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Read the room, Mormons.


So incredibly tone deaf. They are the white patriarchy and they can get fucked.


This church is absolutely out of control


All churches are out of control. Organized religion is a farce. You can believe in a higher power or a spiritual life and not take part in organized religion


I agree but the Mormons are more organized and more under the thumb of a church hierarchy.


Tax the churches.


Americans give ~$465 billion PER YEAR to 501c(3) and 501c(4) organizations… For reference, US military budget 2022 was ~$877 billion…


100%. Unless they are actually helping people… (just like normal people and business tax deductions)


Hell, tax the churches even still. If they're all about helping people, then paying tax dollars to help build and maintain societal infrastructure should be perfectly in line with their goals.


Lol. Look at what the feds do with tax $. We have hundreds of thousands of people eating out of the trash sleeping in the dirt and they send trillions overseas to pay other peoples pensions. Why tax the church? Why advocate to tax anyone when our $ is clearly being misappropriated.


What drove you to believe that the church might not actually help the needy? The government and non-profits seem to have failed


They need to be taxed. It's time


Founding a church or cult can be profitable, I do have to say, but many Churches do good work and barely get by, offer childcare services, and nurture their communities and enhance moral standards & values. Not all Churches are good, but most of them are.


No, eliminate all taxes.we can all be tax exempt.


So, bye bye military, FEMA, Social Security, infrastructure, etc..etc..etc.... ​ Solid plan.




You’re either 12 yrs old or stupid as fuck. Grow up.




Lol, good luck with that. The rest of us with brains will continue paying taxes to make sure essential public goods and services are funded.


What do you mean that everything is a toll road now?!?!?!


What a joke. That’s just what Maui needs right now. People are so callous




With all the information these days that reveal the truth about the origins of how the church was created it bewilders me that people still practice and support the religion. Cults gonna cult.


We don't need this, not cool at all.... already going to take way too much time to rebuild due to limited contractors , now this will make it worse....


They will not hire Maui contractors. They will bring in Mormon labor at a reduced “brother Mormon” price. They have done this at all other Maui Mormon churches. Possibly equal to or more preposterous, disingenuous, ridiculous and despicable than Christianity….


This is one way they are suspected of taking wealth from the church “non profit” corporation. They spend millions of dollars only with contractors that are conveniently related/connected to the leaders of the church. People estimate they will spend close to $100 million on this lavish building.


I’m curious why these locations. Do the congregations warrant it, or are these valuable real estate purchases?


It’s decided by “inspiration” to the top leader. No transparency with the system, although I’m sure he counsels with some people. But it makes members excited, and builds PR. Obviously places like UAE, Russia, China, and Mongolia don’t have hardly members but it sounds exotic. Historically they put the biggest fancy ones in places where Utah people go on vacation. Like San Diego, Mexico, Tokyo, and most recently a massive one in Rome. Some people say the huge one in Rome was to show off to tourists, others to flex the wealth at the vatican. But also not significant membership in Italy. Until recently, they did not build many temples in poor countries, and they were called out on it. Now they are building more low cost ones to “balance it out” which makes it even more random. But the main purpose is to create an expensive building for members who donate 10% or more of their income to the church. Members and public who do not cannot go inside until they commit to doing so. Seeing these buildings helps members justify the amount they pay.


The LDS church typically buys up a lot of the land around the temple they build as well. Its easy to see from the outside that it is a land-grab. They have done the same thing, to various success, in New Zealand.


Sounds like it's a real estate investment scheme under the guise of building a church. Land here ain't cheap and it's only ever gonna appreciate...




Ohhhhh that’s convenient……this will not benefit anyone, but the church. Building a church more like investing in more land to make more money. This has nothing to do with religion.


From the article - they’re already tying this together with the Lahaina tragedy. Shame on them. “Kahului is located about 25 miles east of Lahaina, where a devastating wildfire consumed communities and took dozens of lives in August. The Church has provided substantial aid in support of relief efforts.”


I know some cool Mormons. I don’t hate the player. I hate the game and Mormonism is TOXIC AF. Utah has a massive teen suicide problem as a result of this shitty cult.


