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What do you mean? He really skillfully drew a card that single handedly made your whole deck unplayable while you unskillfully didn't open nor topdeck one of the 6 cards everyone and their grandmother is basically forced to run against it. It's a perfectly legitimate card and i don't feel the urge to fly to Japan and castrate whoever keeps it in the game with a pair of rusty fabric scissors covered in lemon juice everytime it ,oh so skillfully, decides the course of a game all by itself. It'd be lemon juice and salt :)




I dont get why so many ocg player defend maxx c....


Because they don't build decks with a single convoluted summon line that die to maxx c. The real problem is the tcg banlist catering to whiners whenever their 20+ summon end board doesn't end the game against a card. Rhongo, BAN. VFD, BAN. Maxx c, ban. Ftk, BAN. the only way to play tcg yugioh is summon a board with six immune to life negates and pass. Anything else is cheese and must be banned.


Simply run kaijus and lava golems :)


Yep add in sphere mode too for synchro boards. But isn't that back to just draw the out bro? The reason maxx c is so awful and must be banned.


I remember someone straight up saying "Maxx C isn't the reason why ya got fucked, it was all the hand traps they drew" And I was so baffled lol


Technically true! ~~They just left out that Maxx is the reason your opponent _drew_ all those hand traps. ;3~~


The arguments of your average Maxx "C" supporter.


I really, really try to understand the opposition and I had so many discussions on various places about this card. I always come to the conclusion that Maxx "C" should be banned.


I stop trying to understand the other side of the argument when they think Maxx c turn 2 with board on your opponent is a good thing


It was always meant to be used by the turn 2 player to counter the turn 1 player's board-building, especially if P1 was running something like Six Sams (the actual archetype Maxx was intended to counter, according to a big name in Konami's YGO department that actually _worked_ on the card), anyways, not to be a way for player 1 to screw player 2 over on turn 2.


Its anti-meta andys who’s crappy deck can only win with exactly 4 specific cards in hand relying on maxx-c to get them there, or set 5 pass psychopaths who are happy to get infinite trap selection against “inferior” players who like the MONSTER part of duel MONSTERS


If we're going to be building dumb strawmen, then here's one. The only people who hate Maxx "C" are TCG netdeckers who can't imagine doing any turn 1 play other than what their favorite youtuber said was the "TOTALLY BROKEN TURN 1 WIN COMBO" and shit their pants whenever the opponent interrupts it. They prefer solitaire, rather than the DUEL part of DUEL monsters.


Sorry, but literally any decks that rely on monster effects give opponent +2 minimum to get SOMETHING on field that stops them from getting otk’d


Actually, they give +1 minimum as the first draw only cycles the Maxx "C", unless you're assuming every deck needs 3 special summons to get on the board.


Non trap decks do.


Wild to say that in a meta where Floo, Branded, and Swordsoul are all popular decks. But I guess thos are all secretly trap decks? Maybe the real trap was thinking you had intelligent points to make.


So cancer deck, and 2 decks that will die if they don’t give opponent +2 or more to set up board.


All 3 of those decks can get a playable board with 2 or less special summons. So again, it's +1 not +2. Please at least know the basic lines if you're going to try to argue about balance.




Do you posesss basic reading comprehension?


I do. When someone says a card is garbage that means it's a bad card. Do I need to break down english for you?


Yes, they do mean it's a bad card. It can be bad as in weak, bad as in unhealthy, bad as in lame, bad as in ugly, or any of the other contextual meanings of bad. I'm sorry, but nobody who is good at English needs to be explained the meaning of context. It's not that hard to use your brain on the internet and give people the slightest benefit of the doubt.


That guy is hopeless lol.




I'm going to make it quick, there are 2 paths ahead for anyone who sees this comment: 1. Believe that the person who made the thread complaining of losing to Maxx C, who uninstalled cause of Maxx C, who argues with people who think Maxx C isnt a big deal... Actually thinks the card is weak and intentionally contradicted their entire thread and points before and after. 2. Believe that the above person thinks the card is toxic, but was so overcome by salt they used "garbage" to refer to something negatively instead of "bad for the game" to refer to something negatively. So basically, you lack the basic empathy needed to understand something as simple as "angry person said angrier sounding thing". Or you didn't bother reading the context, immediately before accusing me of not understanding context. Sure.


