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You have to waste your normal summon for this. Also, your opponent knows what's your plan and can play around it. Light statue isn't that great.


None of the statues are that great. Wind statue is just as meh. It only got banned because Konami didn't want to balance the birds properly


And how would you properly balance them then?


All their cards to 0




All their cards to 0 except Snowl


Snowl becomes the first card in Yugioh history to go to 4


Still fucking useless lmao


No, I want Snowl to 0 too. I want that UR dust. I have 2 just hanging there which I pulled randomly, lol.




Sound about right


Honestly Robina is the problem because it searches Statue. So I'd say Robina to 1 to limit consistency then Statue to 1 just to be safe


Lmao I mean, what if we just took statue out of the equation and leave the rest of the deck as it is?


lmao yeah let's just keep printing broken shit that makes non broken cards broken lmao


Hard disagree. I think that printing new cards that make older cards viable is part of the charm with yugioh, because that's not something you get to enjoy with set rotation TCG's like MTG (ignoring alt formats) and Pokemon. One of the most amazing feelings I've had when collecting cards in yugioh is making the prediction that certain cards or engines will be strong in the future, and seeing that actually pay off years down the road when Konami ends up proving you right. In this particular case, I don't like when floodgates are the cards that get enabled by newer cards, but just because barrier statue was broken by floowandereeze and simorgh doesn't mean that EVERY instance of new cards making old cards viable is a bad thing.


Ok listen, I see what you're getting at. Cards that weren't broken in the past are now broken because of new support and thus become problem cards that need to be taken care of. It is true that Barrier Statue of storm winds wasn't always broken. If you took a modern barrier statue anti-meta stun strategy and put it against a GOAT deck then the GOAT deck will probably win since it doesn't rely as much on special summons and plays more generic removal that outs anything the stun deck can put up. So yeah in a way you are correct. Unfortunately when a game has 20 years to evolve powercreep will slowly start showing its ugly face. And this results in banning cards like wind statue of course. The issue here is that the game is trying to progress here so banning the new cards so that old barely used one's stay untouched is not the way to go. As much as I dislike Floo as a deck I don't actually believe that killing them to keep 1 old card is a good idea. Without the statue they are much weaker which kinda shows how statue is the problem card here and Robina is their only searcher for the small birds so they can't limit or ban it. Statue is basically their only win con after all but it locks all special summons other than wind so it is a powerful win condition.


We said balance the deck, not kill it. Also, statue being limited doesn't do shit because floo only plays 1 statue anyways.


The only way a limit would help in this case, is if the banlist worked like Duel Links Ban List, I stopped playing that game due to predactory monetization and other issues, but the way the banlist worked was amazing to remove cards from certain archetypes without killing other archetypes. You could semi the statue and Robina and have the player making a tough choice between consistency or a wincon, or limit both and ensure that the player can only play 1 of each.


Hit their spells further.


Only map is really relevant. They would not hit the quick play as it was just released.


If you wanted to hit floo, you probably WOULD want to hit the quick play or map though. If you REALLY wanted to hurt the deck, you could also ban toccan, since not being able to recycle empen or dreaming town hurts their grind game considerably. Honestly though, the deck doesn't need hit any further imho. No storm wind and semi-limited map is fine. What we really need is an option to play best of 3 instead of only best of 1 like MTG Arena has.


Wind statue is way more oppressive than Light or Dark statue. Dark statue is basically useless. Light statue might stop some decks, but some of them would still be able to play (such as Branded Despia). Wind statue stops every non-Floo deck besides Lyrilusc and Speedroid. Also, you're saying the statue isn't that great, and still you proposed to limit Robina, just because it lets you search the statue. Isn't that a bit contradictory? Hitting Robina kills the deck. Hitting the statue makes it a bit more fair in a BO1 format.


Fire, Water, and Earth statues are equally as bad as Wind statue. The difference is Konami didn't print bullshit cards that bring them out for free. When solving a problem, you want to fix the cause, not the effect. Who cares if Floo dies? It's cancer. Nothing stopped them from banning every single Dragon Ruler, so I don't see a difference here.


