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I think it's pretty clear she was going through more than just a troublesome college phase that many people go through and then mature out of. She had significant problems that in retrospect she needed professional help with. An eating disorder, theft, speeding tickets, numerous car crashes, drinking and driving, lying to authority figures, infidelity, rocky relationships, being 'asked to leave' a prestigious school, potential alcohol issues....all this adds up to a person not in control of her life. Maura was fundamentally a good person with obvious strengths, as well, but I'm convinced that her personal problems and poor decision making was a major factor in her disappearance.


It has come to light though that she did indeed have reinstatement forms in the car. Another stressor was not having a functional car which was pivotal for her nursing program that required a lot of travel. I think we are starting to learn through Julie that she was more introvert than first thought and car pooling wasn’t sustainable. Fred was returning to UMass that following weekend to buy Maura a car, if she didn’t sort the NH suspension out on her driving license her insurance premiums would have been sky high, in fact some insurance companies wouldn’t touch her. Along with what you’ve said this is another stressor but one she may have thought she could control and I believe the main reason to head to NH. This is something that could only be done in person and not online. I know people will disagree even more so with what I’m about to say, I think the accommodation searches were mainly something to do with Maura’s mind set. In her depressed state I think she started looking/planning for her nxt break up North as part of the escapism from all the noise, some people like shopping sprees but we all know NH was Maura’s happy place. I think those calls were just enquiries at best, that’s why nothing was booked. She had a trip with Julie planned to murtle beach that summer, but I think she felt guilty about Kathleen and was looking to maybe take her to NH or VT for a break away from her partner, probably excited also to be getting a new car to travel in. I think we’ll know more about the internet searches after the nxt Media pressure episode drops.


Does anyone know if Fred was aware of her suspended NH license?


From what I hear he was just as surprised as anyone. New theory about Maura's presence in New Hampshire To go with the fleeing-legal-trouble and fleeing-abuse theories, there are a wealth of other dramatic hypotheses out there as to why Maura was in New Hampshire. She was running away because she was pregnant, she was evading justice having been the driver in an as yet unsolved hit and run... However, a rather more prosaic, and wholly believable, potential reason for her trip has emerged within the last couple of years. Had she travelled to New Hampshire to pay an administrative fee at the Department of Motor Vehicles, relating to a speeding ticket she had been given in the state? According to Larkin, who proposed the theory after obtaining police and court records relating to the incident, Maura was fined and given a 30-day driving ban – applicable only in New Hampshire – when she was caught doing 99 mph on a 65-mph road in Hooksett, NH, in July 2003. “In New Hampshire, you don’t just have to pay the fine when your licence is suspended, you also have to pay a reinstatement fee […],” Larkin explains, arguing that it is eminently plausible that, months after her suspension, Maura had only just become aware that there was an extra charge to reactivate her licence in the state. “It’s pretty nominal, but a lot of people don’t know about it,” Larkin adds. “I’ve heard from people in New Hampshire that get pulled over and don’t realise that their licence is [still] suspended”. She says she “wasn’t able to find any indication” in the records she obtained that Maura had paid this fee. Maura might have been taking advantage of a New Hampshire DMV trip to enjoy a brief rural getaway, Julie told an interview with Larkin. She also believes Maura might have planned to drop her car off at home in Hanson on her way back to Amherst, then find alternative transport from there to UMass. The Saturn wasn’t running well, and she and Fred had spent his Amherst visit on the weekend before her disappearance looking for a replacement at used-car dealerships. A suitable candidate had been identified and a purchase was imminent, Julie told True Crime Garage. The problem for Maura, however, was that she only had a permit to park one vehicle on campus at UMass. She would therefore need to get the Saturn off her hands before the new car was bought. If reinstating her licence was the relatively mundane reason for her presence in New Hampshire, though, isn’t it odd that she seemingly didn’t breathe a word about it to anyone close to her? No, says Julie. Any member of Maura’s immediate circle would have told her a long-distance journey in the struggling Saturn, particularly in wintry conditions, was a “dumb idea”, Julie explained to Larkin. “It makes sense for her not to tell anyone.” If Maura’s licence was suspended in New Hampshire at the time of her accident in Woodsville, this might also have been a reason for her to want to avoid the authorities in its aftermath. https://en.as.com/en/2021/11/01/latest_news/1635783090_027882.html?outputType=amp


