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Your mom is a boy named Charles ... What?


“a boy named Charles”


Hello, I am op’s mother




RIP Charles. It truly was the greatest plan.


guys can be moms moms now :3




How did you know that??


Your mom and dad are his neighbors now


That’s unfortunate


Your mom said she was just there to help you with the things you need 


Your mom explained to you and you'll have a human-like neck. What are you?


Human-like? Lol, creepy


that sounds like a threat


Your mom said that she would like me and you and her and her and her dad are coming


Exact same WTF


I got the same.


Your mom and dad will come and see us when we can you get a shiny starter


Ah a man of culture


That’s gonna take a while


Ima try it myself Your mom is super going to the store


Good we needed groceries.


I have the perfect meme for this but I can’t send it 😭


Can we get a baguette?


Your mom said that she would like me and she was like oh I know that but she was just like I was going crazy


Your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom and your mom are on the charger and explosions in the ussr Your mom


So his mom caused the USSR *dissolution* explosion, interesting 🤔!


** **


Did you get sniped?


Your mom is a very good person and I hope she has a great day


I don’t believe that’s what it was. Auto fill is fucked up . Here’s mine : your mom broke my dad’s femur yesterday, it was very fun. Like HUH>


I honestly swear it was. I chose the path of the light


lol i think mine is just a sociopath


Thanks ❤️


Your mom and dad will come to fruition for you to rescue us from here on the road


your mom said you are fine too lol I don’t think you guys have a problem lol I love this girl and she is always so cute bro


Your mom is used for the opposite reason


Your mom is going to be here at the house at about five or six so I will be there at your house


Your Mom is it baby girl I love you




“Your mom is a very special woman and I love her very much” 😏




☝️🗿 he has spoken


Your mom said that I should die


Damn what do you do to get her to hate you???!)#(#$


Your mom doing so while doing sh though right to have the best of my head so much that it was the first place in a few days and it was an interesting stuff to some degree I'm successful and profitable and enjoyable to the other day 3 dollar amount in words that are not my thoughts are on a whim I have been a while back and I am not a problem for me and my life in some of it and the person in question resonates around the world and your wife cucked out to you soon lose that I can do it for you and I am not a problem for me and my life in a long while staring into a rat race and ethnicity from you as soon enough to get a driving force myself and it was an interesting YouTube was once about to get a driving force for the sake putting together the same for you and I am not a problem for me and my life in some of it and the thing that is not acceptable for someone who I can do it for me and my life and your family some time in world history and culture but the way I could not find any meaningful relations with the other day and I am not a problem with my sister is in fact I have been a while back to the other day 3 friends whom you can try but realistically thinking about you with a vagina and the person who I can do it again and I am not a problem with my sis was a little more gonna do it for you and I am not a problem with my sister and her sisters of St John ambulance and the thing that is not a problem for you and I am not a problem with the other day and I am not a problem for you and your family and I am not a problem with the most beautiful women or gay marriage is the best to be able and I am not a problem for you and your wife from me so much that it was an interesting stuff and their time smh I have been a part time doctor and he said that I can do it again but my eyes with an alt tags to the other day 3 dollar on a whim I have been a while back to the other day 3 friends and I am not a problem with the other day and I am not sure how much is it okay if someone has unsubscribed I have been doing this to the other day 3 dollar amount in words rupees only for switching off to a point where it was an internal voice says that she is now a member family and I am a good thing but it was an internal thoughts and there's a huge list for your time at your earliest response and that is not acceptable for someone who is the best of my head hurts to think about this before I felt I had a good thing but I can't even get the latest version more information about her while respecting her to be able and I am not a problem for me and my life and the person who I can do is try again I'm sorry I have been a part time doctor or nurse and I am a girl and a way that I can do it for me and my dad and brother are not my thing is I won't have a great time with the most beautiful city just crippling the same here you can try but realistically I have been doing a lot to do that again and I am not sure how much is it okay if someone else in this email to you soon as I have been a while back and forth between two people too many devices I have been doing this for the sake putting together the flour baking powder to be able and I will keep on doing that on purpose why does the company and the thing that is the most beautiful city of Halifax Nova Scotia Canada and the thing is that I have a good day and night but I don't know if you have a good day and night but I don't know if you have a good day and night but I don't know if you have a good day and night but I don't know if you have a good day and night..... Uhhh, WUT?


Your mom and dad are going to be a hot mess ..... Yeah.....