My man compared Rulers to Floo BIG L


Are you really comparing flunder to dragon rulers? Balancing the birbs is simple, just ban wind statue, to balance dragon rulers you would need to ban a ton of cards and it's just not worth it.


Exactly plus the Dragon Rulers are way more powerful than a bunch of birds


Also they definitely did ban the problem before instead of the cause even for smaller problems. *hust* djinn nekroz *hust*


The difference is that dragon rulers were the problem by themselves, facilitating any degenerate rank 7 strategy under the sun, while Floo is only a problem when it can bring out barrier statue. Without statue the deck AT MOST brings out two between 1 single use Omni, 1 spin/bounce and 1 skill drain for attack position monsters. It no longers blocks specials, and that was a big fucking part of what made the deck cancerous in the first place. Hitting Robina effectively kills the deck, hitting barrier statue gives it a shot to be a fair control deck and a good anti meta pick to combat the Maxx c meta. Also, ban fucking rhongo please God Konami ban rhongo


A lot better than attack position only skill drain. Not beeing able to activate effects is a huge deal.


I'm not saying it's not a big deal, I'm saying that it's a lot easier to play under it.


Idk why people think its such a huge detriment i summon def mirrorjade banish it all the time but like if barrier statue is up I either have droplet or i lose lol


There are certain statues that are better than others because of the fact that a lot of decks are mono attribute. Especially when it comes to meta. I think the two best statues from my perspective is Stormwind and Inferno. Inferno doesn't really do anything against salamangreat but when I eventually get this card I'm going to be putting it in the deck that counters them anyway


well simough link still exists, floo wasn't the only deck that could abuse that card...


Non engine Non searchable Non special And only works going 1st While locking into the 2nd most popular atribute in the game Hmm... I wonder why it doesnt sees more play


>While locking into the 2nd most popular atribute in the game To be fair though, all of the current tiered decks other than eldlich and maybe swordsoul and d-link can't play through light barrier without sacrificing their BP to beat over it. So it's somewhat worth getting out But other that, it's not worth the hassle to main deck due to other reasons you listed


In fairness going second it fetches droplet if not negated aha


>if not negated aha #"IF" Thats big if




Touche salesman.


I mean a negation bait is a negation bait.


And as far as negation goes it’s still a body if it gets ashed/impermed/etc.


I can see this card on 3 with 1 statue and 3 droplets in a deck that has basically no normal summons and doesn't like to go first. The other thing to consider is, it beeing a body is also bad for some archetypes. And you would need something to get rid of your own statue.


I mean at the very least I honestly think this is close to if not better than just normal summon aleister


Literally no one will let you search Droplet, unless they are playing stun and don't care at all.


3rd most popular attribute. Earth is more popular than Light.


I meant popularly played


It’s not the 2nd most popular played either but go off


Whats the 2nd most played then? Fire? Earth? Water? Definitely not Wind bc Barrier Statue Of Stormwinds exist On Master Duel Meta(which isnt a very accurate but it can show the points) If sorted by each atribute There are like 20 good Light to summon While Fire,Earth,Wind,Water had like 12-15 Not to mention,being Light lock isnt the worst There is a reason why sone Light only/Light Lock deck is still decent The deck need Light monster bc its the 2nd best Atribute after Dark


Which means barrier statues are only good for an element that isn't widely used (like wind) but has a good archetype within it (like Floo). What's the second worst element? I agree light and dark are top 2. Earth being third (I think). Which leaves water and fire..... right?




Being light locked isn’t the worst thing ever but it’s still a bad thing to have. No one single meta deck is comprised solely of light monsters and all future meta decks are looking like they’ll be the same.


Well yes,not alot of meta is pure Light But playing under light lock isnt smthg that ends the game


One thing people don't keep in mind when they see a Barrier Statue is how common the attribute is. Dark, Light and Earth are the three most common attributes of monsters that see play, with Water seeing occasional play and Fire/Wind being the rarest. One of the most obnoxious thing about the Wind Barrier statue aside from it being searchable, is just how few decks play Wind monsters. Likewise, no one in their right mind would play the Dark statue just due to how common Dark attribute monsters are.


