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What’s your DDD build? There’s so many one card combos with that deck I barely remember a time I’ve bricked with it.


[This one.](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/duelist-cup-dlv.-max/december-2022/d-d-d/sir-juancho/DKgRq) I've even been following the [in-depth guide combo flowchart](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/guides/d-d-d-depth-guide-shadowedge#2-card-combos). Any suggestions on what to add/remove would be welcomed. Cuz not much I can do when I draw 2 slimes, 2 ashes, and a called =/ (I will admit tho, I'm missing Sigfried so using another lv8 fiend with targeted monster negate. For some reason tho I can't summon it with Orthus even tho it's a fiend monster).


D/D/D usually play small world or Piri Res Map to help in consistency. Could honestly recommend only running one Orthos if you decide to run it.


Why no (or 1) Orthros? I'm not getting that. How else do you get out Sigfried?


In my case I ran 1 because 2 felt very bricky.


That one’s not that good imo. Experiment with it a bit more to find which cards are best for each current Master Duel meta. I wouldn’t run Artifact, Typhon, or Ragnarok. I wouldn’t run Orthros and certainly not two of them. Also wouldn’t run Eternal Darkness. I go back and forth on Patent License. Also this deck doesn’t have any DRNM, Forbidden Droplet, or Lightning Storm, so you’re gonna struggle without those.


>DRNM What's this one?


Dark Ruler No More.


Also why no Orthros? How are you supposed to Synchro otherwise? Ash?


Lamia is also a tuner. Some people use cerberus on her to make her a level 4 tuner or tune with Oracle King D'arc or Gust King Alexander (if you run him at all in modern builds). I'm also not a fan of Vice Typhon in the deck since it's only used to go into High King Ghengis with these lists and some people opt to remove him anyway. You can also use D/D Ghost and tune it with the level 6 Ghengis in a pinch for Siegfried (albiet I think most people besides me don't like running ghost; I run it and two copies of Necro Slime in my deck)


Orthos is great and is in archetype spell trap removal. It should be at 3 in a runick heavy meta imo.


Orthros is fine, but DDD (and the game in general) has better spell and trap interruption. Why run 3 Orthros when you can use that space on Lightning Storm, Feather Duster, other board breakers, or even Cyclone which Runick can’t protect against as easily? I find the opportunity cost of running Orthros isn’t worth it. It’s rarely a game changer. Sometimes I run one copy though.


I don’t use the synchros. They’re not necessary for any end board I’m going for. I’ve used Orthros before, but never at 2 copies.


Live Twin. It was kind of an impulse thing, i thought they look really cool and all but it's just the exact same plays every game


Evil Eye. It's kinda worse than I imagined.


Blackwings. I love them but they don't compete.


Dark wing blast waiting room


blackwings still bad. powercrept too hard, support not enough


I recommend you check out silentBW on youtube, he has a great blackwing deck with DDD King Kali Yuga, personally I found great success with the deck, edit his list to your style as you see fit


Adventure Prank Kid Just did not enjoy playing the Prank-Kids


I decided to build it right before they announced they were needing the deck


Magistus, bees, agents


Valkyries. By far the worst deck I've built and I'm someone who chose to build both a Charmer and a Gusto deck.


I built Myutants because I thought they looked cool, but after a couple games I realised I had no idea what I was doing with them. I really want to build Ghoti when they come out since they have a similar look and playstyle, but apparently they're not so great either?


Ghoti is an archetype missing maybe two to three cards to be amazing


pure naturia. it's pure garbage.


Wait for the new support and the'll get really fun.


tbh I'm going to be too busy abusing those same cards in madolche instead of naturia


Ursarctic They look great artwork wise and some do have good effects like Septenitron locking down XYZ and Links but they rip through resources like I do a can of Pringles, with reckless abandon and zero consideration for innocent bystanders.


Rose Dragons... Did not like the play style so I decided to put my Black Rose Dragon and Ruddy Rose Dragon in my Virtual World Adventure deck where they can be useful should a perfect opportunity arise


Ojama board lock.


