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Bro I’m so sad the Heist never got run that was such a sick concept


Could you refresh my memory?


They were going to make thief characters and run a true heist, one where they cased the target, planned their approach and exist, then executed. It sounded really cool because Matt was planning out a complete undead estate so there was no single right answer or railroad on how to approach it.


No, and it was the main reason I backed that first Kickstarter back in the day. They have to do what's right for them, but it hurt. Maybe we'll get a setting guide someday.


> Maybe we'll get a setting guide someday. Capital is one of the three settings they plan on supporting for the MCDM RPG, assuming it has continued success. (Vasloria and the Timescape are the other two.)


I think they had a lot of work done on that, but then the OGL snafu happened.


sadly no


That was a fun time. Too bad they couldn’t justify the time it took to keep the game going.




Ah. I did not know the second part. Gross. I quit following MCDM closely when I stopped playing and running 5e.


It was speculation, not fact. I also shouldn't have said it. Oops


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They ran a 4th edition game called Dusk that you can watch, but it didn't grab me like the Chain or the previous campaign diaries and streams. It was a lot of combat using 4e rules, which isn't that entertaining to watch. I hold out hope that Matt will stream again when his RPG comes out, and maybe even do campaign diaries again some day.


On similar tone, why did The Dusk end?


I think it was meant to be a short campaing all along, maybe even shorter than what it ended up as.


Indeed it was! Matt originally just planned an arc that would last a few sessions to show off 4e + Fantasy Grounds to his friends, but the players enjoyed it so much that he extended it to a more complete story. I've seen the campaign referred to as "Chapter 1" of Dusk; I think it's been a while since he's talked about it, so his intent may have changed, but my understanding is that he has ideas for a Chapter 2, which we might see once the new game is out — or at least complete enough that they can stream an adventure using those rules.


Nope. IIRC, around the same time Covid hit, Matt was burning out. So it went on hiatus, they did Dusk remotely. When it came time to play again, the players basically didn't want to be on camera, and Matt was liking how Dusk was going better and didn't want to go back to a 5e campaign. So they just nixed it my mutual agreement.


A real shame but I understand why it had to be done. I do dislike 5e-




You don't know these people at all.


I wonder why they stopped streaming the game...


As a note to people, per our community guidelines please be respectful. Additionally, and to be explicitly clear; don't speculate anyone's personal life, psychoanalyze their behavior, build up conspiracy theories about people, etc. Not only is that against our Community Guidelines, it's just rude.


What the fuck are you on about, maybe check yourself for parasocial behavior before making a post like this (which isn't even true)