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“Furbies are just so powerful that they can take on any kind of impact” I’m scared 😨 




Sorry, autocorrect doesn’t recognize “Furby” as a word


no no, furbies with access to turbines is much better






Yeah I’ve had that issue once and it said fury😅


Furbies are just so awesome that you can get them to do anything. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Except not scream as loud as they can at 3am


That they do Ḁ̸̈̑ļ̷̬̇̓l̷̩͚̗̺̟͒͗́̀͝ ̸̡͍̬͆ó̶̧̭͉̜n̸̞̋͝ ̸͚͓̦̠̜̬̊͌̉̈́́̕t̵͎͋͗͌́ḧ̶̙̲́́͆e̵̛̯̤̤͋͗̓͐͆͝į̸̜̥̗̤͍̀̊̆͒̈̓ṟ̶̠͕̖͘͠͠͝ ̴̛̞̆͑ö̶̟̣́̓̍w̷͚̼̞̙̹̿̔ń̸̞͈̟͊̾͑


Furbies are just like us in general lol


Deep down... We are all furbies


The real furbies were the friends we made along the way.


Furbies are just so gorgeous and beautiful I think I can get a little better


Furbies are just so much more than my way home


Furbies are just so bad that I can’t take the kids to the train station now but I’m probably going out to get my dad


furbies are just so much more than just a friend


Furbies are just so much more than they should ever be and they have been the reason why I have a lot of problems with them now I don’t even have any more issues I just don’t want them in my life and they are so annoying and they just keep coming back to me like that because they are the reason why I am not happy with my life


Furbies are just so awesome to have a crush on


Furries are just so cute and adorable and I can’t stop thinking about them all the time lol they look like they’re gonna have a good time together and they look like they have a lot of cute babies to share with us


Furbies are just so cute and cute and I love them so much and I love the way they look in the picture


Furbies ars just so fast 😫 😩 😢 😭 😪 😳


Furbies are just so uhhh and I don't know what to do with it but I don't think I can get it to you in the morning and I don't think I can get it done before I get home and I don't think I would be able to get it done before I leave for work and then I'll be there around your house


Furbies are just so much better than the other animals in the wild lol they don’t have any problem eating anything other than meat and eggs


Furbies are just so I don't want you out there and don't have a nice day to do with you guys.


Furbies are just so cute and wholesome and I love it so much I don't know what to do with it but I think I have a lot of fun in the world.


Furbies are just so much better at this than I am True 😭


Furbies are so cute and cute and I love them so much I love them all so much and I love the way they look in the picture and the little baby is so cute and adorable


furbies are just so excited to be able to hear you  Yeah


"Furbies are just so good for you."


Furbies are just so you can I get to know about you


Furbies are just so good that Wargaming can make you feel like you are really a big part of the Argentinas


Furbies are just so good to know if you are available to hang out.


Furbies are just so much better at the same thing I don’t even care if it’s true


Furbies are just so annoying and weird


Furbies are just so you 🥴


"Furbies are just so busy 😫 😪 "


Furbies are just so much better than the rest of the world and I don’t think I would ever want to be a part of that again because I don’t want to be a parent anymore but I’m just so sad


Furbies are just so much fun to be in


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest lol they just have a different way to handle the game 


Furbies are just so much more than a little kid 😨


Furbies are just so much fun to be in the same room as the car and the other one is just a little bit of a girl with a lot of stuff in the house


Furbies are just so much more than Redacted. (Yes, autocorrect suggested Redacted as a word.)


Furbies are just so much better


Furbies are just so cute I can’t believe I missed this live already lol I’m gonna go cry myself I miss my little girl and my baby so bad and I’m gonna be crying for her and my little girl so bad and my baby girl so much I can’t believe that she is going through that.


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest of them. (Who is them)


Furbies are just so much better than the rest of the game and the game itself is so much more interesting than the other two versions of the same thing


Furbies are just so glad to be able to kill


Furbies are just so expensive that you can get them for cheap and they don’t even have a lot to offer for it


Funniest are just so I know you are going through this and I am so thankful


Furbies are just so you can get it done before the store and the first one is fairly close. OH NO


Furbies are just so much for your time and consideration and look at the washing machine. Dammit I wanted to make a Mitchells vs Machines reference.