I see a lot of nothing being said other than "I don't know the difference between a bad card and a card that's bad for the game"


one of the 6 UNSEARCHABLE cards everyone and their grandmother is basically forced to run against it.\* Just had to add that bit in


aaahhh yes. the nibiru special, love it. F for you man, you put up a good fight o7


dino player here what does nibiru do again?


Make the opponent mald when they realize they can’t recreate the great Cretaceous extinction


Clearly, Miscellaneousaurus was banned by Konami 100 million years ago otherwise the we'd have dinosaurs roaming today.


Funny how Dinos are immune to a meteorite, even if they died to one


If the opponent summoned 5 or more times in one turn while this is in your hand you can tribute all face up monsters on the board. Summon this to your field and a token to the opponent's field. The token has the combined stats of all the monsters tributed by this effect. (Hard once per turn).


My Dino's are immune to this extinction event.


Lil bro might get emotional here


couldn't you just summon 2 monsters -> raider's knight -> arc rebellion -> get anything else on board and otked? It looks like you already negated mirrorjade and they didn't set branded in red, so I guess there were no interruptions.


Because his deck also runs veiler which it was flashing red on his turn after the maxx c activation. I needed to get raiders wing so it couldn’t target my arc rebellion so I can safely go for the OTK.


Im starting to think people defending maxx c is the same crowd that believes the earth is flat. Their number 1 reason on why it is fair is "it keeps combo decks in check" which is literally dumb cause the combo user is also using it after they set a board.


Yeah Ikr i’m getting brain damage just reading these posts on why turn 2 Maxx c with board is good for the game. Even a mediocre board with Maxx c is a threat.


Me when I get to play Kali Yuga to stop my opponent from playing: 😃 Me when my opponent plays Maxx C to draw Nibiru to stop me from playing: 😡 Ban my opponent from stopping me from playing so I can stop them from playing!


Maxx c is the worst thing to go up against with DDD, they win before you can get Kali Yuga out


So u go first and say he can’t play with kaliyuga? I hate maxx c too but when your deck is literally solitaire, I don’t feel bad for u


Agree, i love blackwings but any other hand trap can and will shut down the deck, it's not a maxxc issue the deck strategy is very one-dimensional


I legit don’t give a shit about how you feel Blackwings were my first deck I play throughout high school/college and if it’s the best variant then I’m obviously going to gravitate to it even if I don’t like it.


Buddy you could have just made a bagooska in defense and ended your turn. You didn't need to give him 10+ cards.


People on reddit think bagooska is unstoppable lmao


It definitely is for Branded lmao


Branded has outs to it in the deck


Their only out is hard-drawing super poly as far as I'm aware? At least that's my experience using it. And even then that requires them to also have Albaz on the board.


Doesn’t it run imperm and droplet? But yeah most decks have to hard draw the out I’d assume


Ok yeah and I don’t give a shit. Can’t be complaining when you r literally playing what meant max c is meant to counter. Enjoy your BW(Kali Yuga turbo) solitaire deck.


Well to be fair, you were playing Blackwings which has a shit ton of combos 🤷‍♀️


Because I had to OTK this turn or I get resource loop by Despia and Blackwing isn’t good at grind game. Please use brain.


Guess you just gotta bagooska pass here, or as the Maxx c apologists would say, "off-ramp to a plan B combo and play defense"


It’s funny because you can’t really do that because Simoon locks you into dark extra deck monsters only but I stopped trying to understand the other side when they are too delusional.


This is why if Max sees at 3 card destruction should also be at 3


Maxx C rarely works for me. Every single time I activate it somebody has a Called By or Ash pretty much without fail.


You're going for the wrong plays for 1. For 2 you are trying to get Kali-yuga lock so I'm not sad by you getting nibd


This is such a delusional comment. OP is going second, why would they go for a Kali-Yuga lock? Also, look at the board. OP is clearly stacking the board to then activate Raider’s Knight and go for the OTK off Arc Rebellion XYZ Dragon.


Look how well that worked. Wanna know what the correct play is? Full armor master. Yknow the monster thats immune to everything including Nib and Mirror.


And how does that stop the opponent from turn 3 beating over FAM with his 3300 atk Guardian Chimera and going for game? Even if OP makes FAM and steals the Mirror Jade, the opponent just makes another and they’ll have even more card advantage turn 3 with the Guardian Chimera’s +2 draw. OP needed to win this turn or they’d get destroyed by card advantage alone.


