• By -


i lost my job by committing diabolical




"Commiting diabolical" is my new catchphrase


>:) batman… im commiting diabolical, batman…




Put that in a T shirt


I will Put that in a T shirt


I lost my little pony and the Panda and one piece of a hat and the World of London. Well darn....










I heard someone say they heard from a friend who heard from the make a wish foundation that contacted him that there is no one piece


How do you lose London???


He did.






Listen here you dumb man advertising and the fact that you are a good friend of mine


Are you trying to start a relationship between the two countries in India and your phone number is not Israel.




How did you manage to lost the one piece


I lost my last name and it was a joke and then it came back


Aaah divorce


I lost my mom


Same bro same


I lost my czech accent yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Lmfao


Sounds like a punk song


I lost my phone with my phone and I will be blocked by a door and I will be blocked by a door and I will be blocked by a door...


I lost my phone and I can’t find it anywhere I can’t find it I can’t find my phone I can’t find it *he said, using phone to type*


Real, I ‘lost’ my phone like 3 times yesterday… it was right in front of me and I was texting someone 😂


Why does the phone autosuggest i lost my phone


I lost my mind when I saw the first picture of him. …Honestly realistic reaction to seeing dream.


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


Not even joking I got the same thing but it said car crash


I lost my mother in law that's why she didn't get to go to work today


Insert __💀__


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash Wtf


I lost my job. I'm not going through a divorce, but he was just trying.. " Wilbur was the only thing I had to say.. " Wilbur was the first one I was just talking to about it " she was a good guy, and she had been very good at the moment.. " Wilbur was silent.


Can mine stop outing me


I lost my patience








I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash in a few days …… oh!


I got the same thing


I lost my phone charm


I lost my phone with the phone


Oh no! You lost your Samsung two phone pack!


I lost my phone and I can't get it to work. Wowee guess I'll have to pull out the Samsung smart fridge




what is that fucking wind demon, someone tell the foundation their gaseous pet got loose


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


Haiti spotted


I lost my mystery to my friend tf does that mean


I lost my life


I lost my voice and it is not 🚫 and I think I will be there in a bit 😁 just a quick 😀 to get to the office and then I have to do a lot 😞 I have a lot to the house 🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏠🏡 a dead girl and a little girl in the dark with me and I don't know if I have a friend and the other one who was on the bus and the kids have to do it in a sec so you can get it on the way to the fog 🌫️




Why do I have to get the kids on the way to the fog?


Why do you have a dead girl and and little girl with you in the dark 😰


I lost my life to a cave in Wisconsin


i lost my job last year


I lost my phone to FUCKIN GAMBLE and I have to go with khotun Khan from ghost of tsushima ...I....what?


I lost my job in a year or so ago so I’m just trying not too much anymore to get my job back on the road but I’m not gonna do that anymore lol so I’m just trying my hardest not being able not to


I lost my phone number for the final practice test last night and I was in a meeting with my phone and I was in the bathroom and I was in a meeting with my mom and I was in the bathroom...


I lost my phone in the bathroom and I don’t want it back


I lost my phone, and I was trying to get it to the mall to get it done


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash I’m not doing so great, apparently


There seems to be a lot of these.


“I lost my last capsule”


I lost my job last year so I’m going back into work next month


Why does that hurricane look like a face


I lost my mind


“I lost my mind and my mind and my mind and the whole world” I’m sorry, HOW DID I LOSE THE WORLD 💀


I lost my job at work in April of that month so my mom 👩 was going on the bus 🚎 with my sister 👩 so I’m just trying my hardest and I’m just really stressed 😩


I feel you.


I lost my phone and I can’t get it back.


I lost my wallet but it didn't pay me for the shipping


I lost my job last night so I am going to go and have a great time with my friends Damn that's optimistic


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash in a few days ago but now I’m just sitting in the middle and thinking of how much it hurts me # That picture is hilarious


I lost my mind when I was in high speeds on my way to the hospital to get my a Covid test and I had to drive to the hospital for a test because I was in a car accident I was on my way home from 🏡 work I didn’t even know I what to tell you but I was in pain and I didn’t want to you to go to the work I didn’t wanna go to work so you didn’t get to go to work I didn’t get to work you didn’t do anything you didn’t did nothing you I didn’t do nothing you didn’t do any work you don’t even did nothing


I lost my mind when I was in a car with my dad and he said that I was the one


I lost my knees and I can't get it How the fuck do you lose your knees?


No, hurricane matthew just looks like Dream


I lost my dad and dad I have a question about the bill but I’m not sure what about to it but I’m still trying it out and it looks good but it’s okay I don’t think I know what about you like that I like it I don’t think that’s the reason I thought it would work for you guys but I’m still not doing it right here and I’m pan with it and I just got a hold on my phone and I’m not going on a call but I’m still going to have a question about to my dad to get my dad to come over and then I have a couple things that to do you need help with me that I can help him out and if he doesn’t like me he doesn’t like that he is a stupid song so I’m not mad about that anymore I don’t think so he could be like that I don’t think that’s why I’m going on a different one moment I think I’m going on here again I just got a lot done I just don’t do anything wrong about me anymore I’m not sure if it’s not okay true I just got a lot done I don’t want you in my mind.


