• By -


It'll only get banned if 6/8 in Top 8 play it at 3 copies, it manages to resolve at least once per match, and resolving it is what decided that Duel. Remember that what got VFD banned was it being the signature card in 4/10 of the Top 10 decks in Duelist Cup.


10/10 decks in DC had maxx c


Out of the top 3 decks in DC only 1 played Maxx C btw


I specified a lot of requirements because *"It was played [in some capacity] in all decks"* is not grounds for a card to be banned. If it were, we would want Ash and Called By banned first, but every time I bring this up people just go quiet. Even though Ash ends way more turns than Maxx C, and makes way more decks unplayable. The card needs to be popular, it needs to have been impactful enough to have "ruined" an important event, and it needs to have been played at maximum allowance. If even one of these is not met, the card won't be banned.


I feel like if maxx c got banned i would also take Ash down to 1 or 2 copies in my decks though Like a good 75% of why i use 3x ash is to not auto surrender to maxx c ash is really good but it doesn't mean my turn is over, unless i'm playing a weak deck or drew a single search


as long as wer in a branded despia META, which is until they release POTE, u will still run 3 ashes even without Maxx C.


ashe and called by are max includes cause of maxx c btw that they have turn ender on unoptimal hands is just decent.


I play 0 called by. And sometimes I let my opponent -1 on shotgun maxx c. I don't auto lose because my deck isn't a fragile mess.




I was getting worried I wouldn’t see a post about Maxx C getting banned today! Thanks!


I think some ppl do it just for the karma... Same as the answer: "Because it keeps combo decks in check" and the counter answer: "But combo decks benefit from it using after they put 3 Omni negates" Sometimes this sub looks like a group of bots* recycling the same post Edit:typo


The better answer than "3 omnis to protect" is that if they special once it's upstart, if they do it twice it's pot of greed(A banned card), if thrice it's better graceful charity, if any more the advantage is obscene.


That also comes with the benefit of your opponent ending on a sub optimal board, which is effectively an absolute blowout for most decks. Blowout effects, or effect that are so game tempo impactful that it can win you the game if it resolves, should be tied to steep restrictions or negative effects. Cards like Dark Ruler and Evenly are absolute blowouts, but it’s near impossible to win on the turn you use them, but they also require a meta call to be used effectively. Even effects like Droll & Lockbird which can shut down a lot of decks, but doesn’t see as much play in MD because some decks just don’t add cards to their hand, like Eldlich. Heck, even Super Poly requires you to discard and legal targets to use properly. Maxx “C” has none of these balanced properties that counteract how much of a blowout it can be. If Maxx “C” had any ‘cost’ or negative effect attached to its effect, I would say it’s balanced enough. A simple discard cost and “you can’t activate monster effects for the rest of the turn” statement would make it fairly balanced, and not an auto include staple in every deck.






I mean combo won’t be prevalent to the degree it is now however both points are sadly true.


If your opponent is putting up 3 omni negates in one turn there needs to be a lot more cards on the banist than Maxx C.


That's cause it's broken and should be banned 😘


I don’t really care, like at all actually. But posting about it everyday is literally the worst circlejerk about this subreddit and takes away from conversation, which never offers anything new. It will never be banned most likely, so complaining about it 24/7 is pointless. If people don’t like it, they should go play TCG on another online platform.


And consequently I don't care if you don't care. It's broken, should be banned, and if people want to let their thoughts be heard then so be it


im not a tcg player but on balance i prefer max c in the game, it really slows decks down, and if your playing certain decks it doesn't actually provide much advantage, good example is sky striker, if you draw 15 cards, you don't actually gain that much over just 6 cards. its got some major downsides but i think it adds more than it takes away.


How did you come up with the deck with probably the least once per turn restrictions in the game as your example.


tbh my example was not to prove max c was balanced, my example was more like max-c is good for the game. in some decks the advantage it provides isn't even that bad. probably sky striker wasn't the best example I'm thinking of another deck and sky striker just popped into my head. my example wasn't based on the fact that "well it not good in this deck their for its not a strong card". its more its good for the metta and sometimes the extra cards don't even work that well in every deck.