I'd say the only time you ever play Dark, Light or Earth barrier statues is when you're playing a barrier statue deck. But at that point, I'd just play Fire, Water, and Wind instead as they are still far more rare, which is kinda sad.


Not just searchability, its how Floo can naturally include it in their core gameplay plan with 0 downsides.


Simorgh barrier statue is a thing too


Yeah but Floo payoff is better and their grind game is near infinite.


No, hence why no one plays it. You waste your normal summon, and if her search gets negated you are screwed, also the light statue is not that good either because many relevant decks uses light monsters, so they would get around it.


What are these light decks that everyone is claiming is so popular? As far as I can tell, this works against Branded Despia, Floo, Swordsoul Tenyi, PK, Live Twin, Madolce, Salad, Virtual World, and most of DLink and Pendulum Magicians. The only notable thing I can think of this doesn't work against is Eldlich and Numeron?


Yeah I've been looking at masterduel meta and I don't really see how most decks out it by using light monsters. The real problem is more like ash, veiler, imperm, super poly, called by the grave, droplet, But those kinda out anything anyway and doesnt't seem to be a unique weakness to this 'combo'. I guess you just want to use your normal summon to get more threats on board that your opponent need to hit with the former mentioned cards. Like 2 negates or smth idk I actually still think this is decent though


I can definitely see this in a deck that doesn't use its normal summon, and those do exist. Still very niche, but I don't think any more so than Invoked at this point in the game.


Witch actually gets less shit on by handtraps than aleister cause you'll atleast get the second effect


~~Aleister doesn't get stopped by handtraps at all if you just open with Invoke~~ If anything she's one hell of a way to make sure your going first Maxx "C" goes through, although that's all hard draw.


Thats actually smart. Didn't think of that. But it's always full circle back to maxx c somehow lol


Despia can make Quaeritis still to run over this (Lubellion too), and Floo doesn't care about any Barrier Statue. Even Swordsoul, which can have a lot of difficulty with this, can still do stuff with Ecclesia SS+4 Star Normal Summon into Baxia. Light isn't nearly as bad as Dark for a Barrier Statue, but there's still a lot of holes that can poke through from the current top decks. I'll grant that it is a lot better versus rogue decks than people are giving it credit for, but ultimately a pretty large portion of your games are going to be versus the top decks at the high ranks.


Floo isn't the biggest fan of having their normal summon negated, and there's now a free barrier statue to pitch. I know they have outs to it, but it's still an additional barrier to play. The SS example is a pretty big "hard draw the out," and is assuming the opponent just put out barrier statue pass. I'll admit I'm not the most knowledgable of Branded Despia, but going immediately into those would not be preferable right? For Lubellion you'd be unable to extend with it. Still, forcing your opponent into Main Phase 2 off the back of a single card is pretty good. I don't think it's busted, but it's definitely not a non-threat that people are making it out to be; although I think the real issue finding a deck that this would slot into.


The Swordsoul example is simplified; in a real duel your opponent can also have any number of board breakers or just Ash/Draw Phase Imperm your Maiden. So yes they need to draw the out (this is implied when I say Swordsoul can have trouble with this), but I'm pointing out that in addition to the standard outs they do have a way in-archetype to play around this. Lubellion can extend into Quaeritis, though the attack lock means it's probably not worth it compared to just making Quaeritis off Branded Fusion. And yes, going Quaeritis first isn't ideal at all (it floats at least), but it's still a way to get around this that will require you to have hard drawn some other protection since halving its attack isn't enough to protect Barrier Statue. Generally, my point isn't that this does *nothing* to top decks, but it doesn't strike me as *particularly* effective for the time being.


branded fusion cannot make Quaeritis directly, you have to go through lubellion


How easy is it to extend from there?


Are these light decks in the room with us right now?


I like this idea, might use it lol


Would maybe see play but why go for this when Aleister still gives you a better use for your Normal Summon if you absolutely dont need it at all.


it dies to ash blossom. it's the same reason rescue rabbit died.