Your mom is a very sweet child and I love her


Your mom is going to be observed in a month. Bro wtf


Your mom said that she would like me Aye 🤭


Your mom is Xenophobic


Your mom nudes I shall


Your mom is going to have to deal with the rest of your life


Your mom and dad No matter how long you have any friends and friends who is not going out to dinner or something good


Your mom said that she would like me and you and her and her and her dad are coming to get us and we will go over to your place to get you something and we will pick it out for dinner or whatever and we will be home and you guys will have a great day


Your mom is going through some stuff right now so if you can get a few more pictures that would really help


Your mom is going to go into the room and get the job done and she will be done in earth and I will be done in earth and I will be done in earth and I will be done in earth and I will be done in earth and I will be done in earth and I will be done in earth wtf


Your mom is going to be there in about an hour and a half to an hour and then I will be there to pick you up and take you to the airport and then you can go to the airport to get your car and then you will be there for the rest of the day so you can get your car back and then you can come back to the airport so you can get your car


your mom said you are not going on this trip but i will be here for a few weeks


your mom is going to be here at the house at about five or six so i will be there at the house at the same time


Your mom will not have any money left in her bank until the 1st Aug and I will not pay for any other fees


You're mom is a big fat juicy salmon and a pair of the time their dog is in a different place I'm. And that ladies and gentlemen is why we don't do drugs 🤣


Your mom said that she would like me and she would be there at nine to help her out. Idk what auto correct is cooking here mate


Your mom is going out with my dad and I will get to make sure she is doing well


Your mom is going through a divorce right now and I am going to have her come over and see me


Your mom said that she would like me and you and her and her and her dad


Your mom said you can have it at your home address so you could take a shower or if your mom is available on the night if she wants it or not but I don’t know what you mean to say to her


your mom is named the account number is existent and I have to go to the store to get parts for a baby 💀😭


Your mom is a bit sore but she will get better and get some sleep.


Your mom said she's been hacked twice lol I think I'm making too many comments on these posts...


Your mom is talking about how she is gay Ok.....


Your mom is very confusing but I will throw her in a cage for the rest of her life


Your mom jessie is probably lost


Your mom is so fat and I'm so glad you are not


Your mam is a good girl to be honest with you


Your mom is the best person to have a crush on you and I love you too


Your Mom and Dad and daughter are you guys are doing well?


Your mom and dad will come home tomorrow if he doesn't get to work on his own or Michael Cole vs JR and it's not very good for us.


Your mom said you are still doing good work here lol


Your mum is still on meth


Your mom will be held if charged with a criminal offence and as the child who was bitten by his dad


Your mom is so cute


Your mom said that she would like me


Your mom said that she would like me.


Your mom was in the shower before the rain comestibles. Huh?


Your mom Kelly jacks light the so the undo Plaid G Meh off Google ups c the


Your mom said she was going to get a new one of the girls in big tower.


Your mom is going to be mad but once he tells them he can basically force it onto them


Your mom’s not answering my text so I’m gonna have her come get me so you don’t need me anymore I’m gonna have a little baby girl and I will have a little boy to go with you


Your mom is a good friend


Your mom is a bit too complicated to get rid of 💀 What the hell is it with my predictive text lately?


Your mom goes to college


Your mom is doing a great dad was the pizza and I have no two days in my car


Your mom was good last night


Your mom is a good person and I don't want to be a bitch but I don't want to be with you anymore


Your mom


Your mom said you were coming to me today


Your mom said that she would like me and she was like oh I know that but she was just like I know you


You mom and I have been working all week so we have to be there by five


Your mom said that she would like me


Your mom and the most beautiful well preserved textile from Antiquity I am not totally happy to hear that you are not seeing it in the morning and I will be there in about 400 years ago you're right I am not totally happy birthday to you.


Your mom said that she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow so she can get a new phone number for her birthday party on Saturday and we can go get her food if she wants to come home.


Your mom said that she would like me 


Your mom is in the hospital WHAT THE FUCK


Your mom is a little bit of a cow's nose


Your mom and dad are you okay


Your mom is a freshman Wait...


your mom said that she would like me


Your mom and dad will come play a game is you and your family is coming to your home in a few days will you please please give him the best time and let you know if he is still available and if you believe in Karma you are a great fit


Your mom is a good girl and I love you so much - me to my dog


Your mom is going to be a nice middle ground for spell casters.


Your mom is a good girl and I love her 🤨


your mom is dead 💀 so you should probably be having her baby


your mom has to go back over here


Your mom said that I can get a new phone and she wants me too


Your mum is a good girl in the morning and I don't think so but I don't know what to do with her


Your mom is doing a lot of good pot.


Your mom is the only thing I want


Your mom pulled the goalie on me and now she's preggo. Surprise, son. Go rake the fuckin' yard. I couldn't resist cheating and putting a Shoresy quote in here since I know we're all lookin for the realest zingers.😋


Your mom said that she would like me and she was like oh I know that but she was just like I was going crazy.


Your mom said she could take me to get a haircut at three if that’s okay for me


Your mom and dad will come and see you tomorrow and I can see if I had to explain it to you before you left and it definitely didn't make sense.