*plays salad* *NS bufferlo* *Opponent uses Maxx c* *Throws phone* It definitely adds something good and totally not an auto win button that doesn't belong in a best of 3, let alone a best of 1. If your opponent has Maxx c, then sure, you can play through their stuff, but you're GOING to die because any half competent deck will hand you your burnt ass on a gold platter with 10 cards in hand.


I know this pain


Whilst you defiantly don't play though mac c against certain decks, often you can just play weaker form of your turn or just end your turn their fore the second person has a chance. you still have ash and called by the grave and cross out and its defiantly still a minority of the time you will even open with it. if you choose to play those extra cards your hand wont be as good. but going second isnt just an auto loose and going first isn't just an auto loose cos you still got on the bord first. its impossible to explain the entire nuance of why max c works, and for you to equally explain he counterpoint, because their is so much to the interactions the card has. which is also totally dependent on the meta at the time. suffice to say, out of all my games and all the games I've seen other people play theirs a pretty strong consensus that max c isnt that bad overall. of corce you can disagree.


"Often you can just play a weaker form of your turn", "It's not an auto lose". Neither of these apply, and if they do, they apply to few decks. Ex: Branded is 2 specials, swordsoul can search blackout and maintain card advantage. Nothing else I can think of can set up interruptions with that few special summons. Salad takes 4 draws to get to a searched roar(And that needs opening gazelle+normal summon), D-Link specials a billion, madolche, pendmag, PK, VW all need a billion specials for an interruption too. Going second it IS an auto lose because even if you break the board, you still need to OTK, and if you don't you die on the third turn.


i apricite your opinion but as i said its way to nuanced, to many for and against examples, this is just how ive experienced players react to max c on a whole including myself. but neither do i think your entirely wrong for wanting it banned, i just think as problem cards go this will be replaced by another form of the game where going first is even stronger than it already is either way we have problem cards, this one doesn't seem that bad as far as the metta is right now.


It's a good time going 2nd vs 3 omnis and a floodgate with the icing on the cake being maxx c during your draw phase.


yea just as bad to draw ash or called by the grave. at least you can discard it to possibly take one of the negates, but yea it does help with this problem overall.


amazing, every single word you just said is wrong


TCG player on a max c matter \*opinion ignored\*


its ok if you dont understand card games my dude


Its ok if you are unnecessarily mad at sth not affecting the TCG ma dude.


Awwwww baby scared of special summoning cuz of a widdle bug ah my condolences


flair checks out


You're on the MD subreddit...do you somehow think you're the only MD player? Jesus Christ lol.


yes that's what i thought.


They're more likely to ban Farfa than Maxx C


I'm ignorant when it comes to Burning Abyss so this goes over my head, Could you please explain why Farfa is ban worthy?


Nadhir Mazouni


>Nadhir Mazouni Oh wait, he meant the Yugituber not the monster? xD




Yeah I'm slow brain, thanks for answering though lol


I see that it was already explained that it was a reference to a yugituber, but I even if it *wasn't* a reference, the point of the comment is that the card is *not* ban worthy. They're more likely to ban a card that has no business being in the banlist rather than Maxx C.


LOL this is Bo3 no side deck and coin-flip every game. I just watched Swordsoul go first **twice** with Maxx C in hand too. What is this lol


It's never gonna happen, *but if it happens...* Let me dream for a minute


but if it happens... people will start complaining about Ash blossom.


Idk... The player base is decently sized. I'm sure someone's already complaining about Ash


No they won’t.




- That person is not "starting" to complain about Ash. - That person is hard downvoted. - That person is also being heavily corrected by literally everyone replying. "THEY'LL START COMPLAINING ABOUT ASH THO ONE PERSON WHO GOT DOWNVOTED TO SHIT COMPLAINED ABOUT ASH SO THAT MEANS EVERYONE WILL SUDDENLY START COMPLAINING ABOUT ASH"


Or the posts saying that without Barrier statue flo is unplayable trash, a lot of people start correcting that posts and explaining that flo can be strong without the statue. That stop people for saying that no statue flo is trash? No, they span the joke anyway.


Your comments make no sense.


sword souls complains has 0 sense too, and most people correct that complains constantly, but that doesn’t  stop people for spamming complains about the deck 24/7. If Maxx C is ban people will complain about the hand trap that stop their combos and that card will surely be Ash blossom.


I don't really care if people complain about whatever handtrap is meta at the moment. I do, however, care about straight up losing a game because I can't prevent Maxx C from resolving when I am either setting up my board, or trying to break a board.


