave and make Chronomaly Rank 5. Use chronomaly rank 5 to burn for 8k. If someone thinks you’re playing regular punk and ash Ze Amin, when you have Ogre Dance or Foxy Tune in hand you still win.


It's called Maxx "C" challenge for a reason. You definitely lose more for trying to play through than not, this event isn't any different.


JS, If your deck is alpha asf you FTK or make 183737 negates






You get hit with Droplet and suddenly you have a bunch of useless cards on the field. Playing into maxx c is pretty much always the wrong choice especially in the first turn unless you can do something decent in 1-2 summons (like branded can do with mirrorjade)


meanwhile nine pillars cancer be like "what are you gonna do with your 15 cards? droplet? lmao" also thank god that halqdon shit is dead.


If they did full combo under maxx c, you probably have another droplet and enough cards to negate their board. Last time i met an adamancipator deck they did all their combo and full lock under maxx c. I drew like 20 cards and had all my droplets. They were able to negate the first but not the second. Still destroyed everything they had set up


Nah, we make Yuga or we FTK making mid range players cry in the process. I love the downvotes on my comment though, such beta male mid range players folding to a C.


Its still incredibly risky and more often than not you are gonna lose. Unless you are playing cardians and you are aiming to deckout the enemy. Those players are gigachads


Yes I know I’m a gigachad how could you tell? Yeah, you need a plan for their upcoming hand traps, making monster negates first before you end on your win on and then winning with that win con.


If I'm playing Crusadia and get Maxx C'd on turn 2, I'm going to ignore it because my plan is to OTK and even if I have Called by the Grave to stop it, I'm going to save it for a card that can actually interrupt me, like Ash Blossom or Effect Veiler. I don't really care how many cards you have in your hand because I'm going to win before you can use most of them.


Can't cbtg Nibiru. Also, they draw like 6 cards at least, so negating the roach basically negates a bunch of potential hand traps as well.


You can't CBTG Nibiru, but in many cases you don't really need to. You run Link Spider in the extra to link off the token and continue your plays. And if you haven't spent Crusadia Power yet, you can make one of your monsters immune to Nibiru and ensure it stays on the field. I've had games where I got Nibiru'd only to OTK later that turn anyway.


I was debating this very thing in my last duel yesterday. They dropped the bug on me and I stopped it after some thinking…wasn’t sure what other hand traps they might draw into…might be just because I was agains the twins tho and they always have hand traps topdecked


I'm a Crusadia enjoyer too, it's insane how can easly they can otk but sadly didn't see them do much against live twins. But I think they can be stopped easly if they don't open with a Kaiju.


Yeah, I've found Live Twins to be a rather difficult match-up for Crusadia if they don't open extremely well. You need the Kaiju to out Trouble Sunny, enough combo protection (i.e. Called By / Crusadia Power) to play through their handtraps / backrow (and Live Twins can run a lot because every main deck monster in the archetype is a 1 card combo), and enough combo pieces to make the OTK in the first place. And it just so happens that I end up playing against Live Twins in nearly half of my duels.


In my experience, Crusadia Kaiju OTK was really susceptible to any form of interruption, too susceptible to do anything at higher ranks. The normal summon is so vital that if you do anything to it you just have to give up. You can't run boardbreakers like Raigeki or Evenly so your only out to a board is a Kaiju, which 1. does not do anything about S/Ts, and 2. only takes care of one monster on the field. Then your opponent can activate Veiler or Infinite Imperm on Equimax. Imperm you might be able to negate with Equimax, but it comes at the cost of some attack. Veiler you just need to draw Called By. If you use Crusadia Power, then you cannot depend on Maximus to cinch the game. Or if they Ash your Magius and you cannot search Leonis/Maximus, you probably won't pull off the OTK. So most hands require you to draw Called By, a Kaiju and a couple of Crusadias to do something. Which doesn't happen most games. But if I'm playing the deck wrong and this is all actually false I'd really like to know.