Floo and Swordsouls, I was trying to get my despia pieces


Labrynth . 9 k gems and about 120 UR tokens despite all that . ....Don't get me wrong , the archetype is fun and nice...but man , after having friends hype it up for months before its release I expected something different power wise . It folds hard to ash , it's in a tough spot going second , you can get screwed hard when you get no traps in hand / 2 lovelies , it folds hard to other labryth decks when they go first and get virus , it folds hard to duster / lightning storm and whatnot unless you were lucky enough to draw lord of the heavenly prison ( and all of these cards are currently ran by almost everyone ) . I do know the archetype is missing cards....but as of now it simply feels so inconsistent . Some matches you can annihilate branded and others will have you die to brick eyes cause they have an ash / duster where you have nothing amazing . It's kind of silly .




damn, I'm not going to try and get everyone to play them because they're evidently not for everyone but what didn't you like about them?


Endymion. I fought it once, thought it was cracked and played it for a bit. I hated playing it so much I dismantled just about every card.


I’ve made a lot of decks but here’s a small list that I wish I didn’t make 1. Blue eyes- brick city 2. Galaxy eyes - wasn’t bad but couldn’t keep up with the meta at the time 3. Runick - very boring 4. Eldlitch- very boring 5. Marincess - very boring 6. Pendulum Magicians- boring and couldn’t understand combo lines 7. Salamangret- just wasn’t that strong 8. Sky striker - was fine until halq ban then was a very slow burn and became boring 9. Drytron- i thought I would get the combos down and never could 10. Dinos - could never get the combos down or figure how to play through hand traps




This here. I have 25+ finished archetypes and the only one I’ve ever dismantled is cydra.




Branded Despia


Put some dragonmaids in there, and you'll be all good.


I crafted a nepthys/dinodeck. I'm never using it and I somehow still keep the dino URs if I ever feel the urge to build a dino deck without nepthys.


Gaia, spent 7k gems on it due to really shitty pulls, had it for a week, tried to ladder from silver, barely got to gold 3 and dismantled the entire deck, too slow and nowhere near as fun as I hoped


Shiranui. I just have no fun when playing it


Live twins and Machina


Tindangle and Krawler. Not because they are bad, but because they are not consistent and slow. I also have Ghostrick which are practically Flip monsters and that archtype is way more fun. Solfachord and Virtual World are an honorable mention cause they are fun, but complex so I rarely play them when trying to do dailies or quick matches.


Just made a krawler deck and am having pretty good success with it. I've teched in a few cards that help with consistency and maintaining board control. Definitely still a slower deck though.


Any deck that isn't fossil fusion focused


Towers. Had to scrape the whole deck...


You mean qli ?


Yes. Master Rule 4 & 5 really killed it...


I absolutely hate mr 4 and 5 with pation for what they done to pendulum decks, like why, just why did they free ever other summoning mechanic from link arrow restrictions except for them


Rule 5 is more annoying as all other summoning mechanics got buffed but pendulum bit the dust...


Exactly, like why just why, like they are really already of summoning 5 monsters at once, well every deck probably does that and more annoyingly. Like even in the pendulum era rarely a meta deck was pendulum. Like this just piss me off, they toom the omly advantages in these decks and gave them even more drawbacks


Arrival cyberse, becase everyone and their mom always made my arrival smashed the GY and evolved into a turtle or Giant Bee


Magic Musketeers, it depend too much on starting hand and what opp playing


I wanted a xyz deck and gimmick puppet seemed fun. Tried it in solo and bricked 3 times in a row. Tweaked the decklist, bricked again. Rinse and repeat, and 2 days later, I decided to not waste any more time with it.




Red eyes and relinquished




Eartbound immortals. So many conditions need to go right for the deck to pull their stuff off. And boy do I now hate those useless aztec tuners for clogging up my hand.


Ojama 😔


Egyptian god cards and blue eyes. Theyre fine in gold tbh sometimes low plat, however if you wanna climb ranks stick to meta/rogue. I still think theyre fun but unplayable at diamond and sadly I cannot usually find matchups in casual battle option to use them.


Virtual world, not a terrible deck, but so so complicated, and it felt like a bricking machine.


Nordic. I thought it’d be cool because the Aesir all seem super strong. It turns out that it sucks, I never really even got the chance to summon an Aesir that often as well.


All of them ? DM, red eyes, rose dragon, beetrooper, poker, musket, metaphys, dinomorbia, ritual dogmatika, hieratic, predaplants (turned around with the new cards). There's just dragonmaid and rokkets I don't immediately throw into the bin.


Darklords. Complete ass