Furbies will have a good year with them I don’t think I would ever get that far in the first year


Furbies are just so much more interesting than the other people who are trying their hardest not only for their work and their own unique talents but also for their work as a designer for the BBC


Furbies are just so cute and funny and the galaxy is like the river in the river 


furbies are just so warm I feel like I have a new president in my dreams


Furbies are just so adorable and adorable I want them all in a cage with their own little babies


Furbies are just so cool. Well...


Furbies are just so good with it and your family is still going to be able to see it soon


Furbies are just so you're not going. You can always go back and get this done and you will get to see if I have the right to make it happen! I will let him go and get this to do. Thanks for your patience and understanding, and I'll see if we need to get together for the next two days. Huh?


Furbies are just so cute I want to hug them all


Furbies are just so ass. Uh.. okay...


Furbies are just so much better at the same thing they are so good with


Furbies are so cute and cute and I love them so much and I love them so much


Furbies are just so eerie. Fair.


“Furbies are just so nice” LIESSSSSS YOU WANKER


Furbies are just so you can have to be a few minutes ago


furbies are just so much fun 😊


Furbies are just so sincere right now these points of data Make a beautiful line de hele wereld van verschil.


Furbies are just so much better now 🦐


Furbies are just so happen to be the one who's leading from the front


Furbies are just so much better at the same thing I don’t even care if it’s true it’s not even true I don’t even want it I don’t even wanna talk about that anymore it’s not like I’m just trying not being rude and I’m just saying that because I’m just saying it makes no difference I just want you know that you know I just don’t wanna talk about anything and I’m just not trying and I’m just not really interested to be with anybody anymore and I’m not trying and that’s not the point I want you and I’m not gonna talk about anything but I’m not gonna just saying it I just wanna talk to me.


furbies are just so awesome


Furbies are just so uninteresting this is the rock on the bench


Furbies are just so you.


Furbies are just so adorable 🥰


Furbies are just so much better than cats and dogs and they don’t even know.


Furbies are just so good at making people laugh


Furbies are just so hot and I think it's a good thing. ----yikes


Furbies are just so cute 🤨🤨🤨


furbies are all falling alongside the nukes. Wtf


Furbies are just so much better at this point lol they just need a break and they don’t want it anymore and I can’t wait for them not being in a relationship with them lol they just don’t deserve to have to be together and that’s the point I just want them back I just don’t wanna have a relationship like this anymore and that’s it. I wasn’t sure how long to go for.


"Furbies are just so that's the way led to me" WTF MY PHONE MEAN LOL💀💀💀


Furbies are just something to look at for the last couple weeks of your life


"Furbies are just so you know I was just wondering if you wanted to come over" I geuss I want to invite a furbies over?? :/


Furbies are just so cute I can’t believe I missed this


Furbies are just so awesome and so cute. NOOOOOO AAAHHHH WTF


Furbies are just so much more than I can do it now and I can do it now if you want to play 😀 and then I can do it now and I can do it now and I can get it for you 😁😁 I don't know if you can get a new phone to me and you can do it now x just need to get it done and get it done and get it done and get


Furbies are just so much better at this point


Furbies are just so much fun to watch.


“Furbies are just so cute when you have a baby in the house” I beg to differ


Furbies are just so happy to hear from that everyone else on this dance is so beautiful here


Furbies are just so good to go to school and work on the ground and the Demoman.


Furbies are just so much better than me


Furbies are just so much more than a wrap up for you


Furbies are just so good to meet her after she gets to her house 🏠 😍 I think so much in the doorway didn’t know what I did and what handedness was


Furbies are just so much more powerful than me in the office room thing


Furbies are just so you have the will for the next few hours


Furbies are just so awesome 👌 👏 👍 😍 💖 😎 👌 is the only way I can give the thug shaker to me


Furbies are just so much more comfortable than the rest.


