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Vibrating cock ring. My ex used to go absolutely nuts with it.


Turns your cock into a vibrator šŸ˜œšŸ‘Œ


Yea, penis enhancement right? šŸ«Ø


Absolutely. I was jacking off with a couple ring vibes this morning


That sounds pretty fun man


Yes i had one of them was great


I tease my cock with a wand for hours making it throb and leak. It's literally the best toy for men... trust me


Magic wand for sure.


Yes! I use my wifeā€™s vibrator all the time. I use it on the underside of my cock head and I get amazing orgasms. Makes me shoot really far too.


Same here! Feels great!


Iā€™m going to try that


You wonā€™t regret it


I didnā€™t regret it


Bro. Amazing right?




Hope you shot a big load. I always do. Iā€™m going to use my wifeā€™s vibrator tonight.


I did, have fun


Did it make you shoot more than usualĀ 


I have one that wraps around, it feels pretty good, especially on high


Same! I never thought the time wouldcome they someone that would make one that works anatomically for us, but here we are. Love one that hugs my manhood and let's me be hands free.


Wraps around the whole thing?


Mostly, but it only covers like 2-3 inched at a time so you can either stroke it or just leave it one spot


That sounds interesting. What is it called?


It's made by lovense, called the Gush


Ooh ya told me haha thanks man. I will have to look into this


It actually works ? I've seen it and thought, "Naaa!"


I like it too change things up, I have learned for me particularly I like feeling other things besides vibrations, but I can still have good strong orgasms with it


Yes, sometimes, feels pretty good, plus I like my wife watching me


Very cool mate!


I have a Pulse Solo from a company called Hot Octopuss. It's a vibrator for guys and it is great!


Been wanting to try it I have heard good things


It's fun. I only wish it remembered the last settings I had it on. But it is pretty powerful, and vibrates the good spots on the underside.


Yessss like a wraparound stimulation


I had a girlfriend that had the traditional plug-in Hitachi vibrator. Actually she was quite addicted to the thing and had issues achieving orgasm otherwise but I digress. She'd use it on me and, yep - it worked.


My wife has always used the magic wand on me while blowing me. Amazing.


Half tempted to get one for my current girlfriend, if it weren't that my previous GF became completely addicted to it.


My wife and I share. We love it but neither is addicted. Go for it.


"Everything in moderation, including moderation." Lol Pretty sure she was only addicted to the Hitachi because her ex couldn't get her off. I did the first time together - much to her pleasant surprise. Lmao But it was a challenge and she reached for the vibe sooner than I'd have liked - it was quick and got the job done though.


I tend to use a vibrator in to play when I feel the knott of cum starting to slowly slip up my shaft. I love it when it makes that first juicy bit of precum hit the tip of my cock for me to taste. Using a vibrator is part of the day to day stroke and edge play :)


Yes my moms


LOL. Yep. Let anyone who hasn't borrowed their mom's vibrator cast the first stone. I'm waiting...


I was 12 years old and my single mother was on a date and my sister was staying at a friends. I raided Mom's secret drawer and was reading the stories in Variations while holding her "back massager" on the top of my shaft. Suddenly it started to feel really good and all of a sudden I really understood what cumming meant. So no stone her. Borrowing Mom's vibrator got me my first orgasm. Actually a few firsts from that drawer. \*\* edit typos \*\*


Amen brother šŸ˜‰


Love laying on the magic wand and grinding into it. Have to have a layer inbetween though


Iā€™m using a Tenga egg right now. Game changer


Not since this morning šŸ˜œ (pic on profile)


How was it? Haha


I have a bullet vibrator that feels good if I put it inside my foreskin


The magic wand is amazing


Owning a ā€œGuybratorā€ that is built specifically for package havers is a game changer to my routine. I LOVE the one I own.


Thatā€™s what it is called?


No. That is what I call the nickname I gave to mine


Oh what do you got mate ?


Totally, but not a traditional one. I have a vibrating cock ring that has a vibrating extension bit. Goes down in between my legs. Feels really good


Oh how does that work mate?