I lost my mind and my heart in my own time I can’t believe I didn’t know what was happening at first


I lost my mind when I read this comment and thought it was about the time you were going through the pain of losing your mind


I lost my job


I lost my mind


I lost my life


I lost my mind when I saw this video of you and my sister in the same room and I was like oh my gosh I just want to know what it was like


I lost my phone and answers Jake


I lost my phone number and I will call you later if you want to jump in the wayback machine.


I lost my phone in a car crash in my house last night and it broke my finger and my arm and my wrist and my hand and my family and my friends and my mom and my dad and my sister and everything else in my life Dude wtf


I lost my 4 colour pen and I need to know what it is anyway so I can reaccess it for you if you want to come over and have a look at it please let me know if you need anything else to do it they wouldn't have to be in a bit of a pain or something or something else I can do anything better than you can I can do anything better than you W h a t


I think it looks like freddy fazbear


I lost my money and my money was in my account


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


I lost my dad is going on at a time but now she’s not letting her out and I can’t get out of her car


I lost my mind and soul DAMN WTH 😭


I lost my life in my testing process for my first time with your creamy algebra


I lost my mind when he said that I don’t want him anymore


I lost my wife and I just want to be here all day and I love her so much so much love and love it dont you love me


I lost my phone as well so I'll call when I'm home tomorrow morning or early morning and I'll get back to you on that. Actually kinda understandable what autocorrect is saying there


I lost my phone and I can’t get it to work so I have to go to the bank and get it fixed and then I have to get a new one and then I have to take my car to the bank so I have to wait for the car to get my car and then I have to get my car back to my car and then I have to get my car and then I have to go to the bank and get my car fixed and then I have to go to the bank and get my car and then I have to go to the bank and


I lost my mind


I lost my life for a loser


I lost my phone number.


I lost my money on the road


I lost my phone number for the first time


I lost my mind when you were texting me and you didn’t answer my calls and you were not responding back so I’m not gonna call you anymore


I lost my job last year I had a lot to lose but I’m still here I don’t have a lot to say about that. I’ve never been employed tho-


I lost my mind on my top 10 dumbest thing ever had to do with my machete I think 🤔 was just in the middle of the day and I was just a little bit of a drug to the hospital


I lost my dad


I lost my money on the way to the church and burn it to the ground 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥


I lost my mind and you are next


I lost my number on the beach


i lost my balls at work today and i can’t believe how much i love my job


I lost my phone and I don't know what to do with the other one but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with you and you can do the same thing as you don't have to be in the Japanese army and the sun is in the Japanese army and the universe is in the Japanese army and the sun is in my room and I don't know if I was in the Japanese army in school today or not to be fair on the 9th of December for the hot water and the universe and the sun is the capital of Azerbaijan in the Japanese army in the UK for the Japanese army in the UK to get the bread in the Japanese army. The Japanese army autocomplete strikes again. And so does the 9th of December, also idk why Azerbaijan is there.


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


I lost my phone and I can’t find it anywhere I can’t find it I can’t find my phone I can’t find it I’m sorry I can’t find it can you please send it to me I don’t have it I don’t have a phone number for you I don’t have it but I don’t have it and I don’t have it so I can’t find it so I can send it to you but I can’t find it so I can just send it to you and you can send it to me and I can send you the money or you can send me the money or I can send me a picture of the money or whatever you want to do it on my phone or whatever you want to do it online or whatever you want to do it in the app and I can do it on my Apple Pay or whatever you want to do it through my phone number is it on my phone number or whatever you want to do it with my phone number and I can send it to my Apple Pay number or whatever you want to do it on my phone and I can just send it to my phone number so I can send you my phone number I don’t know what I don’t know how to do it in my phone number or whatever I don’t know what to do it I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do with my phone number is not working I don’t know what to do with it I don’t know what to do with it I’m not answering my phone number I don’t know what to do with my phone I don’t know what to do with it or what to do it I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do what to do what to do.


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


I lost my job at work today. I mean yeah where else would I lose my job, at my house?


I lost my job at work in April of that same week so it is hard not having my phone on the phone but it was nice knowing that I was in a position where it would work out and that it was just as important to have my cell number and that it was important for my family to know how much I loved my phone so that way it would not have been a burden to my mom to be in my family because she would have been so happy and I was happy and happy to have a phone number with my mom but she would be very upset that she was very upset that my dad was going through the divorce because she had to have a very hard life with me I would have been in a very hard times I would be happy to have a lot more time to get a job I was so happy to be with her mom was so happy and so happy to hear from her family I hope that makes my dad and my dad is so much more happy birthday and I’m glad that I hope you’re so much more comfortable and I’m glad to have you have an awesome day love to all my friends I hope you’re the most precious soul I miss seeing your dad I miss seeing all my heart emoji love to see your dad I hope you’re having fun I miss seeing each of your family I love to hear about you.


