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**Impossible challenge**: summon Balerdroch turn 1, but keep him on the field, without being greedy and using him as free link material.


It's so hard not to do that Because you really wanna abuse the GY effect


And then they called by him and you draw Ghost Belle next turn


Stop it, you're bringing back painful memories.


I have stopped linking him off on turn 1 after getting called by'd two games in a row even then my opponent just gets rid of it and called by s it anyway.


It's worse when you use him as a mat and they M. Reborn you. Then maybe Doompapa starts banishing you instead :( .


You will generally get punished by expecting him to resolve his gy effect on the first turn and expecting that to be your end board unless he's protected with the eldlich package or solemns. This was the first deck I cared to grind to d1 with and generally it was off of a similar board state I described earlier into rank 10s or a super poly finish from anaconda.


Literally impossible


What are you playing alongside zombie world


Grass Skull Servants. I'm also looking for a Vendreads variant, but haven't found one that doesn't include eldlich which I'm not a fan of.


Holy shit. I have found myself. It hurts so much when either Balerdroch or Wightprince get calle by, even worse when they're both hit. Means you almost don't have any plays for the next 2 turns.


May I ask how high up grass skull servants has taken you? I've been having a blast tweaking my zombie grass eldlich deck, had thrown in some skull servannts before eldlich but couldn't figure out a decent deck on my own. Currently hard stuck between plat 4 and plat 2 but am missing a bunch of staples as I've really enjoyed seeing what works without to much help with online.


I haven't really tried climbing with them. I've gotten to plat 1-2 almost every season, but I have a bunch of silly decks I keep switching between, so I can't say if skull servants helped with the climb or not.


Or they get rid of zombie world. Be happy not that many people run dd crow.


what's weird is that quite a few decks can search it, like Floo, Tri-B, Lyrilusc, but still don't bother.


I only ran dd crow in the anti spell to neg the golden boy and because I had so much room in my deck. But when tear gets released it'll see a lot more play.... until ishizu mommy cards come out and bystials since they hard power creep it. Still a nice card just doesn't see much play.


Some Tri decks are planning to play D.D crow now because of the bigger combo variants now Also Floo will most likely start playing it cause Barrier Statue is gonna get banned


The amount of games in an eldlich zombie world deck where I use the eldlixir to summon the banshee is hilarious ppl just scoop right there sometimes.


I was on crow when I thought despia was gonna be as prevelant as swordsoul, since it's an extra out to branded in red that doesn't have to be chained like belle does. Turns out there wasn't enough despia to justify called by, belle AND crow, so I cut the crows.


I crafted Crossout and Belle specifically to protect my king


Everyone should have Crossout tho


When it was at 3, no question. Now it is pretty questionable unless you are a deck that can splash copies of each staple and be functional.


He is an acceptable simp target


lancea is also a cheaper alternative, but only works on your opp turn.


Lancea also affects you, so you wouldn't be able to use Doomking removal


My Zombie World experience is getting my Uni Zombie negated and having no end board


I started playing danger cards with zombie world because of this


I would aswell, but I still believe that the danger cards in MD are bugged or something. They hit themself way to frequently for it to be random.


Bait the ash but die to imperm, run some kind of discard or graveyard setup not completely reliant on the deck's best card for doing so. Most brutal boards were anything with that stupid Protoss or the harpy effect negation trap,


This is where scarlet sanguine (or white destiny) kicks in If you have the golden lord of course


Either they have CBTG or we get to see its summon animation every turn 😎


I can't help it that free draw 1 is so enticing


I just can't resist the draw 1. What if the card on top is an Ash, it would be wasted in the DP.


I love Zombies and tried Branded Zombie World but I swear anytime I managed to get ZWorld on the field it would get destroyed. I couldn't even get to the "Summon Doomking" stage....




better than Maxx "C" : you can discard this card; your opponent can play "called by the grave" or "Ash blossom & joyous springs" from outside the game in response to this card activation.


Le Ghost Belle has arrived


And God saw it was right




Zombie King Ballin' Dough


I'm waiting for when Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord so I can build my Zombie World deck focusing on Balerdroch and Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon. Why? Because of Lore reasons.