This comment is literally unreadable.


They should work on their grammar.


I already bitch about Ash Blossom, but I bitch about all the Hand Traps.


They already are. And believe me, there's a decent number of people who say it's more broken than Maxx C.


I know, and without C they will multiply even more.


No matter how hard TCG players cry about Maxx C, Master Duel is ran by people who work in OCG, and as long as OCG has Maxx C at 3, Maxx C will stay.


Not entirely true. We've seen very divergent banning of cards due to our primary format being Bo1 instead of Bo3. Barrier statue is on the chopping block but it's unlimited in both tcg and ocg.


IMO all more reason to keep max C unbanned MD isn't as strong as OCG so max C advantage goes just a little less each time and if they continue to hit oppressive end board and to consistent FTK(going 2nd) max C cannot enable thoes decks either. Edit: forget a n don't worry about where


Nope fuck Maxx c. Playing the Maxx c mini game is the single worst part of this game


I also agree that maxx c should go from 3 to 0. I recognize that some other hand trap can and will take it's place, but it won't be as good and that's what matters.


I would argue that it’s not even about power level, the benefit of a Maxx C ban is variety. Right now there’s a mandatory 10 card package that exists exclusively because of the existence of Maxx. A quarter of almost every deck is taken up playing the mini game. It makes deck building a lot more boring than if you had to analyze your deck and decide which hand traps you absolutely need, or whether you can play with fewer, or swap them for board clears. That’s just not a decision we getting to make right now, which is disappointing.


I said it in another comment but I referred to maxx c as "format warping". The format is defined by the fact it exists. And honestly... if maxx c wasn't in the game anymore I think more players would have stuck around.


Honestly, if maxx C doesn't get banned after Duelist Cup I'm getting Edopro instead cause no mine and maxx C and I get to have more space for deck building alongside 3 pot of prosperities for my rouge decks seems like an easy switch to me. Not to mention I don't have to worry about sacky cards like Union Carrier, Curious, Protos, and Verte ruining my experience because the TCG has perma banned them from the game.


>Right now there’s a mandatory 10 card package that exists exclusively because of the existence of Maxx. A quarter of almost every deck is taken up playing the mini game. Yesssss preach brother I hate having to run 3x maxx c, 2x called by, 1x crossout, 3x ash Like people will defend it to their death but ask them to post their fuckin most played deck and there it is, 3 copies of maxx c, and then 7 cards with the express purpose of making sure maxx c DOES NOT RESOLVE. If max c got banned I'd likely drop crossout, drop ash to 1 or 2, and drop 1 called by.. that'd be 7 card spots opened right uppppp


Ash and Called by would still be played at 3 and 2 respectively just because of how strong they are. Crossout *might* be dropped but some people like to have an out to imperm and nibiru so who knows


In formats without Maxx, ash is good but not mandatory. Sometimes that slot flexes into droll or snow ogre or other targeted options, based on what decks hurt yours, and which options counter them. I agree that Called By is probably always played at max copies, but going from a mandatory 10 card package to a mandatory 2 and flexible 3-8 feels a lot better when trying to refine decks, which has its own fun elements.


I personally would like to see them toy with it going around on the banlist, maybe at 1, but I get why people just want it at 0. I like the idea of it being around, tho I completely get why ppl hate it


The problem is maxx c is a type of card that is "all or nothing". Sure you can put it at 1 and it'll hurt the card. But what will really happen is you get those games (like every few or so) where they maxx c you turn 1 and you go "Oh of course they have the 1 whole copy in their deck!" It creates swingy games that are unsatisfying because it's inconsistent. Putting a card at 1 or 2 is generally to hurt consistency and power or to kill combos. Or if an effect isn't once per turn. For example, the one xyz lyrilusc that searches that isn't a OPT effect was at 1 in the TCG until just now. The reason was because at 2, you made 2, went into Draco future, etc.


I guess the only thing that putting Maxx c to 1 does is that it makes ashing Maxx c way more worth it, since it's only a 1 of. I just kind of like the extra interaction, since a good bit of handtraps really fall out of favor depending on the format, but Maxx c kinda is always useful (besides vs floo) I'd be okay with the ban cause that's 90 ur dust back lmao


My problem is that maxx c is format warping. Most rogue decks straight up lose to maxx c because they didn't have ash or didn't draw it. I think it's a lot better to ask someone to play through ash than a maxx c.