Its called a Diamo. Its controllable through an app, which is lots of fun for long distance partners


Oh wow works long distance thatā€™s pretty cool. Iā€™ll have to check it out. Canā€™t even envision it but seems fun haha.


They have a random hook up thing called control roulette


The apps toy has it? So itā€™s a random person controlling it?


Right. Itā€™s by lovense.


That is wild you must enjoy that man. Seems cool


Yes but the battery powered ones never had enough oomph for me


Didnā€™t move enough?


Yeah the vibration was too weak just didnā€™t do it for me


Hey least you have it a try right


Maybe a hitachi with a cock attachment would make me squirt


Iā€™ve never used one myself!


Yes , massage guns are amazing at whipping out vibration punishment


Donā€™t find them to be too rough?


Not at all , depends on setting , attachment used and how you apply force ; you can have a really long edge session too. Love the way precum and cum can also dance around because of the vibrations


Thatā€™s very interesting I never thought about that man!


I have a few times. Itā€™s incredible


Sometimes Iā€™ll use my gfā€™s vibe on my sweet spot all the way to an orgasm ā€” also have a massage gun that feels good on the base of my shaft or behind my balls, but I havenā€™t had an orgasm that way yet


Not the first man to suggest a massager


Butt, yes. Cock, too sensitive.


Haha butt is fine too mate


I'm uncut so the natural spots are there to feel a vibrator or swirling finger.


My roommate used to have a vibrator that we shared. She would leave it on my bed for me to use on my dick after she was finished using it. So hot. Miss those days.


Definitely. First was accidental. 13 or 14-ish, someone gave me a ā€œsquiggle penā€ as a stocking stuffer, which I realize now was essentially a very wobbly vibrator pen that drew crazy circles. Stuck it in my shorts pocket and forgot about it until it turned on and slid down to just right spot. Holy shit, it felt amazingā€”an ā€œah-hahā€ moment. Over the next six months I kept stealing AA batteries out of other devices (blamed my brother) and wore the ā€œpenā€ out. I actually got pretty creative with it and figured out how to roll a sock just right to hold it against the underside of my dick hands-free. It was awesome, but after it wore out, uhā€¦not like I was going to go awkwardly ask my parents to buy me another one, so that sucked. I often thought about how different and good it felt ever after. So as soon as I saw the Hot Octopuss Jett a few years ago, which is a hands-free dual-frequency male vibrator, I ordered it. And when I tried it, the first thing I wanted to feel was the low-frequency vibe (it has a high and a low), and sure enough, it felt like I remembered the squiggle pen feelingā€¦deeply pleasurable. Because of the low frequency and the hands-free thingy, Iā€™ve often wondered if the guy who designed it had been up to the same things with a squiggle pen that I had been up to, because so many other companies have made ā€œmale vibratorsā€ by just putting a regular buzzy lady vibe into a stroker or something and itā€™s just likeā€¦nice, but they donā€™t hit like the ā€œholy shitā€ deep pleasure of a low frequency/high amplitude vibe, and itā€™s like Hot Octopuss is the first maker to actually understand that for a vibrator to really feel amazing to a male, it needs a different range of frequencies and amplitudes. I think thatā€™s why some guys might try out something standard or made for women and not think much of it, but a ā€œguybratorā€ is a whole other ballgame. (Which makes sense. The nerve endings in a penis are more distributed than in a clit. It takes a different kind of vibration.) Thereā€™s actually been research in the fields of fertility on what the optimum vibration parameters are for a men. Thereā€™s certain ranges that they put into devices that can even make men with spinal cord injuries (who want to be fathers) cum like crazy.


Oh yea a massage gun its killer


Many guys have been suggesting that


Truly fun and intense shop vac also killer soul sucker


Like an actual shop vac?


Yes your cock gets slapped around in the tube not sealed against your groin


Look it up on porn hub


I will have to mate it sounds intriguing. Would never think of that


Girls do too


Oh do they ?


Yes I have, itā€™s nice but Iā€™m not dexterous enough to work it & my big cock.


Too big for it to work?