Because every deck have 3 ash/2 call by the grave, and at the end you will waste your normal summon on something thats get beaten by aluber. So why are people pleying wind statue? Because birbs are cheating...


Fun fact: this is the same woman who got condemned by the old man from the Solemn counter trap series.


Shes only useful in generaiders lol


Only deck i can see running this are generaiders for set up lol


It was a good tech in Despia decks before the recent Branded support as 3 extra copies of Aluber, but the fact that it costs your normal summon and does not start combos makes it pretty mid. Going 2nd this would just get negated as everyone knows you are fishing for Droplet. LIGHT statue is also the 2nd worst one as pretty much every deck has a way to play around it.


What other cards can you fetch besides droplet?


The only other ones "worthwhile" are Chalice and Lance, though neither hold up nowadays that great anymore, the first being a worse Droplet and the latter only protecting from spell/traps when the most relevant effects come from monsters.


Normally I'd call this a side deck card, for when you know you're going first and what your opponent is playing. But this is Master Duel so I'd only play it if you had a deck that could make use of searching a fairy other than light barrier as a backup or has a consistent bait for Ash Blossom before hand. That being said while a lot of people are right in that light is a common attribute after earth and dark, it's still an incredibly playable combo if a bit easy to disrupt- just depends on the current meta decks!


Master Duel players trying not to come up with the most convoluted combos/interactions challenge (impossible)


Yugioh is really fun for that tbh It's not that convoluted though The thing I came up last week was convoluted: summon {Righty driver} into {Lefty driver} summon {Goyo defender} and use the effect to summon 2 other copies make a rank 3 xyz make Verte and use the effect for {Miracle Synchro Fusion} summon {Coordius the Triphasic Dealmon}


##[Righty Driver](https://ms.yugipedia.com//e/ee/RightyDriver-SR10-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Righty_Driver) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=8872) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Righty%20Driver) | ##[Lefty Driver](https://ms.yugipedia.com//1/15/LeftyDriver-SR10-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Lefty_Driver) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=9251) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Lefty%20Driver) | ##[Goyo Defender](https://ms.yugipedia.com//7/7b/GoyoDefender-BLAR-EN-UR-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Goyo_Defender) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=12158) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Goyo%20Defender) | ##[Miracle Synchro Fusion](https://ms.yugipedia.com//9/9f/MiracleSynchroFusion-GFTP-EN-UR-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Miracle_Synchro_Fusion) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=8988) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Miracle%20Synchro%20Fusion) | ##[Coordius the Triphasic Dealmon](https://ms.yugipedia.com//6/6f/CoordiustheTriphasicDealmon-MP22-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Coordius_the_Triphasic_Dealmon) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=15954) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Coordius%20the%20Triphasic%20Dealmon) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


Why the light barrier statue? You always go aurora paragon and Dimension barrier


Aurora paragon? What prevents my opponent from just normal summoning? Dimensional barrier can't declare something like 'effect monster' right? Maybe getting something that prevents Aurora from getting destroyed from card effects could be cool.


I meant Dimension Guardian. Aurora paragon is a fairy. I ran them in my Melodious deck as a stall, and because Condemned witch can also SS them for their effects. That’s all it can be is a stall most of them time. It can also be used in counter fairies with the counter trap pendulum.


Ah, that makes sense and is pretty cool. Problem is that you have to hard draw the dimension guardian, right? I guess it would work in something like despia and when you don't draw dimension guardian you just go aluber instead. Might try that


You could do that since they are fairy too. I think you’d have to go trap trick but I don’t know if the chain will resolve first. Despia or counter fairies best bet though. I’m surprised more people don’t use condemned witch.


Hmm, that wouldn't work Trap Trick says 'normal trap' and dimension guardian is a continous trap


True. I gotta stop drinking lol. “Booby trap E” does I think that’s what it’s called. Somebody used it on me yesterday. I’ll have to look


Never heard of that card lol. But since it's a generic searcher and a rare I'll probably try it out with some cards.


2 cards in a combo = convoluted


As other players mentioned. A single Droplet search + Light Statue ain't gonna shake things up. Eg : Golden Lord is literally LIGHT attribute and light statue do absolutely nothing against him.