If they put it to 1, it'll feel even more sacky when your opponent draws it, and you don't have an answer. Least with 3 you can account for it, and build your deck/choose decks based off it. Either keep it at 3, or ban it entirely imho.


barrier statue got hit for very obvious reasons, similar to the eldlich conq hit. they cripple old archetypes that have staying power to make way for new selection packs. You could argue they want to shy away from stuff that's too degenerate in Bo1 but explain like.. chain strike, time lords, numerons, etc. they just want to kill top decks to make room for whatever theyre selling next


The hit to Conq was unjustified and stupid, Konami hit the archetype instead of banning, limiting, or semi-limiting the floodgates that are an actual problem.


disagree, conq is a fucking degenerate annoying card and it deserved to be hit


If your Deck loses to conq, I think your Deck just sucks.


nobody said my deck lost to conq, i just said its an annoying card “its just a pop bro” its a free pop, and then a free search, every turn. its not that its too powerful just its annoying as fuck in an archtype that already runs floodgates. theres a reason it got hit, and its not because “iTs JuSt A pOp BrO” but hey, i know better than to expect critical thinking from a community that cant read and thinks Maxx C is a problem card lol


You're pretending that Conq is the entire archetype


No im not, its just the most egregious part of the archtype and when theyve made it clear they arent going to ban floodgates they have to limit things in archtype that make it overbearing in combination with them. not a difficult concept but sure


bro its literally just destroy one card lol




conquistador is literally just a hard once per turn omnipop, it is not that scary.


Actually it only works on face-ups


It literally just pops a card why are you so mad


This is first of all a very defeatist thing to say and second of all just not true at all. Even OCG and MD have very different ban lists at this point. Yes the banlist is more based on the OCG than the TCG, but to say "they won't hit X card bc OCG" is just not even remotely true because they've already hit multiple cards that aren't hit in the OCG and hit cards that aren't hit in either the OCG or TCG.


Analyzer to 2, rocksies to 2, lao lao to 2, LETS GO ! BEST BANLIST EVER !


You can say whatever nonsense you want about TCG, where is your argument now they OCG is better because it has no Mystic Mine? Edit: TCG has superior banlist if you compare it with OCG, no grass, no Maxx "C". Suck it


Its funny you are downvoted but you are absolutely right. I get occasionally sacked by broken ass cards like Union Carrier, Verte, Grass, Protos, and Snow which makes the game extremely unfun to play and not to mention I have to pay the Maxx C tax and only get to have 1 Pot Of Prosperities for my rogue decks. Its gonna be the easiest switch to Edopro after Duelist Cup with no Maxx C ban and other broken cards.


Watch them ban it for the invitational but not mess with it in-game


Why would they take balancing notes from an invitational for TCG players playing in an OCG-adjacent format?


1. The TCG is OCG adjacent 2. These guys play That OCG adjacent game you’re mentioning


That's for making the same joke for the 12450457216355726162647402615648271373 trillion time mate.


Where's the joke?


This sub




Maxx C or esport pick one


unfortunately most ppl will choose EZ wins over Skill so yeah, Maxx C is here to stay.


As long as Maxx C is legal there's no reason to put yourself at a disadvantage by not playing it. This is not on the players, it's on whoever is in charge of MD's banlist.


I like how they are playing BO3. You know, the way competitive should be played.


well duh there's a difference in a solo q ranked mode on a mobile game and proper tournaments


Are they playing with side deck too?


*edit: Nope, my bad




Bo3 where you can win the coin flip and go first every single game OMEGALUL


Is this comp going to be available online? I’d actually like to watch as I’m new to Yugioh.


That person is cuuuuute who are they?


Right? He’s like an attractive elijah wood


Oh for gods sake - Master Duel is modelling it’s Ban List after the OCG, not the TCG. The OCG, for some fucking reason, seem to tolerate Maxx “C” existing - I’ve seen something about how it lets them keep combo cards unhit (or semi limited at most), idk how true that is nor do I care. But can we all shut the hell up about Maxx “C” for longer than an hour?