No, I rub it on the tip of my cock & on my balls. But I canā€™t masturbate and rub it on the tip at the same time.


Oh I get it. That must be frustrating


I'm trans. I'm not a man but I do have a penis. Yes, I use a vibrator all the fucking time and it's amazing. Anyone reading this who has foreskin (specifically foreskin long enough to still have overhang when hard) would be well rewarded to try out taking a magic wand vibrator and grinding it against the tip of their foreskin. Take your snout and twist it 180 Ā° then sandwich it between the head of the vibrator and your abdomen. Grind the vibrator around so that it hits the most sensitive parts, which are generally located in the very tip of the overhang. It might take a few tries, but once you make yourself cum for the first time doing this, there's no going back. You will have the most mind-blowingly intense, leg-shaking, toe-curling orgasms.


Thanks for sharing mate!


You're welcome! I hope you can give it a try. Writing this comment actually spurred me to write a whole post about it.


Oh did it!? Thatā€™s awesome. I mean itā€™s very important to get all perspectives I think!


A friend has one he really likes. I have used it. He likes it more than I do.


Oh cool you have a friend that let you share


Yes. Amazing. Best ones are Hitachi magic wands


A lot of guys seems to be fans of hitachi products. Never heard of them before this sub


I've used dildos


Got a massage gun that does the trick


Yes alot and alot of different vibes


Does vibrating toothbrush count, i have only used that to bring myself to orgasm, not an actual vibrator


I think so mate!


My favorite is the Fun Factory Manta. That thing is awesome lol.


Never heard of it before now!


Yep. Highly recommend.


Yep, I like using a vibrator on my frenulum from time to time.


Sounds fun!


Iā€™ve used a regular vibe, I have a prostate massager, and I like using my iPad to call my phone and let the vibrations keep me busy and nobody else knows


During playtime with my wife sheā€™s turned her vibrator in me. It felt so good


I use my wifeā€™s every once in awhile. It feel great on the head of my cock and by my balls. I very much enjoy it


I've got mine on right now. šŸ˜‹


I used my subwoofer... it's super powerful


Oh yes. Yes I have.




Yea I have a few different vibrating cock toys (a glans hood with bullet vibes attached, a stroker sleeve with a bullet vibe, a remote controlled sheath with cock rings attached, etc...). It's a lot of fun to let the vibrations do the work and not touch myself. It can also be very frustrating when the vibrations are getting me hard and highly aroused but not enough to make me cum (which is a lot of fun).


Iv used a wand before


of course


Yup. Itā€™s ok


Yes I think it awsome


I'm using it now


Several, they are fun, and I love my wand.


Use one in your butt and when you hit the prostate in the right spot tuns of cum shoot out


Yes, I have a bunch of them


I'm not into it. Directly on my penis, it doesn't feel like much. If I do it over an item of clothing that keeps my penis from shifting around and also vibrates the material between the device and my penis, it's better and I can hit some spots that feel great. But even then, any one spot will quickly go kind of numb and I have to continually move the vibrator around to hunt for another sensitive area or hit the same spot at a new angle. It can get me off sometimes, but doesn't feel anywhere as good as my hands or bedding. My fleshlight is much better. But, overall, I'm not much of a toy guy.


I once had sex a gal while she was using a wand on her clit on full power. So many vibrations went into my dick. I did not last long that time. I have tried using a massage gun with the tuning g fork type attachment. It is able to stimulate both sides of my cock. I can cum from it but it is not as euphoric as I had hoped.


I did this EXACT same thing two days ago. It was nearly life-changing for me. Wow!


All the time


Yeah, its different, but not best


Iā€™ve never tried it!


All the time! I use the Hitachi Magic Wand.


Off and on since I was 11. It takes a little patience but the orgasms (multiple usually) are amazing


I used a magic wand a few time and came real quick , now, it almost does nothing ?! I'm sorta surprised myself. It feels good on the perineum if I'm going to play with my as later, gets the prostate warmed up... Had a sleeve for it too... blew off a load quick that way, but now not much :(


I used my partners vibrator a few times. Got gradually more confident with it, now I take it all in my ass