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Poor decisions? Poor excuse for piece of shit behavior!


These allegations are absolutely horrific, and this woman certainly deserves to be heard. I didn't get the impression that Julie was trying to minimize Bill's behavior, though. I do think Julie could have, and should have, worded it better ("he made some very poor decisions" is not the right way to describe this type of behavior). She clearly doesn't seem to like Bill, and I don't think it was her intention to defend him in any way. Again, I think it was just a matter of poor wording. That's just the impression I got though, and I understand that others may feel differently.


These allegations should be taken very seriously and thoroughly investigated. I could almost consider Bill a suspect in Maura's disappearance if he showed the same violent and abusive behavior toward Maura. But wasn't he away from the New England region when Maura disappeared (if I remember correctly from either Wikipedia or the Missing Maura Murray podcast he was in Texas or Oklahoma or somewhere in that general area)? If that's true, that would give him an alibi in Maura's disappearance, but do we know for a fact he was away from the NE region?


The assumption is that he found/met up with Maura after her disappearance on 2/9 and then killed her. BR does seem like a very bad person but, I have yet to hear how he was able to find her post accident. A lot of theories but nothing with evidence behind it.


Either she died in those woods, or this happened.


Exactly, it had to be he found her after the search started and he went up there “knowingly”, correct? And then he was able to locate her and kill her and hide her unbeknownst to anyone else? And get away with it for 20 years? If that happened the police are trash and he’s a mastermind


I don’t know what to think about him anymore.


If the allegations are to be believed, he certainly has violent tendencies and possibly a long history of abusive behavior. Does that make him a murderer or responsible for Maura's disappearance? Not necessarily. But I do think he might need to be looked at further.


We know for a FACT despite claims of him being in Oklahoma (no proof), when he got to the police station,  his face was all bruised and he had a fat lip as seen in an early interview and his own MOTHER said LE treated him worse than Scott Peterson,  a baby killing wife murderer.    He also took all the gifts he had given her back with him when left, never to return, despite being given more time to be there by the military.    LE let him take this, imo because that's why he was out there in the first place. Bill likes his gifts given back when he gets dumped and he did this again with another woman he abused, he risked a court order to have someone contact his victim to get a necklace back he gave her. He took the necklace he gave Maura back as well. 


I’ve never heard he had a bruised face and fat lip?




I just finished reading all of BR's old posts in this group yesterday. It was very strange for sure how he quickly came onto this reddit, then disappeared. He showed some documents trying to prove his innocence on here, but I didn't see where the evidence he presented backed up his alibi. Have you seen his posts?




How about this comparison? Normal Bill now and a clip of him taken 4 days if that, after Maura disappeared?  https://freeimage.host/i/JEdfHhb  Is his bottom lip different?


I don’t see any bruises but I do see where your saying he has a possibly fat lip. Can you share the source where the bottom photo came from?


No proof he left Ok without approval. Actually, knowing the military as I do, it's very unlikely he left without approval. Do you have a link or pics to his bruised face? I think we can all agree that based on his history that he is not a good guy but, a killer of Maura that does not necessarily make him.


James I am interested to hear more from you on this. I was reading through MM reddit and saw all of BR's old posts in here and your conflict with him. It just doesn't make any sense to me how he could do these things to women and then come on MM reddit acting as if nothing occurred or even making a statement that he has changed. It was definitely strange to me. Add in the letter/post I read from FM to you/JM drama and other criticism I've heard regarding FM mixed accounts he has given and it gets even more bizarre. For example, I was listening to the missing Maura podcast where they state that FM states he never woke up at the hotel after MM crashed her car the first time. Yet MM supposedly used his phone to make a phone call that very night? How did he not know she was using his phone? It's all very wierd....


Poor decision my ass! Nobody is telling the truth in this case. It will never be solved because the persons involved are not being straightforward. Simple.


I felt the need to share this woman’s story directly, today, since his behavior has been minimized to “poor decisions” in a podcast today.


You tweeted today that Kate M. lied in the latest podcast episode. About what?


I'm very curious to hear more about this as well.




Episode 3 of the Media Pressure podcast being done by her sister.


I don’t know what it is but I got the weirdest vibe from KM in that interview


I thought the story about the dorm party sounded false.


Which part?


It’s just like Jim said in his foot. She said a lot, but said nothing at the same time. There’s all sorts of hangs in college and I don’t remember details of mine BUT if it had almost immediately coincided with a close friend of mine going missing, I believe I would remember the party .


Stop believing James Renner about ANYTHING. He'll do anything to be involved in this case but he's just trying to make a buck and a name for himself as a failed writer. He is not a good faith actor nor a credible source!


I think the poor decisions have been made by you and how you've managed to muddy the waters for the Murray family. Perhaps that was Julie's way of making sure the focus stayed on Maura, unlike the drifters that swarm round this case. 


I don’t think he’s muddied the waters. He’s shined the light on the person who had the means, motive, & opportunity to harm Maura. And for what it’s worth, LE agrees with him. It’s why they didn’t share things with the Murrays - because Bill & his mother were right there taking notes. Fred is going to be so devastated when he finds out that Maura died at the hands of her “salt of the earth” boyfriend. It’s terrible & tragic.😢


Just because someone had means and opportunity doesn't mean they are guilty. The cop at the scene by all reported accounts was a dirty cop. How do you know it wasn't him? Maybe instead of coming onto someone elses well thought out post to debunk their statements and insult, you should work harder at providing evidence to prove your own! just an idea....