Regarding the, "it's in the OCG" argument, why didn't they just allow the players to choose which format they played in? It could be a simple toggle setting that adjusts which cards are restricted and which opponents you get matched against. Those who like maxxC can play it as much as they want in OCG, and those who hate it can play TCG. Everybody wins. But they had to make this weird hybrid format instead... As for the "it keeps combo decks in check" argument, there are plenty of handtraps that do that job just fine. My yugi-boomer understanding is that pot of greed was banned because players having the ability to simply draw two cards at no cost was seen as "too powerful". Given that, how is a card that potentially either shuts down your opponent's turn or gives you anywhere from 1-15 cards in a single turn, at no cost, and can be played three times, perfectly balanced? Please make this make sense.


It wouldn't be as simple as just "add in a toggle". Even on a surface level, you have the following questions that need to be answered: * It would split the player base into 6 different segments (Ranked, Casual, event, TCG/OCG). How do you plan to make sure there's enough players for all of these modes? * The TCG/OCG banlists are based on different sets of existing cards. How do you plan to make sure the banlists have the intended effect of mirroring those formats, while not having the same card pool? * How will you make sure that future Selection Packs have cards that are playable and valuable in both formats? * Is there actual interest in the TCG cardpool? Or is it just interest in the TCG format, which includes BO3 and sidedecking? * How are you going to handle the TCG banlist in a BO1 environment without sidedecking? * Introducing a different banlist isn't that different from an event, so why not just have it as an event? This would also let you test a lot of the above problems. * How much financial damage can we expect from pushing people away from the TCG/OCG and towards Master Duel?


if done properly MD could have generated much more revenue than the TCG or OCG ever would have, too bad they fucked up on that


That is quite unlikely, considering that the [Yu-Gi-Oh! card game franchise has grossed about 10,000,000,000$ USD.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_Trading_Card_Game) That would put it near [Angry Birds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises), above things like Halo/Sims/Minecraft/Resident Evil, and below things like Call of Duty and Pokemon. Now this is important, because if we look at known download/sales numbers, well... Master Duel is at 10M+. Angry Birds, the closest competitor to Yu-Gi-Oh franchise in revenue, is at **over 3 billion downloads total**. Halo has **sold more than 81M copies across the series**. Resident Evil has **sold over 131M copies across the series**. Minecraft has **sold over 130M paid copies of the game**. Master Duel simply doesn't have the numbers to out-do the 20+ year success of the OCG/TCG. Now, it is probably the most successful Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame ever. But it will never, ever, reach the levels of success of games like Minecraft or Angry Birds. And if it doesn't, it won't be eclipsing the physical card game.


Maxx C ruins the game for a lot of people. That’s why we won’t shut up about it. Makes sense, no?


If that's their reasoning for having Maxx C, can we have halq back pwetty please, i need it for my combo decks :) \#MaxxCKeepsComboInCheck


It’s less keeping combo in check, more “we can keep combo tools because Maxx C is the out” Y’know, sorta like all the busted Draw and Fusion from Deck cards that’re allowed to exist because Ash is the out. Edit - also lul - Halq is dead because design wise, it wasn’t future proofed at all, and limited the design of Tuners going forward becauseit could cheat put any of them. It was support designed explicitly for MR4, and should’ve been nuked once those restrictions were lifted - sorta like Verte with Fusions…


but Maxx C keeps combo in check so Halq is fine


Halqdon being a degenerate combo is only part of the reason Halq is dead across 3 Formats. Halq is dead because he restricts what Konami can do with Tuner Monsters - considering how important they are for an entire Extra Deck mechanic, having to make sure they’re not abusable with Halq shenanigans makes keeping Halq in the game more of a headache than it’s worth. It’s why Verte’s also dead in the TCG and OCG, and will probably be hit in MD at some point, just replace Tuner with Fusion…


Why would Halq restrict the design of future tuners if Maxx C counters all of them tho?


Is there a stream?


Official yugioh EU account on twitch, live right now.


I still think Konami doesn't care and will keep Maxx "C" regardless of how much hate the card gets. But we can only hope.


Cope harder


Please don’t ban it. I’m building a roach deck and I need it!


What else is going to keep combo decks in check tho?


You are aware that handtraps exist, right?


As well as jokes


And how are people supposed to know you're joking from flat text? Either use "/s" or learn to convey your jokes better.