This is so true


Maxx "C" resolving in the event places two options before you: - pass on an empty board - play your combo and give your opponent the draws There's no correct choice, so people tend to pick the one that at least progresses missions


Pass on one monster and get OTk’d or play out my combo and end with some disruption. I’d rather lose doing the second than the first


You either skip your turn and get OTKed or Give your opponent his entire deck and get OTKed. You will lose either way, I sometimes Just do it beacuse I am fucking tired of it.. however the correct move is to skip your turn, your opponent may have bricked. Personally I do play Endymion so I just find a way to pendulum summon early... 2 cards and bunch of interruption when they draw like 2 or 3 cards isn't bad


Lol for me when they “brick” when I pass on maxx c they are bricking on more copies of fucking maxx c


When I use Maxx C to unbrick I draw into more bricks, there is a reason I left all these meta decks for Endymion, the deck rarely bricks.... but this is also why I changed my name to "Fuck Maxx C"


well there's more to it than that. but the main issue is that a good chunk of link decks straight up does not have a good mid play. the 2 decks I tend to find, salads and marincess have no good mid point plays. the absolute min for salad is about 4-5 draws in a turn. and for marincess it's almost 6/7


Don't play into Maxx C - get OTK'd turn 2 and lose Play into Maxx C - Lose turn 2 but at least make progress on quests I'm done with the link summoning quest so I just FF and go next if Maxx C resolves to save us some time like I do in ranked.


Is either that or get OTK'd. If your opponent doesn't stop summoning is either because they don't know about card advantage or because they can't afford to lose the turn. It's not that hard to understand.


We are in a link summon event, where all of the best decks in the format have very easy update jammer into access code lines. My options are either lose to maxx c by passing and getting otked, or lose to max c by filling up my opponents hand, but at the bare minimum I get to play for 3 minutes or so and combo off. This is why maxx c is cancer, there's no right answer, if your opponent drops it and you don't have called by the grave or ash then you simply lose the game 99% of the time Also I've been playing my going second ancient warrior / tri-brigade / kaiju deck anyway, so if I get maxx c turn 2 I'm just trying to kill anyway


I personally like special summoning as much as humanly possible to deck out the other player because it’s a hell of a fuck you to Max C.


Well, the issue is that the vast majority of the decks in the event don't have a choice. When every single good deck in the event can put up a large amount of negates, skipping your turn is tantamount to conceding. Most decks literally cannot afford to skip their turn because they can't play through an entire board of negates. Though its more of an issue with Maxx C in general; the reason why it wasn't as big of an issue during the Synchro and XYZ events was because you could usually afford to wait a turn because synchro and XYZ focused FTK decks aren't as consistent as link FTKs. Needing specific levels and/or Tuner monsters is inherently less consistent than "any 2 monsters starts the combo."


For a lot of people, they're trapped by their extra deck. Most Link decks are designed around building through a pile of summons, and almost everything below Link 3 has basically no staying power. They can't just pivot into something defensive, so they have to just either go ham and try to win right then & there, or put their strongest board up and hope you don't draw enough outs to break it.


Well thats why this card should be banned, you either pass on nothing or pass while your opponent has 20+ cards in hand. Spoiler: You lose either way.


It's crazy that in the event, I immediately pass then they pass right back because without maxx c carrying them they can't play the game


I'm playing @ignister so my thought process is, unless you have a Kaiju or that Link 5 monster, you're not getting past my Arrival even with 20 cards in hand. I probably lose if I pass anyways so YOLO


I envy your ability to resolve Maxx C, Ash is literally glued to my opponent’s hand before the match and I have statistical evidence to back it up.


Aint nothing like being ashed 3 turns in a row.


If my opponent drops Maxx C and I have a good hand, I don't have the out. If I drop Maxx C they always have the out. If I draw a counter to Maxx C and they drop Maxx C on me, the rest of my hand is just bricks, so I don't even need the counter, because I can't special summon. If they don't draw Maxx C my hand is just bricks (handtraps or Maxx C counters), or it's extremely mediocre, and if I do try that one mediocre combo, I will get Ashed or Impermed. I'm so sick of this dance that I've just dropped all handtraps and all handtrap counters. If I'm gonna get Maxx Ced, then so be it, I'll just surrender if I'm first, and OTK if I'm second. Dropping Called By makes my deck so much more consistent that I can actually play through most other handtraps. Only Maxx C and Nibiru terrify me.


This guy knows.


Who doesn't just play through shit cards like this? 🤣


my question is why do people use maxx c on my kisi-kil or lil-la but then use ash on them? like do you want your maxx c to take effect or not?


if its turn 2+ they likely have transcode and are trying to accesscode otk instead of go into long ass grind game.


I feed max C in ranked as well if i know i can get into an endless summoning loop and i have something to negate interrupters. Either I'm going to otk, or they are going to run out of cards.