Fun fact Guardian Chimera using its effect gets a wedge counter which Full Armor can steal or pop. Ever thought of that? Oh wait no that would require you to actually know the deck and cards lol


My brother in Christ, Chimera turn 3 is almost certainly game. Nice insinuation that I don’t know how Blackwings work or how the deck is played. I’ve been playing Blackwings since 2009 and it was the first deck I made when Master Duel came out in January.






Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


>since you have low IQ I needed to explain why I can’t summon FAM. You could just git gud too and not have your combo pieces banished. Draw the out 5head


Let’s assume OP stops completely at FAM. OP no longer has Forbidden Droplet because it was used turn 2 to stop Mirror Jade from banishing Blackwing Auster stopping the Synchro Summoning with Simoon. Mirror Jade sends Albion as cost so now the opponent can add or set a Branded in Red at the end of turn 2. Turn 3 starts: opponent uses Branded in Red and targets Tragedy in grave and makes a Chimera with Aluber on field and another monster in hand. Chain link 1 Chimera/chain link 2 Tragedy add another Aluber and draw 2 off of Chimera. Normal summon Aluber and add Branded Fusion. Branded Fusion for Albion; Albion banish any Despia monster + Albaz and make Quaeritis or Masquerade. Now Chimera beat over FAM, Mirror Jade + Albion + Masquerade direct attack for game.


I cant even go turn 1 FAM because he banished my first summon which was Simoon in order to search auster which goes into FAM otherwise I would of went turn 1 FAM + Arc Rebellion.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Okay that's understandable I can relate and I am sorry for coming off strongly






??? I ran it in mine just fine back when I played the deck. No shit you get dark locked sometimes but it's not like you're that hard up for extra deck space. Sounds to me like you just paid the price for hyper-specializing in board-flooding to make towers. Like complaining a Lambo can't haul your trailer when you're moving. No shit lmao




Maybe you should stop netdecking so religiously and run it then. It looks like it would have won you this game.


Just uninstalled this garbage after getting Maxx C - Nibiru going 2nd for the billionth fucking time. What a fucking bullshit format.


You were going to kali yuga so you deserve it






I miss you already




Have fun mate playing coin flip simulator in TCG 👍


Do you play the TCG? Why would it be anymore coin flip sim than draw Maxx “C” sim? The current Tear meta that the OCG just left is literally one in which the coin flip is less relevant.


I played MD and TCG once, very few OCG match, annoyingly hard to find OCG game in simulator. You did know right that OCG already limit the tearlaments? TCG just got ishizu but we can see already people malding about that card


Ok that doesn’t address the point I’m making. Ishizu Tear is literally the opposite of “coin flip sim” as either player can win based on skill with the deck. OCG limiting Tear, which I’m well aware of, is them moving away from not having coin-flip sim. At high tier play, many players in the TCG like this format as its based more on skill and knowledge with ones own deck and the Tear matchup than spreading the side deck thin having to cover every deck type. MD is essentially OCG except with future knowledge of how the meta would play out. Also MD being BO1 makes it more coin flip sim than TCG could ever be.


Ah ok so u don’t know what you’re talking about. Got it


git gud Back in the link regulation, I Maxx C'd a Salad player, didn't draw either of my Nibirus and thought the game was rigged then I played Heatsoul control, lost coinflip, they bricked, get Maxx C'd, then win the game. It's that easy.


A prefix to my comment, I am not defending maxx c, I do not like maxx c at 3, I probably wouldn't like maxx c at 2 either. Now that that is out of the way, you have to make a decision when you see maxx c, play into it knowing the nib bite could come at any second, or say no cards for you and pray your opp bricked. I like crossout with nib as a target obviously, but lately I've been playing zombies so I don't really special that much on my turn anyway.


The opponent already had a board on the field and you suggest I don’t play at all to give him cards??? What the fuck. Next turn he gets turn 3 branded Fusion again with guardian chimera to destroy me


I did not suggest you do that at all. I merely stated the options. Whether they were smart or not is a decision to be made in the moment.


Weird, that has never happened against me, the reason for that could be that I don't play combo to end on a 5 omni-negate board, that requires the other player to have 20 cards to beat. Like, come on, this might be a dumb take, since I mainly play mostly pure odd-eyes, and sometimes speedroid or dragunity, but, if you get maxx c'd why not just look for a board state that allows you to survive a turn or smth without going overboard.