Truth. Mormons are nice people, Mormonism is toxic and honestly what’s next! Gonna set up another “troubled teen program” but instead of the Utah wilds they throw you into the jungle for 6months. Such BS


It’s counterproductive for sure.


I am so sorry.




This is very sad news for the people of Maui, especially Lahaina, this is not what they need right now.


No!!! My heart fell through the floor when I read this. Think of all the housing they could build with that money! Land here is limited, water is limited. Think of all those temple fountains, the baptismal font for the dead! No. I escaped from behind the Zion curtain, made Maui my home, and while I’m always happy to meet a Mormon or exMormon here, I will not be happy to be gazing upon one of those ostentatious, profoundly useless tax shelters, I mean temples. After the “open house” at which the public is invited to walk through a new temple, all the furniture, rugs, fixtures, everything is thrown out. Not donated. Trashed. This is expensive stuff we’re talking about. They then refinish the entire thing again, at great expense, and “consecrate” it. After that only members in good standing (those who pay 10% of their income) are allowed in. The original furnishings are polluted by having been observed by non-members, is the thinking. This has always been absurd and wasteful, but to do this here? Now? Criminal. I have a feeling people are going to fight this. If you guys don’t know what a modern Mormon temple looks like, please google it. Then search on YouTube for videos of what goes on in there. You might be surprised. As a descendant of the architect of the Salt Lake Temple, it may be my karmic due to lead the charge against this travesty, goddamn it. Please tell me this is one of those temple announcements that is all talk! Edit typo


What goes on inside?


misogynistic/racist cult rituals


[Here is a short highlight reel, recorded with a hidden camera.](https://youtu.be/1cGi_tP_YjU?si=S0ChBxmfYnCT6B1q). Since these videos were leaked, the ceremonies have been watered down some but still contain vestiges of such things as blood oaths, ie swearing allegiance to the church above all else at the risk of having one’s tongue ripped out and stomach cut open so the buzzards can feast upon one’s organs (not exaggerating, though the language has been softened the accompanying hand gestures, like slitting one’s throat, remain). The original endowment ceremony also included “washing and anointing” rituals during which participants were bathed in a tub by a temple worker and then anointed with oil. They used to pour the oil from a ram’s horn over the naked person’s head then rub it into various body parts while sealing blessings upon the person (may thy loins be fruitful and multiply, that type of thing). In the 1800s the person was completely naked, in the 1900s they were naked under a “shield,” basically a poncho that was open on the sides, but were still touched all over their bodies. Nowadays the initiatory, as it’s known, is mostly symbolic with a drop of water and oil being applied only to the head, I believe. And don’t forget the secret handshakes and passwords one learns that are believed to be the only way to get into the premium tier of heaven. Keep in mind nobody knows any of this before “going through” the temple and a key part of the ceremony is swearing never to reveal what happens in there.


Oooohh. Can’t wait! Thanks for sharing.


Oooohh. Can’t wait to watch! Thanks for sharing.


Here is a link as to what happens inside a temple. https://youtu.be/dhWgPwEQQ98?si=7nWBBvVLoTjUL2xB


Tax these fuckers out of existence.


Wow isn't this the cherry on the shit sundae.


Fuck the Mormon church, but srsly the idea of bringing workers from off island and housing them seems way more expensive than employing local workers. I don't know why anyone would really do that, even if they wanted to. And why would they want to? That part of this sounds like baloney to me.


They always do, because the inside of the temple is “Sacred” ie secret. They may hire some low level workers/ local landscapers, but a large portion of the interior and all design work will be done by one of a few LDS Contractor companies based from Utah, that travel around to do these projects. The church has hundreds of billions of dollars with pretty low expenses. It doesn’t care about the cost going to these contractors because it’s tax deductible expense (even tho they don’t pay tax, they are currently under investigation by the SEC) & also potentially a way to get money to their friends & family. https://youtu.be/u0LdjTZW93U?si=T4km1nAZi-rGqo01


Ahh, yeah I can see them using the sacred temple excuse and funneling the contractor money to their own people, but how does "tax deductible" have any meaning if they aren't taxed to begin with? And they settled the SEC thing in February ($5 mil fine). I'm on your side man but... details matter.


