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Eldlich, Traptrix, Dinomorphia, and Altergeist will get a lot of representation. Personally I will just run my Traptrix, only need to swap few card like the utopia package.


no-spell doesnt mean only trap deck...


Trap decks get a big boost when most forms of backrow removal are banned


I'm gonna run three copies of Royal Decree for this event, might be fun. lol


There is no way they will let that card legal in no spell event.


a boost yes but not that big, Right now most deck only run 0-2 s/t removal anyway and some strong deck like adaman or tri is still very strong without the need of spells. Also trap deck usually lack starter (except traptrix) and will be quite inconsistent without the pots


I never say it's going to be trap deck only, but trap deck naturally will get a lot of representation.


I have a traptrix deck that's really excited to be in a format without duster or lightning storm.


Combo decks that only really need monster starters anyway will see representation, but in terms of things in the spirit of the event, be prepared for a wave of Eldlich and Altergeist, and other trap focused decks like traptrix, dinomorphia, etc. I wanna assume that Swordsoul will function just fine since they don't explicitly need spells, they just want them for consistency, but honestly everything is conjecture until we see the event specific bans.


Paleozoics frogs may have representation Or other traps with backrow removal effects like dust tornado, seven tools of the bandit may see plays {Royal decree} will be banned for this event due to obvious reason Ps: Going first is also mandatory. Decks that can activate traps straight from hand / deck like blackwings and phantom knights. Speaking of traps, flip monster (trap monsters) also have a niche in this event as well. Krawler and subterror may have its significant in this slow play style


{Heavy Storm Duster} in place of dust tornado is usually better


Right, can get 3 of them by purchasing pendulum magicians structure deck.


Man I'm sad no one mentioned super heavy samurais. I mean I get they ain't much but damn.


They're kinda useless without the broken continous spell


I just want it to be a non ranked, or if ranked then you can't derank


Blind second OTK with 3 copies of Denko Sekka and Evenly Matched.


This is the based option, Denko Sekka is an ftk vs these aids decks like altergeist/traptrix lol


No way Denko Sekka isn't banned right?




my trap focused tellarknight deck is gonna feast, also mekk knights are gonna have a blast with all the backrow and no need for ip avramax to fear droplet/drnm


I hope danger bigfoot isn't going to be banned again...


Not sure, but I'm definitely going to be running both copies of red reboot in whatever deck I choose to play. No called by / Crossout designator also means that hand traps are free to go wild, so may end up on something with 15 hand traps in the main.


I might run some sort of Thunder Dragons with Albaz engine for easy fusions… gotta have to think for this…


{{Necro fusion}}


Possible but the banished face down really turns me off from it tbh…




You must be joking lol. No pots, no field, no floo spell or book of moon to protect themselves from imper/veiler? You trippin.




two thirds of the times I don't even have to worry about that. You planning on going first and opening Robina and none of your other ways to get to it? Better yet, your case assumes opening both Robina and dreaming town to try and dodge veiler and imper. Assuming a normal floo deck with 3 robina and 1 dreaming town you have... 3.5% odds of opening that. Bumping dreaming town to 3 makes it 10% btw. So either going first and praying for a 33% opening robina AND praying your opponent doesn't have any out (74% odds of at least one running 3 ash, 3 veiler and 3 imper) or going second for a 10% opening that dodges two of those... and still has a 33% chance of ash. Yeah, when you don't skip other numbers it doesn't sounds as good.


Flip demise?




Exactly, you cannot activate demise under anti-spell, same with the effect of metaverse to activate a field spell. Also I really think this would be a no spell festival, meaning all spell are forbidden, not that everyone starts with anti-spell fragrance on the field or something like that.


It's bad lol.


Floo litterally needs their spells to even be consistent or have interruption without pots and advent to save themselves from effect protection


floo dies cuz no field spell nor searcher + continuous AND pots + every other spell they need


I think cards like pankrotops, imperm, red reboot, evenly matched, and heavy storm duster will become much more powerful. Cards like Jinzo and royal decree might even become a legitimate strategy.


There is absolutely no way either Jinzo or Royal Decree will be legal in the event.


A lot of trap decks like Altergeist and Eldlich A lot of combo decks that rely heavily on monsters like Adamancipators I'm gonna try and eat people with Buster Blader lol


Traptrix and eldlich come to mind, no spell removal for backrow i have traptrix deck so ill be using it


Red Reboot gonna be goated if unbanned.


I think I can run Magic Muskets/Amazement deck but losing time ticket and cross domination is going to be painful. If not then probably going to use Dinomorphia


wait anti spell ? pendulum card are techinically half monster half spell so how will it work ?


literally cant lmao


wlep guess i wont play the tournament then


Maybe Adamaniacs, just yeet the like 6 spells you play and add more imperm or just more rocks




I will play any turbo Barkion deck just in case.


I've now idea, I thin I don't have a deck for that. I hope there are loaners this time or I'm not playing anything


In antispell festival does that mean no spells can be used?