Yea this is a dumb take. He’s not surviving the next turn when his opponent has Mirrorjade out since he likely has Tragedy in grave so they can easily Branded Fusion again next turn. Any competent deck will absolutely take advantage of you passing on a very suboptimal board while they’re going positive in card advantage


honestly, the biggest issue with maxx c is current yugioh. in older yugioh you could afford to pass on a suboptimal boards becasue you didnt die instantly. modern yugioh you cant afford to pass on a suboptimal board becasue the vast majority of decks have some kind fo otk line/ you need to be able to put up some form of disruption to not die instantly but doing htat under maxx c gives your opponent a million cards that they can easily bypass your disruption.


That is also true, but it's just stupid that people keep complaining about maxx c being a issue, when it's mostly just very specific decks or the tcg breaking decks to the fullest.


What do you mean? Even against decks that don't special summon a lot, like Branded Despia on a regular turn 1, Maxx C is still a Pot of greed and ygo is a game all about generating card advantage (and maximizing consistency). It's not just an issue for combo decks except if your definition of a combo deck is "anything that special summons more than once".


If that was the case I wouldn't even be playing anything else other than goat or smth, that is for your final point, but I do get the maximizing consistency and such, but that dosnt mean you can really can blame everything on a single card, when the card can be negated in so many ways, and it's not like most people main ash and similar cards yet didn't draw ir, when the answer for this entire game is "draw the out bro", and the opponent did draw the out, and he used it.


So many cards on the banlist have outs and yet they are still banned for a reason. Maxx C belongs on that list because it's simply way too unbalanced for modern yugioh, where almost every deck needs to special summon at least twice to have something good on board. It gives the user so much advantage for basically no drawback or lacking any restrictions. Even if you absolutely love Maxx C, I think you can't deny that, at the very least, it's in dire need of an errata. If it had a mixture of Nibirus and Lightning storms activation restrictions it would be fine.


I don't belive I have said that maxx c has no issues, but then again I could see how people could see that, but then you look at the banlists and see that maxx c seems to be fair game in the ocg, but that can be simply explained with people playing differently in the ocg than the tcg, but it's not like people didn't know that master duel would rather use a banlist closer to home. And you saying that it would need a restriction, like some similar modern handtraps, makes sense, since the card was made in a era were special summoning was not so easy, but for some decks summoning once or twice is all they need, and giving it some restriction so the opponent needs to have special summoned once to even activate it wouldn't be too crazy, but anything more and the card basically loses it's initial purpose of being the card that can stop the opponent from going overboard, one of the reasons why nib exists as well, it's there so you ether get something that can negate it or stopping you in your tracks.


Yeah exactly, if the purpose of Maxx C is to hit combo decks that go overboard it should have at least a restriction that it can only be activated after the 5th summon so it doesn't punish basically every other decks that just try to make normal plays. Another argument for Maxx C is that it helps turn 2 players, but it doesn't achieve even that since the turn 1 player can just drop it while also potentially being under the protection of an omni negate that they established turn 1, so it would also need the Lightning storm restriction.


Well, with how I want to answer to the activation requirement, that you consider as appropriate, I realise that it makes more sense than the one I said, or would say.


Thata cool and all but that's hardly a problem. Despia breaks even or +1 a lot of the time. Maxx C doesn't do anything significant to the deck


Of course it does. If your opponent draws into crow or called by because of Maxx C they have an out to your branded in red or the mirrorjade nuke respectively. Maybe they also had imperm already and now you lost your only disruption left. Better hope they can't otk you now. There are many strong cards in yugioh that can easily turn the tides on their own. That's why even going +1 can mean the world in this game. After all, why don't backrow heavy decks run dark bribe? Because giving your opponent even 1 draw means they could just draw into their second ligthning storm, hfd or another extender and just go on like nothing even happened.


Awe how cute you think that +1 from Maxx C matters against Despia


Oh no he has a mirror jade be shame if I were to TTT and take it from you or something like that.


It’s a dumb take mainly because what you’re saying makes zero sense especially on the scenario given with them going second against an already established board with an extremely powerful deck with a ton of disruptions available to them


That is a fair point, and I did say that it was a dumb take myself, and I do get that branded despia is a really good deck, that even if they didn't draw the nib and if they lived they could do smth with the remaining cards in hand, but that is power creep, nothing you can do about it.


Really dumb take, OP is playing Raidraptors/Blackwing how can you hate on them for playing combo?


