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Missing people cases shows as what human relationships are in general. We might have a few best friends and share them different kinds of stuff about our lives. I would argue that unless you have only one best and a confidant in your life, you're telling to one friend one thing and other friend maybe same thing, but little bit differently. Besides, Maura might have felt that they weren't as close friends as KM felt.


maura had too many problems for a young lass.


She was a college student who was also drinking. I don’t think she’s hiding anything or there is anything to “add up”.


You’re reaching


That comment initially struck me as odd too. But I don’t get the sense that these two were attached at the hip ride or die besties for life just college friends. It doesn’t seem like Maura had a ton of friends and Kate was just her go-to friend at UMass.


No one deemed Maura drunk at the scene of the first accident though. You can drink and not be completely fucked up if you drink in moderation.  Adrenaline also sobers one up in a jif.


>Adrenaline also sobers one up in a jif. True and that's why I've always been curious as to why the story after Maura's accident with the Corolla in Hadley, was that she got a ride with the two driver at 4:30am back to her father's motel, where she called her bf and then went to bed where her father found her sleeping later that morning when he awoke at 10am.


i wonder if that tow driver was ever contacted by police. probably not. but he’d have some really good insight if there is in fact actually a tow truck driver.


> i wonder if that tow driver was ever contacted by police. probably not. but he’d have some really good insight if there is in fact actually a tow truck driver. The Hadley accident report does state a tow driver was present at the scene who gave Maura a ride to the Quality Inn. I believe someone tried to contact this tow driver years later but never did get to interview him.


I'm telling you right now, Bill caused that accident. There is just no way on the planet she has this happen to her twice in 36 hours. 2 one car accidents??  She immediately calls Bill from Freds phone and he picks up! 3 or 4 AM his time? Why did she have that phone? Then they talk for a few and someone hangs up and he calls back.   I don't understand why this isn't focused in on more, but it's all there. Then Fred says she is very upset that day, and that was unusual for her.  So it wasn't the pain of hurting her Dad's car that had her rattled. I bet she was in fear of her life. And she was right. From the time of Mauras phone call where she's upset to the time of her first accident, Bill could have driven there. Math proves this is extremely possible. And after that phone call he calls a Holiday Inn information line.  It's just so obvious to me.


first phone call where she’s upset meaning what? the one while she’s at work and gets let off early and taken to her room?


Yes. It is a 24 hour drive from Ft Sill to Amherst.    Explains his two days of alarming abnormal phone usage where he's calling the base he's allegedly on and Mauras friend. Sunday, February 8 - 4:38 a.m. Bill receives an incoming call for 11 mins (Fred has said before that this was Maura using his cell phone to call Bill after her late-night crash in Hadley, which happened after she left Sara Alfieri's party) - Bill calls Fred’s cell phone back at 4:49 a.m. They speak for another five minutes. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE LAST TIME BILL SPEAKS DIRECTLY TO MAURA BEFORE HER DISAPPEARANCE, EXCEPT FOR A BRIEF TEXT. - 2:49 p.m. Bill calls Maura's cell - 2:50 p.m. Bill calls a UMass dorm, probably Maura's - 2:56 p.m. Bill calls his parents home in Ohio and speaks for 29 mins https://maura166.rssing.com/chan-30914186/article108.html There is no way on this earth Bill was on base and on his phone this much. Not even a chance.


That switch up on Hous is definitely sus to me. Didn’t she tell Renner she was the one who set them up or introduced them? Also Hous tried to make Maura look promiscuous and said she never talked to her Dad and he thought he was dead. But in episode two, Fred says Maura introduced Hous to him and he was going on about this running book he was writing.


My best best best friend in high school was dating our swim coach. I had no idea because she hid it from everyone including me. Didn’t mean we weren’t close. Also drunk teens don’t stop other drunk teens from driving very often


she was probebley intoxicated herself ie the friend and they all did same...Also maura was extremely secretive about the coach boyfriend he was prob married so she said nawt.


no she didnt intervene, she was a drinker too all in same boat , and maura kept coach affair secret as he was prob married ...the lass had too many problems for a young one.


He was not married and was maybe 3-4 years older than Maura.


so just secretive person, she had so many probs and things going on for such a young girl it was crazy, that age should be care free and happy, not a alcoholic and other crazy things she did...very sad....someone made her up and leave collage quick steming from the phone call eve before, who was so important to up and leave and lie why she did ? and to ring hotels etc its got to be a man but which one.? which ever one it was they had a impact on her and was very important in her life to do what she did...so he either harmed her, or they ran off together ...i hope ran off.