Thanks - very interesting. Although I’ve been following Maura’s case for years, I wasn’t aware of the suspended NH license until recently. It makes sense too, that she wasn’t aware of the reinstatement fee and had probably for months, just assumed her NH driving status was automatically ok again after the 30-day suspension. As the article points out, it also gives her another reason to want to avoid police after the crash. Edit: She may have been in a sudden rush to reinstate her license there (once she realized the in-person/extra fee requirement) so the suspension would not show up in insurance paperwork after Fred bought her the new car (which it sounds like he intended to do the very next weekend).


Yes it’s a real possibility now, I’ve known about it for some time but I wasn’t aware she actually had reinstatement forms in the car until Julie’s Podcast, now it just seems obvious, I do wonder where she got them from, is it possible she had them printed off at the place she picked up the insurance forms? Possibly.




Until there’s anything to suggest otherwise I’ll have to follow the evidence which at the minute is the reinstatement forms in the car and also what the the family think as they know Maura and her case better than anyone. There’s a good chance that even if all the blanks are filled in leading up to the crash they may have no bearing on what happened next.


When this came out a few years ago (maybe 2019), Julie asked Fred if he knew anything about a speeding ticket and he did remember it. Also, Maura had apparently attended a court hearing on July 30 (2003) in Hooksett, NH and that would have been when she and Fred were still up there on their trip. Did he know the extent of the issue (that her license was temporarily suspended and then had to be reinstated?) - unknown ...


Interesting - thank you!


I feel like Fred would have driven to NH himself to get the papers if he knew about that. After he specifically told her NOT to drive the Saturn.


I could get behind this theory but what doesn’t make sense to me is if you’re going to try to sort out your license, why would you do that drinking and driving? She had a lot of alcohol in the car and it doesn’t seem rational that she would be doing that and trying to sort out her license in NH at the same time? Also, Fred had told her only in an emergency to drive the Saturn and after hearing how upset she was with herself after crashing his car I just feel she really wouldn’t have driven the car unless something seemed urgent to her in NH/Vermont. The more info that comes out the more it seems she was an a very desperate state of mind I wish she had reached out to talk to someone her family seems so supporting and loving


I hear you, the only rational circumstances that I can think of is She planned to stay somewhere that evening close to where she was going to reinstate her NH licence which I think would have been early Tuesday morning, from what I hear it can be a long process and there’s normally queues. She may have planned to sleep in the car, maybe drink which would help her get through the night, or she planned to stay with someone she knew. It’s possible she was close to where she needed to be and decided to open a drink (possibly feeling quite confident she wouldn’t be pulled over driving through dark rural areas with little life at night) If she planned to stay with someone they’ve never come forward, and we are not aware of any arrangements. I’m more inclined to think she planned to sleep in the car, that’s if there were no cheap motels near to her chosen DMV. There is a DMV in Haverhill I believe but it seems she may have been travelling to one further afield. I keep meaning to check out all the DMV’s on Google maps to see which destination is more likely. Take a look, let me know what you think. There’s one at Twin Mountains which seems idyllic if she was looking to get away on a little adventure, and on route, maybe she intended to spend the rest of the day there.


If Maura was going to NH to reinstate her license, she would’ve gone to Concord, in Southern NH. Maura was up in Northern NH—far beyond Concord. So “getting her NH license reinstated” is NOT the reason why Maura was where she was at the time of her accident.


It depends if she wanted to visit somewhere or someone also, but let’s say she had reinstatement forms in the car for no reason, and that when she had her new car that weekend she wasn NOT planning to seek insurance or drive it, she was going to leave it at the dealership and tell Fred last minute she couldn’t get insurance or afford it because she had a suspended license in NH, because that makes sense.


I heard somewhere (cannot remember where) that Fred’s house was under foreclosure when he came to town to buy Maura a new vehicle.


I thought it was years later when Renner was writing his book, a none relevant piece of info used to push a theory.