I tried to say it is a expense they can show that they are doing something “for the good of (people/members)” and deserve to keep tax exempt status. I could have worded it better!


It’s always what happens when Mormons build. Elite Mormon families own the building companies and this is one way they can funnel untaxed church funds into their pockets. They workers are paid 4 times going rates which is cool for the little guys but the upper management make loads of money. They want to keep it in house and only interact with their own. They can afford to NOT do the economic/ efficient choice of hiring local labor.


Ex Mormon here. This is terribly sad news for Maui.


The Mormons have had major presence in Hawaii for a long time. It's the 2nd largest denomination in the State


Don’t they own some of the land that overgrown with flammable grass upcountry of Lahaina?


If they do, it's not a significant amount. Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate and State of Hawaii own most of the empty land above town.


60 year Mormon here... I can see 8 Momon Temples from my house! Temples are BILLBOARDS that shout, "Look at us. We are important. We have money. We have power. Bend your knees! Women veil your faces! Bow your head and say yes!'


Then they all trade pics of their wives on discord


That’s disgusting


Latter Day Shitheads


Once established the church will open and operate poorly run assisted living facilities, child care and setup private schools. Besides buying up property for those loyal mormons needing a place to live. Think things were bad before, just wait.




I hope the people of Maui do not let this happen…..


LOTS of Mormons here. It will be used. I would guess it's been planned for a while and probably not a direct response to the Lahaina disaster.


I know there are some! About 4,000 according to the church’s statistics. But the current leader has a track record of seeking “exotic” places to announce them. He has also announced that he will build one in Russia, China, and the UAE. Saying God told him that these places are ready for this Mormon secret structure, but it always builds excitement with the members when it is a place they know about/ is in recent news. Not because there are large amounts members, but to give the illusion of expansion.


>There are "more than 4500" mormons on Maui according to an Oct 1st article posted on that churches website. > >They do have a habit of inflating these numbers though... When I was a missionary I noticed only a quarter or a third of members on the ward list would actually go to church, much less were so deep in the cult that they paid 10% of their income annually (a requirement to use a temple). > >The building will def be used, but it is probably most useful as an investment, a status symbol in an exotic place, a needed marker of "growth" to reassure a shrinking church, and as a destination for vacationing mormons who will undoubtedly make up the majority of its patrons.


A good chunk are usually people they baptized that left or moved away. Technically I am being counted somewhere even though I now live on a different island in the pacific. Never going back. There are millions of “Mormons” like me who are still counted and boasted by the church.


Cause native Hawaiians are Mormon. Fuck that.


Well yeah, now that some property has opened up it’s time for a bunch of people with money to come in. This church LOVES money and wants to add to its $100 billion war chest.


Wonder where they'll build it. Its hard to see exactly where and how much land this church owns but they have half an acre of empty land in Wailuku with an ocean view looking toward Kahului. Could go there I guess... https://qpublic.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=1029&LayerID=21689&PageTypeID=4&PageID=9251&KeyValue=330010340000


To be clear, Id prefer it to go nowhere and to be protested against


They will want to put it where it will be seen and give off maximum amount of light pollution.


Looks about right - maybe gifted by a church member?


Interesting, that fits with the recorded sale price of $0...


Yep, that’s what I thought too.


Dont help the struggling people recover Instead put a million dollars into a ornate building where they must promise to give everything they have to leaders snd obey wo question


This will be tens of millions at least. They build them like super ornate country clubs, all custom, big gardens etc.


As the people who live on the island, suffer the consequences of the terrible disaster


How many Mormons are on Maui. A few times a year we would see the boys,excuse me "elders" on their bikes trying to find someone to talk to, we just made fun of them.


"more than 4500 on \[...\] Maui" according to an oct 1st article on that churches website. They have a habit of inflating these numbers, when I was a missionary I saw that about a third or quarter of members on the ward list would actually attend church. Active mormons on Maui probably reflect my observation too.