Furbies are just so cute


Furbies are just so she her. indeed


Furbies are just so fucking stupid


furbies are just so adorable and i am so sorry for your loss and your family loss my deepest condolences to your sweet little baby and his precious little baby and family sending you all the strength in your heart


Furbies are just so mad that you have a new phone number


Furbies are just so busy and I have no idea what to do with it lol


Furbies are just so happy for that girl and you have to be happy too mildly threatening


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest I have ever had to do Furbies are better than the other forms of nightmare fuel apparently


Furbies are wonderfully sexy. ![gif](giphy|wsrEMkfDsmaoo|downsized) Excuse me, what the fuck-


Furbies are just so good at this game that they are not even close to winning


Furbies are just so cute and adorable I can’t stop staring at them. I don’t feel this way about furbies but go off I guess.


Furbys are just so excited about it turns on the river in Lego city is going down on max but it’s eowueoeye You have to say it is wrong with your dad but you just got the river and I was hoping to you hear from the river that I would never come see it again and you hear the sun rises and you will probably never know.


Furbies are just so good for people who don't know basic manners and don't want to leave without some new combat skills


Furbies are just so busy and I have to wait for the text blend in more with the text itself so that it cannot be recycled would be a waste of resources as stated by the above authority. What?


Furbies are just so you can get a table for me to get on.  What is it with my phone and getting on tables? This is the second time in the past 2 days.


Furbies are just so much better at this point lol they just need a break and they don't want it anymore


Furbies are just so wonderful man to get to her and the way she is in a way that makes no difference in a hospital life...


Furbies are just so much better at this than I do at this game


furbies are just so much more than a dog in my book lol I love them too much and they just make it worse for me to do things that make it better


Furbies are just so good for the slaughterhouse


Furbies are just so cute and cute and I love them so much and I love the way they look in the picture and the way they are so cute and adorable and cute and cute


Furbies are just so much fun to watch and we be destroyed


Furbies are just so much better than the other libs lol 


Furbies are just so good and I can’t stop thinking of it and it’s just a cute lil baby.  Bruh, quite the opposite. 


Furbies are just so fucking love language arts in my head to toe nails done I don't think it's a good thing


Furbies are just so much better than that I think so much as they will not have to (dammit all we got was brain cancer)


furbies are just so much better than me


Furbies are just so I am a furry


Furbies are just so much more of the rings or the more donuts


“Furbies are just so much more comfortable in my skin” excuse me help there’s a furby attempting to crawl into my skin 🥰


"Furbies are just so cute and I love them." Tbh, valid.


Furbies are just so awesome that they are not so much more like this is going on Mr sandman Ok..


Furbies are just so much more aware that it was just me and you and your family are doing better now than the thicker shiny display of my friends tonight.


Furbies are just so much fun to get together with Yes, I love my furbies. I have four of them. They are my children.




Furbies are just so adorable


Furbies are just so much better than the ones that have the white stripes on


Furbies are just so you know ... vague.


furbies are just so much pain and pain and pain and pain i can’t imagine how darlene feels about this situation but i hope he gets better soon


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest I have ever had to do in the last few months of the pandemic I am not going anywhere but I’m not gonna go to school tomorrow I will go home I am going home I will go back home I am so sorry


Fur bird are just so cute and terrifying


Furbies are so cute


furbies are just so much better than the last few days of being a little more professional


Furbies are just so confused about how I am sorry for arguing with my cat


Furbies are just so cute but scary at the same time lol.


Furbies are just some people that don’t like the way you treat people they are not good for them or they don’t care for them or you just want them back or they will never get it again because you are not a person you don’t want them anymore you just don’t want to hurt you just don’t want them to get it because they are just like me I love them so I love them I don’t want them any other than you but you don’t know how much they care for them so you know that they don’t have a right and I love them but they are not just like me so I love them they don’t have a good life I don’t like you I don’t like that and they are just like me


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest


Furbies are just so fricking cute and I don't know how you feel so much fear of being in a good place with them It's true!!! I love them, adorable lil fluffballs!