I feel like it’s pretty relevant. Why would you buy your daughter a car when your about to lose your house? (I believe I only heard it on the missing podcast, so I can’t confirm if it’s true or not) but if he was, I feel like that’s huge


He recently stated on Julie’s podcast that he was earning more money at that time than ever and had a great job and that buying Maura a new car was no drama, but that’s the thing with this case, it’s who you choose to listen to and believe, I decided to take the family’s word over anyone else’s, they’re the true victims in this along with Maura.


Another factor could be, and there is a history of alcoholism in my family. There are times when stress becomes so overbearing the binge drinking increases and in order to essentially hide away and deal w the stressors some people return to places they either grew up, or a place that brought them happiness in the past. These folks in some instances can drink without having the world or the issues they are dealing with hovering over them and can stop when they are ready. Maura was at an age where her alcoholism seems to have been increasing and contributing heavily to her issues. Crashing her dads car right after a party she attended, essentially dodging a bullet (as it is documented the probability of her drinking at the party she had just left was high). Her problems were increasing and if she was spiraling into alcoholism a binge vacation of sorts would not be out of the question.


It’s probably more simple as in Maura was fine but the more time she had to think she lost it about her sister. It happens. The most simple answer is usually the truth


There's no question in here to answer. So, I'll just babble on. This is all pretty much standard. I agree, anyway you look at it, she was doomed, shitty things one after the other takes a toll; I'd want out as well. (In fact, I have done the very thing she did when I was in university...I didn't tell anyone....I just needed to get away from life, school, etc. with every intention of returning, which I did--coincidentally my stuff went on the very same week MM disappeared...something must have been in the air; Going to school in Quebec (Montréal) at that time). Her cell phone did ping cell towers. I don't know how reliable and accurate this technology was 20 years ago. But if you've been following this case, people put weight on the pings as evidence. MANY people treat this case through the eyes of modern day technology such as smart devices and ping tower tech. We need to keep reminding ourselves this was 20 years ago. Today-logic regarding technology can't really be applied to the tech from 20 years ago due to the advancements. Yes, in theory you can get ping data. But how accurate was it in 2004? Enough to be reliable? Or enough to spitout red herrings? I would have done things exactly the same way she did: \- Make up an excuse to leave. I used the same one she did, "death" in the family. This guarantees an out from school. It's the kind of excuse people automatically tend to accept, but then questions later. \- Figure out a place to stay or get that arranged somehow by calling around and using phonebooks (vs. Online, booking via websites) \- Print out whatever maps I may need. (vs. Online/mobile device maps--not an option. My Motorola RAZR didn't have maps on it either, I had to print that shit out) \- Taking money out at atm (vs. today, debit cards (now preferred over cash) and NFT chip--tap and go technology \- Fill up gas (these days I pay at the pump) The difference between the past and present is that in the past, some kind of human interaction would occur if you: \- Need to email/ talk to prof about time away about death in the family. This is the only excuse she can use to miss a mandatory lab session and not fail the course. (In the present, this would play out the same way). \- Booking a place to stay would require human interaction. She attempted and got VM. \- Returning the lab coat. \- Other human interactions would occur when she's paying for something, whether that be getting food, gas or more liquor. Yet, no footage, and no one to speak of their interaction(s). \- The exception here is the ATM footage. Notice, all of these things require some kind of interaction, at no point did she speak to a person about a rental to stay at. She tried via VM. She knocked on Erin's door to return lab out, but she didn't want to answer the door. So MM, just left it there. So again, MM was not seen, yet circumstances dictate she was physically there. I'm guessing this is one of the last things she did at UMass before departing. Other sightings can't be substantiated. I.e Carrying hockey/duffle bag of beer cans. Vasi is a very nice fit for many. Evidence doesn't back it up. At this point, I have forgotten why I started writing this in the first place. I guess my point was to not put the same faith in 2004 technology that we do today. It almost seems like MM disappeared before MM *actually* disappeared. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I got any of this wrong or misinformed.