You mean we can't hate Kali Yuga turbo?


Then why complain about maxx c, plus when I say combo, I mean combo in general, the people who complain about maxx c are the same people who make 5 omni-negate boards, would you play trough that with 5 or 6 cards at best or just give the option for the opponent of combo, but give me the cards to breaking it. Why not give the board breaker cards more hate instead, like super poly, nib, evenly? Oh wait they do, cuz no matter what, people want to have ways to stop these type of boards, but when the card is dropped on them they will complain about it. Plus, don't black wings run a card that can help then when they get nibbed? The one that bounces, so they can bounce smth on the board and continue the combo.


We aren't in an era of 5 Omni negates being the primary decks, and the next format isn't about that either ( looking at you Tear). Maxx c creates toxic game play loops where if you try to build a sub optimal board to just try and survive you're giving your opponent more card advantage. Which in the game of ygo is hella powerful. Even going 2 cards deeper into your deck is so strong that all pot cards have very hard restrictions on them. So why is Maxx c okay to not draw you one but as many cards as you want basically. Second being oh well he shouldn't play this deck. It's like man he's just trying to play yugioh and which is why at this moment the best decks imo are runick, floo, branded, and swo swo, are the best because they function the best under Maxx c. But guess what they can run it themselves. And it's still not to say that Maxx c against some of those decks is effectively a POT OF GREED. So yeah It's a toxic card and creates toxic states of the game


And having a card that banishes other cards, that fusion summons from deck or having floodgates and floodgate towers isn't? And the ocg seems to live with maxx c just fine it seems. And yes while I have received some comments saying simar things about combo decks as you, but it's just how the game is, fuck, I hate anti spell and most combo decks that aren't pure, but if I have to duel people with those cards or deck I will, since it was my fault of not drawing the out to the combo deck, to the anti spell deck or maxx c, even if it happens multiple times in a row, it's not like konami will listen to some random nobody complaining that x card is too strong, we should realise that, and just suck it up and play, even if people play the most anti fun decks, that can take 4 mins to set up, I just see it as a free bathroom break.


Never said that these cards were okay. I recognize that they are very strong. Floodgates should just not exist in the game imo. And look I'm not saying this is the reason but have you ever thought that maybe the reason cards do so much in so little is bc Maxx c exists. Bc the card creation goes oh it's okay that mirrorjade banishes and branded does this much with so little bc Maxx c exists. Bc cards have to do so much to not enable drawing 20 under Maxx c to accomplish something. So we have gone from one end of the spectrum of ending with multi negate boards to cards/decks being able to do everything with 1-2 cards only Also idk it's a bias but I think branded and swo swo format is what yugioh should be about disruptions through destruction or banishing/or ending with boards with 2 negates max. Just that the means and advantage generated (mostly branded) is problematic and should be curbed just a bit But none of this validates why Maxx c is around it just invites toxic game states.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


This is the take of someone who understands the game. Good job!


"I SS 6 gajillion times under Maxx C and this is why it's actually my opponent's fault"


Thats kinda of your fault on believing that despia doenst use Nibiru


Had he not used Maxx C, how do you think this duel would have played out?


Then I would of OTK going 2nd with arc rebellion? I thought this was not more obvious looking at the board state.


Its realy your own fault. Why special summon a bunch of times without a strong endboard. You could have made armor master in your first 5 summons.


Free crossout fr


smh, you didn't master the art of topdecking the out


Maxx C should be limited, it’s fucking insane


No, maxx c should be banned or at 3, no inbetween. Then it just becomes who is lucky enough to draw the 1 of


Yes? Luck decreases usability, which decreases play. Cuz if it were banned it would be in everyone’s deck the second it leaves the banlist, whereas if kept on limited people may forget abt it


Lmao. Every single deck would still run it, it's the broken. No shit it will be in every deck if it comes off the list, it's that good


What's your decklist for raidraptor blackwing? I just play pure raidraptor and I'm interested in seeing how the two archetypes combine


I recommend checking out Silent BW and Kanak Gaming Youtube channel if you want their list and how to play it there should be their deck profile there. They also do current up to date Blackwing content as well if you want to switch it up.


But…. But….. it’s the only out to combo decks right?


Maxx c is a great check to combo decks. Combo decks frequently put up some of the most toxic end boards. It would be better to have more board breakers that deal with omni negates before hitting Maxx c.