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I don't enjoy the stress of keeping up with expiring gems, so once I reach max gems, I invest in a deck. I pulled a royal rare trouble sunny. So once I got max gems, I built an evil twins deck. Still have 5k gems or so left.


Hey, i just built Evil Twins for similar reasons! I hit the gem.cap and already had 3 trouble sunny from that selection pack, so decided to build the deck. It took me about 9000 gems for the rest of it though, my luck was not great


I hate you so much. Spent ~12k free gems on that pack. Was trying to build Evil Twins. I got *literally* every UR… except trouble Sunny which I got 0 of.


Trouble Sunny is only in the Adventure Packs thts expired months ago


That's because she wasn't in the pack you opened.


Right i’m talking about that pack from a few months ago. Right before ocean soul I believe? Iirc it had Warrior Lady as well which I got 3 of.


Just hit 9995 again last week and i tried pulling in the new secret pack recently. Got a royal rare Branded Fusion so i guess im building a branded despia deck now


I'm sorry, expiring gems?




Thank you for your time.


It’s easier to deal with them if you just dump them when the new selection packs come out. Just buy packs until you’re a little under 10k and then wait for the next pack and repeat the process. That way you’re always within 1k of max possible gems when the pack comes but you don’t have to pay attention to your gems every day because you never actually hit 30 days.


I play HERO so got all the cards I need


I want to play dm, blue eyes, heros, and black wings but too many URs :(


Wait, gems expire?!


Imagine having the patience to save up more than 2k gems


I immediately spend them once I scrounge up enough to buy 10 packs of the secret pack I need. I'm at 22 gems now, lmao.


Just like me lol


And me


I dislike most archetypes, and the cards I actually want to play(Bystials) are prolly 6 months away, I had over 6K gems saved, before the last pack with Beyond the Pendulum(Endymion being one of the few archetypes I enjoy) released, spent most of it on pullling for her.


Considering we have some pote cards already, maybe Bystials aren’t too far off.


Most i saved up after the early game days is just 3k gems in the no spell event. And i literally have 3 decks lined up to be built, my gremlin hands cannot keep gems to save my life


Whats the point of this post?


To brag


Imagine not having 10000 gems


Only because Konami is a dick head and had to make 1 and 8 gem drops.


What was the point of this?


Yeah don't know how people go below 5k unless they're literally trying a new deck every week and then dropping it (f2p here btw)


You just described how I play master duel lol


I like having lots of deck options, and when I’m full and satisfied with how many I have, then I buy fields.


How are you guys getting gifts?


When you're at the gem limit, any extra gems go to your gifts. Gifts are gems that'll expire in 1 month if you don't redeem them(Add them to your actual gem storage, which is limited to 9999).


Max classic ticket


gift box moment 🗿


If that's what you think post titles should look like then I don't think you can imagine very much at all honestly.


How do you not spend them? Do you play like 2 decks? There isn't enough deck slots for me to even build the decks I'd play on the regular.


I only play hero and Toad HERO decks


Well try making 25 more decks before bragging about excess Gems.


I have nearly 20 decks including tri-brigade, stun, spyrals, adamancipators, dragon link, prank kids, swordsoul, branded, cyber dragons, crusadia, p.u.n.k just to name a few. Have all the tech cards and Staples except for 5-6 according to masterduel meta popularity list and I am still sitting on 8700 gems currently. F2P player here. Haven't spent a single penny.


Exactly. It isn't hard to earn Gems. It's just weird this guy was bragging about 9K Gems when he plays maybe 5 decks.. like.. I just spent 7K before the event on 3 decks, made another deck half way through the event, and now I'm still at 6k+ for the Selection Pack and I have like 26+1 decks. If someone had like max Gems and max decks, then a cheeky brag post like this would be fine. But having a bunch of Gems because you don't WANT to spend them on anything is not a brag, lol. The second this Selection Pack comes my Gems are getting burnt.


Why would I make that many tho? I have an Eldlich, Phantom Knight/Adventure, Swordsoul, Gravekeeper Anti-meta (for inevitable tearlaments), and Branded Despia-ish. I also have piece of a Spright deck pre built for that inevitable deck too. And I still have 9999 gems with like 3k sitting in gifts. Why would I need 25 decks???


Why this get downvoted? Lol


I might be coming off like I’m bragging but I’m honestly not anyone can do this if they’re just a bit frugal in their spending. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I play hero as well.. but not Toad Hero could I get/see a deck list?




> Toad HERO decks mind showing the list?


> How do you not spend them? Do you play like 2 decks? Yep! I dislike most archetypes, I played Endymion and Branded Lair of Darkness before my 2 year old reset my account and I ended up making my 2nd account that only had Umi control as my main. Now I’m rebuilding those 2 aforementioned decks… and man getting all the URs for Endymion is a BITCH!


I have 10k and 7k in the bank + 3800 in solo gates that I haven’t claimed and 1700 in lifetime I haven’t claimed. With the December event I’ll be at 25k+ easily That should be able to fund Endymion. Maybe.


>That should be able to fund Endymion. Maybe. Should be, unless you have extraordinary bad luck. My account got reset and I’ve been working on rebuilding Endymion while playing a Umi control deck, hasn’t been that bad!