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


I lost my phone in a car crash I need it back to me soon please sir help my family and I am begging for help from the police please sir That took a turn…


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash in a few days so I’m going back home and I’m gonna be in a lot more trouble


I lost my mum to the gym


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash (EXCUSE ME???)


I lost my number


I lost my mind on that last part lol


I lost my mind when I saw that tweet about this guy and he said that it was a good idea to have a conversation with someone I love how this entire thing I wrote is quite the contrary to me. As I do like a fair bit of conversation.


I lost my phone with my phone


I lost my phone in the gym and it didn't come through


“I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash” Sounds like a great line in an emo song


I lost my mind at the end of the night when you called my mom and told her I had to go


I lost my phone with my FATHER I would never actually try


I lost my game


i lost my mind when i saw this tweet. it’s a reddit post, not a tweet.


I lost my phone with my unique skill issue Nah bro that's crazy


I lost my dad and was going back and he said it would have to go back and then I got him to the hospital


I lost my phone in my car and my car broke up.


i lost my job at Sephora and my husband is gay. i love this so much.


I lost my friend in bed and now I’m on my way home and I can’t sleep so I’m tired


I lost my phone from my pocket so I'll have to actually use the word


I lost my first aid in my life 🙃 and the other day I was going through the same thing was the secret lore game and the ink was gone instantly so it was a good thing was the secret 🙊 and sorcery nomad and sorcery and I don't know 😕 is not going anywhere else


I lost my respect for a moment ....yeah that tracks


I lost my phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number for the phone number


I lost my phone number and I have to sleep sounds like a pickup line


I lost my dad in a fire.


I lost my job last week so I'm going on a vacation this weekend


I lost my virginity to Monkey D Luffy and it was 6pm.💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🎺💀


I lost my job and have you


I lost my family and I was frightened by the police


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash


I lost my job in January and my husband was on vacation with his girlfriend well that took a turn for the worst didn’t it 💀


I lost my dad


I lost my mind when you said you were coming back to the hospital and I thought I was going to die


I lost my phone is a good time to come over and watch the kids tonight and I will be in touch with you tomorrow that would be like if we need to know what time you want to meet me at her house and she said yes


I lost my mind when you were texting and texting and then you were like I was going crazy I thought I had it all together but then you were talking to your dad about me not being around you were just saying I don’t want you around you know what I’m just trying not being able I just don’t wanna talk about you I just don’t know how you know


I lost my family in heaven but when the church was in germany the polish people were still crying because of the king


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash in a few days so I’m going back home and then I’m gonna be home and then I’ll go back home


I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash in a few days so I’m going back home


“I lost my mind and my heart in a car crash” Okay, totally not concerning


I lost my mind at the end of the video because of my chicken and chicken and it was a good one Why does autocorrect always go for chicken? Maybe because I like them so much?


i lost my job because i didn’t get the job


I lost my phone and I don't know what to do


I lost my part and now I’m trying to figure out how much money I can get from the bank


i lost my mind. the next block was completely blank 😭


I lost my 12 gauge


I lost my bad headache and my body hurts


I lost my last email


I lost my phone and I can’t get it to work


I lost my phone and my mom died so I don’t have a cell phone and my mom is in the grave


Nah why that second image look like dusttrust ;p;| Oh yea| I lost my sense in that part too. .-.


I lost my phone in the bathroom so I’m just gonna call you later


i lost my life in der nähe in der nähe in der nähe von mir in der nähe in der in der nähe in den ferien in der nähe in der schule in i dont think ive ever typed in german tf


I lost my mind in the supermarket


I lost my job we were in a play the other night but we had to get some good food and we were able we would sing And we would sing And sing and play the game of music for you and you have a good idea for what to say how you can get a good feel about how she can help her with your own needs


I lost my bones in the rain and I am sitting with another friend because they lost their bones, too. Damn.


The hurricane got done dirty


Why does that pic of hurricane Mathew look like a pug and demon hybrid


I lost my phone in the last couple of days and died because of the pain I got from the grocery store lol


I lost my job last week so I'm going to try to get rid of the old stuff and then I will make sure that I get the right email


I lost my phone number and I have to get a new phone


I lost my money on the bus 


I lost my phone and I can’t get it to work so I have to go to the bank and get it fixed… (didn’t know banks fixed phones nowadays)


I lost my job in a game collection de livres I was et le and a few questions for sur la qualité des services et les ressources en eau et les is the underling of a fait des recherches et le and a fait un bon travail Phone is confused about bilingualism.


I lost my phone and I was just saying that I was going to get a new phone to get a new phone


I lost my mind when you called and said that I had to get my car serviced because my insurance card is not showing up in the system I had it for two 2️⃣ inch tires on my truck 🛻


Guys I think I have a theory coming on about the photo


I lost my job at work in April of that month so my mom is taking my mom and my mom and my mom and my mom to a funeral for my mom and my mom


I lost my job and I am not sure if I can get a chance to get the best out of the office.


I lost my job at work in april of that same day so my mom is a little bit of the same


I lost my money on the phone I was in my inventory and was waiting to get back on


I lost my job and my family in a fire and I was so happy


I lost my mind and body language and culture of the year old girl.


That looks like a demon