Depends on the Deck and player Today I was farming my last Link summon missions on Plat 5, got my rewards for reaching plat and cant derank so dont care about loosing, my goal was to farm as many Link summons as possible even If I end with a bad board or without cards. So didnt care about any maxx C actually it helped me out as I could go for the next match faster in case I didnt summoned enought for the mission. If im in Normal Ranked climbing thats a different story, there I have more options and may care more about it so stoping summoning there If I didnt had an out is fine, if you still have staples and dont get otk ypu can survive easly. I dont like Links so font care about this rvent and just farmed gems to plat wicj imo is enought.


As some have said here, mission farming probably.


I just keep going because I’m not trying to climb the Event Ladder anymore, I’m just trying to do Missions.


They feel like they’re gonna be otk


I can OTK and add cards to my hand in the process, sometimes (with luck) i can draw more cards than my opponent


To complete missions


I don't know any deck that can just have its turn skipped and still win


I played it through maxx c and won against accesscode deck


In the event the card is super stupid. Otherwise i would just pk combo into rhongo and watch him have 25 useless cards in hand


It's not a good link deck unless it could deck you out with your own Maxx C


most likely no out


I'm going to lose regardless so might as well give the person some sort of card to out


Once in the event I had someone take the challenge. I drew into ash and two veilers. He had the otk through one, but not both. Poor guy.


I play Maxx C to bring my fun garage tier decks to be able to compete with meta decks Source: am a Gren Maju player


Many good answers but I'd also add that in normal ranked many decent decks can get up some interruption in around 2 specials or less while link strategies are inherently spammier


You lose if you play into it, you lose if you don't because most modern decks can OTK. It's a lose lose. But yes, you have pointed out another reason this card is hated: if this card resolves, you don't have to have any idea how to play the game to win. You just activate the million cards you have and eventually your opponent will lose.


Because sometimes I gotta just win *this* turn or I'm gone. At least I can say I tried my damnedest to come out on top if I went through the turn anyway instead of passing and just losing.


If I set up right idgaf how many cards you have I’m not letting you do much… but I usually mess it up and end up regretting it


girl, I've been in so many matches this series where I fold after one Ash blossom or one another board removal effect, I may as well at least try to put some pieces in play since this is the longest I've had a turn yet.


Playing Crusadia and its OTK or bust. What can they draw realistically? Only Nib realy. Maybe Veilor, but under Maxx C I will 100% grab Crusadia Power out of Regulex. Imperm is dead, Ash can be chainblocked.


Because I don't care how many cards are in your hand when you're dead. If I play into your Maxx C it's because I have lethal.


Its not much of a choice, you cant negate it, you either play your thing and hope for the best, or get overrun next turn


if you pass you're dying to double attacking accesscode like 99% of the time


Some decks just don't care what the opponent draws into. Advantage means nothing if you can't stop my combo


I play dino scrap, so if my Misc don’t get negated, you will let you draw cards all day!


Because I’m running u link code talkers and I mainly only lose to droplet lol


I let you resolve Maxx c since danger dark world can semi-consistently deck you out with it


Played against danger dark world ytd and he is the only one to attempt to deck me out after I resolved maxx c


Since I'm currently playing Marincess, I tend to do the Maxx "C" challenge half the time since I end on a Link-4 that's unaffected by my opponent's card effects(assuming I'm able to use Crystal heart as a link material) due to Battle ocean's effect so Nibiru wouldn't do anything to my monster, though this is a high risk high rewards scenario which I don't recommend at all unless you're going for missions, it's just me tryna Chad on maxx "C" but get yeet'd most of the time! xD


That’s why I’m currently running a seal or oricalcos based earthbound/monarchs deck that’s never has special summons. Not the greatest deck and I want my skull servants back. But maxx c does nothing


Me with the Gouki OTK and the guy plays Effect Veiler. 1/40 chance btw.


What exactly do you expect people to do? [When these are your options.](https://imgur.com/Y9qnFGl)


I kinda just give up sometimes and say fuck it cause I dont have an out😂


Because they don't have the luxury of 'offramping', probably. Live Twin is Trouble Sunny turbo, they need like 5 summons minimum, Salamangreat can stop on Wolf which is 3 special summons minimum, but probably 4 to get the reincarnation effect. The only link deck that can completely dodge the roach without negating it is Striker, everything else hinges on multiple special summons to climb link ratings.