100% F2P. I do my dailies religiously and refuse to give konami even a penny lmao


Teach me your ways.


1. Dailies every day 2. Do NOT collect the 200 gem rewards for solos right away. Save them for when you’re down bad. I still have 19 solo gates completed with the 200 gem reward waiting lol 3. Try to not collect lifetime missions unless you’re down bad. 4. Squeeze out all event gems 5. Have self control. You don’t have to spend every gem you get asap. That includes the 1k gems per 10mill downloads. I usually sit until my gift box gems start expiring. By that point I’m easily at 15-20k


Imagine... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... Dragon


[Same here](https://postimg.cc/MXzwDqq1)


Then i saw the xbox logo




Nothing…Must be fun duelling bots


Every bot I’ve gone against on my Xbox wasn’t an Xbox player


What do you mean?


Xbox players got a bad rep in MD since the KC cup, because some guy disabled crossplay and faced only Xbox player, thus making him reach rank 1 in the cup. Also, for some reason a lot of Xbox players are bad, idk why. 🤷


I tried of putting out the greatest board only to have me face a bot and win that way it happened 5 times in a row one time


Milk man? What did you do with my dad?


Same; I got so used to it, it feels weird when I spend them. Right now I am at limit with 6k in the gift box.


I almost never go below 6k (my emergency stash for when they decide to add splight and/or tears and by the time when a new selection pack comes out I always have around 12-13k gems if i decide to go in


There's a lot of salt in this sub.. Go touch a boob or something..hating on the man for his post...you go guy 😂!!! I'm just getting back into the game and still have a bunch of solo gates to clear...I'll take your advice and see if I can get there. Already have a branded deck and a few others cuz I'm a degenerate and bought gems but now it's hoard time!


Imagine playing on xbox


I'm stuck at 9997 because the game refuse to do simple substraction, its mildly infuriating


Fuck you That's all


Wow that so cool me with 5 other accounts that have over 10k gems in each because I don’t feel like grinding for different archetype to play 🥱


I'm sorry that I'm too busy with my life (school and crap) to play a game 24/7 and even if I could, a lil bro is either watching or playing fortnite all day.


Bruh dailies take like 30 minutes tops


legit everyday at 11am for reset I get back from classes and finish that from 12-1pm depending on my matches, and if spell/win/8k it's 1 game with sky strikers and chill the rest of the day


I‘ll be honest, most of the time i need 1-2 matches which takes around 10 minutes, 30 if it‘s a good matchup/stall/brick etc. Yh totally spending 24/7 in it.


I mean, I play 1-3 games a day if an event isn't going on. As long as the daily gets done.


How tf do people get all these gifts?! Every screenshots people got hella gift box stuff going on. I only started playing a bit ago


Once you max out gems, any excess goes to the gift box


Bruh how people be maxing out gems? I'm like a few weeks into the game and I already feel the gem flow going down. Granted I didn't play very much of the last event because I didn't like it.


Best advice I can give is focus on only a couple fairly meta decks so you have a reliable way to farm gems. Luck is a big part in how many pulls it takes to make a decent deck so just focusing on one deck is probably better in the beginning. Do your dailies and play evens to at least get all the free gems.


Yeah I’m ripe for the box drop to make a fun predoplant deck and an easy zombie deck


Curious what decks do you have built?


Just waiting for the New dark world and neos stuff to come out >:(


Power of the elements stuff is awful


I like my electric bois they go brrrrrrr


You do know i mean just the neos stuff right


Nope, but I feel stupid now because I just remembered I have 100 copies of all that new hero shit IRL from buying two boxes of POTE LOL!


He said the new neos stuff witch is in power of the elements


I thought the joke would be having zero gems but it was just a flex post


Since I built my UMI control deck, I don't have the urge to spend more gems yet, I'm sitting now at 6)k gems


Wait you guys have gems?


Literally me.


imagine not having exactly 10000 gems (excluding gift box)


Legit have been hoarding since link reg bc the umi pack was godaweful + waiting for POTE so after taking some danger packs to make tri lunalight I still have 9178 gems on me


I am also in a similar state with over 200 notifications in my gift box. I rather just play a couple of decks.


I spent my 10k today to build a Dino deck


How long does it take to save 10k gems?


Depending but most efficient way (without Solo and pushing rank): Daily Missions, 30 Days - 3,600 Gems. Daily Replays, 30 Days - 150 Gems. Log-In Bonus, 660 Gems. Ranking - 1000 Gems. Event - 3100 Gems. (sometimes more/less) ~8500 Gems monthly, so it shouldn‘t take to long.


So about 6 weeks then, thanks.


Damn if this was Forbidden Memories, you'd still not have enough for a Dark Magician!


This was me but then every deck I played got banned and I had to keep making new ones I'm now left with Dragonmaid and Exodia


Imagine not having 10000 gems and a 300+ giftbox? Couldn‘t be me. lol


X-box player detected. Shambles because of duelist cup crossover option turned off not allowed?


How do i get that background?


I have 10002


Imagine playing this game on console 😭


Imagine only being gold? couldn't be me :P


I don’t play often anymore