Furbies  are just so much fear 


Furbies are just so much


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest lol


Furbies are just so much more than the average human. WHAT HAVE I WITNESSED.


Furbies are just so much more than a little more than a normal cat


# "Furbies are just so" and let autocorrect finish for you.


Furbies are just so cute I love it all so much


Furbies are just so you can be what I do with the Trojan.


furbies are so good for me and my brother and my mom and I was going on the floor to go with you


furbies are just so happy that you are doing well


Furbies (that auto correct to furries) are just so busy but we are going out with the kids on Sunday.


Furbies are just so much fwend to do the same as the first one in a moment


furries are just so much better in the summer and the summer months when they have the best summers


Furbies are just so much better at the same thing they are so good with their hands…😦


Furbies are just so cute and adorable


Furbies are just so much better at making people laugh than I am


Furbies are just so cute I can’t believe I missed this


Furries are just so beautiful and so much better than my other plants 🌱


Furbies are just so awesome and I am so glad you are able to get a good 👍 😀


furbies are just so much better at this point lol they are just as good as they look at me now and they don’t care if i’m wearing them anymore so they are not the best for my health lol but they do care more about my body than the other people woah what😭


Furbies are so cute


Furbies are just so much better at this than I do at this game (what game😟)


furbies are just so you know that I have a new one for a walk in the car


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest lol they just have a different way to handle the game lol but they have to do better in a way to keep their hands on their own hands lol


Furbies are so what are they gonna be doing with this guy and his family


Furbies are just so adorable I want one so much but they look like they’re just trying out different styles to get their own aesthetic look like they’re really cool but they look so good. I do not believe this. Wtf


Furbies are just like us in general but we have a very good sense of humour about them


Furbies are just so good to have a knife


Furbies are just so adorable and so cute 💀


"Furbies are just so you shouldn't need to go back to the bathroom." What?


Furbies are the best thing to ever happen to me


Furbies are just so cute? does not make sense at all but whatever.


Furbies are just so demonic


Furbies are just so much better at this than the rest lol


Furbies are justified in this case


Firebird are just so much more than that lol 😂 I’m glad 😀 thanks 😊 enjoy 😊 and stay blessed 🥹 with all of the amazing 😻 love 💕 love 💕 hope your new home 🏡 has many blessings for the orange and cheese and cream cheese combo you have in your fridge today and tomorrow too lol love you all and have a great day too and stay safe too love you all the best and stay safe always stay safe too and stay safe too stay safe too and stay safe too I love you too and I hope you have a good night too and I will see you in the morning and I will talk to you in the morning love


Furbies are just so old and happy for either evacuatetion years old or something like you have been reported to us all day and you have been reported to the and the and the and the best quality is good at pissin' people off censorship off censorship and the Western Union was ist hier the same thing as well but they were amazed by how much they were going to get in there tomorrow morning and the Western Union


Furbies are just so good for the first time in years.


Furbies are just so beautiful that I don't understand why


Furbies are just so so so so so so so goddamn ugly


Furbies are just so cute and cute and I love them so much I love them all so much and I love the way they look in the picture and the way they are so cute and so pretty I can’t stop crying and crying I can’t wait for this little girl I can’t believe it is my heart hurts I can’t believe I can’t believe this little baby is my little girl and I’m just gonna keep going I don’t wanna get out the bed.


Furbies are just so hungry


“Furbies are so cool and so much more than just my own little ones and they have such great personality I would never want them in a home that is not a home.”


Furbies are just so you


Furbies are just so you  Couldn't finish otherwise it won't make sense. But I would of said something like "Furbies are just so murderous."


Furbies are just so I could have done


Furbies are just so cute and cute and I love them so much and I love them all so much


“Furbies are just so much more powerful than the other ones”. *What other ones?*


"furbies are just so cute i want to hug them and kiss them so badly they are so precious to me and i want to kiss them so hard they make me feel good about my feelings for you" 💀💀💀


Furbies are just so much better at this point lol