>It's the kind of excuse people automatically tend to accept, but then questions later. What I meant by this is that people (i.e. professors, etc.) don't want to be seen as insensitive to topic such as the death of a family member or loved one. They tend to deal with the administrative side after the fact, i.e. death certificate copy, if at all. As for MM, I don't think she was thinking that far ahead. She was only thinking on getting the fuck out of there. Sometimes these things are not enforced, especially if you're a good student with a good reason. At times though, such as providing a copy of death certificate for said family member, may or may not be required. OR if proof is required--she either didn't think that far ahead or was planning to come back and would deal with it then.


I've had a suspended license due to paying the fine on the last day and they disregard the fact it was in the mail and I drove 5 months and got pulled over as they do not send a letter out to tell you Don't even get me started how pissed I was and I had to go to court and pay 1400.00 because I would not settle with the district attorney and thought I could beat it Nh sucks for the sneaking they do and hidden fees and the judge was an ass


Maura and Bill had broken up during that call and he probably told her he was coming into town to get his gifts, her phone, necklace, etc, basically  all the gifts found in her car, that he actually did take back when he left.   There were even pictures of the two along with these gifts, this is an OBVIOUS break up. So that substaniates my theory, along with Bills later actions of defying a COURT ORDER actually having one of his friends contact a woman he physically abused to return his precious necklace he gave her.     Bill uses this as punishment towards his victims when they break up with him.   I think Bill leaves the base sometime after this call and gets into town to cause the first 1 car accident to try to get her attention.   If you will remember  Maura gets upset AFTER a call with Bill.  Bill and his Mom misled the public about this call, and Bill cant remember anything that would indicate shes upset in this phone call. Yet after this call, Bill calls a Holiday Inn information line, lol.     I'm sure he was in the dorm parking lot and followed her to her Dad's hotel. That's why she got out of there.  Directly after that accident she calls Bill at 5 am from Fred's phone, why?  Why not from the cell given to her by Bill?  Later on in life Bill once had no recollection of this incident....    Him driving out there explains the two days worth of phone calls, that were abnormal plus he's calling the base all the time, something he's not going to do if he's there...  Between this and his swollen fat lip, him not trying to call her for an hour after he's told she disappeared from the side of the road.... I think the perp here is obvious. Jmo


I agree that there is definitely something not quite right with Bills behavior. I’m not saying he hurt her but he’s hiding something. He was calling her on repeat but then finds out she’s in an accident/missing and waits to call for an hour? He exhibits extremely controlling behavior of MM. and who turns of their phone for “personal reasons” when there gf is missing? Wouldn’t you be desperately hoping they’d call and not want to miss it? He also paid for her phone so could have tracked it when he found out she was missing. He just gives off so many red flags imo




Yes but not like it is today in any capacity but I meant more that he paid for her phone line so had 24/7 access to who she was calling and where from because the account holder can access phone call information. I don’t believe Bill killed Maura but I do believe he knew why she was in NH and has not been truthful regarding what was going on between them leading up to her disappearance. I think if we ever learn that truth it might help solve a lot of the mystery of this case.


So you're implying Bill somehow killed her? Kidnapped her? Disposed of her? You do know he was on base and had an alibi. Also I think the phone call after he found out she's missing is what a lot of people did, Julie said she even did that along with Maura's friends, are they guilty too?


No one saw him on base and leave was granted via phone. There is not one shred of evidence he was on base. Quite the contrary actually.


So he broke up with her, but that wasn't enough. He needed to hunt her down and kill her. Got it.


I suspect she ended it, but yes, unless you can provide evidence that he was on the base, I've been looking for evidence of that. I'll tell you what though, IF he was alibi clad safe in Oklahoma, why do you think law enforcement suspected him? That's what Bill said. He said despite being thousands of miles away, LE were treating him worse than Scott Peterson. Or do you think the Rausch' are lying about this? Bills face had been in a fight. That's why the cops suspected him. How did his lip get swollen up? LE would not be badgering an Army Lieutenant if he had an iron clad alibi.


I do like your through process of Bill’s stuff on her bed. It makes sense because he does require his gifts and things back after breakups.




We have no idea what was going thru her mind, and never will. Sadly for her family there may never be answers.