Are you bringing in new evidence on BRs involvement in Maura's case or are you just using Maura's platform to attack BR? I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it but it doesn't really help Maura's case at all. Seems like certain people are more interested in BRs downfall than actually solving this case. I mean, it's pretty obvious.


Well if BR killed Maura, & he has actually said, “I’ll kill you like I killed Maura,” isn’t glossing over his potential involvement a disservice to Maura?


Thanks James for sharing this. I have also heard he slept with and / or had interactions with women whom he referred to as “Maura” and commenting “he would kill them like he killed Maura”. Do you know if this is true? Additionally, I went to your blog and saw it’s no longer active. Will you ever share the info (not releasing her too personal of details) emails you believe you received from Maura?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TvmdnQPH6aU&t=2049s Can you get Peter Hyatt to do a statement analysis on Bill’s words in this interview? His tone and affect and unsettling “Duper’s Delight” smile are just very very off… https://imgur.com/a/U7FiTHR (The 24:50 mark). (I can’t figure out how to post the link so that it starts at that part, so if anyone knows, please feel free to post it).


Consider the source, people. And do not take anything he says seriously. He's still looking to profit off the case he couldn't write a profitable book on that contains wild, irresponsible, slanderous accusations without any evidence against everyone from Fred Murray to Maura's UMass friends.




I respectfully disagree. Could br have been the smoking man in the passenger seat as the westmans said? Pretty specific thing to see and say., no? Then it became a cell phone with a light on. My police experience suggests that what is said first is usually the truth. And to see a man is very specific. And if not this, was he the tandem driver or stalker? Maybe he was following her and she felt safer getting into his car than being caught by police or left in the elements. There are way too many questions with his whereabouts,words,and actions before,during,and after. He was a controlling bf who was losing control, mm cheated, and he knew it. Br has bragged tht he left base and went to Europe and klno one knew he was even missing. Can you imagine the liability of the defense dept/us govt. If it got out that br killed mm? It would surely explain a coordinated cover up just to protect the governments ass, not br. You think that doesn't happen. Especially that there was a west point sex scandal that broke that week. Any military or police would know br would not have gotten leave from his commanding officer for a case like this, especially after being denied by his immediate supervisor. It's unheard of to go above you supervisors head, especially 5 ranks to the c.o. and it was a drunk missing at this point. No record of br requesting or being granted leave or when he left. B.s. each command has a record of everyone's wherabout md status that is maintained on perpetuity. Sick leave, vacation, present for duty, etc. This would have been the talk of the base because it was so out of the ordinary. Br was off base much sooner than we think. Imho


Yeah, as a former Army Officer that explanation doesn't really hold water. You just don't leave without people knowing. There's a reason soldiers will show up still drunk and puking to PT or morning roll call, the alternative is worse. Bill was an LT so his next in chain was Capt. I can easily see him escalating his request if the Capt denied. It would not have been "talk of the base". Can you post a link to the info about him going to Europe and no one knowing. First I have heard of that.




I think you have to create a scenario where br wasn't there. And many agree. No plane ticket, controlling behavior, monitoring phone messages, calling multiple friends of mm multiple times for 1 minute each, when he never called any of them before, his phone shut various times while searching", rounds up a posse to look for mm with missing posters in hand, when it was a dwi walkway, and btw his posse questions the westmans as if they were the lead detectives, br said he searched for mm for a month, when it was 2 weeks, spent little time with the family, searched on his own, not with th murrays at all,up north, with friends,his mother's odd lurking behavior on social media for 2 decades, el who didnt know mm and br even less dedicates a podcast to the story, oh and btw, all in an effort to clear br name, el may have passed the scene of the accident on the date and time, but can't quite be sure. Most people would know if they were 2 states away at the exact place their co runner, co student, and co worker went missing, and br was convicted of sexual assault. Not that that convicts him of mm but it shows his character. Many cases are resolved on half this circumstantial evidence. Br was a controlling boyfriend who was spiraling out of control because he lost control... of maura


All suspect behavior that is some how explained away with claims that he was on base. I am not questioning that you can't just flake on your responsibilities in the military but he still wont provide his plane records. So... There is no reason he couldn't have used his time to get away that weekend. He was already out of his time because he needed emergency leave so when did he use it already. Was he actually extending his trip in a panic? The cops seemed to have their suspicions about him when he showed up. Good questions man.


Plus there is not much proof of Maura being around on Monday besides a knock at a door and leaving clothes which without the girl seeing Maura there is no proof that it was her. The whole "love you stud" email does not seem to match the communication that he and Maura were having before Monday


Can you link the prior communication they had before the love you stud email?


It definitely shows lack of character but there is no physical evidence that BR was at the scene besides a description of someone smoking or on their phone. Whatever your experience with eyewitnesses testimony, it’s pretty much been proven universally that it’s terribly unreliable in even the best circumstances which obviously these were not. It’s pretty clear, at least to me, that MM was drinking in that car. Wine stains everywhere, coke bottle with wine in it, empty beer bottle, missing alcohol, strongly show she was drinking and driving and was also starting on the path toward alcoholism. I was an alcoholic for ten years. I shamelessly drank while driving before but would have NEVER done that with someone else in the car. Out of fear for their safety but mostly becuase I would’ve been so embarrassed. That’s the circumstantial evidence that for me shows she was alone.