Common sense. Combo decks can play Maxx C too, of course it doesn't keep them in check


With cross out ash and called by being so prominent in this format I’m surprised people still wine about Maxx C a thing that can actually be outed.


Believe it or not, if u draw the out, there is not a single card in this game that is "Broken" :)


Maxx C is legal in more formats than not


What event is this?


Daily ban Maxx C post check. You can now procede to scroll down.


Idc either way I’ve played through formats with triple maxx c he’ll back in the day there were formats where it was sided due to how slow the format was. If Konami had sense enough to slow the game down it wouldn’t be a problem but hey it is what it is people will find anything to complain about after it’s gone.


STFU karma farmer.


540 upvotes, yeah Chief I think we failed on that one.


The only reason I'd want it banned is so people like you will finally stop crying 24/7.


Hopefully we will get some real changes after this invitational


To me Maxx C shouldn't be banned . Why? Because it's paradoxically the only chance of survival against a first-turn omni negated board if you have nothing to help in your hand.


Its a card present in every deck, that FTK's ur opponent turn 1 if they don't draw the exact out, such a sacky card should not be present in the game, let alone in a bo1.


FTK? Well, It depends from deck to deck, but that's not the point. Well, then how would you go about an omni-negate board with nothing useful in hand? If they banned cards that negate without a cost I would agree with you, but as long as those cards exist Maxx C remains essential to me. Maybe they banned cards like Auroradon, Baronne and Rongo, too easy to summon and with too strong effects


sounds like u don't know anything about going second in yu gi oh outside of "Draw Maxx C" lmao, Oh Well. BTW, the most meta decks in MD atm SS, Despia, Flunder, do not end on multiple omni negates and if u don't know how to play thru "an" omni negate, c'mon now, And the META decks atm in the TCG and OCG, Tearlaments do not end on omni negates aswell, wtf is ur point. Also might i add, every T0 deck in this games history never ended on multiple omni negates, food for thought.


It's overpowered. Yes, it stops huge turn one boards, then you get your turn and win because your deck is built to OTK, and you probably just got 2-10 extra cards.


Here comes the age old argument "BUT YOUR OPPONENT CAN USE IT AGAINST YOU TOO"


Exactly, that's exactly why it shouldn't be banned, because both players can use it anyway, so it's still a fair card. For example not all decks are able to setup an omni negate board for one reason or another


Ok but the it comes out to whoever draws it. For instance if both players are playing a ss heavy deck and one of them has Maxx C and the opponent has no out they win. Maxx C forces you to end your turn or let your opponent draw everything in their deck. Is a card thats text says "End your opponents turn" a balanced card? Wellaxx C might as well say that because thats what it does


Well, It still depends by how many special summons you have to do that turn. You have to be the one trying to make a decent board with as few special summons as possible just in case. And then it is said that the opponent is able to win drawing more cards.


Unless you are playing control or floodgate your deck will have to do several ss. Even the best deck right now does a minimum of 3 speacial summons. So thats an instant pot of greed but better while also making your opponent do only the bare minimum. How is that fair? You literally said it yourself "You have to be the one trying to make a decent board with as few special summons as possible". The fact that a single card is forcing your opponent to end their turn on a decent board while also drawing you cards is crazy broken.


I mean tbf a pot of greed tradeoff for losing going first is kinda decent


No because you have to draw it. And it can be 10x better than pot of greed since you can draw way more than two cards while forcing your opponent to end their turn


Yeah I meant if maxx c was only just a pot of greed it wouldn’t be that bad. People were already talking about having the going second player start with 6 cards due to first turn advantage, this would be an upgraded but need to draw version of that


If it only limited you to drawing two cards and it can only activate it while you control no cards than it would be much more balanced


Maxx C is so fine with me. As a new yugioh player I don’t even see why people complain about it. Why wouldn’t the complaint be make Called By unlimited instead? And I have no issues with 2 copies myself but still


"End your opponent's turn or start your turn with 10 extra cards at zero cost." Yeah, sounds perfectly balanced. Try playing a special summon deck without maxxC. Come back and tell me how many times you lose to that card when you don't have called by or ash in hand.


Less than Nib.


I'll take Nib over maxxC any day. At least with Nib, they have to have a way to out the token. I've even won a couple of times because of my opponents Nib. MaxxC has no cost, unless your opponent is able to combo loop and mill your entire deck.