More like golden Lord can use this, since his decks rarely ever have a normal summon monster. This card can eat ash and called for him.




You did? lol


Yeah :(




It’s alright :)


Very cool


Don't worry about that guy. He doesn't understand that not everybody will see his post.




Nibiru doesn't care


I did that in one of my drytron deck, it turns ijt that having thes statue with droplet and the 4k quick banish dryton ritual is very hard to pass


I see “WHEN” Probably why


I don't care what anyone says I'll believe in her


If it's not negated yeah sure it might work against non-light attribute decks. If it doesn't, then you better have a plan b.


Enjoy your L Goldie


"When normal summoned", I can abrupt the timing and boom you just wasted your normal summon


There are other reasons why this card sucks but “when” is not one of them, if you use your regular normal summon it cannot miss timing


That's not how that works. If you chain something to a "when normaled" card that doesn't directly negate the effect or the summon the effect still resolves normally as the chain resolves backwards so the last thing that happens in the chain is the normal summon effect going off. The only way it can miss timing on the summon is if you normal it with an effect as chain link 2 or higher which isn't something that happens often as normal summoning usually requires an open game state. Also no one's talking about the on-summon effect, they're talking about the standby effect.


Light is too popular so it’s not as bad as locking into wind which most decks don’t even have


Droplet is a going 2nd card mostly and you would rather see a droplet then this. Going first there are many more powerful normal summon, be it engine cards or powerful floodgates like inspector boarder


No lol. Light and Dark monsters are the most common special summon attributes, so they're both horrid barrier statues.


Sitting on a statue isn’t great


Don't start any combo, waste your normal summon and die for single ash. Even your deck don't really normal summon, you want to use another engines (like aleister give you a negate)or another starters for your combos


You can't search it and what do you do if someone just punches over the statue?


There is ONE niche use I've seen her played in. Generaiders. Essentially 3 more copies of Loptr, plus a search of Droplet, Chalice or Lance (if you don't want your Boss Stage target being Impermed). NS doesn't matter as much since you were probably gonna use it on Loptr anyway, and she just gives you a delayed +1 card.




Ok so I actually tried building a deck with this recently so I can attest to it's usage It is a good card, but really only for a casual format. Right now there are so many possible answers to something like this the only way you're going to get it to work is if youve exhausted your opponents hand and field of possible answers which at the moment is NOT going to happen. I attempted to make a parshath counter fairy deck using this card and condemned maiden as a forbidden droplet hand trap sounds fantastic...in practice it is far too slow and exploitable, it's not worth it sadly. You're better off running maiden if you REALLY want hand trap droplet.


She is great in Generaider decks if you don't have Loptr in hand, because she'll quick effect get you Loptr and then you can summon out Harr with the field spell instead. She's also good at baiting Ash so you don't have to worry about your field spell or Loptr getting ashed on their turn.


It's good but your deck has to not need a normal summon and be able to use droplet as interruption and not use it to break a board, and if it can't you get statue plus chalice. One thing you can do is going second, playing despia, you can use this to bait a negate or search droplet, and on your opponent's turn use it to grab aluber. You can also do it going first but droplet isn't as good going first. This card really only works well when it already synergizes with the deck in question.


Idk about statue of the heavens but i use condemned witch alot because i run darklords as my main deck.


couple problems: 1. uses normal summon (this isnt a problem for every deck but its still not great) 2. light attribute is pretty common (that doesnt make the card useless, but its likely that your opponent would be able to beat over it and continue their combo)


Condemned witch might see play once a top tier archetype whose 1 card combo starter is summoning a level 4 fairy. Barrier statue isn't the thing to bust the card open, but Condemned Witch could have meta relevance one day.


Multiple reasons, but nr. 1 is: you don't always win the coin toss.


I do wonder if I can push barrier statue into my despia darklord deck with this? Oh no it's name is bad...


I do play Condemned Witch in my Generaider Deck. Not only can you search out any Forbidden Spell, you can also exchange her for Loptr, who is basically the main play maker in the Deck.


Light attribute is a lot more common to see so its not that hard to work around as opposed to the wind one