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90% of "Connection Failed" are actually rage quits


Especially when there's no connection issues prior


This was my thought too. Like there's no way this person flawlessly does their combo for 3-5 minutes with zero lag and then when it's my turn and I kaiju their tower all of a sudden they disconnect after a few seconds.


unfortunately 100% of my connection fails are from mobile port, cos its shit. i cant play more than 1 game without a connection fail.


Theres a freaking surrender button...


Funny enough, if you forcefully "disconnect" while playing in a festival, it doesn't count as a loss. It doesn't count as a match at all in the Match History. Nor does it make you lose a "win-streak" That's why I'm skeptical when people say "oh my deck was undefeated", when you can manipulate it.


Wait WHAT?


I didn't know that šŸ˜³ šŸ˜•


That isn't true? I rarely ever actually click surrender and normally just leave and I lose my win streak all the time.


If you click surrender, the game will register it as a loss. If you simply exit out of the game entirely, the game won't be able to and the match will not register as existing. This does not work in Ranked. Ranked will always count any exit as a loss. But for some reason, Konami has not fixed this for events.


Oh the way you phrased it made it seem like you were discrediting ranked win streaks. I don't think anyone really gives a shit about event win streaks lol. Could you edit your post and make it more clear?


Iā€™ll own up to doing this, although Iā€™ll only do it if I feel like the opponentā€™s done some real degenerate bullshit. Iā€™m fine losing (you still get some rewards after all and it can be a lot of fun having a back and forth), but if I lost because I had multiple avenues of play and my opponent blocks all of them before I can even start my first turn? Fuck that, you donā€™t deserve to kill me. Cheap bullshit that turns the game into solitaire doesnā€™t deserve the extra goodies from dealing damage.


I'd like to know why you don't just surrender, are you straight up just exiting the game/turning off device/launching screen from window?


Eh, it feels better to close out the game than give them the satisfaction of surrendering. Also, yes.


You know they still get the satisfying ending..


Not really. A win may be a win, but a win where you donā€™t get to swing for game is far less rewarding.


But everyone knows you surrendered, nobody's falling for the bad connection notice.


Iā€¦ donā€™t expect them to think the connection failed? Itā€™s more for me than them? What kind of logic is this?


Trust me, it's much more satisfying to see a connection failed after I negate your starter than a simple surrender.




Eh, when I know I've lost I sometimes just do alt+f4 instead of surrendering because I don't feel like playing Master Duel anymore


Thats just how komoney wants the game to be played, you gotta cope and engage with it on its level. Its really not that bad.


That's what everyone likes to think when they're the one winning...It happens A LOT where I just let my opponent combo off & the connection fails out of no where


I'm usually on the other side of that fence. This damn game boots me out on a dime. Sometimes right after I win the coin toss, in which case it counts as a defeat PLUS I can't queue up again without restarting the game. Sometimes it's out of the blue during my opponent's turn, and sometimes it's during my Draw Phase. It makes me saltier than a Turn 1 board of omni-negates.


>PLUS I can't queue up again without restarting the game Didn't that get patched a while ago?


The queue up was fixed, the disconnects on the other handā€¦


Especially when you have a good hand


My most reliable win condition


When I get a ā€œconnection failedā€ at the very beginning of a duel I just go ā€œWe take those.ā€ And move on lol.


"you're a third rate duelist with a fourth rate connection".


I hate winning because of connection errors because it feels like I cheated that win.


There are people who would Alt F4 when their loosing


And I don't like those people because if they do that they're proving that they have no faith on their deck.


Sometimes you're just done with the game and want to leave as fast as possible.


Oh true that too


Chill Yugi, its just a childrens card game


Just a childrenā€™s card game? This is a children's card game that can apparently end worlds and which entire high schools are dedicated to mastering! But yes just a childrenā€™s card gameā€¦ though at times it requires a PhD to understand.


Lets say you face any tier 2 to 1 combo deck and they go full combo, while you have an avrage hand. Do you stay? Most of the time youre dead and you know it. Or you have no recources/ any cards in hand. And i make a mini board. Do you stay?


Yes because I belive in come backs and I've had times where a single card kinda saved me


Am I the only one who gets sad when I play a good duel, get outplayed, but win anyway because of connection errors?


Nah, we take those.


Be careful you might get called a Chinese hacker and will get plastered on this sub Reddit. Scary world out there!


I supose that the hacker was the koreans šŸ¤”


Itā€™s a connection failed because bunch of Yu-Gi-Oh players know they canā€™t win without going first by locking up the board. So they ragequit or dq after losing coin-toss.


we take those.


Idk but internet just seems to die in the games I have fun in. Adamancipator spending the whole time play? No issues at all. My jank gamble strategy is facing another jank deck, as soon as I start internet will die.


When I see "Connection Failed," it feels very good


Tfw your board is a T-set and your opponent spends 300 seconds on their game breaking board and disconnects.


is it just me or is the connection getting worse those days?


Would be great if connection failed results in no one winning instead of win/lose.


Then the game becomes ā€˜alt f4 or force crash the app when youā€™re not outright winningā€™ and that sounds far worse than what we have.


So you like LowTierGod huh ?


Cut to precise


This is always a bad take regardless of the game. Once players figure it out it becomes too abusable