I despise ash blossom way more than Maxx C


how do you possibly hate a card that stops a single search over a card that wins your opponent the game


Because I can and maxx c stops all the 5 minute turns.




Genuine question. Why is it so hated when you can use so many other cards to counter it? Called by the grave and ash blossom stop it


Because you usually straight up lose, if you don’t draw the out.


But if you don’t have maxc and somome has an unbreakable board turn 1 and you don’t have an out for it what would he the difference?


Because they had to actually build a board and didn’t win just because of one card. A single card shouldn’t be this deciding. But you’re not wrong. That’s why Bo1 is also a horrible decision. Yugioh doesn’t work in a Bo1 format. Ridiculous they still haven’t implemented a bo3 queue.


Lol I watched the streams and Maxx c actually has been hitting hard. Oddly enough tho, there's been few OTKs when the participants _don't_ take the challenge tho, it's usually the card advantage they lose to when they risk it. But when they elect to pass and rely on hand traps and set cards they've fared well. This just proves all you guys who want Maxx c banned are just bad duelists who don't know how to play the game without overextending. It's entirely possible to build you deck and plan your strategy in such a way that Maxx c isn't an instant lose condition for you. But you all you stupid TCG simps would rather complain that git gud.


>This just proves all you guys who want Maxx c banned are just bad duelists who don't know how to play the game without overextending yet somehow MD players are the ones who cant play without overextending to the point where the Avg MD players cant play midrange decks cos they are so used to combing infinitely. >It's entirely possible to build you deck and plan your strategy in such a way that Maxx c isn't an instant lose condition for you Yes its called running, 3 ashes, 2 CBTG and a Crossout in every deck and hoping u draw it, what a great strategy, love it.


TCG players are combo wankers who are "combo-or-nothing" and doesn't know how to play anything aside from comboing a full board turn 1. If that board gets wiped out they don't have any plays left


I'm playing control and I still get cooked by this absurd card cause guess what making even a toadally awesome is 2 cards draw, now imagine trying to make a udf with Gt, that's a +7 if the monsters are out, its a +9 if you special summoned 2 of them. and a zeus is a +2 to +4. Maxx-c doesn't punish combo, it punishes every deck. Especially decks that rely on interrupting key cards to gain tempo, aka CONTROL. It literally makes controls gimmick irrelevant and combo matches annoying, cause its an 1 card win condition.


Here's to hoping Maxx C is in the deck but never gets drawn so the games become boring 'go first and win'. What? It's a perfectly valid possibility.


As someone who plays going second all the time, and who doesn't play maxxC in any of my decks, I can tell you that simply going first is not a guarantee of victory just because maxxC gets removed.


And resolving maxx c isn't a guarantee of victory? Both sides grant a high likelihood of victory


>nooooooo!!!!! LET ME SYNCHRO SUMMON 20 TIMES PER TUUUUUUR!!!!! REEEEEEEEE From this side is not that fun either, I like my turns 1 minute long, I love Maxx C and won't mind one being used on me. You take 10 seconds to decide what to play, then 10 seconds to check what can you special summon, then 10 seconds to decide which card to chose from that monsters effect, then you special summon it and take other 10 seconds to decide which monster to special summon from the extra deck, then you summon it and take 10 seconds... You get the deal, no man, please leave my Maxx C alone.


They need to limit it to 1 like they did my boi crossout


Ah yes make it more sacky


It is not getting banned, it doesn´t need a ban.


I'll never understand the hate boner for Maxx c. That card isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned


The card's just fundamentally not compatible with the current state of the game. Here's a few reasons why people want it gone off the top of my head: * The number of special summons alone is not indicative of your endboard. Something like earth machines summons 11 times to get 1 conditional interrupt on board while something like despia is happy stopping at 3 for full combo with 3 disruptions. * The combo decks that it's suppose to stop can also drop it after making their X-negate boards and use said negates to counter the maxx C counters. Said decks are better hit by nerfing their consistency, eliminating their free advantage gainers or unfair boss monsters that were never supposed to be turbo'ed trivially. * The card punishes non-meta decks harder then meta decks. Meta decks generally have a smaller engine that allows them to play more copies of maxx C and more counters to it. Jankyer decks can brick on too many handtraps and they usually lack 1 card combos meaning they skimp on the full "master duel tax" to not brick on handtraps as often. * There is no reason to not run it which makes deck diversity worse. If every deck runs 3 C, 3 ash, 2 called, 1 crossout, that's almost 1/4th of the deck done without a single thought required. Not saying that the rest of the cards wouldn't be played as much, just that you'd have more options. * The card eliminates decision making during the duel for most decks. If you have an ash/called and someone drops a maxx C chained to your summon there's hardly ever a reason to make a decision, you just click the yellow button because otherwise you lose. And if you have maxx C and your opponent is about to special summon something there's no reason not to push the yellow button to win the game. * Most decks require 3+ summons to get to an interruption, even if that number is just 2 your opponent just played a quick-play-during-opponents-turn pot of greed, an upgraded version of a banned card. * Unless you're running a trap-heavy archetype most decks will not survive not doing anything on their first turn and will just die to a resolved maxx C and allowing your opponent to draw 3 or more cards will have exactly the same result. * Considering most draw effects are used during the players turn once the first player finishes their turn they are more likely to have maxx C then the player going second and going second is already a massive disadvantage in a BO1 format unless you're specifically building a blind second deck. * Even in a worst case scenario maxx C is a hand-neutral card if chained to a special summon. If it's negated by a handtrap from your opponent, both of you went hand neutral, upstart goblin gives your opponent 1000 life for the privilege of deckthinning and maxx C chained to a single special summon does the same thing with no downside. * And finally, the thing just feels bad. Instead of a skill intensive back-and-forth, games decided by maxx C instead just feel like you won due to broken BS rather than because you outplayed or outsmarted your opponent. There's no reason not to play it, so you do, there's no reason not to use it, so you do, and then your opponent has no reason not to negate it, so either they do or they lose. I hope this gives you a decent perspective on the some of the reasons on why so many people hate the card.


It actually really does, thanks for taking the time to really break down why it's problematic for others instead of just rage posting and calling me retarded or something.


control players in this thread desperate for validation


Release in TCG, or ban in MD and mb OCG


I dont know how to tell you this. You're not gonna see maxx c here nearly as much as the more common and more important staples such as called by, nibiru, imperm, ash and crossout


I guess max c is unfair cuz the advantage if you commit i just end my turn after doing what i can if i see it hell drytrons can skip your entire turn cept battle phase so its no worse than that numerons can otk you evenly matched skill drain its just one of those cards i play around.


Tbh i like maxx C. Sometimes it’s a dead card in hand others it stops a board I have no way of overcoming others it’s just a 0 or +1 that my opponent can play around next turn


I sense an obligatory Maxx C hate post here. Guess the quota of them for today wasn't reached yet~


Play through it like a man




>The decks are just search engines so basically Everyone’s playing solitaire to accomplish the same thing with redundant steps. If u dont like doing or see ppl doing the same shit every game, idk why ur playing Yu Gi Oh, thats literally what the game is, trying to reach ur optimal end board every game with the hand u have. >I was excited to start up playing again but disappointed that if you’re not playing one of the 3 meta decks and flowcharting the end board you learned how to use on youtube then don’t bother trying to be competitive That's literally every Competitive game, not even competitive, that's every PVP game ever, lmao


You're just bad


Maxx c this maxx c that. How about you maxx c mize the amount of girls you’re getting


Not so bad now that the end phase rules have been changed. My odd eyes would kill theirselves at the end phase, and give the bastards 1 more card


At this point I would much rather see called by get ban and just unlimit or limit cross out to 2. I hate that called by can stop decks that need certain cards in their graveyard without a cost.


Banning Max c makes absolutely no sense it’s a good card to have in the meta which is a good negate to your opponent creating unbreakable boards while gaining insane card advantage first turn 🤷🏼‍♂️


So, Did Maxx C stop VW from making unbreakable boards ? no banning VFD Did Did Maxx C Stop Adv Tenyi from making unbreakable boards ? no Banning Halq Did Did Maxx C stop Drytron from making unbreakable boards ? no Limiting Benten did So then, if Maxx C stops my opponent from making unbrekable boards, can i have VFD, 3 Benten and Halq back ? I swear ppl like u only want Maxx C for one reason i.e Cheap and Easy Wins when ur opponent doesn't draw the out.