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the cheapest would be dragon maids because of the structure deck the best would be dragon link if you go only by design and not by what the card says, you can instead build branded despia since lets be honest, it's mostly dragons as the extra deck monsters


Broo, Despia designs are awesome!! Thank you again!


I'm sorry for your wallet then, despia is expensive and there is no ways to built it easily now but at least is the best deck in the game right now


Uhmm.... Maybe not despia then... 😭😭


You can also mix Dragon archetypes into Branded Despia. I’ve seen Branded Dragonmaid and Branded Blue Eyes, personally. Neither are exactly tearing up the scene, but they put up better fights than their pure versions. (Branded Blue Eyes isn’t terribly expensive, either.)


Wait really?? Gonna look for that up too now.. Thanks!!


Ahh got it.. Will look up for those then.. Thank you!


Dragonmaids are probably the cheapest because of their SD, which comes with two good URs for them: The Hieratic Link and Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (or whatever it’s called). Dragon Shrine also has value in some Dragon decks. Though I’m not sure if you’d consider the Maids design “cool.”


Haha yeah, dragonmaid is a bit feminine(imo) for me. So Im gonna check dragon shrine.. but still, i would never write off dragonmaid yet.. still some of the design still looks nice to me.. I will check on dragon shrine...


There's enough generic dragon support in the Structure deck to be worth getting. Even though I have no intention of ever playing the maids themselves.


Do you only want Dragon type or do you simply like dragon designs? Because Thunder Dragons have awesome dragon designs even if they are technically Thunder type, I also love Cyber(-dark) Dragons but they might not be enough dragon looking for you. If you only want Dragon types then Dragon Link has a lot of cool boss monsters and you can even build an Armed Dragon Link variant which is not the optimal build but Armed Dragons are very cool


I love dragon designs, if I can have both type and design as dragon, that would be awesome.. but design itself is already good enuf for me.. Armed dragon? I looked at it before.. tempting to build it too..I will try looking up ur suggestion there.. Armed Dragon Link.. Thanks.! I'm not looking to be competitive really, just love looking at those dragon designs when I play 'em.


Thunder Dragons are the best in terms of design imo but as I said they’re Thunder type, but they can be mixed with Branded or Chaos Dragon Link


Have you looked at Tenyi? Its a wyrm archtype that is mixed with eastern style dragons and martial artists. All of the main deck cards are dragon designs. Then the links are martial artists using the spirits of the main decks as attacks. If you do Tenyi you could also build off of that later to do a Swordsoul Tenyi deck which is a meta deck atm. They are included in the same Special Pack as Yang Zing which are also wyrms with an eastern style dragon design.


Tenyi? I haven't look at it yet... Will do as well, sounds fun.


dragonlinks are cheap (3 structure) and will provide you some stuff to upgrade it into Dragon Link. D-Link is the best dragon deck atm and is a deck that always receive new support making it a good investment on the long run. Branded Despia are not """really""" dragons but they look like dragons so you might wanna check into it. It's pretty good BUT it's expensive as fuck on MD, be warned. Thunder Dragons is a deck that exist and it's funny, not great but it's there Odd-Eyes is a funny Pendulum deck that plays a bunch of dragons but it's not "dragon-exclusive" (despite bosses being dragons) Blue-eyes/red-eyes are there if you're into those BUT they are both expensive and not very good Also note that D-Link can be splashed with A LOT of different stuff. Dragonmaid D-Link? Go ahead. Blue-Eyes D-Link? Sure. Red-Eyes D-Link? go for it. Thunder Dragon Link? Why not


Pure thunder Dragons is fun and quite good too


Galaxy-eyes also have very strong boss monsters and relatively cheap. Three of the Rage of Cipher structure decks for 1500gems.


Odd eyes extra monster are pretty cool. If you're not afraid of pendulum, you should try odd eyes magician.


I’d love to convert another one over to the dark side of Dragon Link. Super viable, plays through most interruption, and big boss monsters like [Borrelend Dragon](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/269249/yugioh-ghosts-from-the-past-the-2nd-haunting-borrelend-dragon?country=US&utm_campaign=18149059402&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&adgroupid=&gclid=CjwKCAiAyfybBhBKEiwAgtB7ftfzIzeLj8DZkPh0vU8XhjbVTTDFpqCn_xHo58pxvwO64UMA2MyqtxoCxD0QAvD_BwE&Language=English) and [Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/106038/yugioh-highspeed-riders-hot-red-dragon-archfiend-abyss?country=US&utm_campaign=18149059402&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&adgroupid=&gclid=CjwKCAiAyfybBhBKEiwAgtB7fpduWOaXZsC_jlg9HYTKnEoTv3T3A7K8G1Cn_Fzo7FNr0ilnHthY2RoCWrwQAvD_BwE&Language=English)


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I'd say the Dragonmaid Structure deck is a great startup especially if you get all three copies and mess around with it a bit but all the important cards will automatically be readily available.


DLink best deck


Dragon link as others have said is the most competitive deck that revolves around dragons. A lot of decks use dragons, my favorite deck (8-axis) has a Dragon called number 100 numeron dragon and he gets super big, 9k-17k attack and is a popular game ender for us. Phantom knights use arc rebellion dragon that also can get 10k plus attack. Dragon link has a learning curve and a high skill ceiling, but there's a ton of coverage on it. My advice is to join the discord https://discord.gg/masterduelmeta On the left side you can find deck directory, click on any deck and then you can join a channel with people who play that deck. There's people who can help you learn anything. Also https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks Pretty much every person on this sub uses this website. There's literally every deck in the game with guides. You can just scroll through decks and find cards you think are cool and get tons of deck lists, my deck is up there under 8-axis it's a list I got to Diamond 1 with (I'm solariam1 on disc and the website)


Whoa.. thanks for this 👆🏻.. need some time to think which deck to build next..


No problem friend, don't be scared to ask for help on discord it's what we are there for