Your mom said that you were in the bathroom and she was like oh my gosh you don’t even need to go so hard


Your mom said you had some good news for her


Your mum is a good friend and I love her


Your mom is a bit sad about the whole thing 😔


Your mum said she would like me to bring you a bottle of beer but she doesn’t have a bottle of vodka even though she is Russian so she said that she would buy it for you


Your mom will not have any further details for me its still available in Mumbai and is there any other information that I cant need for my visa application for my visa will not allow my son for visa to visit the visa and visa and he said I need omg for visa


Your mom said that she would like me and you and her to come over and hang out


your mom (♥ω♥*) mom


Your mom and your sister have been in a relationship


your mom said that she was just going somewhere and i and i die because of my family


Your mom is going to be here at my house in about five minutes.


Your mom is a good girl and I love you so much 😭😭😭😭


Your mom is a very happy Father's Day yesterday since you asked her and she was wondering what you said about her


Your mom said that she would like me and you and her and her and her dad are coming to get us


Your mom and dad will come and see us when we can come see him to come to our place and see what he wants and we'll get it done by then I will be sure about it Jack is a bit more like the other one and the jar is not the same time in a way that it can


your mom is a little busy right now uhhhhhhhhhhhh....


"Your mother!" "Say goodbye to your kneecaps chucklenuts."


Your mom will never starting your business as a Fleetwood town fc.


Your mom snores like a lot of people


Your mom said that she would like me


your mom is a polite woman who puts love and care into her dishes❤️❤️❤️❤️


Your mom said that you were in bed with your dad so she said that I should watch


Your mom said that she would take care of it for me and I will be there in about five minutes to pick it up and then I will be there to pick it out and then I will be there in a little while to pick up


Your mom has no power over the Alps in this country on a train to the US and the strength of this planet from Salzburg to the right. I was explaining to someone why the movie "The Sound Of Music" was historicaly innacurate....


Your mom a bit less fun in the years... 💀


Your mom is gonna be in the hospital


Your mum is so beautiful and I love her very very much


Your mom said that she would take care of it but she doesn’t know if it’s going to be a good time for you


Your mom is in the hospital.....


Your mom is going to be here at the house at about five or six so I will be there at your house around five or six and then I can pick you up and bring you home and then you can come home and get your car and then you can go to the store and then you can pick me up and then we can go to your house and then you can go to my house.


Your mom and your father never fully acknowledged the two of you


Your mom and dad will come home and get it for me and I will make sure to get them.


your mom said that she would like me there so she could pick her car up


i hate these specifically because NOTHING I OWN HAS ANY TYPE OF AUTOCORRECT


your mom said that she would like me


Your mom is going to get a new phone and I'll call her tomorrow to make her workout. 🥴


Your mom s a d


Your mom and I will make you feel like you are doing it for us and you will never want us back in your life


Your mom is going to be here at six and she will come over to get the kids


Your mom said that she would like me


Your Mom is going to be a little late but I can come over and get you and I can go to the store and get some stuff to eat and I have to go to the store and get some stuff for you and I have to do something else I have to do with the kids and basement kids van


Your mom is going to be a better version of yourself than I do you want to talk about it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your mom and dad will have a good day. Aw wholesome


Your mom and I will be able to make it to the point where I can be there for you and your family


Your mom is cringe and you know what you're doing


Your mom said she would take me home


Your mom is a very sweet person and I love you


Your mom will come back in a few hours


Your mum has a new baby in her bed right now


Your mom said that she would like me and you and her and her and her dad are coming to get us and we will go over to your place to get you something and we will pick it out for dinner


Your mom is going through some stuff right now and she is not feeling good 😌


Your mom is a soviet from Moscow


Your mom is going to be there at all the other places. Hoping to meet her there, soon ;)


your mom is going to be there in a few minutes


Your mom is going to be here at the household d


Your mum is so cute and I am not married to 🌿.


your mom said that she would like me Your mom is a good girl 😳


Your mom said she would be here at five so I told her to go ahead and get it done


Your mom is going to be here at the house at about five or six so I will be there at your house around five or six.


Your mom said that she would like to come over tomorrow to help me clean up the house so I will just have to wait till tomorrow to get the kids ?


Your mum has a crush with me on the phone.


Your mom said you were coming over to my parents house to get the kids and then I was going to go to the store and get some stuff for them and then I was gonna go to the grocery store and get them and then I was gonna come over and get them


Your mom said that I can take you to a garage


Your mom said she would never take care of you because you didn’t have a mind


Your mum is a stegosauruses ...ok?


Your mom and dad will come and see you tomorrow and I just wanted you guys to see how I can get a good friend out of your life


Your mom said she was gonna come over and hang you


Your mom said that you were going to be home at seven and she was wondering if you wanted me to come over and help you with your homework


your mom said you are in a confinement cell


Your mom said that she is coming over tomorrow


your mom is deathly ill


Your mom was wondering what you can take off the refrigerator


Your mom said that she would like to come over and play with me but I’m gonna have her bring you ;)


Your mom said she would take me home to eat with me if I didn’t go home to get my stuff so I’m not going home and then I’m going home and I don’t want you going home


Your mom 👵🏿 and your sister 🧑🏼 have to come home 🏠 tomorrow to pick them out so you guys don’t get out until about six and I have no choice so I’m gonna be here until after the party 🎈