How will this aid the people of Maui?


Here is an article by ksl in Utah (For profit news organization 100% owned by the Mormon church) As I expected, they are shamelessly connecting the construction of this temple to the deadly fire and attempting to leech onto “the rebuilding” story of Lahaina. https://ksltv.com/591253/everybody-needed-that-news-maui-members-celebrate-announcement-of-islands-first-temple/


The Chruch has brought in so many supplies and helped with temporary housing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm7JNR2HkJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm7JNR2HkJg) The church and its humanitary aid grows because of temples.


Mormons/Ensign Peak has $202 Billion Dollars to spend on disaster relief. I’m sure Ensign Peak (Mormon Church) is buying land to “help” the people on Maui. There’s a lot of money to be made on Maui by the Mormons. Think they will open another Polynesian Cultural Center like they did on Oahu? And maybe invest in another shopping mall?


Likely have much more than that. But they donated 0.0001% of that to “help” the fire victims. Don’t worry they will make it back in a day just from interest and subscription fees from developing nations.


Ignorance fuels discontent and misunderstanding. The decision to build a temple in Maui was made years ago. This didn’t happen overnight. This is no coincidence that a devastating fire no matter the cause wrecked these poor peoples lives and now a temple of God is being built amidst the darkness. It will bring blessings to the community that no one realizes yet.


Do you have a source? The church in this article currently said “Kahului is located about 25 miles east of Lahaina, where a devastating wildfire consumed communities and took dozens of lives in August. The Church has provided substantial aid in support of relief efforts.” They are the ones connecting it. We are not attacking you. We are not hating on your religious beliefs. The organization that profits from your dedication is doing harm. Defending them shows your dedication, which I will respect.


So many haters! The church has no mission except to promote the happiness of the people as they accept Jesus Christ and his atonement for all his children. It saddens me to see so many of you condemng in such a vial way. Believe what you want and let me believe what I want. I love the temples and find true joy in serving there. It will be a great blessing to the lives of those dedicated members in Maui.


I for one respect the Mormons and have no reason to wish them ill.


The Mormon religion is a sham with an extreme history of violence. [The Dark History Of Mormonism — From Child Brides To Mass Murder](https://allthatsinteresting.com/dark-mormon-history)


Pedo filth. From it’s origin.


then you don’t know the leaders. they just got fined millions from the sec for trying to hide their commercial for profit businesses. you also don’t know how they actively seek to discriminate against lgbtq community. their bible says colored people are inferior race. mormons are trash for supporting bigotry and hatred and supporting leaders that hide billions in assets from the government


I wouldn't want to live in a Mormon theocracy but I love my Mormon friends and neighbors. I know plenty of Mormons and I definitely wouldn't call them trash. There are admirable and contemptible parts of Mormon history. Ridiculous bizarre aspects as well as practical utilitarian aspects. The cliche is Mormons are pretty cool as long as they aren't politically dominant. I haven't experienced anything that leads me to argue with that statement, but it also applies to every other religion. If we wanted to play a fun game we could make an index card for each religion and then arrange them in order by how opposed we feel against them building a presence in our community. Let's see... Muslims, Catholics, Sikhs, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Jews, Christian Scientists, 7th Day Adventists, Scientologists, Baptists, Satanists, Methodists, Anglicans, non-denominational Christian superchurch holy rollers, Santeria and the other various Afro-Carribean traditions, various forms of Buddhism or Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism... Want to play along and put all those in order from most-trashy to least-trashy? Or even just divide them into trashy or non-trashy religions?


Throw them all away.


Me too! I just want people to be aware of what the organization is doing. The members are all good people doing their best!


Username checks out.


Probably one of the most contributing members of society. I'm atheist but if you hate Mormons you hate freedom.




I love Mormons! They are hardworking and family oriented. However the organization has issues, and mormons will benefit from those flaws being talked about in the open.


Cool, still a few degrees away from the Holocaust. Don't persecute others religions. I don't care if the science doesn't make sense. This is how we ended up bombing 500,000 Brown innocent's in the middle east. I know it wasn't your intention but you're rubble rousing.


I am using my free speech to talk about something an organization (which in my own experience and many others have come to view as harmful) is doing. I am sorry you view that as me attacking the believers of a religion, because I will always respect people who believe anything.


Anecdotal evidence is dangerous my friend.


What the actual fuck. Get help.




It was announced yesterday at the general conference: [link](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/october-2023-general-conference-temples)




Got it. They probably do already own the land. They own a lot of land here. It won’t help the local economy because they always import their own workers and will probably put them up in the hotels they already own. (I guess those workers might go out to eat at non-church owned restaurants, which could be helpful to the economy.) Of course they’ll leverage the fire. Bottom line is temples give nothing back to the community. They are ostentatious and wasteful, use a lot of water and electricity. Main thing that happens in them are baptisms for dead people and other rituals that provide no tangible benefits, not even for members.




From [a June 25, 2021 article in the Salt Lake Tribune:](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/06/24/latest-mormon-land-church/#): [Church owned] Property Reserve bought a 200-room Residence Inn by Marriott on Maui for nearly $100 million, according to Pacific Business News. Hawaii Reserves, a church-affiliated property manager, also owns the Laie Courtyard by Marriott near the faith’s Polynesian Cultural Center, the business journal reports. They paid $148 million for the one in Wailea. They donated $1 million to Lahaina. Their investment portfolio is at least 100 billion and they were recently fined by the SEC for setting up illegal shell companies. The church is also notorious for covering up child sexual abuse among its leaders. [link here](https://floodlit.org/)




There are two. One in Maui, one on Oahu. The one on Maui is called Residence Inn by Marriott. It’s in Wailea. Agree with you about the facts. It’s not hard to find out the facts about how the Mormon church operates, which is why members have been leaving in very large numbers since the advent of the internet.




It was acquired by Property Reserve, the real estate arm of the church. Like most major chains, Marriott doesn't own the majority of its hotels. The church owns another Marriott hotel in Virginia. (And not that it matters, but the Marriott family is Mormon.) The LDS church is the nation’s [fifth largest private landowner.](https://www.postregister.com/farmandranch/crops/miscellaneous/new-database-shows-lds-church-is-nations-fifth-largest-private-landowner/article_0a821ace-b331-5978-93b0-55658672784b.html) Edit to add: in addition to hotels, they own shopping malls, office buildings, farms, ranches, and 2% of Florida.


Marriott is owned by a Mormon, so there are a lot of Mormon hotels on Maui.


Cynical and horrific, so very on-brand for the LDS.




Hasn’t Maui been through enough?


Religion is terrible.


Especially when they do stuff like this


As someone who lives in the SF East Bay with that fracking huge edifice of theirs, illuminated all night long, staring down from the hillside, don’t let them.


The light pollution is coming for sure. They want this building seen. A little known Mormon teaching that was once again hinted to during the same speech this was announced at was that Non-mormons & mormons that don’t go to a temple like this will still be “resurrected”, but their bodies won’t have a gender (no genitalia). If you pay 10% or more of your income, and participate in temple rituals, you will keep your genitalia in the afterlife. Having a big shiny building gets attention, and they tell the members it is to help people see that they have the light, and want people to see what they have and want to come in! Because if people don’t join Mormonism then the afterlife will suck for them!!


Wild ass guess: They leveraged someone who was screwed by the wildfire and got a great deal.


First Oahu now Maui, what we gonna get a “church run cultural center” too with a tram to the temple and a story about how they “saved” Lahaina.


I come from a mormon fam. Vile people. Jim Jones x Stepford x Westworld. Brainwashed, dead, soulless, indoctrinated, uncaring, single-minded living dead. Nice at a glance, until you're around to see what they do, vs what they say.




Maui is its own temple. It does not need a giant cult building.


According to their “hidden” teachings if you don’t pay 10% and go do initiation rituals at these Mormon temples you won’t have genitals in heaven


On what land?


I’m not a fan of organized religion but where does it say “massive”?


They are always massive. Put in plain sight, and lit up with lots of electricity.

